So I decided to make my own pack, it implements Nostalgia Tweaks and has many mods tech, magic etc. It's a work in progress and I'm taking any mod suggestions or ones to remove to make the pack better.
A few gameplay features:
"No Tree Punching is added" you'll have to start by getting rocks and flint, and hitting leaves for sticks.
Hunger, sprinting, experience & experience blocks have all been disabled.
A difficulty systems that increases each minecraft day making mobs stronger, faster and have more HP.
Modlist will be added it is changing constantly but currently has 230+ mods and is ran on the Fabric Modloader.
For full effect please use Goldendays Base at top and programmer art under.
So I decided to make my own pack, it implements Nostalgia Tweaks and has many mods tech, magic etc. It's a work in progress and I'm taking any mod suggestions or ones to remove to make the pack better.
A few gameplay features:
"No Tree Punching is added" you'll have to start by getting rocks and flint, and hitting leaves for sticks.
Hunger, sprinting, experience & experience blocks have all been disabled.
A difficulty systems that increases each minecraft day making mobs stronger, faster and have more HP.
Modlist will be added it is changing constantly but currently has 230+ mods and is ran on the Fabric Modloader.
For full effect please use Goldendays Base at top and programmer art under.
Modpack download: