Resplendence Mod Pack
Poll: bspkrs' mods or Lunatrius' mods?
Ended Aug 7, 2015
Poll: Should Random Things be removed?
Ended Aug 7, 2015
Poll: Should ChromatiCraft be removed?
Ended Aug 10, 2015
Poll: MapWriter 2 or NetherOres?
Ended Aug 7, 2015
Hello. If you don't know me, I am Natureshadow. I am currently making a mod pack named Resplendence on Curse Voice, and this is the forum thread I have created for that mod pack.
Resplendence is inspired by a few magic, adventure, and tech mods I've learned to love, including (but not limited to):
Azanor's Thaumcraft
Greymark's Roguelike Dungeon Mod
Reika's ChromatiCraft
TeamCoFH's Thermal Expansion
Hopefully those few mods gives you a slight idea what this mod pack is really about.
At this time, this mod pack will be for semi-private use only, meaning I will only be distributing this between my friends for server play use.
That being said, if it is requested enough, I will gladly go back and ask the mod authors for permissions for a public release. Just remember that the mod authors are not obligated to give me any permissions to their mods, so do not expect a public release to ever be available, as it may or may not happen. And remember, you can always download these author's mods for private use, or you can ask the mod authors for permission to include their mods in your mod pack.
If you do know me and were redirected to here by me, welcome! After lots and lots of testing, tinkering, and time, Resplendence is now in alpha!!!
I am currently working with a couple of my friends to try to get a server created for this mod pack so that we can test the mod pack's multiplayer compatibility. As of now... well... Let's just say I've had easier tasks. I expect that the server will be up and running within the next week. Multiplayer testing has always been a mystical task to accomplish, and I look forward to hurdling this obstacle so that we can move forward. I ask that you continue testing, or start testing if you haven't started.
Goals for the Alpha release:
I would like everyone to come to a conclusion on the mods within the pack. Although a few mod changes during beta are inevitable, I would like to keep them to a minimum. If the mod pack undergoes a large amount of modification before beta is released, I will release a second version of alpha. I will also do some light config file changes before the the Alpha server is released as the server will not be redone when/if the second version is released. Any and all alpha version 2 testing will be done in single player.
After multiplayer has been accomplished, I am optimistically hoping that the second version alpha will be released, or perhaps even beta depending on how everyone feels about the mods within the pack, within the next week or two. If beta is released, I will try to have a server running within the next 3 or 4 days. Overall, the beta multiplayer server should be here anywhere between 1-3 weeks.
Lastly, thank you again mod authors for making this possible. I really do appreciate it. You guys have taken Minecraft and done something amazing with it. I will provide a link to every mod used in the alpha version below very soon, but for now, I will only provide a link to the mods not within Curse Voice's mod hub.
Reika's Mods - ChromatiCraft, Dragon API, and TerritoryZone
Player - Fastcraft
Torch Levers - HitchH1k3r
All of these mods are awesome, and you should definitely go tell the mod makers how well they did!
Thanks to RazielMB for the lovely artwork!
If you would like to see more of their artwork, click on this link to go to their DeviantArt page:
I hope you enjoy your journey through the unknown and I hope we meet again soon.
- Natureshadow