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Shoots his arm off, creating a massive explosion! Then, an animation plays where he summons iron blocks and it converges together in the shape of a new arm. Rarest of the attacks, but grows stronger the more times it is used in a row.
[url =""]
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Lightning. Lightning is always soooooooo cool!
Or it could do rapid fire shooting iron bars to create a cage like structure around the opponent.
I also for for throwing massive iron blocks or the use of a "Rocket Punch!" Crushing enemies with huge blocks would be thematic and mythic like giants throwing boulders. As for a "Rocket Punch" has anyone ever seen Sentinel fight in a MvC game before? Something like that with a flying fist!
If regular is Vanilla then what flavor is your Minecraft?
And What's the really loud noise that plays a lot. Can you please turn it down a bit?
Titans spawning?
just wondering, could you make it so there's a way to make it so the Templars can't turn in to titans? it's REALLY annoying when I'm trying to do Mob Battles
Me: Blaze Templar vs Ghast Templar, let's do it!
Blaze Templar: *turns into Blaze Titan*
Blaze Titan: U mad bro?
I also wondered why that didn't happen in Ghast Templar vs Rahovart, any explanations?
conditions for Templar possession:
-must not already have a master
-must be below half health
-must be attacking something
-must be alive
-checks a 1/1000 roll every second.
Please also add a mode of transport for Vertical moving so you can "Fly" to a certain extent. As it is actually quite hard to kill a Titan from ground level only. So add like maybe a hook & reel that can shoot out & latch on to a surface. (Like the Hook shots mod or the 3dmg from Attack on Titan.
also could you add a Killer Bunny Titan and Wolf Titan? That would be awesome xD
In the next update, Titan's body parts now have the ability to deflect certain projectiles (and it looks cool and realistic, like they're really bouncing off)
Suddenly envisions a Zombie Titan swatting away a hail of Harcadium Arrows from a group of players and grumbling out in a really deep voice "Denied bro!"
If regular is Vanilla then what flavor is your Minecraft?
The one projectile you use as an example is one of the one's that DOESN'T bounce off. Regular arrows, snowballs, eggs, enderpearls, and pretty much all other projectiles don't have that happen to them.
If titans are the gods of their respective mob, wouldn't there be such thing as a player titan? I wouldn't think that it'd be Notch, considering the fact that Notch=God and is pretty much the God of everything, including the Mob Titans. Or, is the player a God on their own, considering their insane capabilities like Creative mode and the ability to hunt down and kill Titans with the right tools in hand?
Harcadium is the initial anti-Titan tier. I probably should have said Spectral Bolts from Lycanites Mobs. That and deflecting black fireballs would look a lot cooler!
If regular is Vanilla then what flavor is your Minecraft?
Some hype! This skeleton titan isn't stunned, he's sleeping!
I didn't know Titans could sleep.
Wow. Even while sleeping he still looks frightening.
Just wondering, are you ever thinking about doing a spinoff of mods with the titans mod.
I've just friend Boom337317 is the only player who gets special neutrality from a Titan (discounting myself, as Titans are unable to hurt their creator). Perhaps I can get everyone's usernames, and favorite mobs. If your mob is a Titan, your name shall be placed on the Titan's don't-auto-attack list (caps, numbers and other quotas must be included)