New video to showcase all we've done!
Nice work man, keep up. I'm following the project (:
Thank you so much!
We have battle castles now
they'll be dropped tomorrow via our curse forge, until then here's a video showing everything!
We just dropped a new patch! Includes battle castles, gems etc.
New patch is here! Includes battle castles, gems and gem swords! And a few fixes. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-creeps-and-weirdos-revival/files/2749517
Changelog 7/27/2019
Remember to make a backup of your precious worlds before trying to play around with Battles Castles & Pyramids, we're kinda sure they won't spawn and destroy your land but we aren't 100% sure
-Battle Castle steps aren't facing the right way in this version-
-Fixed Blacksoul & Mummys trying to burn at night
-Fixed Lolliman not attacking back when you hit him
-Fixed spawning issue (DELETE ALL YOUR CONFIG THAT YOU HAD FOR THIS MOD PREVIOUSLY .minecraft/config then search Morecreeps and just delete them all)
-Fixed money being too large
-Fixed evilcreature face (i hope LOL)
->>Added Battle Castles!!<<
-Added Castle Critter
-Added Castle Guard
-Added King
-Added all gems, (Healing, Earth, Fire, Mining, Sky)
-Added Gem Sword
Another patch! This one includes a very important fix for spawning as well as some other stuff!
Changelog 7/28/2019 - v1.0.3
Remember to make a backup of your precious worlds before trying to play around with Battles Castles & Pyramids, we're kinda sure they won't spawn and destroy your land but we aren't 100% sure.
-Fixed entity spawning being super messed up.
-Fixed Guinea Pig being marked as a monster when you try to sleep in a bed.
-Fixed Castle King dropping his held items.
-Fixed Castle Critter death sound missing.
-Fixed entering Peaceful Mode removing all entities.
-Fixed Castle King, Castle Critter, and Castle Guard spawn eggs missing.
The following entities are in very early stages of development and do not work fully yet:
-Added G
-Added Robot Ted
-Added Robot Todd
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-creeps-and-weirdos-revival/files/2749893
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shawnwilson
Discord: https://discord.gg/r3kdyTy
I was testing the last version, here are some bugs that I noticed:
- Missing G's Texture
- The G's Hitbox it's a bit weird
- The trophy doesnt spawn when you take the kid to Lolliman
- The trophy doesnt give u money
We haven't set up the achievement system yet for the trophy spawning for the goals, but thank you! I put everything onto the bug list
Version 1.0.4 is here!
Changelog 8/4/2019 - v1.0.4
Remember to make a backup of your precious worlds before running this mod as it is in beta state. We're kinda sure our generated structures won't spawn and destroy your land but we aren't 100% sure.
-Fixed baby mummies burning in the day time when they weren't supposed to.
-Fixed the G texture missing.
-Fixed pyramid mummy spawners not spawning mummies.
-Fixed the raygun texture missing.
-Attempted to fix Robot Ted's hitbox from being whacky.
-Removed spawn eggs for Tombstones and Trophies. (oops)
-Added spawn eggs for battle castle related entities: Castle King, Castle Guard, and Castle Critter
-Attempted to fix a crash dealing with tamed entities.
-Attempted to fix the G hitbox being whacky.
-Added the sword into the Castle King's hand. The rotation of it is still screwed up as the actual item needs to be adjusted.
-Added a config option to prevent the welcome sound from playing every time you load a world.
-Added the Lawyer from Hell entity as well as Jail generation. It will be very buggy until we work out some kinks with it, please be patient with us!
-Added the Sundae item into the game.
-Lolliman now drops the Sundae item!
-Added a message that links our Discord into the random welcome messages.
-Commits to any of our Git repositories dealing with the project now posts to the #commits channel in Discord automatically.
-A bunch of other miscellaneous fixes we're surely forgetting about.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shawnwilson
Discord: https://discord.gg/r3kdyTy
Ahhh I used to love this mod so much! definitely one of my favorites, it's such a joy to see you bringing it back!! Also, the discord link is expired; do you mind posting a new link? I'd love to join!! can't wait to see more on the development of this <33
It shouldn't be expired! D: https://discord.gg/r3kdyTy
Hello! Welcome to the 8/18/2019 changelog for version 1.0.5! This is just a bunch of bug fixes.
-Lawyers now have a chance to spawn undead lawyers when killed
-Lawyers now have a chance to take the players money when hitting the player
-The "Play Welcome Sound" option now works serverside as well. If you disable it on the server, it will not play a welcome sound for any player upon joining.
-Money reduces the fine when thrown at Lawyers
-G now drops G items
Fixed list:
-Lawyers don't place your items in the chest in jail properly
-Lawyer arrest sound plays from the player getting arrested
-Goo goats don't drop the donuts
-Tamed guinea pigs attacking other tamed animals (ex. Wolf)
-Guinea pigs weren't being treated the same as other tamed pets
-Update.json not working (what the heck is that shawn?????????????????????????)
-Trophies not dropping money
-Sometimes one of the guinea pigs stopped swimming and drowned, grave glitches out etc, fixed.
-Sometimes when retrieving guiena pigs via remote they'd randomly suffocate
-Giant follows you
-Money doesn't throw the way it did before (I'm not sure if i'll be able to replicate it exactly, games different)
-Goo goats are too transparent from original (Can someone check on that?)
-Battle castle and pyramid spawn sounds weren't play often
-Lawyer not having spawn egg
-Guinea pigs not longer can be killed to get another guinea pig hotel
-Guinea pig health bar rendering behind water
-Castle Kings smoke effect
-Sky Gems smoke effect
-Doors in jail
-Stairwells going up the battle castle being blocked off
-Stairs in battle castle facing wrong way
Just want to say thank you for doing this, i never got to really play this mod since i didn't know how to add mods 10 years ago, so good job at reviving this mod and i cant wait to see the finished product!
Also quick question, i noticed that the guinea pig radio item is in the mod but i can't craft it, it should be 8 wheat surrounding iron right? or can you not craft it yet or is there another crafting recipe?
Oh right, sorry our Dev hasn't really done any crafting stuff yet, I'll forward the message to him and hope he gets some crafting stuff done soon. Thanks for your support <3 <3
just curious, do you know what mob or mobs are gonna come out next
Big Baby this weekend hopefully and *maybe* Shlump!
ooo nice
9/15/2019 Changelog
Hello! It's been a while, huh? We have a nice lil update for y'all!
(They may be a bit buggy)
-Big Baby
-Shrink Ray
-Gun item and extinguisher and rocket (They are not fully functional yet)
-Normal lawyers making undead lawyer sounds
-Lawyers dropping money and picking it up and reducing the fine w/ their own money
-Where right clicking a creep would sometimes do the intended action twice.
Minecraft Forums thread: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2959437-wip-1-12-2-more-creeps-and-weirdos-revival
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shawnwilson
Discord: https://discord.gg/r3kdyTy
DOWNLOAD: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-creeps-and-weirdos-revival/files/2787273
Thieves idle sound was a little buggy, It's very ear-rape annoying.... Also thieves can steel your items even you're in creative mode (This shouldn't be happening)
And thief's spawn rate was too high (You will encounter a horde of thieves with ear-raping sound, And your entire items will been stolen)
Say no to those "Low-quality MCreator Mods" !!!