The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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The Mesa
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I apologize if I stole your modpack name. As far as I know, I didn't, but I also thought it would be a great idea to name a series Magicraft. Little did I know there was already a Magicraft modpack out there. Well, the name stuck and I'm not creative enough to change it.
I recently just mashed together a bunch of biome mods that would normally have made my computer tell me to get rekt, but for some reason my computer liked the combination and was fine running it!
WILL IT WORK ON MY COMPUTER?: Considering it worked on my ocmputer, you should be good to go. I'm running a Windows Vista, 499MBs of RAM, built-in Intel graphics card and driver, can't run Shaders after 1.4.7 (actually, before that either), and this is pretty good with 2 texture packs on (a texture fix and a pretty HD texture pack). I mean, if the terrain's not uber crazified, I can run it without Optifine. Otherwise... (Thanks Optifine, you have possibly saved my computer.)
OMG THE LAG IS REAL: Install Optifine and Fastcraft in your mods folder if you're doing a normal installation. If you're using FTB, download them and go to the modpack -> "Edit Mods" or "Edit Modpack" -> Add Mods -> find the place where you downloaded them (most likely your downloads folder) -> Select the mod/s you would like to add -> Press Open. This may be different on a Mac (I'm using Windows to test this).
ARE YOU UPDATING/DOWNGRADING?: Maybe, if I get time. I can't test them though, so they will be very buggy. There will only be FTB releases for 1.7.10.
CONFIG FILES: You shouldn't have to change anything. I'm running the default config files and it's working fine. The only thing I like to change in the CodeChickenCore config. I like to turn on pre-1.5 water and lava textures because they look really cool! If you get extreme lag, turn off Natura redwoods and clouds.
HOW TO INSTALL: Open up the zip file. Double-click the "biomecraft" folder. Copy the mods to your .minecraft\mods folder.
MINECRAFT/FORGE VERSION: For this modpack to work correctly, I have to use 1.7.10-Forge10.13.2.1231
THE TEXT FILE YOU PROBABLY IGNORED OR I FORGOT TO PUT IN (Just in case so I don't get in trouble):
Biomes O' Plenty pretty much says as long as I don't make any money off this pack, I'm good. Link to thread: Biomes O' Plenty
ExtraBiomesXL: This mod is a lot less strict. Quote from forum: "You are free to distribute ExtrabiomesXL in your modpack, so long as it's not being used to make money." Here's a link: undefined
TreeCapitator and BSPKRS: As Timber is dependent on BSPKRS and Timber is allowed to be in a modpack, I am assuming BSPKRS is too. This mod was originally designed by DaftPVF and is now updated by BSPKRS. Link: undefined
NotEnoughItems and CodeChickenCore: I got lucky with this one. This mod is made by Chickenbones and here's a link: undefined
Mr. Crayfish's Furniture: As this mod helps run Timber (at least on my computer), I highly recommend it. It was made by Mr. Crayfish (well, duh) and the thread is undefined
Twilight Forest: Made by benimatic. Thread: undefined
NOTE: I apologize for most of the links saying "undefined." I changed like 2 of them and now i have like 10 minutes to get ready to go to school. Plus, I'm a bit too lazy to change them all right now. I'll change 'em later.
I finally got some screenies! Check out the amplified terrain! (They are probably attachments)
(I used the seed "pie" and default world type.... and the terrain is so crazified I'm still lagging like heck... my computer just has to get used to it.)
FTB: Use the pack code "ps36biomecraft" (without quotes_
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
The Mesa
Member Details
Hey guys, I just found a glitch in Natura/Treecapitator! The Natura mod trees don't all break! For the moment, I highly recommend that you don't grow a giant redwood where you don't want one because they're extremely hard to tear down and they don't burn!
If anyone knows a way to fix this, please tell me. I am kind of busy at the moment trying to tear it down.
EDIT: Frames are pretty low too. I'm not getting very steady frames. I think with Optifine right now I'm getting anywhere between 50 (which is extremely high for me) and 1 (which is extremely low for me). I'm going to try removing Optifine because of an error I got while loading. Mantle's apparently incompatible with Optifine (I have no clue why). Otherwise, I'll post any fixes I find here.
AFTER TESTING: Uhh... I'm going to put Optifine back in... hehe... (dang computer.)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
The Mesa
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If anybody would like to make it a modpack for Tekkit, feel free. Just give credit to all the mod makers and me for putting these mods together. As I have no clue how any of this would work, I'm not going to corrupt my Minecraft again. (Happened once... never again.)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
The Mesa
Member Details
Am still working on getting the latest version of just about everything... but my computer is trying to download everything as hlahdgakjdflkj.(zip or jar) so I can't exactly verify if everything is updated perfectly!
I feel like nobody cares because it's not for a modpack launcher I'm working on it people
I apologize if I stole your modpack name. As far as I know, I didn't, but I also thought it would be a great idea to name a series Magicraft. Little did I know there was already a Magicraft modpack out there. Well, the name stuck and I'm not creative enough to change it.
I recently just mashed together a bunch of biome mods that would normally have made my computer tell me to get rekt, but for some reason my computer liked the combination and was fine running it!
WILL IT WORK ON MY COMPUTER?: Considering it worked on my ocmputer, you should be good to go. I'm running a Windows Vista, 499MBs of RAM, built-in Intel graphics card and driver, can't run Shaders after 1.4.7 (actually, before that either), and this is pretty good with 2 texture packs on (a texture fix and a pretty HD texture pack). I mean, if the terrain's not uber crazified, I can run it without Optifine. Otherwise... (Thanks Optifine, you have possibly saved my computer.)
OMG THE LAG IS REAL: Install Optifine and Fastcraft in your mods folder if you're doing a normal installation. If you're using FTB, download them and go to the modpack -> "Edit Mods" or "Edit Modpack" -> Add Mods -> find the place where you downloaded them (most likely your downloads folder) -> Select the mod/s you would like to add -> Press Open. This may be different on a Mac (I'm using Windows to test this).
ARE YOU UPDATING/DOWNGRADING?: Maybe, if I get time. I can't test them though, so they will be very buggy. There will only be FTB releases for 1.7.10.
CONFIG FILES: You shouldn't have to change anything. I'm running the default config files and it's working fine. The only thing I like to change in the CodeChickenCore config. I like to turn on pre-1.5 water and lava textures because they look really cool! If you get extreme lag, turn off Natura redwoods and clouds.
HOW TO INSTALL: Open up the zip file. Double-click the "biomecraft" folder. Copy the mods to your .minecraft\mods folder.
MINECRAFT/FORGE VERSION: For this modpack to work correctly, I have to use 1.7.10-Forge10.13.2.1231
THE TEXT FILE YOU PROBABLY IGNORED OR I FORGOT TO PUT IN (Just in case so I don't get in trouble):
Biomes O' Plenty pretty much says as long as I don't make any money off this pack, I'm good. Link to thread: Biomes O' Plenty
ExtraBiomesXL: This mod is a lot less strict. Quote from forum: "You are free to distribute ExtrabiomesXL in your modpack, so long as it's not being used to make money." Here's a link: undefined
TreeCapitator and BSPKRS: As Timber is dependent on BSPKRS and Timber is allowed to be in a modpack, I am assuming BSPKRS is too. This mod was originally designed by DaftPVF and is now updated by BSPKRS. Link: undefined
NotEnoughItems and CodeChickenCore: I got lucky with this one. This mod is made by Chickenbones and here's a link: undefined
Natura and Mantle:: undefined
Mr. Crayfish's Furniture: As this mod helps run Timber (at least on my computer), I highly recommend it. It was made by Mr. Crayfish (well, duh) and the thread is undefined
Twilight Forest: Made by benimatic. Thread: undefined
Biomes O' Plenty
Mr. Crayfish's Furniture
Twilight Forest
BSPKRSCore 6.9
Download: Modpack!
NOTE: I apologize for most of the links saying "undefined." I changed like 2 of them and now i have like 10 minutes to get ready to go to school.
Plus, I'm a bit too lazy to change them all right now. I'll change 'em later.
I finally got some screenies! Check out the amplified terrain! (They are probably attachments)
(I used the seed "pie" and default world type.... and the terrain is so crazified I'm still lagging like heck... my computer just has to get used to it.)
FTB: Use the pack code "ps36biomecraft" (without quotes_
TECHNIC LAUNCHER: but i think it might be broken
ATLAUNCHER: I'm trying okay xD
All my social media whachamacallsems!
Hey guys, I just found a glitch in Natura/Treecapitator! The Natura mod trees don't all break! For the moment, I highly recommend that you don't grow a giant redwood where you don't want one because they're extremely hard to tear down and they don't burn!
If anyone knows a way to fix this, please tell me. I am kind of busy at the moment trying to tear it down.
EDIT: Frames are pretty low too. I'm not getting very steady frames. I think with Optifine right now I'm getting anywhere between 50 (which is extremely high for me) and 1 (which is extremely low for me). I'm going to try removing Optifine because of an error I got while loading. Mantle's apparently incompatible with Optifine (I have no clue why). Otherwise, I'll post any fixes I find here.
AFTER TESTING: Uhh... I'm going to put Optifine back in... hehe... (dang computer.)
All my social media whachamacallsems!
If anybody would like to make it a modpack for Tekkit, feel free. Just give credit to all the mod makers and me for putting these mods together. As I have no clue how any of this would work, I'm not going to corrupt my Minecraft again. (Happened once... never again.)
All my social media whachamacallsems!
UH OH! Problem! If you change the CCC water and lava, it goes invisible! I've died several times!
BTW Will update soon
All my social media whachamacallsems!
Am still working on getting the latest version of just about everything... but my computer is trying to download everything as hlahdgakjdflkj.(zip or jar) so I can't exactly verify if everything is updated perfectly!
I feel like nobody cares because it's not for a modpack launcher
I'm working on it people
All my social media whachamacallsems!
If you want a good texture pack, John Smith's Technician's Remix covers most of it
All my social media whachamacallsems!