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The player enjoyed slaying titans so much that he didn't realize that the thing he did will destroy the world. Finally, he angered the gods, and the gods stopped him over and over again by gamma-lightning. But even though they tried their best, but they still can't save the world from the edge of ruin.
"It will be good if this guy didn't exist... *sigh*"
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
Seems something went wrong when I loaded both Thaumcraft mod and Titans mod: The game got stuck sometimes when I get into Nether.
This is NOT an accident because my friend have this problem, too. And after he unloaded the mods one by one, he made sure that it is a problem between any mods that added new dimension and Titans mod.
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
strange...I haven't had a dimension problem in a while.
So.... hi.
i'm a big fan of the mod, and had an idea, but this time, it isnt about the titians... its about a way to help fight them.
the Size Enlarging Unit! (SEU)
This increases your size to the size of a zombie titan, but having size increase also has some issues...
1: any armor that is not "Titan" teir will break when used
2: you are unable to use swords EXEPT for the Ultima Blade, which looks like a normal sword in your hands
3: the fuel required to use this is.... a bit hard to get. ya need a titan soul, or a Bottled Titan Soul (used by a special item i talk about later in this request)
Animation: you hold the SEU into the air, and the soul, if within 10,000 blocks, flies at you at an insane speed. (if you have a bottled Titan Soul, skip this part) the SEU starts to glow, as do you. you then rapidly increase in size, and you gain the effect "Titanic" for 10 minutes. this can be canceled by using the SEU again.
Crafting: a Hypercharged Nether Star (fill the crafting inventory with nether stars, then do it again with the resulting Supercharged Nether Stars)
surrounded by Compressed bedrock, corners filled with air.
Mystic Bottle: a useful tool for gathering Titan Souls, crafted with a Hypercharged Nether Star in the middle, a bottle on the bottom, and a bedrock on top. if a titan soul is within 10,000 blocks of you, it flies into the bottle, shrinking as it gets closer.
Buffs: you become as strong as an unarmed Zombie Titan, unless you have the Ultima Blade, due to damage being increased, you can 1v1 the WitherZilla (with the best Titan Armor in the game, of course) all ally wither Turrets become rapid-fire and homing, while all enemy turrets lose homing and fire rate. the "Titanic" effect also acts like all buff potions, teir 10.
Killing Blow Animation: this occurs on any titan that is 1 block tall or less, AND you have le ultima blade. you take the sword, and plunge it right into the titan's head, when at under 1k health. this shortens weaker fights a LOT.
i completely understand if you dont choose to add this, as its gonna make the later fights a bit easier (still takes strategy tho, cuz its harder to dodge, and being tanky isnt always good if you're fighting rapid-fire mobs) but it also makes sence, since you're going for the whole "Titan" thing, and this thing's massive fuel requirement also makes it hard to use. i hope you consider
haha unoriginal signature go brr
Has Any Update On This Mod Yet? Or Is This Mod Updated Yet? Tell Me.
Updates are still coming. One of which may just be delicious!
If regular is Vanilla then what flavor is your Minecraft?
Could people support my fathers book by either reading it or buying it? I'd really like it if you could. It's a unique zombie book, so give it a chance.
The Titans mod is getting Custom boss bars!
I've discovered how to make GUIs appear!
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
Screenshot before the update!
New super weapon: THE OPTIMA AXE
And something else
Last screenshot before the update. It's happening tonight!
Honestly I remember when I used to play this mod. It was so fun but when you started animating the titans the fun went away. It is too hard to hit the titans when you get knocked back so far. Not to mention the animated ones have specific ways that you can damage them.
dude, just use the forum as your source, and you'll be fine on that.
The only reason it isn't as "fun" as you thought is because Titans are starting to act more player-like.
I'm well aware of how to kill them. I did that Lucky Arena series with the Titans. Remember? It just seems a lot harder than when I first fought the animated titans.
They were incomplete before I started animating them.
I do enjoy them but the problem I have is they are too hard at this point. I wanted to continue my Lucky Arena series but I doubt I could beat any of them.
I love the OreSpawn type Emperor Scorpian and the New weapon. Keep up the great work. Can't wait for the next update!
Emperor Scorpian's texture looks weird(Kraken as well)... Is it a feature in your mod?
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
Perhaps wait for the update to come, and try playing with both Orespawn and Titans?