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Yes, do this. This must be done.
I realize this is probably too much to ask as an idea, but I feel like this kind of world generation should allow for:
1. The great mountains and elaborate land formations that biomes create when merging together. (This is what's being pushed for in most world gen mods)
2. The seas of sand that almost seem to span forever, or huge valleys of grass and flowers between towering mountaintops.
Basically, while lots of ups and downs are all sorts of fun in Minecraft, it'd be really nice to see less of it and more beautiful generation. Hopefully this makes sense. D:
Sorry! I'm not good at wording things. My current RTG experience (which is only a few days or so) has mostly consisted of rapid elevation changes, so that's why I posted. >.<
You guys are absolute legends, you're doing amazing stuff.
Please don't remove the tropical islands and volcanoes! They would be so cool to have without an addon. By the way, you may want to work with Enviromine and The Seasons Mod...they would make your mod look more...unique
Minecraft Fan! And modder wanna be!
When trying to get Terrafirmacraft to work with this, the game crashes since TFC hates all biomes, basically. So I tried disabling in the RTG config all biomes that TFC doesn't have, this works to an extent, but then RTG crashes with this: http://pastebin.com/hcb6jwCb
Yeah, stellar sky is awesome. Good luck with playing MC again :). I hope a work around is possible, I really want to add RTG to my pack, because TFC world gen is very "been there, done that." I had to disable what feels like most vanilla biome gen, basically all biomes not in this list.
Just tried with the new update, seems to throw the error back to TFC's end with it complaining about the ocean biome. I tried disabling the ocean biome, but MC just locks up, won't even begin to generate the world.
Hey man how is the waterfall idea coming ? I would love that added to the mod .
I get a weird crash with the latest version of this mod.
It references something about not being able to find BOP's DenseForest biome am I using the wrong version of BOP?
well.. considering the version you are using is, and the latest 1.7.10 version available is:
that is 329 versions apart.. perhaps try updating and see if it fixes your problems?
Here is the repo: http://files.minecraftforge.net/BiomesOPlenty/
Edit: Oh I see that they have not uploaded any of the new versions to curse. I wonder why..
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That's great! Than you very much!
Thought I'd post some of the strage stuff I've found while testing generation with RTG (0.0.11) + Enhanced Biomes in the last couple of days..

Here's some broken generation with some strange height offsets that is occuring at chunk boundries. I only noticed such formations occuring with EB, but I didn't test the other mods (BoP/EBXL/HL) as thoroughly. Also, please note that in the maps in which these screenshots were taken, there were only 3 or 4 EB biomes enabled at a time and vanilla biomes were disabled (while I was testing for issue #218):
Saved the best (worst?) one for last
Some extreme sand formations that should probably be normalised, since sand doesn't normally form like this in nature:
Strips of ice being formed in hot biomes:
There were a few biomes (volcano being one) that were spawning Natura's nether mobs (both the heatscar spider, and the imp):
I'm sure some of this is already known.. just being thorough.
Keep up the good work fellas.
. .
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My fault there. The Volcano biomes in v2.5 of EB were registered in the BiomeDictionary as 'Nether' type. Yes, I hadn't properly thought this through (It was fine with the vanilla Nether mobs, but not mods' Nether mobs), and it was one of the first fixes I made for the still unreleased next update. RTG has nothing to do with that problem.
Whenever I use this mod, I get a weird chunk flicker that occurs all over my view at random. It's made mobs pop out from the ground occasionally, hopefully this isn't a problem with my computer. D:
Loving this mod, very nice work indeed!
Just wondering, does the worldgen allow Buildcraft's Oil field biomes to spawn?
That chunk flicker sounds like an issue with Optifine and Multi-thread chuck loading. When I turn that on (and don't adjust the video cards settings as described here) I get chunks that flicker in and out.
Hey there! Good work on the mod so far its pretty neat. I just wanted to clarify that traditional oceans biomes aren't working yet, and that will be addressed in the continental map option? I've had no luck finding any in the 0.11 release. I'm also having no luck finding villages with the mod on.
I've got Archimedes ships and I need somewhere to sail about
will prismarine temples from gany's surface spawn in deep ocean biomes?