Yes it's available on curseforge. in fact it's the only place that it was actually uploaded by the author.
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
hey, thanks.
I'm unusual, sweet, weird as heck, and the literal incarnation of all storms. If you try to fight me, I pack a dangerous punch. I am the storms incarnation and powerful as you can't comprehend.
P.S. This is false. But still cool.
add thunder breath to storm dragon and leaf breath for forest dragon plzz
So is the link in the original post the place to download from?
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
I have two questions:
First, how to hatch the Undead/Zombie and Moonlight dragons?
Second, when I fall, my dragon doesn't try to catch me. Is that a bug?
Thanks in advance!
Zombie dragons can be obtained via feeding a skeleton dragon with 64 rotten flesh.
Moonlight eggs can be changed from other eggs by surrounding the other egg with inverted daylight sensors.
Dragons will catch you if you fall off of them but due to a server issue, they no longer try to catch you if you fall from a high place.
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
How do you download the mod? Sorry I'm a new person.
Find our mod on CurseForge.
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
Hello! My brother and I are currently using this mod on our server and was wondering how to get the enchant dragon
and is there possibly a guide or something with info on how to obtain all that would be easier? But yeah, would love to try and get the enchant dragon without spawning! Anything helps! Thanks!
find the nest in the End dimension or surround an egg with bookshelves.
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
sweet! thank you! you have made my 7 yr old very happy!
no problem
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
One question. How do I get the Terra Dragon ?
ok, for some reason, my skeleton dragon doesn't want any rotten flesh at full grown, does it need to be right before that to turn into zombie?
hey does anyone know how to get a wither dragon i cant figure it out
lightening strike a skeleton dragon if i can remember
Hey ! (I'm french so this message will probably be full of mistakes, sorry guys)
I found this mod and I really enjoy it so much. First, congrats and thanks for creating this mod !
But I have a problem with it in game. (Uh, I don't know if I can say this is a real problem, maybe I'm just blind or stupid ^^')
When I fly with any dragon, it seems to fly really near the floor and being planing more than flying. I searched in the controls settings to verify if there was a control in charge of the flying highness but there was nothing about it. Am I blind or is it normal ? Because when I fly over water I always finish by diving with the dragon.

Thanks to anyone who will answer me, sorry for the mistakes and sorry if my message sounds like I'm just a newbie.
sup boss, minecraft 1.12.2 and i have the Skeleton dragon, however i cant look at the dragon without the screen going full on white. whats the cause and fix for this issue? it only seems to happen when i glance over the heart
if you have damage indicators or torohealth you need to go into the config and turn off model preview. that will rid your problem.
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger