Open Source
First, I just want to say that if you're going to show off the terrain generator, show off terrain generator. Seeing the shaders mod just makes it harder to see the terrain generation.
Second, the music is very distracting. I'd rather hear you talk about what you are seeing than music like that.
Third: the terrain generation. For all the hype I've been seeing, this was disappointing. In the Mesa area, I saw perfectly flat striations. The only time I saw cliff faces was in the Mesa area. Everywhere else, I did not see any overhangs, I just saw "stepwise pyramids". There were lots of 45 degrees slopes, and very uniform height changes.
As someone who lives up at 4000 feet, in a 5 mile across flat plains, I can assure you that mountains do have flat areas. Seeing nothing but height changes does not fit "realistic".
* Promoting this week: Captive Minecraft 4, Winter Realm. Aka: Vertical Vanilla Viewing. Clicky!
* My channel with Mystcraft, and general Minecraft Let's Plays: http://www.youtube.com/user/Keybounce.
* See all my video series: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-editions/minecraft-editions-show-your/2865421-keybounces-list-of-creation-threads
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
Hey all, I gave a quick run through last night will all my mods installed (130 at last count) and it seems to generate the world and all the ore that I could think of. It also seems to be generating plants and structures as well. Here are some key ones that are generating off the top of my head:
The only issue I've seen so far is a lag spike that will begin after a while of exploring. It seems to feel like a memory leak that builds up. Not sure if it's caused by a mod and RTG interacting but I don't see anything in the console that gives me a clue, just tick rate warnings.
So I found this thread by google-searching "OpenSimplex" to see who all's been talking about it lately
But yeah I'd definitely be up for contributing to this! I've got a lot of terrain generation tricks I've come up with that I haven't been able to apply to anything because the voxel game I've been working on isn't up to that point yet.
Some of the things I think it'd be cool to see included in this in some form or another, that I could contribute to, are:
Aw hell yeah! I am beyond ecstatic that my long shot name drop actually worked. Hope you, Flava, and Pink can work together to get something really awesome going.
Welcome to the thread.
Mushroom biome on top of a mountain...Is that normal?
I got a crash report. May it be RTG-0.0.9 bug?
I'm using 2.5 version. Minecraft starting crashing when I installed "Reasonoble realism" and Biota.
In my opinion it was "Harder ores" or "Harder underground" and "Underground biomes" conflict. EB don't want to generate custom stone when "Underground biomes" installed.
I found solution, but sometimes it's crashing.
The algorithm in this case is OpenSimplex (very similiar in 2D but a bit different in 3D). The concern is less about performance and more about appearance. Perlin is an older algorithm that tends to exhibit visually-significant directional artifacts. This can be seen in-game as mountains, valleys, and islands all lining up north/south and east/west. Of particular importance to a project like this is visual isotropy: for it not to be easy to pick out an underlying grid structure by looking at the alignment of features. In fact in most projects, I'd say it takes very specific cases to warrant the use of Perlin over some of the newer more-artifact-free noise functions, and there aren't any of such specific cases here.
On a note about performance though, it turns out Simplex and OpenSimplex can be optimized in a way that Perlin cannot: bulk-area evaluations. Because the contributions from each lattice point are combined using addition to achieve the final result, one can generate a list of every lattice point that will contribute to the area within a chunk, and process each lattice point individually rather than re-computing the geometry for every point that needs a noise evaluation. Should performance be an issue, this optimization is something that can be implemented.
Also keep in mind that OpenSimplex is already present inside this mod. Before Ted disappeared forever, he merged a pull-request containing, among other changes by another contributer, a replacement PerlinNoise.java that generates OpenSimplex noise instead of Perlin noise. He never built it and posted it, but it was in the github repo by the time it was forked for this project, so everything you're seeing in the version being worked on right now (besides caves and the handful of stuff being generated using cellular noise) is OpenSimplex.
Little bug with mushroom biome with PMP. May it be RTG bug?
OK, thanks.
I remember TED had some dev pictures ,and one of them was this http://imgur.com/H9jQVrD . I want this so bad will we ever have something like this ? I would love to build by the water like this !!
Is great to see this mod. Developing well but there's a question, i was meaning to ask what is the difference between RTG and RWG?
Noises that uses RWG and RWG. RTG have only vanilla and modded trees. RTG have better mod support and 2 types of ruvers and oceans, all non-coastal vanilla biomes. RTG is lighter than RWG. But RTG crashing more than RWG.
Lmao, this gave me a laugh.
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Thanks for answering my questions
Why would this be a add on ? Aint coastal cliffs realistic world Gen ? Just wondering man .
Oh man I can not wait for tropical islands ... Can you add nice big waterfalls to the islands as well .. That would be pretty realistic ,and just look very nice . Do you plan on adding custom blocks trees , flowers ,and such ? Can you make a custom rain forest biome . I would love a rain forest biome with water falls ,and everything .
How about "Radical Tectonic Overload"? (RTG + RTO)