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This mod allow you to change the style of your crosshair.
Rainbow Crosshair!
Dynamic! (Try using a bow or sword!)
Works on servers!
Draw your own!
By default press the "C" or "GRAVE" key to open the customize menu.
NEW FEATURE: Draw your own crosshair!
Download the latest version:
Please consider supporting this mod!
View all images on Imgur...
Also check out the following video by JSQ!
Cool Mod.
Thank you very much!
Simple but nice !
Simple, yet customizable!
Mod has been updated to version 0.2.
- Added separate toggles for the visiblility of the Crosshair, such as:
- Added option to change the shape of the Crosshair:
- Allows the Crosshair to be the default style, visiblity settings affect it.
Mod has been updated to version 0.2.1.
- Added tooltips for each tickbox or slider, describes the function of each.
- Created a forge version of the mod.
How to install this mod?
Download the latest version of the mod and move the "crosshairmod1.9" folder into your "versions" folder located in your Minecraft Directory.
For the forge version, move the "crosshairmod-v0.2.1-forge-mc1.9.jar" into the "mods" folder located in your Minecraft directory.
Downloading it right now!
Can you make this mod compatible for 1.8 version?
I can make a 1.8 version. Would you want it to be forge?
It's on its way.
I can't make this mod with Optifine
Optifine has only got a 1.8.9 full release and the 1.9 preview is not compatible with forge, so you will not be able to use my mod with it unfortunately until there is a compatible version.
Thanks a lot!
I really appreciate it. I also really like your website, interesting and detailed stuff on there.
Now I can make a crosshair, as in CS:GO
You can now download a 1.8 compatible version now.
Mod has been updated to version 0.3.
- Added "Reset" and "Settings" button in Customize menu.
- Crosshair can now customize the outline and dot colour.
- Editing colours is now in a separate GUI menu.
1.7.10 please
This mod allow you to change the style of your crosshair.
Rainbow Crosshair!
Dynamic! (Try using a bow or sword!)
Works on servers!
Draw your own!
By default press the "C" or "GRAVE" key to open the customize menu.
NEW FEATURE: Draw your own crosshair!
Download the latest version:
Please consider supporting this mod!
View all images on Imgur...
Also check out the following video by JSQ!
Cool Mod.
Thank you very much!
Simple but nice !
Simple, yet customizable!
Mod has been updated to version 0.2.
- Added separate toggles for the visiblility of the Crosshair, such as:
- When the GUI is hidden
- In the debug screen
- When the player is in spectator mode
- Added option to change the shape of the Crosshair:
- Circle
- Square
- Default
- Allows the Crosshair to be the default style, visiblity settings affect it.
Mod has been updated to version 0.2.1.
- Added tooltips for each tickbox or slider, describes the function of each.
- Created a forge version of the mod.
How to install this mod?
Download the latest version of the mod and move the "crosshairmod1.9" folder into your "versions" folder located in your Minecraft Directory.
For the forge version, move the "crosshairmod-v0.2.1-forge-mc1.9.jar" into the "mods" folder located in your Minecraft directory.
Downloading it right now!
Can you make this mod compatible for 1.8 version?
I can make a 1.8 version. Would you want it to be forge?
It's on its way.
I can't make this mod with Optifine
Optifine has only got a 1.8.9 full release and the 1.9 preview is not compatible with forge, so you will not be able to use my mod with it unfortunately until there is a compatible version.
Thanks a lot!
I really appreciate it. I also really like your website, interesting and detailed stuff on there.
Now I can make a crosshair, as in CS:GO
You can now download a 1.8 compatible version now.
Mod has been updated to version 0.3.
- Added "Reset" and "Settings" button in Customize menu.
- Settings button allows changing the key to open the GUI
- Crosshair can now customize the outline and dot colour.
- Editing colours is now in a separate GUI menu.
1.7.10 please