Hey merpou can you please make a water breath texture for me, planning to a water breath for water dragon.
Water Dragon Breath texture was sent through private messages
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
I figured it out: It happens because of Damage Indicator mod.
I love this mod, I just want to say up front. However, there are some things that are a bit annoying.
The main one has been mentioned here, the Dragon Will Catch You If You Fall mechanic is a bit rough around the edges. It would be nice if you could set a specific dragon as your "active dragon" so that only that dragon will attempt to catch you, maybe even just the most recent dragon ridden. Also, the mechanic applies to any dragon even if it isn't tame, so a dragon old enough to fly will come catch me whether or not it is tame or wearing a saddle, and then it can be controlled as if it was a tamed, saddled dragon. It would also be nice if you can just toggle that feature off in the configs, particularly if the app settings were made editable in-game (please do this! quitting to make a minor config adjust can be annoying...). It would also be cool to have an item that can be used to summon your (active) dragon to you, possibly limited by range, like a dragon whistle or something. It would also be nice if you could tell your dragon (with an item or something) where home is so they can go there if you get too far away or die.
I think it would be cool if an adjustment was made to the flight mechanic so that you held down a button to do a hover rise or fall, that way when the button isn't pressed you fly straight up or straight down such that the dragon is angled perpendicular to the ground. It would also be nice if the dragons tilted a bit when turning.
The flight mechanic cannot be altered since 1.9 because of the new mob control mechanic when they added boats that can carry multiple passengers. Dragon whistle is being planned. The dragon catching problem is a bug and might be fixed, i might also add a dragon wand item to adjust your dragons. Thanks!
You can check how old it is with a mod that shows mob health. Also if green sparkles pop up around it after you feed it a fish, it means that it's not an adult. You're looking for hearts.
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
If green pops out its already tamed, try right clicking it with a stick!
i got a very pain in the ass problem, i hatch my dragon egg and all... but my dragons raise until young and then disappears when they go ready for be tamed, i try already using a lead w them and i find the lead on the ground and i couldn't find any dragon around, i'm doing something wrong or what??
no, im sure the dragons just disappeared, i lost 5 from now
hmmm you can tame it if its still a child to avoid despawn! try right clicking it with a stick if it sits, its tamed.
yeah, i already try that but i only got green stars
edit: the dragons still disappearing, before they go to the tamable state, someone can help me?
only forest dragon grow full
Hello. I Have a few ideas and improvements which are might be useful:
• The dragon ability to hold the fire in the month (Like an alive torch), so the player can see things around in dark, and maybe the command while to do so while player not riding the dragon.
• Some AI improvements, so dragon won't be stuck while following the player or while taking down the mobs (So basically avoid solid objects (like walls) on the way, and go around or fly them over). Btw the dragons don't like water in this mod and keep walking on earth and don't want to fly over water.
• It would be cool if the dragon would look at the player when he closes, coz meanwhile, they just turning their heads left to right.
• Maybe some buff for each dragon depends on what type of dragon it is:
Forest Dragon being stronger in forest area and run faster than others in general;
Water dragon can swim faster than others and get buff while being in water (He will be a Good Buddy in taking over the Ocean monument or exploring the sea in general);
Air dragon is the fastest flyer;
Fire Dragon is a killer machine and get's stronger near Lava areas and be weak in water or in rain (Same thing with Lava Dragon; water dragon - weak near Lava)
Nether get buff in Nether;
Ender in Ender World;
Skeleton and Wither during the night or in dark areas and caves;
Snow in Snow areas;
• Some more armor option and maybe even customization.
Bone Armor, artificial extra horns, spikes and etc (imagine customization option for armor itself).
• Dragon is able to pick up mobs.
Coz why now, and I'm sure many people would find it useful.
• Bite, Tail, Wing attack.
Different attack option and animation.
• Some improvements toward the riding.
Honestly, I can't see more than a half of the screen while riding the dragon, I can't aim for the mobs which is in front of me. I think some improvements here would be useful too.
Thank You for Your Attention! =)
I seem to be having a problem putting a saddle on the dragons. Anyone have any ideas?
Shift right click your dragon and it should display a screen where you can put armor, saddle, and a chest. If your dragon isn't tamed, then it won't pop up.
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
You need to make it when you dismount the dragon lands because it will fly away.
Can you find nests in places like Realm of the Dragons? I love that you can find a dragon egg with exploring, but this has a lot of nice features as well. If you can find eggs when exploring, that may be a selling point for me!
Looks interesting, keep it up!
Hey, this mod is amazing I'm not sure if your taking suggestions but I think it'd be cool if you had a file that supported RIFT (if your not sure what RIFT is it's a 1.13 modding API the link is on Curse Forge : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rift ) Hope ya do choose to maybe update to RIFT :)!
I've encountered a bug with the nether. When I hatch a dragon in the nether they start to die and right as they die my game crashes. Please fix this. I've tried and it happens for sure with the Nether Dragon and the Fire Dragon.