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Already known: https://github.com/Team-RTG/Realistic-Terrain-Generation/issues/1012
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Looks like plant mega pack is trying to do some biome decoration at the same time as RTG. It's a conflict between the two mods the modders will need to hash out. Thank God problems like this are mostly a thing of the past in the latest versions of minecraft/forge.
1.10.2 or 1.7.10? Did you monkey with configs for ATG? Do you have recurrent complex installed? Did you give minecraft more ram?
This appears to be a GeographiCraft issue. I've informed Zeno410 about it.
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since we were just discussing it recently, posted today on the custom ore generation MCF page:
Geographicraft 0.7.5 released. Added SEA climate (both ocean climates).
Put in attempt to dodge bug created if the IntCache is reset by other mods or multitasking.
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
Is it possible for you to explain the functionality of this addition so it can be best utilized?
For example, if I changed the jungle climate from Warm to Sea, would that result in jungle biomes only spawning in ocean by them selves? I' am somewhat confused, since GC creates a world littered with islands which spawn in the sea, would jungle biomes with a Sea climate simply merge with standard biomes?
I woudl appreciate any feedback you can give me, keep up the good work Zeno
Sea climate means it would appear where Ocean and Deep Ocean biomes normally would. The Jungles in your scenario wouldn't necessarily be by themselves - you could have two next to each other, or one next to land. If you want islands out in the ocean, put them in Deep Ocean (because Ocean climate is usually next to land), but even that isn't perfect - they'll merge with land a substantial minority of the time.
The primary purpose of the Sea climate is to make it easy to replace the ocean with some other biome or group of biomes that's supposed to be the background or obstacle. So you could have a desert world by putting desert into Sea and removing the oceans - an endless desert with oases of other biomes. Similarly you could have a Mirkwood with Roofed Forest, an ice world with Frozen Oceans instead of Oceans, a mountain world with isolated valleys, etc. You can actually do that now but it requires some non-intuitive tricks with external biomes.
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
Thankyou for the information, I'll see how I can use this new feature
Anyway, I've got one more question to ask.
The new 'Sea' climate type appears to be an addition, a climate type that encompass type other types (Ocean/Deep_Ocean). Given this, I would like to ask if sometime in the future you could make what I call a transitional climate type; namely a climate that resides in between the standard climate types that are currently available.
For example, you could make a 'Temperate' climate which transitions to the warm and hot climates, and a 'Chilly' climate which transitions between cool and snowy. This would allow players, like myself, to create better biome transitions. E.g. desert bordering biomes like the jungle, plains, forest, and other biomes of the lush type creates a severe transition which is often unrealistic. Most deserts transition to a semi-lush area before leading onto a more wet/tropical biome.
I'll give a better example of how this is advantageous.
Look at the image attached with the plains-forest-mountain transition. Now normally you would make the mountain 'Snowy', the forest 'Cool' and the pains 'Warm' to get a guaranteed transition. A problem occurs when you want different biome transitions to occur. For example, you might also want a world which has a savanna transitioning to a desert. To do this desert needs to be 'Hot' and the savanna 'Warm', now there's an issue. You can now have savanna's bordering spruce forests bordering snowy mountains, very unrealistic and ugly.
Is there anything that can be done?
Savanna and Desert are both Hot so they can already transition.
Savanna-Taiga and Snowy-Swamp transitions do occur, but they're not that common. They also tend to be small. The reason you see them is the way the smoothing rules work. Climates are laid out in a square grid, with 1=hot, 2= warm, 3= cool, and 4=snowy. A climate cannot be more than 1 different from any zone horizontally or vertically next to it. So you end up with a lot of
You'll notice there are 2's diagonally adjacent to 4's, so they touch at a corner. In the course of border adjustments, those corners can expand to (generally short) connections.
You could alter the smoothing to force corner connections to no more than 1 zone different as well. This would almost completely stop the mildly off connections. The cost is that extreme climates (snowy and hot) would become about 1/2 as common as they are now, and with current rules and quartersize climates inland areas are already 11/12 temperate climates. They are more common on the coast and at the config frequencies on smaller islands (which don't get smoothed), but that's getting pretty rare.
I could probably put in a config option for the more aggressive smoothing if there's demand. It's somewhat less of a problem with half-size zones and not too bad with fullsize, which is why vanilla uses fullsize - their algorithm for smoothing grossly oversmooths and if you had quartersize climate zones with vanilla smoothing you'd have essentially no extreme climates at all inland (2 in a 1000 would be snowy).
There is another source for illegal transitions: landmass mergers. If you have SeparateLandmasses=false you'll get a fair amount of illegal transitions. This is pretty much the only way you'll ever see a snowy-hot transition. I fight against this one really hard but it's difficult to completely stop. If you have SeparateLandmasses=true these problems do become extremely rare.
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
Thankyou for the comments Zeno, hmmmmm.
What I'm actually trying to do is this.
Currently I have my latitudinal climate band width set to 4 with half and quarter size climate zones disabled. Approximately z: 4000-8000 is entirely the 'Hot' biome type (in this case I don't need to worry about 2's bordering 4's). I have the BOP wasteland, mountain peaks, mountain foothills, outback, bayou, mangrove, xeric shrubland and the vanilla desert, savanna (+variants), mesa (+variants) and jungle (+variants) spawning.
Sometimes I get a BOP Mountain peaks biome bordering a bayou, mangrove or jungle. In each case the transition looks unnatural and ugly, Another example is when jungle borders a desert, wasteland or mountain foothills.
I would like to be able to create a more natural transition using the biomes I have. For example, mountain foothills and mountain peaks look best when bordering a savanna, outback, desert or wasteland. These biomes themselves border nicely with most other biomes. Jungle borders best with the xeric shrubland, outback, savanna or mesa due to the subtle change in color and vegetation, much less than a jungle bordering a flat, white desert with no vegetation for example.
Of course specific biome transitions are subject to one's aesthetic tastes, but I hope you can see the feature that I think should be added.
Hey everyone! I'd appreciate any thoughts on this:
I'm currently using the 1.7.10 version of RTG in a custom modpack and, after many tests worlds, what I'm getting are rather small islands, each of which is just one biome, separated by large expanses of ocean. Is this possibly a conflict of some kind? It's happening far too consistently to be coincidence.
I really love RTG and I've not had this problem before, but I'm really missing the biome diversity of a real continent.
Most times that people complain about too much ocean they are using ClimateControl, so I will assume that you are. In the climatecontrol.cfg, set B:SeparateLandmasses to false.
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If I set it to false, does it means I will not get oceans anymore or I will get less of them now? I really like oceans, I don't really want them gone. But with C.C all seeds are basically islands :/
Minecraft Fan! And modder wanna be!
You will still get oceans, but the world will look a lot more like vanilla biome placement.
If there isn't enough ocean for you after changing B:SeparateLandmasses, then leave it set to true and increase the incidence of continents and lower the incidence of islands in the same config section. You might have to play around with them for a while though, until you can find the balance that you want.
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You'll get better responses if you move your question to the CC thread.
* Promoting this week: Captive Minecraft 4, Winter Realm. Aka: Vertical Vanilla Viewing. Clicky!
* My channel with Mystcraft, and general Minecraft Let's Plays: http://www.youtube.com/user/Keybounce.
* See all my video series: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-editions/minecraft-editions-show-your/2865421-keybounces-list-of-creation-threads
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
I hope you aren't suggesting that my response was inadequate.
There's no reason to not ask about GeographiCraft/ClimateControl, or BiomeTweaker, in this thread, considering that either is a requirement to use mod-added biomes with RTG. We need to offer support for how to use them.
Besides, I'm pretty certain that Zeno monitors this thread as much as the CC thread.
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I am indeed! Thanks a ton I'll definitely make that tweak.
Could've sworn I added a modlist spoiler to the end of the post but I guess not... apologies on that one.
More like, lets keep CC questions in the CC thread so that other people who use CC but not RTG will still get to see it.
Now, if you have any idea how to make Reika's CC (ChromaticCraft) like your oceans for those ocean temples ... :-)
* Promoting this week: Captive Minecraft 4, Winter Realm. Aka: Vertical Vanilla Viewing. Clicky!
* My channel with Mystcraft, and general Minecraft Let's Plays: http://www.youtube.com/user/Keybounce.
* See all my video series: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-editions/minecraft-editions-show-your/2865421-keybounces-list-of-creation-threads
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
But no one was asking questions about using CC stand-alone, they were asking about using it with RTG, which is relevant to this thread.
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