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It wouldn't be the Titans mod without it. Of course it's laggy, what with 100's of entities spawning all at once, unless your computer's pretty beefy, it'll lag, but it'll look awesome and realistic.
oh man... so could you make a config that I can turn off that thing?
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
Me: "So you can do crazy awesome attacks, mobs big enough to sit on The King, custom game rules, and awesome items yet you still haven't made a config for anything yet?"
Enderman_of_D00M: "Yeah that pretty much sums it up."
We actually had this conversation already once. Not all modders know how to do everything even if they know how to excel at something.
If regular is Vanilla then what flavor is your Minecraft?
well, now there is a config, but it's rather basic.
if you make a player titan, it should only be obtainable through witherzilla cause then you'd be to OP if you could before you kill him
I have ideas for more titans
If you add them, you may change anything you want
Killer Bunny Titan
Hp: 2000
Status: Lesser Titan
Attacks: Head Butt (700), Crunch Attack (900), Kick (500), Body Slam (1600), Can burrow to get to a target much faster
Minions: Killer Bunnies
Healing Factor: Lower
Drops: 16-64 Carrots, 16-64 Rabbit hide, 16-64 Rabbit Meat, 0-5 Harcadium
Way of hurting it: shoot his eyes with harcadium arrows until he flinches in pain, then attack him
This thing may have relatively low hp and defense but don't let that fool you, it has super high attack, just like the Omegafish, it can burrow, it can be ridden while stunt, right click with Golden Apple to subdue
Witch Titan
Hp: 20000
Status: Average Titan
Attacks: Machine Gun Fire Splash Potions plus magical spells (of your choice Enderman Of Doom)
Minions: Witches
Healing Factor: normally 1 per 10 ticks but can drink it's healing potion for an unbelievable 600 hp increase
Drops: Tons of Potions and brewing ingredients plus 0-5 harcadium, 0-1 void essence, and has a 1/10 chance of dropping Bedrock
Way of hurting it: Shoot it's hat with harcadium arrows until it falls off, it will then lose it's powers and while it's picking up it's hat, you can hit it
This titan is the exact same titan Jen wanted to see but sadly it didn't exist back then, it gets all it's powers of it's magical hat, which in some ways, is a disadvantage for you can shoot it off, this thing can actually be pretty annoying because of it's machine gun fire potion attack
Wolf Titan
Hp: 20000
Status: Average Titan
Attacks: Tail Wack (500) Bite (900) Kick (600) Body Slam (1200)
Minions: Wolf Loyalists, Wolf Priests, Wolf Zealots, Wolf Templars
Healing Factor: Normal
Drops: Tons of things related to wolves
Way of hurting it: Why would you?
Sparky's dad, you don't want to mess with this thing, but if you tame him, he'll be your best buddy, but beware, for he is no match against the greater titans, to tame him you need Compacted Bone Blocks, (to make Bone Blocks you need 9 bones in a crafting table, and to make compacted bone blocks you need 9 bone blocks in a crafting table.)
What you think?
He said that he NEVER make witch titan long ago...
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
I HATE witches. They're a good and challenging mob, but I just hate them. Never in my gaming experience have ever had anything good come from letting one live.
Also, no passive mob Titans (killer rabbit and wolf are both considered passive, even if they can still attack)
awe, but Pat and Jen love Witches
well anyways, yeah, if you add Player Titan, you should make it only obtainable after you kill Witherzilla
then you can have the ultimate power
Suddenly thought that some music like this should play after player beat witherzilla in the void.
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
emmm... Are you still looking for the music? and will you receive the music?
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
I want you to try and look for Minecraft-like music for each Titan, so that I have a default see of music for them.
Oh... I did some music for Witherzilla's awesome battle:
1.Withered theme(named withered in the file)
a creepy, twisted music with a inverted "living mice"(a music made by C418) theme. It plays in the first stage of the witherzilla battle.
2. FREEDOM!(named freedom in the file)
a music with full of hopes. Its theme is actually "living mice"(and it is Witherzilla's theme, in my opinion). It plays after the player killed all of the Wither Turrets in the witherzilla battle. It plays for 35 seconds, with a visual effect of "breaking the seal of Witherzilla".
3.beginning(named begin in the file)
After a huge explosion, the second stage of the witherzilla battle finally begin with this music! Its theme, however, is "living mice", but in a battle rhythm!
4.BEGINNING(named begin2 in the file)
If the player stuck in the 2-4 stage for 20 mins. the music will turn into this intenser version.
5.nothing left here(named nothing in the file)
After beat the Witherzilla, this music will play in a quiet voice if the player in the void.
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
For anyone who's interrested, you can play with me on I'll need your username in order to whitelist you, but you'll get to play Minecraft with me.
uhh! I can't do it due to damn NetEase!!!
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
the Engender mod has been updated to 0.45
And next up will be the Titans update that will be a combination of new content and efficiency. Cross your fingers for the return of Titans versus Orespawn everybody!
If regular is Vanilla then what flavor is your Minecraft?
Well, Excuse Me Please, I Have A New Request/Update For You.
Can You Add The Ability Of Becoming A Human Titan/Monster Titan In The Above Said Titans Including Animations, Special Attacks, Abilities, Etc... And Much More Please So That It Could Be Easy? Without This, I Cannot Download Your Mod Anymore. If You Accept This From Me, I Will Give You More Diamonds. Please Accept This From Me.
That update is a long ways away.
Wait. What about a Herobrine Titan.