Update 1.20.0 (MC 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.1.0 is HIGHLY recommended.
* Void will now have a dark color on the map instead of being completely black (except Nether cave maps).
* (1.18.1 - 1.15.2) Reworked how block tints (biome colors) work. Block "color types" no longer exist and every pixel has a biome in the map data, which will be useful in the future.
+ Added a new setting for configuring the color of the player arrow. By default, it matches the arrow color in the minimap mod.
* (1.12.2) Fixed incorrect block tints for some blocks (e.g. birch leaves) when another mod breaks biome color resolver detection.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Thanks a lot for your answer! What a shame ... and yes in that case it is strange I didn't notice it before. All is not lost though, as I took a screenshot from the original map, so anything within the square, I can recreate there.
So the tip here would be to either take screenshots or export the map (I didn't need the resolution, but the place markers) of singleplayer maps as soon as possible.
Update 1.20.1 (MC 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.1.1 is HIGHLY recommended.
* (Fabric) Fixed the mod not being remappable to Yarn mappings.
* (1.18.1 - 1.17) Fixed crash when the world bottom is greater than 0.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Is it possible to get the biome names when hovering over the full map?
No, sorry. I'm planning to work on that pretty soon but I'm doing something else atm.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
I appreciate you responding and look forward to this maybe being implemented in a future release
Update 1.20.2 (MC 1.18.x):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.1.3 is HIGHLY recommended.
* (Forge) Workaround for the new Forge and Optifine compatibility issue causing crashes when teleporting to waypoints.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Hope you can help me with my request.
It seems not to be a simple copy and paste task if you try to get your world map from a single player to a multiplayer server (all map data is on the client folder obviously). I also found no instruction which helps exactly with this. Unfortunately we had issues with open to LAN and going this way now which works way better anyway.
I tried copying the whole map folder and rename it to Multiplayer_MY.LOCAL.IP.123, tried copying the cache folders into the multiplayer folder mw$random_number identical to the server save folder but had no success. Also I found no real way to reload the map from the cache folders. Maybe I miss just a simple config adaption for it to work?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
You can't copy a singleplayer map to multiplayer because only cache is saved for singleplayer worlds, which isn't enough for a multiplayer map.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.20.3/ (MC 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2, 1.8.9):
* (1.18.1 - 1.12.2) Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.2.0 is HIGHLY recommended.
* (1.8.9) Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 21.10.21 is HIGHLY recommended.
* (1.18.1 - 1.12.2) Small optimization for map writing.
* (1.18.1 - 1.12.2) Proper support for the reworked old deathpoints.
* (1.18.1 - 1.12.2) Added a transparent black outline to the chunk highlight on the world map to make it more visible over different backgrounds.
* (1.18.1 - 1.12.2) Changed the shared location waypoint's name from "SL" to "Shared Location" and the inital from L to S.
* (1.16.5 - 1.8.9) Implemented a workaround for a bug in some AMD drivers causing the world map to render incorrectly.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
* Upgrade to Minecraft 1.18.2!
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
im trying to figure out how it saves the map files since i want to convert my voxelmap files (around 200k files) to your map, as it seems much more optimized in terms of performance.
voxelmap now really struggles when scrolling around, especially when zooming out a lot.
after hours of trying, based off your post here:
i cant figure out what im doing wrong.
im using processing3 for this, since im familiar with it. good for quick and dirty applications, but nothing serious.
my code that reads a unpacked region.xaero file (multiplayer) and tries to display it.
(im on mc version 1.12.2, world map version, minimap version, forge
Correct me if im wrong but i understand it like this:
if the first byte is 0xFF, read another 4 bytes for version number.
if it isnt 0xFF, pass its value to step 1 in while loop.
while loop:
1. read 1 byte which is the section coordinate. if its -1 you reached EOF and break the loop.
2. loop trough chunks and check if the first pixel on each chunk exist
3. (for each chunk) if yes, go to pixel loop. if not, keep looping until all 4x4 chunks in this section have been checked, go to step 1 after that to get a new section.
Pixel loop:
loop trough the pixels (except pixel1, which takes its data from the "first pixel check" above. ),
1. each pixels reads 4 bytes (int).
2. if it isnt grass, read another 4 bytes. (state id) (1.12)
3. if its using the old height (format?) read 1 byte, dont if its the new height.
4. if it has overlays, read 1 byte which indicates how many overlays. loop trough them.
Overlay loop:
1. each overlay reads 4 bytes
2. another 4 bytes if its not water (1.12)
3. another 4 bytes when its colortype 2 & bit2 ist set
4. another 4 bytes for opacity if its not 1.
after the overlay loop:
1. read 4 bytes if its colortype 3 or one byte if its the second option.
im scratching my head since hours now, i really want to use that mod, but cant afford losing all of my map data.
Do you see the problem in my attempt?
Or does anyone ever tried the same and made a working converter?
id be grateful for any help im getting.
The format guide I posted back then is very outdated. It's actually simpler now. That is why you can't read newer map files using it. You can still write them and they will work in the latest world map version as well though. The version number in the map data must match the version number that the guide was written for.
And these parts don't seem right to me:
Overlay loop:
3. another 4 bytes when its colortype 2 & bit2 ist set
Doesn't describe this:
after the overlay loop:
1. read 4 bytes if its colortype 3 or one byte if its the second option.
Doesn't describe this:
Both look fine in your code though.
Also, if you're playing singleplayer, then you can just start using my map mods and the map will generate automatically from the world save as you view it. It won't create any actual map data, so you can't transfer it to multiplayer though.
Just noticed that the mod is using 4 byte integers to store overlay opacity and I have no idea why lol. It doesn't even matter beyond 15.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
a small documentation about the current format would be very helpful.
the only clues i have so far is your old & new post and what Gjum on github provides ( https://github.com/Gjum/voxelmap-cache/blob/master/xaero-format.md )
i now ditched the idea of reading them and tried (based off the old version 1) to write a program that creates new regions (have to zip them myself for now, its just generating the xaero files)
it creates a region the map mod can read and display but before drawing the last chunk, it goes blank.
in the console theres this error multiple times:
i seem to be missing a little bit of data? premature EOF.
i generated a sample file. https://filebin.net/azphqhxzhhd7ypx0/region.xaero
it just contains the 0xff and version header, the section coordinates and a int for each pixel.
Update 1.20.4/ (MC 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2, 1.8.9, 1.7.10):
* (1.18.2 - 1.12.2) Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.3.1 is HIGHLY recommended.
* (1.8.9 - 1.7.10) Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 21.10.22 is HIGHLY recommended.
* (1.18.2 - 1.12.2) Deleting a singleplayer world will now also delete the world map cache for it.
- (1.18.2 - 1.12.2) Removed the "Texture Compression" setting for the lossy VRAM texture compression. Textures are always compressed in the map cache, which is unrelated to the removed setting. The setting was removed because such compressed map texture data is graphics driver dependent, while people often share their map data. The compression is also pretty unnecessary after the optimizations implemented over the last couple of years.
* Fixed map regions unloading and rewriting from scratch sometimes when using very high render distances in singleplayer.
* Exiting a world will now cancel ongoing "map preparation" to prevent long freezes when the world map contains a very large number of regions.
* Fixed world map not handling entity/player spectation correctly.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.20.5 (MC 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2):
* Compatible with Xaero's Minimap / Better PVP 20.23.0 or newer. Version 22.4.0 is HIGHLY recommended.
* When viewing a non-auto waypoint sub-world, the mod will let you know on the world map screen.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
I found a bug in the current 1.12.2 world map . Importing a fully formed rectangular map from Paper 1.12.2 , constrained with world border , into single player Forge 1.12.2 , world map will not read any of the chunks generated on the paper sever . Since the map was originally a single player map and moved to Paper , world map will only see chunks from when it was single player. Journey map , Dynmap renders the whole complete map , while world map will only render pre-Paper server chunks
If by "map" you mean a Minecraft world, then the world map should definitely display the whole thing in singleplayer. You probably have old cache and need to use the "Reload Regions" option in the world map settings. Keep it on until everything you want is loaded, then turn it off.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
I had already gone through your settings and had it turned on . Here is screenshots with debug on and moving the cursor over original old area and gradually in to areas generated while running in Paper 1.12.2 . Since your source is not published I cant guess whats wrong . the original map had a sea level of 64 blocks , In paper all the new area was generated at a height of 52 blocks using cleanroom generator plugin ,
environment: NORMAL
seed: '0'
generator: CleanroomGenerator:30,stone,20,dirt,1,grass
should not mater , Unless it is using height map of 64 of original map and does not see new chunks generated at height 52
One other observation in single player , I need to fly over the blank areas for worldmap to see and render my map . before suggesting i change any other setting , I had read through the help on what settings do and tried them out with no success .
I uploaded a part of the map here , so you can test . The first thing you do when opening the map is press M to render the map . Flying around will result in a full render . Leaving the generated area , will begin to generate new vanilla chunks . For this test , just stay in that area and see that it does not render the chunks generated in Paper . I think I see what the trouble may be . On a server the flatland artificially generated with cleanroom is set to The Void to prevent players from generating new chunks or seeing any land past the world border . Your mod must have a setting preventing reading void biomes , so player must fly over the area to render it . I guess we can use FAWE to change the maps biome to plains or something . I guess this is how your map renders the 2D map compaired to Dynmap or Journey map . Looking at the Level.dat may help you figure it out