This mod was made for the purpose of making useless ender dragon eggs hatcheable, you can tame the dragon like a pet and make it ride for you and soar in the skies. Once managed by BarracudaAta4 revived by me, TheRPGAdventurer . This mod however has dragon armor(for player and dragon) / tools and firebreathing dragons (added by me), higher dragon health and immunity.
Original Mod: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/1439594-dragon-mounts-r46-wip
Credit To Ice and Fire Developers: They're code helped some of the problems and features. Check out theyr'e mod here:
Ice and fire in Minercraftforum
Ice and fire in Minecraftforge
Quick guide
Breed Pallet
Elemental breeds (Water - Aether) can change breeds while they are in egg stage by using blocks that corresponds to their breed, special breeds (Nether - Wither) cannot, for they are too powerful.
Special Breeds and Elemental Breeds
Elemental breeds can change breeds while in egg stage (be sure to right click the egg block first), while special breeds cannot change breeds for they are quite too powerful or too unique.
Below is a list of Special or Elemental Breeds:
Wither Skeleton
Aether (Sky)
Snow (Ice)
Breath Attack
After your dragon is tamed, press the "R" key while riding your dragon to commence breath attacks.
Dragons can be tamed by using fish (any kind).
Dragon Armors
Gold and Diamond Dragon Armor.
Breath Types
Flame Breath (common dragon breath)
Ice Breath (Ice cold breath for ice dragons)
Nether Breath (hotter than flame breath)
Wither Breath (leaves a trail of decay that gives Wither effect on entities)
Ender Breath (theorized to be concentrated radioactive ultraviolet flames) leaves trails of it that causes Wither II.
How to use dragon carriages
Download: http://zipansion.com/2srxo
Support me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheRPGAdventurer
make it so Ice dragons give entities the slowness affect for about 30 or so seconds. and that water turns to ice if the ice dragon breaths frost at it.
I noticed that flying or walking while riding a dragon gives it entity lag whenever I adventure too far. Normal dragon mounts doesn't have this. could you possibly fix it?
Great progress so far!
Edit: is it a possibility that you can add different elements as well like poison and rock? would be very neat!
I would like to suggest that water dragons should be able to fly/swim underwater for the new 1.13 update. would work nicely with the update!
already done
Can anyone pls tell me how to get a skeleton dragon i can't find out where to place the egg
you can get a skeleton dragon by either placing an egg very far underground in an open and pitch black area, or you can find the egg in the nether.
hmm that's nice
Found a neat bug lol
Edit: Ignore the fact that I'm a creeper-
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
For some reasons dragons can catch you even without a saddle.
I suggest that you should make an option for players to toggle whether or not a dragon should catch them while falling. This is very obnoxious when using other mods and such.
Also, perhaps make a config file that enables/disables the possibility that dragons can tp to players if they're following, kind of like vanilla pets?
Edit: It appears that Ice breath from my ice dragon prevents blazes from dropping items?
Very confusing
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
blazes dont drop items when they are in slow potion effect I believe, that saddle thing looks like another bug. I too hate that teleporting effect.
Hey so, it appears that the Dragon Mounts 2 doesn't have a config, or the dragon mounts 1 config file overwrote it.
Also I have a suggestion. Make dragon heads of each dragon. All you have to do is copy mc's dragon head and just stick on the texture
Would it be possible to edit files so ROTD and this work together? I'm a dragon hoarder
I agree, I would like it if they were both compatible. But you know... RPG could just add them both in the same mod. Would be pretty cool
Oh totally, and just keep adding new kids of dragons would be awesome, I feel like tons of people would like that!
I would say that if RPG adds his gem dragons, he can make it possible to get them by surrounding a dragon egg with the gem's block. Each ore could drop 2-3 corresponding gems and could be made into the appropriate gem block. Since the gem dragons could be more "expensive" to obtain, they can be more powerful with their fire blast and have more health. Honestly RPG, you can't lose with this. You put hard work into those gem dragons, and you shouldn't just throw them away. If people don't like the gem dragons, they can easily get elemental dragons instead.
People love variety. I know I do!
EDIT: I would gladly help with any textures like ores, gems, and gem blocks if you add this!
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
Also I've noticed a "bug" with ROTD and Dragon Mounts 2. The entire purpose is so the vanilla dragon egg is useful for something. Please add this! I have to cheat in an egg from the mods every time that I defeat the ender dragon.
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
The mod is absolutely fantastic! I've just come across a bug. My Aether dragon hatched but i can't look at it without being blinded. It's like what you'd see spectating a creeper but blue and brighter.
Edit: Happens with wither dragon too
I would like to suggest a certain kind of item that captures and stores a dragon.
May seem unnecessary, but I tell you, it is pretty important.
Often I fly too far from home and would like to TP home. But a dragon will not teleport with me. And even so, I have looked into it, not even vanilla pets tp from a long distance. I hate installing an unnecessary mod just to transport my dragons.
Name suggestions:
Dragon Box
Dragon Cage
Dragon Aviary
Please consider! I think it would be a nice addition
Kingdomall, YouTuber, Writer, Artist, Gamer, Friendly Stranger
Huh, so you stopped working on ROTD? Weird, I never thought you would. But you've started working on DM2, so I guess it's understandable. Good luck with that one!
Looks interesting, keep it up!