Have you ever wanted to attack a zombie or a wither with a purse? Then this is the mod for you. You can now attack mobs with purses. They also provide a special power up if you right click.
Basic Purse: The Start of Most Crafting Recipes
Red Purse: Grants Instant Health
Yellow Purse: Absorption, Haste
Blue Purse:Night Vision, Water Breathing
Green Purse: Luck, Jump Boost
Black Purse: Strenght ( I don't know how to spell, haha!)
Orange Purse: Fire Resistence
Light Grey Purse: Resistence
Grey Purse: Saturation
Pink Purse: Re-jen-eration (Get it. Haha. I'll leave now)
Have you ever wanted to attack a zombie or a wither with a purse? Then this is the mod for you. You can now attack mobs with purses. They also provide a special power up if you right click.
Basic Purse: The Start of Most Crafting Recipes
Red Purse: Grants Instant Health
Yellow Purse: Absorption, Haste
Blue Purse:Night Vision, Water Breathing
Green Purse: Luck, Jump Boost
Black Purse: Strenght ( I don't know how to spell, haha!)
Orange Purse: Fire Resistence
Light Grey Purse: Resistence
Grey Purse: Saturation
Pink Purse: Re-jen-eration (Get it. Haha. I'll leave now)
Purple Purse: Health Boost
Cyan Purse: Speed
Special Purses
Explodo Purse: Spawns Tnt
Golem Purse: Summon An Iron Golem
Time Purse: Sets it back to day
SuperGirlyGamer Overlord
Questions You may have
1) Can you add an inventory?
No. The reason is because i don't know how.
2) Can I use it in a mod pack?
Yes. But remember to shoutout my name.
3) Can I make a suggestion.
Please do. It really helps me.
4) Can we be friends.
Yes. I am quite lonely.
Since I am contractly obligated to type this: https://mcreator.pylo.co/
Jk, if pylo is reading this.
Anyway have fun.
Recipes: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7yq5dw1fc45obl3/Photos.rar
The mod is for 1.11.2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/bok8hc38gjg8xkd/SuperGirlyGamer+Hostile+Purses.jar
Also please leave suggestions on more purses for Jen!
My dreams are coming true!