LOL why would I model for flans mod? That makes no logical sense at all. The reason I made this mod because Flans mod did not fulfill ww2 for me, had little to no working ironsights, and there were no hands in the reload animations! Not to mention I like realism and added a lot of RO2 style features. The direction Flans mod tanks has taken, however is the only fullfilling ww2 feature of Flans mod.
Both mods are for different type of people, it's like RO2 vs. COD. I am the kind of person that likes historical accuracy for WW2, a time period that I study extensively and enjoy more than any other part of history.
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
I like to consider My Mod vs. Flans. Red Orchestra 2 vs. Call of duty. Each appeals to a different kind of people.
Although, if he would give the time to experience this mod he might change his mind. It's hard to know the gameplay just by screenshots, I should probably make a video of my own once I have time. Thanks for trying though!
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
Oh really? If his majority are WW2 now I don't understand why he doesn't see the potential. Maybe it's cause I don't have vehicles. Most likely though it's because he its easier not to switch mods and my mod isn't quite out there yet, being less than a week old.
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
I don't wish to start anything just give feedback
Start anything? lol don't worry I wouldn't get angry if you thought flans mod was better.
When I said my models are better, I was referring to flans itself, not user made content. The user made content is way better than flans itself. However, they STILL do not have hands in the animations, and not to mention, there are no WWII gun content packs in existence that I know of that have the level of detail in my mod. That's the deal breaker for me, while there are user made content packs with very good models for flans, they are not WWII, which is my favorite time period. That's the whole reason I made this mod, along with flans not being realistic enough for me =P
I plan to update the quality of all my guns models to the level of the FG-42 in my mod.
But the allowing content packs for it, is a very good idea. I certainly don't have time to make a modern weapons mod so if I add the ability for the community to it will greatly boost this mod.
Something flans mod really lacks is good bullet physics. They are very slow to travel and don't have body part hit detection(i.e. headshot)
Not going to list all the features my mod has that flans doesn't, but I get your point completely. The only thing my mod lacks is community modifications. Which, I have to agree, is a huge downside that I definitely should remedy.
I really appreciate your input, it will help me to improve the mod. If you beg to differ with anything that I posted here, please tell me. I'm not trying to argue, I'm just stating what I think are the facts, and would like to know if I am wrong. =)
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
Update Notice: As of now the scope glitching is now fixed! Happy Sniping!
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
no your fine but I do love this mod I had been wishing for stuff like this in flans but currently they are focused on vehicles anyway great mod though
Yeah, I don't want to focus on vehicles until I get most of the gun features done. Otherwise it would drop the quality of the new guns added, having to multitask like that.
I feel content packs is something I really want to do, thank you for the idea. I will never have time to add Vietnam or World War One content, therefore I will give the community the opportunity to do it =)
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
yeah that would be a great way to get content for this id love to make some myself
Bug Fixes:
CTB#4: Fixed stopping of movement on switching to gun or melee item.
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
this mod is great, can you make the armor 3d?
how can i shoot ? (im srs, the only thing that shoots is the flamethrower, well, all the flamethrowers)
That is because you have to reload all other guns. Flamethrowers can't ever be reloaded and start out with a full fuel tank. R is the default reload button, make sure you have the correct ammo for each gun in your inventory too.
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
As I said to someone earlier in the thread, it's certainly possible in the future, but I want to get the mod much more stable first =)
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
The mod is amazing, I wish there was a way history xD
Huh? I'm not quite so sure I understand..... =P
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
This mod is looking great mate!
Keep it coming!
EDIT: I played this mod for a while, it's awesome, and the amount of work put into it is astounding!
BTW, are the animations choppy or is my potato pc?
Ah now I get it!!! I am planning on eventually adding tools for the community to be able to make their own campaigns! I won't be doing it myself, because if I focused on a campaign not much would get done in the coding aspect =P
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.
Thanks! What would you like to see next from this mod?
Check out my other mods on MinecraftForum or my old 1.6.4 mods here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/beardielover/ Working on updating them to 1.7, once that is done will upload them here.