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Point is - not a bug with the Titans.
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another orespawn cross over idea: bolt beetle. since hercules's dad is Zeus, the god of lighning, i chose bolt as in lightning bolt. it would shoot tons of lightning charges that would blast you into the sky and would have both a high knock back and knock up. it would also be able to start a thunderstorm, and would have extra damage and more lightning during thunderstorms.
also: temper terminator. enhanced hammerhead. chose the name since the hammerhead has the attitude adjuster as rare drop and temper terminator pretty much means the same thing. would blow you up, shooting you into the air, when attacking you and is immune to explosions.
Can anyone guess what I mean by this, and what my next potential mod may be?
You want to put the system of starcraft into minecraft?
Well...... If you want to do it instead of just add some mobs, then I will cheer for it!
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
Think about it.
Play as one of the three races, and basically take over an area of the map.
Let me guess: All previous attempts by modders to do Starcraft just did cut it or aren't current enough?
If regular is Vanilla then what flavor is your Minecraft?
none have what I want to do: Allow you to play Starcraft in Minecraft. I even have the following planned.
-To play the Terrans, you must find the Command Center blueprints in a village blacksmith or abandoned supply depot
-To play the Zerg, you must find and kill a hostile proto-Zerg mob
-To play the Protoss, you must find and mine a khayldarian crystal from deep underground
Once you've chosen one, that's the race you've chosen to play as, and can't choose again.
I think I'll make them equals. You don't get to make demands, only suggestions.
Adamantium will be used in an exclusive recipe.
This is a bug, but it's a bug I'm leaving in, because it confuses the heck out of players as an "ability" (yes, I know it's the cloning bug they do, but an easy way to tell them apart is to see which one moves)
Did anyone even notice the Starcraft mod idea I just had?
Because the mob creator hate Witches.
0.5 of the Engender mod is coming out first. Tonight, even.
So it looks like Step 1 is to update The Engender. Step 2 is to update The Titans and the Final Step is to update Mo' Withers! I am SO excited to see the Spider Wither and the other withers!
Then it's onto the Starcraft mod! Who's excited for that?!
I have a strong feeling that you are uploading the 0.5 version of Engender mod(from your active).
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
Expect it by a minimum the 29th, and maximum the 30th. HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE!! Also, go check out Shinoow's Abyssalcraft. You'll have the most fun with both mods installed once the update happens.
Wow. Beautiful how my post got completely ignored. I feel like I'm Sombra XD (Overwatch)
I wonder how witherzilla can pierce through the infinity armor from Avaritia. it clearly stated that it will ignore all damage and even if something successfully penetrates the armor, it will heal the player. I don't even know the simplest java code without looking up so...
Infinity armor doesn't block it's own damage type.
An army of Zergs to march against Chargorath! Mwa ha ha!
If regular is Vanilla then what flavor is your Minecraft?
I'm updating the Engender mod! I can't add too many more Titans and minions to the mod. The two that are coming already are reaching the registered entity limit.