Do you have players speaking in a language that you don't know? Do you have problems communicating with them? This small mod can break the language barrier by translating the Minecraft chat in real-time! All translation results are powered by Google and Baidu.
NOTE: Translation results may not be 100% accurate. It may lead to misunderstandings.
NOTE: This mod is client sided! You can just install this in your client! No server required!
Put the .jar into your mods folder of your Minecraft instance. Just like all the other forge mods.
If you only want your chat to translate to English, install the mod, and you're done!
Otherwise, for settings and other functions. Press Y in the game. This key bind can be changed in Options > Controls > Multiplayer > Chat Translator
Every option is explained in the mod. So please read it carefully. Press the question mark for more information.
I highly recommend using the GUI to change options there. Manually editing the file could be extremely confusing.
Latest version: 6.0
All versions below 3.2 contain bugs or do not work. If the mod doesn't work, update the mod.
The download button takes time to update. If the download button links to an older version, click view all downloads instead.
A: There are four possible reasons why nothing is translated.
You haven't set up a regex for that specific server. I pre-made some for popular servers, but there are still a lot of servers with other chat plugins that this mod would not recognize. This is the most common cause, so if you can't see any chat logs under "Manual translate", this is what happened. Check "The mod doesn't detect any messages on xxx server!" for more info
The message contains typos, which greatly affects the language detection
The translation service is down
The translation fails, meaning nothing was translated. Similar to when you type gibberish into Google translate, and it doesn't do anything
If you are sure that those are not the cause of it, try using the "Manual translate" function.
Q: The mod is translating random stuff
A: That is most likely because of the language detection service being funky. Certain words that aren't supposed to be translated such as "rekt" will be translated as "RA".
Q: I got a message that says "Error caught during setting up translation service..."
A: That is usually either a network problem or the translation keys needed for translation have exceeded the daily/monthly limit(This is more likely). If this happens, you should tell me about it so I can add more keys to the mod. Or you can add your own key to the mod. Go to the settings of the mod and click "User Key" (Or "Use your own translation key" for older versions) for details. That way you can still use the mod.
Q: The mod doesn't detect any messages on xxx server!
A: You can add patterns (Regex) in Options > Chat Regexes > View / Add. Regex(Regular Expressions) is basically "patterns" that allows the mod to detect a line of text. It does NOT detect what language the message is using, rather asks the question "what does a chat message looks like". It allows compatibility for all Minecraft chat plugins. If you don't know what this is, unfortunately, you have to learn it.
Alternatively, you can give me a screenshot of your chat in pm. I can help you to make a regex out of it.
(It's not that I will think that you're dumb or lazy or anything...)
If the mod shows "chat separators" instead of "Chat Regex", I suggest you update the mod to 4.0 and above.
Q: The mod deleted all of the default regexes!
A: Just reset the regex to default and save.
Q: Does this mod spam the chat on servers? Will I get banned for this?
A: It does not. The entire translation process(including the translation message) is all client side. The server won't receive anything, and it's no-cheat safe.
Q: What's your inspiration of this mod?
A: It's exactly what the mod description says. I am sick of players constantly talking to me using foreign languages that I don't know and refuses to speak in English.
Known bugs:
(So far none!)
The error from setting up the translation service is caused by the request limit since there are lots of players using this mod.
Development status (If you want to know what takes so long for updates and please stop asking when will it update):
How do I get the mod to start translating? Im using it along side optifine 1.7.10.
(Will you update to 1.8? :D)
1. The problem of this mod is that it tries to detect chat messages by separating certain keywords. For example, "<AntVenom> Hello!". The mod tries to separate > to detect chat messages. That means if the mod cannot find anything to separate these keywords. It cannot translate anything. I will make a quick update to allow users to enter their own keywords.
2. I will update it to 1.8.9
1. The problem of this mod is that it tries to detect chat messages by separating certain keywords. For example, "<AntVenom> Hello!". The mod tries to separate > to detect chat messages. That means if the mod cannot find anything to separate these keywords. It cannot translate anything. I will make a quick update to allow users to enter their own keywords.
2. I will update it to 1.8.9
Ah okay, so is there a way I can fix it? Lets say I went on a Mexican server and everyone was speaking Spanish would it translate the Spanish to English without me doing anything?
Ah okay, so is there a way I can fix it? Lets say I went on a Mexican server and everyone was speaking Spanish would it translate the Spanish to English without me doing anything?
2. Yay! When will the update be ready?
Don't worry, I will find a way.
I don't have a confirmed date of the updates, but hopefully in 1 month.
ADD: New command! /translate or /trans. Type it in your chat for usage
ADD: You can now add chat separators in your config file. This allows the mod to detect your chat message on some servers with specific chat plugins.
ADD: You can change what the mod should translate your chat to! Additionally, you can change all these options IN-GAME. In the pause menu or title screen, click "Mod options" or "Mods". Select the config button in the translate mod tab. You can change these options there.
Mod updated to version 1.6.1. Just a quick fix. But version 1.6 doesn't seem to be working.
Fix: Translated message not displaying.
Sorry about that! The download button takes some time to refresh for the download link to work. If you can't wait, just click all downloads and find the latest version.
The translation service may not recognize what language you are typing when your message is too small. Also, the mod in default translates your chat to ENGLISH, and, therefore, nothing is translated. Unless you changed the configs which I cannot see. (Your images are 404.)
Mod updated! Version 1.6.2. I didn't expect I have over 300 downloads!(Actually, I thought there won't be any downloads at all when I first posted this thread) Thank you so much for your support.
Add: Added another alias to the command /translate. "/tr"!
Add: Changed the command messages and have a nicer look.
Add: You can now use shortened language names(aka locale names) when using "/translate chat". For example, you can use "es" instead of "spanish". "en" instead of "english".
Fix: Commands can now work client sided! That was careless of me not noticing the issue.
Fix: Better tab completion
Fix: Commands can finally save the changes to the config file
I used to enter any English (HI) can normally display, but now can not
I think I found the issue. The translation server has detected too many requests from this mod and has exceeded the daily limit. So any requests of translating is blocked. *sigh*
Due to more and more players using this mod(which I really appreciate your support), the mod has reached the daily limit of translation requests. So you may notice 403/404 HTTP errors in your Minecraft log. Thankfully, I've added more translation private keys (basically a line of string that allows the mod to use the translation service) and hopefully that can hold the number of players.
Add: More translation keys to hold the amount of players using the translation service.
Add: Exception handling. The mod will switch translation keys when the current one wasn't working
I think I found the issue. The translation server has detected too many requests from this mod and has exceeded the daily limit. So any requests of translating is blocked. *sigh*
Real-Time Translation Mod
Do you have players speaking in a language that you don't know? Do you have problems communicating with them? This small mod can break the language barrier by translating the Minecraft chat in real-time! All translation results are powered by Google and Baidu.
NOTE: Translation results may not be 100% accurate. It may lead to misunderstandings.
NOTE: This mod is client sided! You can just install this in your client! No server required!
Put the .jar into your mods folder of your Minecraft instance. Just like all the other forge mods.
If you only want your chat to translate to English, install the mod, and you're done!
Otherwise, for settings and other functions. Press Y in the game. This key bind can be changed in Options > Controls > Multiplayer > Chat Translator
Every option is explained in the mod. So please read it carefully. Press the question mark for more information.
I highly recommend using the GUI to change options there. Manually editing the file could be extremely confusing.
Latest version: 6.0
All versions below 3.2 contain bugs or do not work. If the mod doesn't work, update the mod.
The download button takes time to update. If the download button links to an older version, click view all downloads instead.
1.16.2 Download
1.12.2 Download
1.8.9 Download
1.7.10 Download
Mirror to all versions(If the above links do not work):
Source code:
A showcase showing this working on a public server
I will make a tutorial video when I have time. Maybe. Uh...don't count on it.
FAQ: (Read it before posting questions! Especially if it doesn't work)
Q: What languages does this mod support?
A: This mod supports TONS of languages, including the ones that aren't even supported in Minecraft! period. The full list of languages can be seen in this list.
Q: The messages are not translated!
A: There are four possible reasons why nothing is translated.
If you are sure that those are not the cause of it, try using the "Manual translate" function.
Q: The mod is translating random stuff
A: That is most likely because of the language detection service being funky. Certain words that aren't supposed to be translated such as "rekt" will be translated as "RA".
Q: I got a message that says "Error caught during setting up translation service..."
A: That is usually either a network problem or the translation keys needed for translation have exceeded the daily/monthly limit(This is more likely). If this happens, you should tell me about it so I can add more keys to the mod. Or you can add your own key to the mod. Go to the settings of the mod and click "User Key" (Or "Use your own translation key" for older versions) for details. That way you can still use the mod.
Q: The mod doesn't detect any messages on xxx server!
A: You can add patterns (Regex) in Options > Chat Regexes > View / Add. Regex(Regular Expressions) is basically "patterns" that allows the mod to detect a line of text. It does NOT detect what language the message is using, rather asks the question "what does a chat message looks like". It allows compatibility for all Minecraft chat plugins. If you don't know what this is, unfortunately, you have to learn it.
Here is a link to a quick tutorial for regexes.
And here is a link for testing them.
Alternatively, you can give me a screenshot of your chat in pm. I can help you to make a regex out of it.
(It's not that I will think that you're dumb or lazy or anything...)
If the mod shows "chat separators" instead of "Chat Regex", I suggest you update the mod to 4.0 and above.
Q: The mod deleted all of the default regexes!
A: Just reset the regex to default and save.
Q: Does this mod spam the chat on servers? Will I get banned for this?
A: It does not. The entire translation process(including the translation message) is all client side. The server won't receive anything, and it's no-cheat safe.
Q: What's your inspiration of this mod?
A: It's exactly what the mod description says. I am sick of players constantly talking to me using foreign languages that I don't know and refuses to speak in English.
Known bugs:
The error from setting up the translation service is caused by the request limit since there are lots of players using this mod.
Development status (If you want to know what takes so long for updates and please stop asking when will it update):
See Changlog.txt inside the mod jar.
©2015-2022 Ringosham. Licensed under GPL v3
Feel free to put it into modpacks, just give me a shoutout.
Online translation services are provided by Google
Feedback is appreciated!
Finally i can understand russians
This really helps me out dude! Thanks
I'm glad to hear that! Thanks!
How do I get the mod to start translating? Im using it along side optifine 1.7.10.
(Will you update to 1.8? :D)
1. The problem of this mod is that it tries to detect chat messages by separating certain keywords. For example, "<AntVenom> Hello!". The mod tries to separate > to detect chat messages. That means if the mod cannot find anything to separate these keywords. It cannot translate anything. I will make a quick update to allow users to enter their own keywords.
2. I will update it to 1.8.9
Ah okay, so is there a way I can fix it? Lets say I went on a Mexican server and everyone was speaking Spanish would it translate the Spanish to English without me doing anything?
2. Yay!
Don't worry, I will find a way.
I don't have a confirmed date of the updates, but hopefully in 1 month.
Mod updated! Version 1.6
ADD: New command! /translate or /trans. Type it in your chat for usage
ADD: You can now add chat separators in your config file. This allows the mod to detect your chat message on some servers with specific chat plugins.
ADD: You can change what the mod should translate your chat to! Additionally, you can change all these options IN-GAME. In the pause menu or title screen, click "Mod options" or "Mods". Select the config button in the translate mod tab. You can change these options there.
OPTIMIZATION: Package reworked.
1.8.9 port coming soon
Woo hoo! Keep up the great work dude!
Thank you!
Mod updated to version 1.6.1. Just a quick fix. But version 1.6 doesn't seem to be working.
Fix: Translated message not displaying.
Sorry about that! The download button takes some time to refresh for the download link to work. If you can't wait, just click all downloads and find the latest version.
The mod now supports Minecraft version 1.8.9! Thank you for all your support!
Why message not displaying Translated? (once a normal display, but now is not the normal display)
The translation service may not recognize what language you are typing when your message is too small. Also, the mod in default translates your chat to ENGLISH, and, therefore, nothing is translated. Unless you changed the configs which I cannot see. (Your images are 404.)
Mod updated! Version 1.6.2. I didn't expect I have over 300 downloads!(Actually, I thought there won't be any downloads at all when I first posted this thread) Thank you so much for your support.
Add: Added another alias to the command /translate. "/tr"!
Add: Changed the command messages and have a nicer look.
Add: You can now use shortened language names(aka locale names) when using "/translate chat". For example, you can use "es" instead of "spanish". "en" instead of "english".
Fix: Commands can now work client sided! That was careless of me not noticing the issue.
Fix: Better tab completion
Fix: Commands can finally save the changes to the config file
Basically, I reworked the entire command system.
I used to enter any English (HI) can normally display, but now can not
I think I found the issue. The translation server has detected too many requests from this mod and has exceeded the daily limit. So any requests of translating is blocked. *sigh*
I'll attempt to fix this as soon as possible
Mod updated! Version 1.6.3
Due to more and more players using this mod(which I really appreciate your support), the mod has reached the daily limit of translation requests. So you may notice 403/404 HTTP errors in your Minecraft log. Thankfully, I've added more translation private keys (basically a line of string that allows the mod to use the translation service) and hopefully that can hold the number of players.
Add: More translation keys to hold the amount of players using the translation service.
Add: Exception handling. The mod will switch translation keys when the current one wasn't working
Version 1.6.3 Solved my problem.