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The Titans mod adds in an array of Godly mobs that exist in a purely spiritual form until they possess a vessel in our mortal plane. These beings find destruction to be the only thing that now entertains them, but do you even have the power to make them stop? No, you don't. They will murder you over and over.
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All Titans have the ability to spawn smaller versions of themselves, with some Titans even having Loyalists, Priests, Zealots and Templar. Witherzilla spawns his minions from his head (literally), as does the Snow and Iron Golem titans, the Ender Colossus makes his teleport in, the Blaze Titan forges his from his body, and the rest raise their minions from the ground, no matter what the material. Some have special minions.
When it comes to Loyalists, Priests, Zealots, Bishops and Templar, here's what you need to know:
-they all follow the orders of their master Titan if they have one
-Loyalists of the Titan attack everything their particular Titan would attack, even if the Titan isn't visibly there
-Priests heal nearby injured allies
-Zealots are capable of perform super human feats such as sprinting really fast, jumping higher than normal, taking more injures than it's possible to sustain, and killing entities many times bigger than themselves
-Bishop bring down judgement from the heavens onto the enemies of their titan
-Templar are the most complicated and powerful of the five types. They are capable of levitation, are immune to fire and poison, and have extremely high resistance to magic damage. They also alternate between their normal mode of attack, and special random ranged attacks. Their is a list for all of these random attacks for each Templar below:
Silverfish Templar:
1. a critical arrow that does the same damage as a skeleton
2. potion of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fighting an undead opponent
3. small fireball, same as a blaze
Cave Spider Templar:
1. a critical arrow that does the same damage as a skeleton
2. potion of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fighting an undead opponent
3. small fireball, same as a blaze
4. a shot web to trap the opponent. if a web can't be placed, Slowness III is applied instead
5. a poison bomb that applies Poison III
6. an invisibility aura that's applied to both the Templar and all nearby allies
Spider Templar:
1. a critical arrow that does the same damage as a skeleton
2. potion of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fighting an undead opponent
3. small fireball, same as a blaze
4. a shot web to trap the opponent. if a web can't be placed, Slowness III is applied instead
5. an invisibility aura that's applied to both the Templar and all nearby allies
Zombie Templar:
1. a critical arrow that does the same damage as a skeleton
2. potion of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fighting an undead opponent
3. small fireball, same as a blaze
4. a drain vitality spell that causes the target to take starvation damage, applies Hunger III, and explodes the target in rotten flesh
Zombie Pigman Templar:
1. a critical arrow that does the same damage as a skeleton
2. potion of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fighting an undead opponent
3. large fireball, same as a ghast
4.a drain vitality spell that causes the target to take starvation damage, applies Hunger III, and explodes the target in rotten flesh and golden nuggets
Skeleton Templar:
1. a critical arrow that does the same damage as a skeleton
2. potion of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fighting an undead opponent
3. small fireball, same as a blaze
4. a drain life spell that causes the target to take wither damage, applies Wither III, and explodes the target in bones
5. a critical harcadium arrow
Wither Skeleton Templar:
1. a critical arrow that does the same damage as a skeleton
2. potion of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fighting an undead opponent
3. small fireball, same as a blaze
4. a drain life spell that causes the target to take wither damage, applies Wither III, and explodes the target in bones
5. a critical harcadium arrow
Creeper Templar:
1. a critical arrow that does the damage as a skeleton
2. potion of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fight an undead opponent
3. large fireball, same as a ghast
4. a shot lightning bolt that does 49 damage
5. a primed TNT dropped from the sky
Blaze Templar:
1. a critical arrow that does the same damage as a skeleton
2. potion of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fighting an undead opponent
3. small fireball, same as a blaze
4. large fireball, same as a ghast
Ghast Templar:
1. a 100 critical arrows that does the same damage as a skeleton
2. 100 potions of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fighting an undead opponent
3. 50 large fireballs, same as a ghast
4. a lightning bolt that does 150 damage
Enderman Ralpmet:
1. a 100 critical arrows that does the same damage as a skeleton
2. 100 potions of harming. becomes a potion of healing if fighting an undead opponent
3. 50 large fireballs, same as a ghast
4. a lightning bolt that does 150 damage
Titans have multiple ways of spawning into the world. The most common way is natural spawning, which works like structure generation, and thus, this method is always reliable, but finite. The second method is a Templar turning into a Titan through contact with the ethereal plain with their supernatural powers. The third is if a Titan Spirit takes over a Templar, which any Titan Spirit will attempt. The final method is through growth serum, which is player managed.
Titans are God-like entities that exist outside our reality, coming in only to have lots of fun. Some few Titans come in for conquest, but most are just messing around, or search for reasons to flatten stuff (ie: bats and squids). Most of them spawn naturally are usually resting and waiting, only awakening when a player disturbs them.
Titans also have a last resort ability they all can use. When and if they feel they've got the right opportunity, they will start a "Re-growth" process where the Titan will start to shrink until it's the size of its normal counterpart, at which point it begins to grow again.This resets the Titan's entire health pool, meaning you'll have to start from scratch. The trick to preventing this is to kill the Titan quickly!
The Re-growth process. This Skeleton Titan was at only 1 HP.
Things relating to all Titans:
-They don't despawn (like Ender Dragons)
-They have a damage cap of 1000 (500 on Nightmare), and have a hurt cooldown of 1.5 seconds
- They are immune to most damage
-Their numbers are limited to your loaded chunks, unless spawned through other means
-Titans can't despawn on peaceful, aren't affected by the butcher command, and are immune to instant kill methods
-Can divide you by zero
-You must hit their hitbox base (bug with Minecraft in general), unless using projectiles
-Their attacks destroy armor of all types
-They'll deal damage to you even if you have super armor, resistance V or creative mode
-They're all immune to fire and lava, and sink in all liquids, but can't drown
-Non-armor piercing attacks do very little damage to them due to their abnormally high armor ratings (21 for Lesser Titans, 22 for Average, 23 for Greater, 24 for God)
-If Titans are attacked by something that does less than 20 damage, they aren't affected by it at all.
-Titans react to being hit by anything (even creative mode players), and it can be very hard to loose them
-When it comes to doing battles, Titans have the attention span of a fly if anything they normally auto attack is in their line of sight
-Titan on Titan fights are awesome to watch, especially on the Mob battle version due to the minions having mini battles all around them
-Break the 4th wall
Titans are the only mobs in minecraft that are truly invulnerable. Yes, they can be killed, but upon disappearing, the REAL titan goes flying away into the sky. This is the fabled TITAN SPIRIT!
Titans in this form are completely invulnerable to all forms of harm, and anything that enters their aura will have it's soul life force drained, expect other Titans. They search for a nearby host to make their vessel (It has to be a Templar, unless it's Witherzilla, in which case it has to be a player). Once they make contact, the Titan has officially returned to the corporeal realm, and can harmed as normal. Once a Titan is defeated, the Titan's Spirit leave the area by going into the sky, then teleports into a very far away chunk once it reaches Y 256, or it can return to either vengefully kill the player or stalk them until a compatible Templar shows up. If the player's unlucky, they might encounter the SAME titan they had fought and killed, several times! Yikes! Don't trust in your base's longevity, because it has none.
- name explains everything: life in Minecraft becomes alot harder
- defaulted to false in the config
- when set to true, Titans (hostile only) get the following buffs
-- X2 health
-- X3 attack
-- fiery and bigger explosions (Witherzilla)
First, all the elements, armor, tools and items.
A few familiar elements and alloys that exist in real life
Average Vein size: 24
Average height: 256
Average use: pretty useless on it's own.
First up is good old copper. Not to durable, at least as good as wood, but really common. More so than coal. It's everywhere! Copper can be either made into copper tools and/or armor, or combined with Tin to make Bronze.
Average Vein size: 16
Average height: 256
Average use: pretty useless on it's own.
Next is Tin. Once again, beginners ore. Found everywhere, but has more durability than Copper. It's better used to create Bronze stuff.
Create from: 1 Copper ingot and 1 Tin ingot
Average use: very good as early game material. More plentiful than Iron.
Bronze is really cool due to how you make it. You need Tin and Copper, but you get this stuff. It got more durability than both combined, and is just all around better. Bronze tools can do the job of stone tools, but only better.
Average Vein size: 8
Average height: 48
Average use: each ore requires each other to be of any use
These two are Chromium and Magnesium. You need both in order to use either. On their own, they can't do anything but be cool, shiny ingots. You need these two to create Steel.
Create from: 1 Chromium ingot, 1 Magnesium ingot, 1 Iron ingot, and 1 coal
Average use: very good mid to late game material. More plentiful than diamond and just as strong.
Steel is good for a reason. This stuff is tough, no question about it. Buildingsare held up by re-barred steel, and cars proto structures are made of steel too. In Minecraft, steel can also make diamond grade tools and armor. It's only difference is that it's a different color and has 400 less durability than diamond in tools, and 80 in armor.
Lead, Silver and Platinum also exist, but they don't have any use yet.
Harcadium, Element number 753: the stuff Ender pearls are made of
-can be found at layer 14 or lower in the Overworld. Generates as 1-4 ore blocks
-can also be found in The End, and in much greater density (similar to iron)
-is most plentiful in the Nowhere dimension (the ground is littered with it)
-is dropped by Titans (dropped in greater quantity if the Titan is stronger)
-can be made into anti-titan tools and armor
-has five condensed forms: Block, Item, Nugget, Wafer, and Waflet. Waflets can make 64 ender perals by creating a ring in a crafing table
Harcadium Tools
Harcadium Sword
-does 50 to everything else
-does 500 armor piercing damage to all Giant Creatures
Harcadium Bow and Arrows
-arrows can be retrieved even if they hit an entity
-does 500 armor piercing damage to all Giant Creatures
-ignores the Wither's special armor
-powerful as S$!&
to get this very necessary bow, you must create some diamond string like so:
Bow Recipe
Arrows Recipe
Harcadium Axe
-does 49 to everything else
-does 450 armor piercing damage to all Giant Creatures
-super fast wood chopping!
Harcadium Pickaxe
-does 48 to everything else
-does 400 armor piercing damage to all Giant Creatures
-eats stone for breakfast
-mines obsidian in about 2 seconds without enchantments
Harcadium Shovel
-does 47 to everything else
-does 350 armor piercing damage to all Giant Creatures
Harcadium Hoe
-does 300 armor piercing damage to all Giant Creatures
- able to til dirt, grass, coarse dirt, gravel, mycelium and dry sponge into farmland
Each piece gives buffs:
Helmet: Night Vision, Water Breathing
Chest-plate: Haste IV, Resistance IV, Strength X, Fire Resistance
Leggings: Regeneration V
Boots: Jump Boost II, Speed IV
Full set: Absorption XL (Health that replenishes after 40 seconds), Saturation XX (never need to eat), and the wearer gives off a quiet hum
The minimum requirement against Titans under Greater status
Void Essence: protection over your physical body in exchange for your soul
-can be found at layer 8 or lower in the Overworld. Generates as 0-2 ore blocks, so don't bother even looking
-can also be found in The End, and in much greater density (similar to diamond)
-is relatively plentiful in the Nowhere
-is dropped by only the strongest Titans (dropped in greater quantity if the Titan is stronger)
-can be made into even better anti-titan tools and armor
-stronger than harcadium in every way
-ore block kills you if you stand on it
-ore block explodes you upon mining it
-condensed block explodes anything that touches it
Absence Tools
Absence Sword
-does 1500
Absence Axe
-does 1499 damage
-super fast wood chopping!
Absence Pickaxe
-does 1498 damage
-eats stone for breakfast
-mines obsidian in less than a second without enchantments
Absence Shovel
-does 1497 damage
Absence Hoe
- does 1500 damage
- steal the soul of small non titan, non golem, non player hit entities to heal you, and add extra health and attack strength to you. VERY USEFUL
- able to til dirt, grass, coarse dirt, gravel, mycelium and dry sponge into farmland
Each piece gives buffs:
Helmet: Night Vision, Water Breathing
Chest-plate: Haste 100, Resistance IV, Strength 50, Fire Resistance
Leggings: Regeneration 200
Boots: Jump Boost X, Speed XX
Full set: Absorption C (Health that replenishes after 40 seconds), Saturation C (never need to eat), and the wearer gives off deep, loud hum. You also go from having 10 hearts to a massive 210 hearts!
The minimum requirement against Titans under God status
ADMINIUM ARMOR: Armor of the Gods
"If who ever wear this armor,
if they be worthy, shall possess
the power of the gods!"
- made from bedrock (got a lot of titan slaying ahead of you dude)
- practically unbreakable
- the only armor set that can withstand Witherzilla's wrath
- massive bonuses once it's on:
Helmet: Night Vision, Water Breathing
Chest-plate: Haste 100, Resistance IV, Strength 50, Fire Resistance
Leggings: Regeneration 200
Boots: Jump Boost XV, Speed XV
Full set: Absorption 100 (Health that replenishes after 40 seconds), Healing X, Saturation 100 (never need to eat), and the wearer gives off a very noticeable, loud hum. You also go from having 10 hearts to a massive 410 hearts! You also kill everything within a 16 block radius and you can even cause earthquake like a titan can by jumping. If mobGreifing is turned on, you'll drill a hole through the Earth.
BTW, that isn't bedrock. It's COMPACTED BEDROCK, which is 9 bedrock. The price tag nontupilled.
Adminium tools exist too. You'll use regular bedrock for the hilts, and compacted bedrock for the main parts.
The minimum requirement against Witherzilla
The largest weapon to ever be wielded by a mortal, this puppy is sentient in it's own right. It does up to 100000 damage to entities in you range and ignores all forms of restrictions. It's also smart: when you hit your first entity with this weapon, keepInventory is set to true so you never loose this awesome weapon, and it can tell you of nearby mobs and ores with right clicks: shifting for mobs, not shifting for ores. It can't break, but also can't be crafted. I'll leave it up to you guys to figure out how you get this in survival. That's something for you to figure out. Until then, have plenty of fun with it in creative (if you're worthy for even that). No one will judge you (except the blade). Just don't complain on how it can't kill some of the Titans cause it's explained in this forum.
Utility Items
Growth Serum
-Transforms mobs into Titans
-only transforms the right mob into it's Titan counter part
-has to be thrown like a snowball...
Crafting Recipe
The Mini-Wither
-an adorable version of the normally terrifying Wither boss
-is the item you use to travel to The Void
Crafting Recipe
The RNG relinquisher
-something that has unknown properties
-is the item you use to travel to The Nowhere
Crafting Recipe
- a conglomeration of wheat and paper that can be used to shake off any homing skulls
- useful in the Void
Crafting Recipe
- Fruit of the gods
- has very beneficial effects when eaten.
- has the most dramatic planting sound of all time!
- can be obtained in either strongholds or mineshafts as rare loot, or from templars as a rare drop
Pleasant Blade
- an Herb. It's flowers can be picked without breaking the plant.
- seed and leaf can be found in villages
- seed can be found in mineshafts, strongholds and dungeons, or dropped by templars as an uncommon drop
- flowers remove a few negative effects
- pick it for the leaves, as they can be turned into Noxius Trau' Brew
Crafting Recipe
- will cure poison, wither, nausea and blindness when drunk
Anti-Air Wither Turrets (A.A.W.T.'s)
I suspect this thing is responsible for the fall of the Hindenburg. It's THAT good! Melded together from 1 bedrock, 1 obsidian and 1 wither skeleton skull, this turret is a force to be reckoned with when fighting Titans or anything in the air!
HP: 3000
Damage: 20 ranged (+1 per level of Ferocity) (100 to very large or flying targets (+20 per level of Ferocity))
Shooting speed: 1 shot a second (reduces by 5 ticks per level of Maniac)
Targets: if Player Created: Anything that isn't a player, animal, golem or ageable
otherwise: Anything that isn't undead
Drops: if Player Created: itself otherwise: Wither Skull
exp: 60
-Found naturally in The Void. These ones are hostile to you (and anything that isn't undead), so knock em down!
-only way to avoid the projectiles is to hide! You can't outrun them! Turrets will also shoot at you regardless of how invincible you are! They still need to see you like other mobs.
-one of the few things in this mod that kicks Ender Dragon ass!
-looks ridiculous, sounds ridiculous, but still does it's job of shooting state of the art homing skulls!
-one major and obvious weakness: can't hit anything with an eye height that is less than 8 blocks (doesn't have to necessarily just be standing on the ground), or isn't 8 blocks above the Turret.
-Crafted Turrets never target Players, golems, animals, ageable mobs, or villagers.
-right click with the same item on an existing crafted turret to pick it up.
-you can walk on them like they're a block! You also have to walk around them
-automatically sets a bedrock block under itself if there isn't one
-turret is also affected by Unbreaking: each level increases it's armor by 5.
-uses the normal wither's texture, and thus is affected by resource packs
-attacks bats!
-attacks squids!
-loves butter!
Crafting Recipe
Anti-Ground Wither Turrets (A.G.W.T.'s)
Powerful crowd-breakers, no riots or swarms are going to get you when one of these things is on your side. Melded together from 1 bedrock, 1 obsidian and 2 wither skeleton skulls, this
turret is a force to be reckoned with when fighting masses and masses of mobs!
HP: 4000
Damage: 10 ranged (+1 per level of Ferocity)
Shooting speed: 14 shots over the course of 1.5 seconds (has to reload for 14 ticks, which is reduced by 4 ticks per level of Maniac)
Targets: if Player Created: Anything that isn't a player, animal, golem or ageable
otherwise: Anything that isn't undead
Drops: if Player Created: itself otherwise: 2 Wither Skulls
exp: 30
-Found naturally in The Void. These ones are hostile to you (and anything that isn't undead), so knock em down!
-projectiles act like bullets, slowing down hit targets and also blinding them if they're hit in the face.
-looks and sounds even more ridiculous
-one major and obvious weakness: can't hit anything that is 8 blocks above the Turret. Also finds it difficult to target enemies if they're at the edge of it's 32 range.
-Crafted Turrets never target Players, golems, animals, ageable mobs, or villagers.
-right click with the same item on an existing crafted turret to pick it up.
-you can walk on them like they're a block! You also have to walk around them
-automatically sets a bedrock block under itself if there isn't one
-turret is also affected by Unbreaking: each level increases it's armor by 5.
-uses the normal wither's texture, and thus is affected by resource packs
-attacks bats!
-attacks squids!
-loves butter!
Crafting Recipe
Standing Wither Artillery Turrets (S.W.A.T.'s)
Offense is the best defense. Take the fight to them with this super powerful turret! Melded together from 1 beacon, 2 nether stars, 1 A.A.W.T, and 1 A.G.W.T, this turret is a force to be reckoned with when fighting...anything!
HP: 7000
Damage: 500 ranged (+100 per level of Ferocity) (5000 to very large or flying targets (+1000 per level of Ferocity)), explosions with the same power as an ender crystal
Shooting speed: 1 shot per 3 seconds (reduces by 10 ticks per level of Maniac)
Targets: if Player Created: Anything that isn't a player, animal, golem or ageable
otherwise: Anything that isn't undead
Drops: if Player Created: itself otherwise: 3 Wither Skulls, beacon, 1-2 nether stars
exp: 600
-Found naturally in The Void. These ones are hostile to you (and anything that isn't undead), so knock em down!
way to avoid the projectiles is to hide! You can't outrun them! Turrets
will also shoot at you regardless of how invincible you are! They still
need to see you like other mobs.
-one of the few things in this mod that demolishes Ender Dragon ass!
-looks stupid, admit it does, but still does it's job of shooting state of the art super explosive blue skulls
-weaknesses: skulls are slow, time between shots is slow, can hurt itself and isn't the best defensive turret, since it'll destroy your house.
-Crafted Turrets never target Players, golems, animals, ageable mobs, or villagers. (though they should still keep out of the way)
-right click with the same item on an existing crafted turret to pick it up.
-you can walk on them like they're a block (NOT suggested)! You also have to walk around them
-automatically sets a bedrock block under itself if there isn't one
-turret is also affected by Unbreaking: each level increases it's armor by 8.
-uses the normal wither's texture, and thus is affected by resource packs
-attacks bats!
-attacks squids!
-loves butter!
Crafting Recipe
For Turrets:
Durability: increases the turrets natural regen by 1 HP per level (initially 1, can be up to 6 in survival). Health regeneration effect occurs every second.
Ferocity: increases the turrets wither skull damage
Maniac: decreases the time it takes the turret to shoot
Unstability: increases the blast radius of shot wither skulls
Shurakin: increases the speed of the wither skulls
For Swords and Axes:
Durability: Same effect as Unbreaking
Ferocity: 2.5 damage to weapon per level
Maniac: 5 damage to weapon per level
Unstability: hit entities explode, with the blast radius starting at 1 and increasing by 0.75 per level
Shurakin: 1.25 extra damage
Titan Slaying: increases the damage your weapon does to Titans by 10 per level. can be combined with normal extra damage enchants
Upper-Cut: knocks mobs into the air (makes you feel like the Hercules beetle...)
Cross-Orespawn content (Disclaimer: Requires Orespawn!!)
Overlord Scorpion
Hp: 7000
Status: Enhanced Boss mob
Attacks: 350 melee, throws ice balls, fireballs, and thunder charges
Minions: Emperor Scorpions
Healing Factor: Around twice as fast as an Emperor Scorpion
Drops: whole lot of random stuff.
You know how they say "there's always a bigger fish". Well, the bigger fish of the Emperor Scorpion is this monstrosity, the Emperor of Emperor Scorpions. He's so dangerous and so powerful, that he's got ancient dried spawn egg parts. Seriously, this guy killed a Mobzilla while only loosing 200 hp. He even took on the King and won. Fortunately, you can only find him through a spawn egg.
Methuselah Kraken
Hp: 12000
Status: Enhanced Boss mob
Attacks: 600 melee (both grabbing and regular), shoots lightning Mobzilla style at you, throws ice balls, and WAY TOO MANY thunder charges
Minions: Krakens
Healing Factor: Same as Mobzilla
Drops: So many items, your game will lag
What happens to that one Kraken that got away? That one Kraken who called his friends on you then took off like a coward? He turned into this! Yep, the Methuselah Kraken will make your life and everyone else's life a living hell. He routinely eats Mobzillas for breakfast. Another powerful boss that has ancient dried spawn egg parts, and can only be found through spawn eggs.
And now it's onto the Titans themselves
If a Titan has FOUNDING TITAN next to it's name, that Titan's origins stem back to 2014 when I was fiddling around with Minecraft eclipse 1.7.10. All these Titans gave me the idea to make this mod.
If a Titan has ANIMATED next to it's name, that Titan is more complicated and has varies extra attack moves that are animated.
Hp: 8000
Status: Lesser Titan
Attacks: Head Butt (50), Tail Swipe (50-200), Lightning Shot (50+burning), Tail Smash (400), Body Slam (500), random explosions at your feet if below 1/4 health, Can burrow to get to a target much faster
Minions: Silverfish Loyalists, Silverfish Priests, Silverfish Zealots, Silverfish Templar
Healing Factor: Lower
Drops: whole lot of random stuff, including things associated with Silverfish
Way of hurting it: shoot him with harcadium arrows until he flops over, then attack him
The weakest of the Titans, the Omegafish is still no push over in a fight. Wearing diamond armor alone won't cut it against even this monstrosity. This one can be mounted and controlled after stunning it and right it with a golden apple to subdue it.
Hp: 2000
Status: Lesser Titan
Attacks: 30 melee, 5 random teleportation
Minions: Endermites
Healing Factor: Low
Drops: 16-32 eyes of ender, 0-4 diamonds, 0-4 emeralds, 0-24 end stone
A definite power house for a weak titan, the Mighty-Mite is tougher than it's Omegafish brother. It's the smallest of the Titans. Worst yet, it can teleport you around, and it doesn't restrict it to teleporting you into a wall (or out of the world).
Hp: 1000 * slime size
Status: Lesser Titan
Attacks: 30 melee * slime size
Minions: Slimes
Healing Factor: Very Low
Drops: 16-64 slimeballs, 0-4 diamonds, 0-4 emeralds
A dangerous Titan, Slime Titan can jump extremely high for their size. Landing will hurt everything underneath them. They spawn their minions either at random, when they're damaged or when they die.
Note: This video qualifies for both the Slime and Magma Cube Titans. The only difference is that the Magma Cube Titan jumps higher and deals double damage.
Hp: 1000 * slime size
Status: Lesser Titan
Attacks: 60 melee * slime size
Minions: Magma Cubes
Healing Factor: Very Low
Drops: 16-64 magma cream, 0-4 diamonds, 0-4 emeralds
Even more dangerous than it's Slimy cousin, the Magma Cube Titan can jump extremely high for their size. Other than it's minions being Magma Cubes, it's the same as the Slime Titan.
Hp: 12000
Status: Lesser Titan
Attacks: Jump (75), Sweep (75), Frontal Clap (150), Lightning Shot (75+fire+splash), Web Shot (75+webs), Force Smash (375), VS Titan Attack (300), poison IV on any hit
Minions: Cave Spider Loyalists, Cave Spider Priests, Cave Spider Zealots, Cave Spider Templar
Healing Factor: Low
Drops: Plenty of stuff, most relating to spiders
Way of hurting it: attack the legs with harcadium arrows until he loses balance, then shoot him in the head
This creature works just like it's bigger brother, the Spider Titan, only, like a Cave Spider, it poisons you. The difference is that it's poison is poison IV. This one can be mounted and controlled after stunning the Titan and right clicking it with a golden apple to subdue it.
Hp: 16000
Status: Lesser Titan
Attacks: Jump (90), Sweep (90), Frontal Clap (180), Lightning Shot (90+fire+splash), Web Shot (90+webs), Force Smash (450), VS Titan Attack (360)
Minions: Spider Loyalists, Spider Priests, Spider Zealots, Spider Templar, Spider Jockeys (spawn more often if being ridden by a Skeleton Titan)
Healing Factor: Low
Drops: Plenty of stuff, most relating to spiders
Way of hurting it: attack the legs with harcadium arrows until he loses balance, then shoot him in the head
The second widest Titan after Witherzilla, the Spider Titan is the strongest of the weak Titans. And yes, Spider Jockey Titans can exist, though it's rare.
Hp: 20000
Status: Average Titan
Attacks: Damage is always double when he has a sword, and it drops by 50% if he's a baby. Sweep Attack (120-600), Zombie Smash (120), Super Zombu (120+fire+launching+splash), Kick attack (120+lauching), Downward Slash (1200), Stomping Attack (240), Proto balls (summons hordes of minions or one Giant), VS Titan Attack (480), jumps if low on health, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!
Healing Factor: Low during the day, Fast at Night
Minions:Zombie Loyalists, Zombie Priests, Zombie Zealots, Zombie Templar (automatically are babies if Zombie Titan is a baby, and same thing with zombie villagers and baby zombie villagers). 1/1000 chance to spawn a Giant (different from the normal Giant, which has been renamed to "Training Dummy")
Drops: ridiculous amounts of zombie related stuff, also can drop harcadium and has a 1/10 chance to drop bedrock
Way of hurting it: entice him to do a downward strike on a block a similar or greater blast resistance to obsidian, which will break his sword, allowing you to hurt him. He can reform it, and then you have to play opposite day with his sword, by making him smash it into something soft
Gigantic and mindless, Zombie Titans are lumbering Goliaths that don't burn in sunlight. They're three times the size of a Giant, and have to same types as normal zombies (except the Chicken Jockey).
Hp: 20000
Status: Average Titan
Attacks: machine gun fire of arrows (100 damage each), jumps if frustrated, Swat (120), Ground Punch (120), Downward Slash (1800), Stomping Attack (240), VS Titan Attack (480)
Minions: Skeleton Loyalists, Skeleton Priests, Skeleton Zealots, Skeleton Templar
Healing Factor: Low during the day, Fast at Night
Drops: ridiculous amounts of skeleton related stuff, also can drop harcadium and has a 1/10 chance to drop bedrock
Way of hurting it: entice him to do a downward strike on a block a similar or greater blast resistance to obsidian, which will stun him long enough for you to wack him a few times.
This Titanic monster is far from being a weak Titan despite it's place as the weakest average Titan. Skeleton Titans shoot arrows, LOTS of them. Their maelstroms can easily tear through large groups of enemies. Like the Zombie Titan, Skeleton Titans don't burn during the day.
Hp: 200000
Status: Greater Titan
Attacks: Sword Lightning Shot (3500), Swat (3500), Ground Punch (3500), Downward Slash (52500), Stomping Attack (3000), VS Titan Attack (28000), wither IV, withering aura that affects the target player, his wither minions empower his attack with their essence
Minions: Wither Skeleton Loyalists, Wither Skeleton Priests, Wither Skeleton Zealots, Wither Skeleton Templar, Wither Minions
Healing Factor: Very Fast
Drops: ridiculous amounts of Wither skeleton related stuff, also can drop harcadium and has a 1/5 chance to drop bedrock
Way of hurting it: entice him to do a downward strike on a block a similar or greater blast resistance to obsidian, which will stun him long enough for you to wack him a few times.
The first Titan to be elevated in status, this absolute monster is no longer just an upgraded skeleton. This withered Behemoth won't stand for anything wandering into the Nether, and that includes you. The Wither Skeleton Titan will smash you with it's gigantic Stone Sword, dealing enormous damage and applying wither IV. Even worse, this monster can summon Withers to add him, and can even control them to attack you! Just by looking at you, you are dealt armor and enchantment piercing damage.
Hp: 25000
Status: Average Titan
Attacks: all damage is tripled when Charged. Forward Stomp (720). Stomp Attack (320), Head Smash (360), Kick (180), Spit Attack (Spews special fireballs and tnt), Thunder Clap (1080), VS Titan Attack (720), 100000 self destructive explosion (200000 if charged) + radiation poisoning, 180 lightning bolt, jump attack like mutant creeper only MUCH bigger, also does a regular jump if frustrated
Minions: Creeper Loyalists, Creeper Priests, Creeper Zealots, Creeper Templar, (can spawn charged automatically if the Creeper Titan's charged, or as a 1/100 chance otherwise)
Healing Factor: Medium, Fast if charged
Drops: plenty of explosives, also can drop harcadium and has a 1/10 chance to drop bedrock
Way of hurting it: attack the soles of his feet with harcadium arrows while he's rearing up, the continue to shoot at him while he's in pain
This malevolent monstrosity has the ability to ruin your day 16 times over. Creeper Titans are known for their magnificent and deadly jumps they can perform, along with their ability to generate enough bio-electricity to shoot a lightning bolt. Of course, if charged, they can do this more often. When it's charged, the Creeper Titan with bless nearby creepers with a lightning bolt to charge them and a healing factor that equals the creeper titans healing factor If it's health gets too low, the Creeper Titan can start a count down to an explosion that equals an Atomic bomb detonation in size and ferocity.
Hp: 20000
Status: Average Titan
Attacks: Sweep Attack (600-3200), Ground Punch (600), Zombie Pigman Smash (600), Super Pig-ain (1200 direct, 600 splash + 100 fireballs), Downward Slash (9000), Stomping Attack (1200), VS Titan Attack (2400), can jump at random
Minions: Zombies Pigmen Loyalists, Zombies Pigmen Priests, Zombies Pigmen Zealots, Zombies Pigmen Templar, Ghast Guards
Healing Factor: Fast
Drops: ridiculous amounts of gold, also can drop harcadium and has a 1/5 chance to drop bedrock
Way of hurting it: entice him to do a downward strike on a block a with equal to or less blast resistance than dirt (but not dirt, grass, or netherrack), which will stun him long enough for you to wack him a few times.
This aggressive titan doesn't have to be hit to be aggrowed. In fact, Zombie Pigman Titans are hostile to anything they deem helpful to the player.
Hp: 40000
Status: Average Titan
Attacks: 600 melee, 600 fireballs
Minions: Blaze Loyalists, Blaze Priests, Blaze Zealots, Blaze Templar
Healing Factor: Fast
Drops:plenty of fire related stuff, also can drop harcadium and has a 1/5 chance to drop bedrock
A fiery construct that will show you no remorse, the Blaze Titan is a behemoth to behold, along with die to it's powerful fireballs.
Hp: 4000
Status: Average Titan
Attacks: 60 melee, 40 explosive snowballs
Minions: Reinforced Snow Golems
Healing Factor: Very Low
Drops: 1 pumpkin, a lot of snow blocks
One of the helpful Titans, the Snow Golem Titan is a force to be reckoned with. His Snowballs can level fields of mobs, provided he hits them and isn't too close to do his melee attack
Hp: 7000
Status: Average Titan
Attacks: 70 beam (also cause burning an vaporization damage), 40 spikes
Minions: Guardians
Healing Factor: Medium
16-64 prismarine shards, 0-48 random fish types, 0-16 prismarine crystals, 0-16 diamonds, 0-16 emeralds, 0-4 harcadium, 0-1 bedrock
The fury of the ocean, the Titanic Guardian is minecraft version of the Scandinavian Kraken. The difference is that it's a Guardian, and it isn't the size of an island. His beam attack can vaporize smaller beings with less health than his attack power, if it isn't killed by the laser first.
Hp: 35000
Status: Greater Titan
Attacks: 300 beam (also cause burning an vaporization damage), 40 spikes, 1/8 horrible effects
Minions: Elder Guardians
Healing Factor: Fast
16-64 prismarine shards, 0-48 random fish types, 0-16 prismarine crystals, 0-16 diamonds, 0-16 emeralds, 0-4 harcadium, 0-1 bedrock, 16 sponges
One of the oldest mobs in Minecraft, the Ancient Titanic Guardian is truly a spectacle, especially when he's searing your face off
. This ancient being will ruin your day with the multitude of bad effects he can curse you with. His beam attack can vaporize smaller beings with less health than his attack power, if it isn't killed by the laser first.
Hp: 500000
Status: Greater Titan
Attacks: Iron Throw (10000),Swip (10000),Ground Punch (70000-210000), Smash (140000-420000), Stomping Attack (140000-420000), VS Titan Attack (140000-420000)
Minions: Reinforced Iron Golems
Healing Factor: Very Low
Drops: lots of iron and poppies
You don't want to mess with this guy. He will mess you up if you do. He's also probably one of the few Titans that can challenge Witherzilla. Nothing more to say other than he's the best guard to ever get! He even stays your buddy if you grow a player-made Iron Golem with Growth Serum, and all his minions will be your buddies too!
Hp: 300000
Status: Greater Titan
Attacks: EYE LASORS!! (lots of damage), Swat (5000), Ground Smash (5000), Stomp (10000), Lightning Attack (5000), Scream (tends to be instant death), Lightning Ball (constant area damage), Dragonball (summon an Ender Dragon), Chain Lightning (5000 damage to everything hit by it), VS Titan Attack (40000), has a constant debuff on targeted players, staring into his eyes is instant death, unless you hold the Ultima Blade
Minions: Enderman Tsilayol, Enderman Tseirp, Enderman Tolaez, Enderman Ralpmet, Ender Dragons, Special Ender Crystals
Healing Factor: Extreme
Drops: Way to much stuff for you to carry
Way of hurting it: shoot enough crystals out of the air to distress, at which point chop his knees up
The second tallest of the titans, and strongest of the normal titans, the Ender Colossus might just kill you even if you wear the Harcadium set. The horns are a mutation. It's roar can often be enough to send most players running in terror. Even staring into his gaze will result in a painful death. Any nearby endermen are filled with an uncontrollable rage that causes them to attack you on sight. The Ender Colossus can also rarely summon Ender Dragons, and even Mighty-Mites, to attack you. If he's really low on health, he may spawn an Ender Dragon mount as a last resort. If he's falling out of the world, he'll call upon his teleportation powers to get out of the void. Are you brave enough?
Hp: 200000
Status: Greater Titan
Attacks: Very powerfull fireball spray, bite attack, burns the target player
Minions: Ghast Loyalist, Ghast Priest, Ghast Zealot, Ghast Templar
Healing Factor: Extreme
Drops: Way to much stuff for you to carry
The second largest of the Titans, the Ghast Titan is really powerful for it's type. His fire aura can be devastating to unprepared players. His fireball spray will take a chunk out of your Minecraft, so feel fortunate that he spawns at the top of the Nether.
Hp: 10000000
Status: God
Attacks: melee attack deals infinite damage, Ur-Lightning, Can delete stuff, can ban players from their own game, tons of wither skulls everywhere
Minions: Withers
Healing Factor: Incalculable
Drops: restricted to those who can kill him
Not really a Titan and more of a God-monster, Witherzilla is the largest boss in this mod. He carries all the biggest titles, such as having the largest health pool of all the Titans and having the most natural armor, totaling 21 armor points. The fact it summons Withers to help it doesn't make a fight with him anymore appealing. Fortunately, there is no way to spawn him in survival. Witherzilla has his own dimension, where he is the final FINAL boss of Minecraft.
He only appears once in the whole world!
The dimension is called The Void, and is nothing more than a giant floating island made of a mixture of bedrock and obsidian. Nothing but Withers spawn on this island. Appearing high above will be Witherzilla, who can only be hurt when the difficulty isn't on peaceful (not a fight for the peaceful wussies!). He can and will proceed to attack anything in his 100 block sight. Even worst, his will and dominance forces other Withers to attack what he is Attacking. Yikes! Oh, and watch out for the Anti-Air Wither Turrets that are EVERYWHERE!
Think you can brave traveling to this dark place?! Then you will need certain criteria to go their...
1: You need to be in The End. (anywhere else and you only hear a whisper)
2: You must have killed the Ender Dragon already.
3: You must be standing near the island's center (5 or less blocks).
4: You must right click with the mini-wither in your hand.
Once those are met, you are teleported to this place. (note:you might have to quit then re-enter for the dimension to generate.)
The fight goes in 4 stages:
1: He hovers at coordinates 0, 200, 0, never falling or moving. Any Wither Turrets (bad ones only) you find in this place must be killed so you can fight him
2: While he floats down after you've felled the Evil Turrets (Good Turrets don't count), survive the onslaught of wither minions he sends after you
3: Assuming you're alive at this stage, Witherzilla should be close enough to be hit with either your weapon or wither turrets if you brought any
3.5: Let the death fest begin...(gamerule keepInventory is suggested)
4: Once his health is below half, he drops to the ground and can be hit 100% with a sword. Keep surviving (EXTREMELY HARD TO DO!!) and hitting him till he reaches 0. Once he's dead, you gain the prize of leaving this horrid place, and something else...
Note: there is a way to damage Witherzilla other than flying up to him and hitting him (not such a good idea in The Void...). I'm not going to say, however, as that would spoil the surprise!
Note 2: Witherzilla can't be cheated. Attempting to kill him with another mod's super weapon (or in Creative mode if you're a wussy) will result in instant death, and a nerve raking set of taunts.
Killed Witherzilla in survival mode? Without first arming yourself in Creative mode? Say it in the comments!
Beta snapshots, all before 2016 (for the lols)
The first snapshot I every took in The Titans mod test worlds. That's a normal zombie suffocating in a grass block in mid air.
features coming soon:
- Animations for the Titans (starting)
- Better Titan models (starting)
- Titan Temples!
Also, check my ongoing Minecraft Fan-fiction I'm writing. You won't be disappointed!
Click on ANDR to go there:
My Youtube account: Here
My Facebook account: Here
Neat Tips!:
- Titans never attack monsters first. They will retaliate, however.
- Titans hate squid!
Neat Trivia!:
- Some of the sounds used in this mod come from Starcraft I, most notably the Wither Turret's shooting sound.
- All Titans are male
- Minions spawned by the Titans are loyalists and worshipers to that Titan (NOT babies or children)
- The Titans are based off of Greek Mythology Titans, a race of mountain size deities that were overthrown by Zeus and his brothers and sisters. Of course, this is Minecraft, so there aren't any Olympians to help you
- The Ender Colossus is based off of this guy. The same is true about the Farlanders Ender Golem and Ender Titan:
KD Minecraft's reviews
PopluarMMO's Challenge Games
0.495: Almost there!
-added custom boss bars for the Titans!!
-added cross mod content
-added my first crops ever: Malgrum and Pleasant Blade
-gave a ender colossus EYE LASORS!!
-re-did the regen system for Titans
-buffed the titans again
-changed the Ultima Blade model, and makes it check for worthiness
-added health boost to the armors
0.49: Hooray! Legit content!
-animated the ultima iron golem titan
-gave a ender colossus a stun method
-updated the ender colossus crystals
-squashed avaritia armor
-finished with other unfinished business
-titans can kick you for cheating
-slime and magma cube titans don't have damage limits
-reduced the number of registered entities: orespawn should work again
-added bishops: a new minion type
-giants, withers and ender dragon minions have more health
-buffed the titans
0.475: Stuff.
-stuff. I forgot what I did
0.45: More content!
-adjusted titan spawning
-updated the metaness of titans
0.425: We're even better now! Really!!
- multiplayer compatibility has been re-enabled
- Ender Colossus has been fully animated
- some other Titans have gotten new attacks (fight them to see which ones)
- new dimension: the Nowhere, a land of failed RNG
- new ores and armor and tools
- harcadium finally has a block form
- Titans have gotten even more buffs
- final known method of one shotting the Titans has been patched
- Titan on Titan fights happen slightly faster
- Wither Skeleton Titan has become the first Titan to be elevated in status
- Zombie Titan can regain his sword
- Creeper Titan's animations are better
- I'm still alive
0.42: Getting closer
- fully animated the Skeleton and Wither Skeleton Titans
- fully animated the Zombie Pigman Titan
- added the Anti-Ground and Siege Wither Turrets
- fixed a bug where other mobs would be instantly destroyed by Titan attacks
- Titans vs Mobzilla, The King and The Queen is now possible
- little extras hidden in the mod have been added
- fixed a bug with the Zombie Titan
- begun animating the Ender Colossus. Expect more content in the future
- Witherzilla now doubles in size when in his Omega form
- Ender Colossus is 50% bigger
- increased chance of special minions from 1/1000 to 1/100
0.41: No longer beta
- fully animated the Zombie Titan
- Creeper Titan has a death animation
- Ultima Blade bug fixed
- Ultima Blade now tells you of nearby ores when right clicking, and the location of nearby hidden monsters at random
- Witherzilla now restrains his full power in the void, just so he can get to the Overworld
- Minions no longer attempt to spawn in on Peaceful
- fixed some other bugs
0.4 beta: IT'S COMING TRUE!
- beginning the process of animating the titans
- severely buffed all titans up
- added the absence set
- added the adminium armor
- changed wither turret recipe
- buffed up all minions
- Witherzilla's every more meta: he can ban you from your own world (works on servers). Only does it when he's armored
- Titans cause much less lag (any lag is no longer "Godzilla lag")
- certain titans now have to be stunned in order to be hurt
0.3915: the most requested update since forever
- the Titans has a 1.7.10 version. Lots of bugs to work out, but it's here
0.391: the first triple digit update
- hopefully lowered lag
- Minions got revamped: Templar without a visible master are capable of turning into their unseen master's avatar
- Wither Minions now play with each other
- Titans can now Re-grow should they feel it nessicary
- all Minions spawn naturally in your world
- added info on how the Titans mod was first thought up
0.39: My Combat Update
- Revamped the Minions of the Titans, which with some now consist of Loyalists, Priests, Zealots and Templar
- Added a download for the Alternate version of the Titans meant for people who like mob battles
- nerfed Harcadium Armor: entire set is required for maximum protection against Titans
- Ultima Iron Golem Titan damage is now a solid 10000
- If you're the King of all Creepers, Creeper Titans and their followers won't attack you
- All Titans are now hopefully less laggy
- All Titans can't hurt their minions by accident (nor can the minions hurt them)
- Ender Colossi don't kill you as quickly
- Titans naturally spawning has been fixed and added once again: now depended on the seed of the world and the number of loaded chucks
- Titans no longer count as mobs or animals. ITitan is it's own non-extended file
- Killed Herobrine, then I destroyed his body
0.38 - added two new Titans: the Snow Golem Titan and Ultima Iron Golem Titan!
- added the Harcadium Bow!
- gave the Slime Titan dynamic eyes!
- all harcadium tools do lots of damage vs. Titans
- made the Might-Mite's teleport ability occur less often
- all Titans got a reboot as to how their minion controlling abilities work
- added diamond strings and Harcadium Arrows
- Slime and Magma Cube Titans now leap towards attack targets
- Spider and Cave Spider Titans now leap towards attack targets
- Removed Herobrine
0.37 - fixed a bug where Titanic and Ancient Titanic Guardians stopped attacking players after killing them once
- fixed a bug where Titanic and Ancient Titanic Guardians did more damage than normal and insta killed players
- Mighty-Mite's teleport enemy ability works properly
- didn't buff all the Titans this time
0.36 - nerfed the Ultima Blade: now deals only 1000 damage (never breaks any, so why does it matter)
- all titans cause their minions to attack
- added better Giants: Minions spawned by Zombie Titans
- changed Ender Colossus's health from 50000 to 75000
- changed Ender Colossus's melee damage from 500 to 1000!
- changed Ender Colossus's mind crush damage to 6 (scaled with difficulty)
- buffed all the Titans in some way...again.
- kinda fixed the wither skeleton titan and ancient titanic guardian bugs
- Titans now have new death animations! They even draw their minions in
- fixed a bug where the Ultima Blade could hurt growing titans and Witherzilla in peaceful mode
0.35 - added a config file for the Titans
- unintentionally might have removed titan spawning
- increased the range of the ultima blade to 12 blocks
- added Nightmare mode, which is togglable in the config
- ender colossus's mind crush attack is now also inflicted if you look him in the eye
- creeper titan's bless nearby normal creepers with a lightning bolt and a healing factor
- omegafish and mighty-mites can turn their heads
- added achievements for obtaining harcadium and slaying titans
- harcadium sword and weapons with Titan Slaying now use their own damage type
- titanic and ancient titanic guardians should do the proper amount of damage
- all titans got buffed...again
0.34 - added the Ultima Blade: The Titans super weapon
- zombie titans can start the zombie apocalypse
- wither skeleton titans control nearby withers to attack what they're attacking
- all titans minions spawn rates increased
- mighty-mite teleport ability added
- titans no longer kill their minions when they land on the ground
0.33 - added stages to the Witherzilla fight
- Witherzilla now has a lightning attack
- Witherzilla has a melee attack against other Titans
- Ender Colossus's attack increased from 150 to 500, and gives the player a different death message
- all the Titans got some buff
- Harcadium Armor base durability increased from 800 to 1200
- Harcadium Tool's durability increased from 7000 to 10000
- added an Enum for Titans that splits them into four categories: Lesser, Average, Greater, and God. Currently only affects whether or not they despawn on peaceful mod and are affected by /kill
- Titans now properly die when /kill is done
- Wither Turret can now take a maximum of 20 damage
- Titans can destroy your armor
- Titans can damage you whether or not you have certain invincibilities (super armor, resistance V, etc)
- Witherzilla's hitbox has been changed AGAIN!
- Creeper Titan's jump attack now depends on how far it's target is away from it
- ALL the Titans now auto attack Witherzilla and is minions (but will probably die trying)
0.32 - replaced all the spawn eggs for the Titans with cooler, custom ones
- hopefully fixed the Skeleton Titan dealing 150 with each arrow instead of the intended 20
- Titanic Guardian and Ancient Titanic Guardian no longer hurt their minions, or hover in the air
- Titanic Guardian and Ancient Titanic Guardian target mobs better
- added a Titans creative mode tab
- Spider Jockey Titans no longer lag the game as badly as before
- Spider Jockey Titans now spawn Spider Jockeys 1/3 of the time instead of 1/100
0.31 - changed titan spawn mechanics: the more difficult they are, the rarer they are. Omegafish is 1/1000 (most common), Ender Colossus is 1/50000 (rarest)
- added some items specifically for the Challenge games. That means you Pat
- Titan minions now spawn a lot more often
0.3 -added 6 new Titans!: Blaze Titan, Mighty-Mite, Slime Titan, Magma Cube Titan, Titanic Guardian, and Ancient Titanic Guardian
- added Chaff
- changed the recipe of Growth Serum
- Titans now take a maximum of 300 damage
- Omegafish and Zombie Pigman Titan have abilities
- Changed Creeper Titan's health from 7000 to 8500
- Witherzilla is "better"
- enchantments now work properly
0.25 - fixed some bugs
- harcadium hoe can now til grass, dirt, coarse dirt, gravel, mycelium and dry sponge to dirt
- added the titan slayer enchantment
- gave Witherzilla a render makeover: Now has cool lights over him
- Witherzilla now attacks creative mod players
- Ender Colossi no longer despawn on peaceful
- Ender Colossi can now kill you!
- Change the effect of the Durability enchantment
- wither turret now does 30 damage as an item
- Witherzilla's fountain now correctly spawns a small, fully functioning beacon on the top
- 24 initial Withers now spawn in the Void at X 0 Y 100 Z 0
0.24 - complete redo of the A.A.W.T. New model that is effected by resource packs that change the wither's texture, and is now also targeted by Titans. Also faces towards it's target
-added the 5 enchantments for the Turret: Durability, Ferocity, Maniac, Unstability, and Shurakin
-changed Witherzilla again...
0.23 - added the A.A.W.T: Anti-Air Wither Turret
- Withers that spawn from Witherzilla and naturally in The Void no longer have boss bars
- Changed some Titans stats
- Nerfed the Absorption from the Harcadium armor
- Removed Witherzilla's spawn egg
- Made Witherzilla immune to most non-player non-mob damage (out of the world, cactus, drown, the Kill command!)
- Wither Skeleton Titans now spawn in the Nether properly
0.22 - added The Void dimension: a desolate battle arena where only Withers and Witherzilla spawn
- Witherzilla can now be fought in survival mode as a one time boss
- Witherzilla no longer despawns on peaceful, and is invulnerable when it is on peaceful
- added the Mini-Wither item: A hand held creature that takes you to The Void
- changed all the Titan's stats in some way
- Ender Colossus is no longer as easy to kill
0.21 - harcadium now generates in the Overworld and the End
- changed rarity of titans naturally spawning from 1/10000 to 1/25000
- Titans deal bonus damage vs other Titans
- Harcadium armor base durability changed from 423 to 800
- Fixed a bug where dropped bedrock had the error texture
- Titans are now invulnerable when growing
- changed Witherzilla's regen per tick from 1 HP to 10 HP
- changed Ender Colossi armor from 20 to 15
- increased frequency of the spawning rate of minions for all titans
0.2 - added Harcadium: Element number 753 on the periodic table. Used to make Powerful Tools and Armor meant to take on Titans! Titans drops this depending on their power.
-added Growth Serum: an item that, when thrown at a normal mob, turns it into a Titan.
-changed it so the titans regen super quick while invulnerable
0.11 - changed the stats of the Omegafish, Spider Titan and Cave Spider Titan. Spider Titan and Cave Spider Titan drop spider eyes instead of a music disc :P.
0.1 - initial release
I was really skeptical about this mod, but then I read "No, not attack on titan," and now I'm all for it.
My Mods:
Fool's gold & other dumb things
Placebo Effect
Two others that I am pretending don't exist.
Also, Modding Theory.
If the mod is not complete, have a Moderator move it to WIP mods.
XD . Yea. I inserted that so anyone who knows about Attack on Titan (almost everyone) wouldn't mistake this mod for it.
Can I suggest stuff?:?
NO, you know how much mod creators HATE community suggestions.
Looking for developers for divided modpack based on AoA.
I already suggest most of his stuff however.
Yea. Suggest abilities for Titans, at least two abilities unique to each Titan, three abilities for Witherzilla, and one ability share by all of them.
Zombie Titan
Behemothic Blow
He smashes his weapon on his enemy, causing great damage to the nearby landscape and to the enemy. However, his hand gets tired and he doesn't attack for a short period
The enemy is hit with a flurry of hits from his minions and Boss, as they get buffs. However, the hits give little knock back.
Rising Smash
He jumps on his enemy and creates a quake that disrupts and stuns all enemies in his radius.
waiting for the others, dude. Also, forget about the one ability they all share. They already have it: spawing in minions.
Initial Release is out! Come check out the Titans in their glory!
will we be able to climb them ?
Maybe. This isn't a Shadow of the Colossus mod, so probably not.
What gear would you need to fight these titans.
Looking for developers for divided modpack based on AoA.
That will be added in version 0.2. You'll kill a Titan with normal gear (and intelligence. No running in hacking and slashing unless you are really brave.), then you'll craft special "Titan" gear. Then you can run in like a maniac and be fine.
Wait so you can't kill a titan at the moment how much health do the titans have anyways I coudn;t target it with damage indicators.
Looking for developers for divided modpack based on AoA.
Also the witherzilla disappears whenever you hit it taking no damage then it reappears.
Looking for developers for divided modpack based on AoA.
That unfortunatly is not a bug. You did hit him, just didn't hurt him.
What weapon did you use?
could you send me Damage Indicators? I can't download it for some reason.
The Dark Sword from the Epicarno mod.
Looking for developers for divided modpack based on AoA.