Minecraft Cocoa is a fork of Minecraft Beta 1.7.3, adding new gameplay elements and quality-of-life features, inspired by Better Than Wolves, Better Than Adventure, Minecraft: The Right Branch Of Development, and other similar mods
Ever since the release of Beta 1.8, the game has changed alot, adding hunger and sprinting, with bosses to beat, much more bloat, many structures, and more grinding implemented into the game. This made the game less sandbox like, and more like a fantasy RPG in a way. Because of this, a community of people have risen that play b1.7.3 or older, as they prefer the simplicity and world generation. I am one of those folk, but i've always felt that b1.7.3 feels incomplete, so i created this mod to fill any gaps that game had, improving features, and adding new content.
+Added a few more splash texts
+Added a rotating block on the title screen
+Added Credits Menu
+Added Menu button themes, including Default, Pocket Edition & Aero
+Score is now functional, score increases when killing mobs, eating food, getting achivements and crafting
+Added more achivements
+Improved debug menu
+Added 37 new Paintings, all of which are Zetterstrand's works (well i DID add gnome chompski to one of them but.. thats a secret between you and me..)
+Acorns & Pinecones generate on Oak and Pine trees
+Added Hydrangea flower type (similar to cyan rose)
+Added Coral, based off the b1.2_02 dev build
+Added Mossy Clay Bricks
+Added Cobblestone Pressure Plate, which can only be activated by players (yes i know bta did the exact same thing but no other block type fit, suck it up.)
+Added Fireballs, dropped by ghasts and can be used as fuel, also replaces the fireball entity texture
+Added Chainlinks, found in Dungeons, and crafts Chain Armor
+Added Raw Iron and Raw Gold, drops from the respective ores instead of the blocks
+Added Poached Eggs
+Added Grenades
+Added Brick Dungeons with alternate loot
+Cobwebs can be crafted with 5 string in an X shape
+Gravel can be crafted with Flint in a 2x2 formation
+Ore blocks can be crafted, with the exception of Lapis & Redstone
+Reimplemented Sponge accessibility and functionality, crafted with 2 coral and found in brick dungeons
+Bonemeal grows dirt into grass
+Reimplemented the chance of obtaining seeds after tilling grass
+Added Creative Mode with noclip
*Changed boats to be faster, reobtainable and not breaking when colliding with a block/entity
*Changed textures & tooltip names for several blocks & items for artstyle consistency
*Changed Sign, Snowball, Egg and Door stack limit to 64
*Balanced out several recipes such as Clay Bricks, Slabs, Stairs, Ladders, Fences, and more
*Pickaxes and Axes are effective against more blocks, including Leaves
*Orange sheep fleece changed to look more orange
*Explosions are now lossless
*Fixed some missing tooltips for statistics
*Gold tools have been improved, more durable and on the same tier as iron
*Grass shows properly as a held block
*Bonemeal grows hydrangeas and ferns when used on grass
*Pumpkins have a new bottom texture
*Fences can now be placed with nothing under them
*The player can no longer eat food if at full health
*Pumpkins & trapdoors can be placed with no restrictions
*Stairs & bookshelves now drop themselves
*Changed shrub texture
*Tallgrass and Ferns display properly as items
*Dead Bushes, Tallgrass and Ferns can be obtained with shears
*Zombies can drop flint aswell as feathers
*Cow drop rates increased to 2-6
*Saddled Pigs drop saddles
*Pigs are guaranteed to drop raw porkchops ranging from 1-3
*Zombie Pigmen drop raw gold aswell as cooked porkchops
*Achievements "Time to Strike" & "Time to Farm" can be granted with any tool level instead of just wood
*Dungeons now have mossy blocks on the walls instead of just the floor
*Clay generates more often, frequency changed from 32 to 40
This will give your player the intended skin, aswell as the intended sounds for the game.
5. Run the game and you can play the little mod
This mod will be more game-play and QOL focused, and I want to maintain b1.7.3's simplicity, so there won't be many new building blocks, items or mobs.
This is just a hobby for me, and I'm not super dedicated for this mod, so updates will take some time, and i might stop working on it entirely
Credits to Seka64/Sp4rka for helping out with the more complicated stuff in the mod
I also wouldn't recommend playing b1.7.3 servers on this, im not entirely sure but you could get banned from those servers for playing on a altered client, then again, only purely visual additions remain when playing on servers that run older versions, so i don't know.
started checking out the mod, it seems really promising so far ! the only complaint i have during my around 20 or so minutes of casual exploring is that i think the cow drops might be a bit op (i fairly consistently get 6 leather from cows, which feels like way too much considering things), but besides that i'm very happy with the changes so far. the sprites all look nice, i especially think the touch of coral in the lakes makes for a beautiful sight, and i just overall look forward to seeing how u go about with updates here on out :>
started checking out the mod, it seems really promising so far ! the only complaint i have during my around 20 or so minutes of casual exploring is that i think the cow drops might be a bit op (i fairly consistently get 6 leather from cows, which feels like way too much considering things), but besides that i'm very happy with the changes so far. the sprites all look nice, i especially think the touch of coral in the lakes makes for a beautiful sight, and i just overall look forward to seeing how u go about with updates here on out :>
thanks for playing! and yeah, fair point about the cow drops, i'll tone it down a bit in the next update
Minecraft Cocoa is a fork of Minecraft Beta 1.7.3, adding new gameplay elements and quality-of-life features, inspired by Better Than Wolves, Better Than Adventure, Minecraft: The Right Branch Of Development, and other similar mods
Ever since the release of Beta 1.8, the game has changed alot, adding hunger and sprinting, with bosses to beat, much more bloat, many structures, and more grinding implemented into the game. This made the game less sandbox like, and more like a fantasy RPG in a way. Because of this, a community of people have risen that play b1.7.3 or older, as they prefer the simplicity and world generation. I am one of those folk, but i've always felt that b1.7.3 feels incomplete, so i created this mod to fill any gaps that game had, improving features, and adding new content.
Main Features include:
- Functional score
- Improved crafting recipes
- Better mining speeds for more blocks
- Creative Mode with Noclip
- Coral, ported from the newly discovered Beta 1.2_02 (20110517) dev build
- Functional Sponge
- Chain armor accessability
- Grenades!
- and many other things
Full changelog for Beta 1.7.4:
Minecraft Beta 1.7.4:
+Added a few more splash texts
+Added a rotating block on the title screen
+Added Credits Menu
+Added Menu button themes, including Default, Pocket Edition & Aero
+Score is now functional, score increases when killing mobs, eating food, getting achivements and crafting
+Added more achivements
+Improved debug menu
+Added 37 new Paintings, all of which are Zetterstrand's works (well i DID add gnome chompski to one of them but.. thats a secret between you and me..)
+Acorns & Pinecones generate on Oak and Pine trees
+Added Hydrangea flower type (similar to cyan rose)
+Added Coral, based off the b1.2_02 dev build
+Added Mossy Clay Bricks
+Added Cobblestone Pressure Plate, which can only be activated by players (yes i know bta did the exact same thing but no other block type fit, suck it up.)
+Added Fireballs, dropped by ghasts and can be used as fuel, also replaces the fireball entity texture
+Added Chainlinks, found in Dungeons, and crafts Chain Armor
+Added Raw Iron and Raw Gold, drops from the respective ores instead of the blocks
+Added Poached Eggs
+Added Grenades
+Added Brick Dungeons with alternate loot
+Cobwebs can be crafted with 5 string in an X shape
+Gravel can be crafted with Flint in a 2x2 formation
+Ore blocks can be crafted, with the exception of Lapis & Redstone
+Reimplemented Sponge accessibility and functionality, crafted with 2 coral and found in brick dungeons
+Bonemeal grows dirt into grass
+Reimplemented the chance of obtaining seeds after tilling grass
+Added Creative Mode with noclip
*Changed boats to be faster, reobtainable and not breaking when colliding with a block/entity
*Changed textures & tooltip names for several blocks & items for artstyle consistency
*Changed Sign, Snowball, Egg and Door stack limit to 64
*Balanced out several recipes such as Clay Bricks, Slabs, Stairs, Ladders, Fences, and more
*Pickaxes and Axes are effective against more blocks, including Leaves
*Orange sheep fleece changed to look more orange
*Explosions are now lossless
*Fixed some missing tooltips for statistics
*Gold tools have been improved, more durable and on the same tier as iron
*Grass shows properly as a held block
*Bonemeal grows hydrangeas and ferns when used on grass
*Pumpkins have a new bottom texture
*Fences can now be placed with nothing under them
*The player can no longer eat food if at full health
*Pumpkins & trapdoors can be placed with no restrictions
*Stairs & bookshelves now drop themselves
*Changed shrub texture
*Tallgrass and Ferns display properly as items
*Dead Bushes, Tallgrass and Ferns can be obtained with shears
*Zombies can drop flint aswell as feathers
*Cow drop rates increased to 2-6
*Saddled Pigs drop saddles
*Pigs are guaranteed to drop raw porkchops ranging from 1-3
*Zombie Pigmen drop raw gold aswell as cooked porkchops
*Achievements "Time to Strike" & "Time to Farm" can be granted with any tool level instead of just wood
*Dungeons now have mossy blocks on the walls instead of just the floor
*Clay generates more often, frequency changed from 32 to 40
b1.7.4 Client
b1.7.4 Server (not yet)
You'll need MultiMC to play this, not sure about other launchers though.
1. Add a b1.7.3 instance, you can find b1.7.3 by ticking the Betas box in the Filter section.
2. To the right of MultiMC, there should be a button that says "Edit Instance" and press it.
3. A window will show up, and to the right there is a button that says "Add to Minecraft.jar" and select the minecraft.jar you downloaded.
4. (Optional) Go to settings of that same window, and tick "Java arguments" and add these arguments:
This will give your player the intended skin, aswell as the intended sounds for the game.
5. Run the game and you can play the little mod
This mod will be more game-play and QOL focused, and I want to maintain b1.7.3's simplicity, so there won't be many new building blocks, items or mobs.
This is just a hobby for me, and I'm not super dedicated for this mod, so updates will take some time, and i might stop working on it entirely
Credits to Seka64/Sp4rka for helping out with the more complicated stuff in the mod
I also wouldn't recommend playing b1.7.3 servers on this, im not entirely sure but you could get banned from those servers for playing on a altered client, then again, only purely visual additions remain when playing on servers that run older versions, so i don't know.
watch out for the little monkeys
started checking out the mod, it seems really promising so far ! the only complaint i have during my around 20 or so minutes of casual exploring is that i think the cow drops might be a bit op (i fairly consistently get 6 leather from cows, which feels like way too much considering things), but besides that i'm very happy with the changes so far. the sprites all look nice, i especially think the touch of coral in the lakes makes for a beautiful sight, and i just overall look forward to seeing how u go about with updates here on out :>
thanks for playing! and yeah, fair point about the cow drops, i'll tone it down a bit in the next update
watch out for the little monkeys