Can you elaborate on this? Because I updated the settings and now I only see the nether roof. I want to go into the nether biomes and map them as well. So I need to update the settings again and do something ("reload regions"?)?
As as I said, you can't toggle it.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Can the world map (not the minimap) show caves? When I'm in the stronghold, and i can see the caves in the minimap but when i open the full sized world map, it shows only the terrain above ground.
It can't.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.27.0 (MC 1.19.2 - 1.19.1, 1.18.2, 1.17.x, 1.16.5 - 1.16.2, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.14.0 is HIGHLY recommended.
* Moved the right-click teleport feature to the world map mod. It is now separate from the minimap waypoints feature and is configured in the world map settings.
* You can now right-click teleport outside of the discovered map if your game mode makes you invinsible (creative mode).
* Removed the vanilla map color requirement for transparent blocks. Fixes stained glass panes not being displayed in Accurate mode.
* Added a tooltip for when a setting option requires you to be in game.
* Added a tooltip for when a setting option requires the minimap mod.
* (1.19.2 - 1.19.1) Fixed teleportation to allies from OPAC not working when the command format includes the /.
* (1.19.2 - 1.18.2) Fixed the player tp command configuration screen sometimes not rendering the background correctly.
* (1.19.2 - 1.18.2) OPAC 0.11.0 support. Now also requires it if you have OPAC.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.28.0 (MC 1.19.2 - 1.19.1, 1.18.2, 1.17.x, 1.16.5 - 1.16.2, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.15.0 is HIGHLY recommended.
* Fixed Vivecraft support.
* Copied the settings screen system from the minimap mod, which now allows you to search the world map settings.
+ Added the partial Y teleport option that was missing after moving map teleportation fully to the world map mod.
+ Added a "Reset Default Settings" option in the world map settings.
* (Fabric) Fixed compatibility with Toast Manager.
* (1.19.2 - 1.18.2) Open Parties and Claims 0.14.0 support. Now also requires it if you have OPAC installed.
* (1.19.2 - 1.18.2) Moved the OPAC claim color indicator to the front of the custom claim name when displayed on hover.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.28.1 (MC 1.19.2 - 1.19.1, 1.18.2, 1.17.x, 1.16.5 - 1.16.2, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.15.0 is HIGHLY recommended.
* Fixed glass blocks showing up on the map. Requires updating the chunks to take effect. In singleplayer, reloading the regions is enough.
+ Added a new option for whether stained glass is displayed.
* (1.19.2 - 1.18.2) Separated the claim overlay opacity option into 2 options.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.28.2 (MC 1.19.2 - 1.19.1, 1.18.2, 1.17.x):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.16.1 is HIGHLY recommended.
* Fixed crash when resources fail to reload properly and the world map shaders are never loaded.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.28.3/ (MC 1.19.2 - 1.19.1, 1.18.2, 1.17.x, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2, 1.8.9, 1.7.10):
* (1.19.2 - 1.12.2) Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.16.2 is HIGHLY recommended.
* (1.8.9 - 1.7.10) Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 21.10.29 is HIGHLY recommended.
* Fixed all issues caused by assuming that the run directory is the game root directory, mostly in backwards compatibility-related code.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
I've a mismatch requirements on the last version for Fabric:
- Mod 'Xaero's Minimap' (xaerominimapfair) 22.16.0 requires version 0.43.1 or later of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Xaero's World Map' (xaeroworldmap) 1.28.3 requires version 0.43.1 or later of fabric, which is missing!
Fabric are on 0.14.0 version and only Forge are on : 0.43.52 version.
Thanks for all you work.
You need the Fabric API mod, which is installed separately from the Fabric Loader.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Thanks, the lack of the word "API" confused me. Works fine.
Update 1.28.4/ (MC 1.19.2 - 1.19.1, 1.18.2, 1.17.x, 1.16.5 - 1.16.2, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2, 1.8.9, 1.7.10):
* (1.19.2 - 1.12.2) Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.16.3 is HIGHLY recommended.
* (1.8.9 - 1.7.10) Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 21.10.30 is HIGHLY recommended.
* Fixed map slope shading not fully updating when a block is placed on some bottom-right corners of chunks, and optimized it a bit.
* Fixed crash when a map region is loaded from cache that is empty and also outdated.
* (1.19.2 - 1.12.2) Fixed highlight-only regions refreshing for no reason after loading their meta data when viewing the map zoomed out.
* (1.19.2 - 1.12.2) Fixed map highlights (e.g. chunk claims) disappearing from the map in multiplayer if a map region fails to load.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.28.5 (MC 1.19.3):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.16.4 is HIGHLY recommended.
* Fixed multiplayer server address recognition. You might have to restore your server maps by going in the XaeroWorldMap folder and moving the map instances from the "Multiplayer_Unknown" folder to the correct server address folders.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.28.6 (MC 1.19.3 - 1.19.1, 1.18.2, 1.17.x, 1.16.5 - 1.16.2, 1.15.2):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.17.0 is HIGHLY recommended.
+ Added support for Framed Blocks.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
This mod, along with the companion minimap, is really great! One thing that I would like to know is if it is possible to hide trees on the world map, so we only see the actual terrain? I think that would be useful in some circumstances.
Thank you! No, sorry, you can't do that.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.28.7 (MC 1.19.3 - 1.19.1, 1.18.2, 1.17.x, 1.16.5 - 1.16.2, 1.15.2):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.17.0 is HIGHLY recommended.
* Fixed map regions failing to load in singleplayer sometimes due to 1.28.6 changes, leaving large black squares.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
I'm using the latest 1.19.2 versions of world map and minimap. Things were working fine, now there are HUGE lag periods, like 10 minutes. Often occurs when first entering a server and when zooming in/out when viewing world map. Lasts for 10 min then doesn't happen for quite a while. Similar behavior has happened before and you usually provide an update a day or so later that fixes it. I even tried deleting current maps files and recreating. No change. Anything I can look for or change to effect the behavior?
ETA: After recalling that the recent issue came after a Java update a couple weeks ago, I had Java reinstall the latest update and rebooted. Issue seems to be gone. Not sure if it was a bad Java update or just the need to reboot.
Thanks MUCH for such a great mod.
Alright, I haven't played Minecraft for quite awhile but my son wants to play again. Downloaded this for 1.18.2 and went to set up the minimap. Used to be really simple to change the dot colors for hostile mob, friendly mob, dropped entities, etc. Now I can't find settings for that anywhere. All I want is hostile mobs to be red, friendly mobs to be green, etc. I've got to be missing something very simple...