Open Source
Realistic Terrain Generation (RTG) is a mod that adds a new world type which generates realistic terrain. It doesn't add new blocks. It doesn't add new mobs. It doesn't even add new biomes. It simply generates more realistic-looking terrain for existing Overworld biomes (including those added by other mods).
This mod is a re-branded fork of the revolutionary Realistic World Gen mod by ted80. It was created as a new project because it was expected to deviate from ted80's original vision for RWG, and the author of this mod didn't want to interfere with that vision.
RTG is brought to you by Team RTG and contains a number of contributions from various members of the Minecraft modding community. It also uses KdotJPG's OpenSimplex Noise to generate its terrain.
We are planning to update RTG to 1.12, but there is no estimated release date. Please be patient.
We are planning to update RTG to 1.11.2, but there is no estimated release date. Please be patient.
All downloads for 1.10.2 can also be found in the Releases section on GitHub.
Important! You will also need to install either Climate Control OR BiomeTweaker if you wish to control the way vanilla biomes generate (e.g. enable/disable, change biome weight, change biome size, etc.), or if you want to use any of the following biome-adding mods:
(Note: All other biome-adding mods that RTG supports do NOT require Climate Control or BiomeTweaker.)
All downloads for 1.8.9 can also be found in the Releases section on GitHub.
Important! You will also need to install either Climate Control OR BiomeTweaker if you wish to control the way vanilla biomes generate (e.g. enable/disable, change biome weight, change biome size, etc.), or if you want to use any of the following biome-adding mods:
(Note: All other biome-adding mods that RTG supports do NOT require Climate Control or BiomeTweaker.)
(Please note that RTG for 1.8.9 is currently in beta, which means that it should primarily be used for testing purposes. If you plan to use RTG for 1.8.9 in a 'live' environment, be sure to generate a new world, and be aware that newer versions may not be backwards-compatible.)
All downloads for 1.7.10 can also be found in the Releases section on GitHub.
Important! You will also need to install either Climate Control OR BiomeTweaker if you wish to control the way vanilla biomes generate (e.g. enable/disable, change biome weight, change biome size, etc.), or if you want to use any of the following biome-adding mods:
(Note: All other biome-adding mods that RTG supports do NOT require Climate Control or BiomeTweaker.)
Did you know? Whilst not required, it is strongly recommended that you also install FastCraft for increased performance.
Did you know? RTG is only required server-side, so if you're hosting a modded server or putting together a mod pack, your users don't even need to have RTG installed! In fact, if your server is using server-side mods exclusively (no client-side mods), then your users can connect to your FORGE server using a VANILLA client (without Forge installed).
RTG configuration
When you launch Minecraft after installing RTG for the first time, a folder called RTG gets created in your config folder. The RTG folder contains the main configuration file (rtg.cfg) and another folder called biomes which contains separate config files for each of the biome-adding mods that RTG supports (as well as a config file for vanilla biomes).
Inside RTG's config files, you'll find options for tweaking various aspects of your Minecraft world: biomes, caves, dungeons, mineshafts, strongholds, villages, and more. Each option contains a brief description about what the setting does, but if you're still not sure about a particular setting, feel free to post your questions in the thread.
Climate Control configuration
When you launch Minecraft after installing Climate Control (CC) for the first time, the main configuration file (climatecontrol.cfg) gets created in your config folder, along with a folder called 'ClimateControl' which contains some additional config files. If you installed a supported biome-adding mod, there will also be a config file in the 'ClimateControl' folder that is specific to that mod.
CC's default settings should be fine for most users. However, if you're not sure about a particular option, feel free to post your questions in the thread.
BiomeTweaker configuration
When you launch Minecraft after installing BiomeTweaker for the first time, a folder called 'BiomeTweaker' gets created in your config folder. Inside that folder you will find the main configuration file (BiomeTweaker.cfg), an example config file (ExampleTweaks.cfg), and a folder called 'output' which contains a .json file for each registered biome.
If you're comfortable using mods like MineTweaker and ModTweaker, then you'll have no problem with BiomeTweaker. However, if you're new to the art of 'tweaking', then we would recommend that you use Climate Control instead, as it's much easier to configure.
To make it easier for everyone to get up and running with RTG & BiomeTweaker, we've created a set of working tweaks that you can use to get started. To use the tweaks below, just download the 'BiomeTweaker.cfg' and 'RTG.cfg' files for your relevant mod setup and move them to your BiomeTweaker folder. (If you're using more than one biome-adding mod, you will need to create your own tweaks.)
(Note: Only Biomes O' Plenty, Highlands, and ATG require BiomeTweaker, but we have included working tweaks for all supported mods should you still want to use it for any of those.)
Example tweaks for 1.10.2
Example tweaks for 1.8.9
Example tweaks for 1.7.10
Public chat
Join the official RTG Discord Server to chat with Team RTG and other members of the RTG community!
[1.10.2] Mod showcase by 7ERr0r using RTG-1.10.2-
[1.9] Mod showcase by MrLonelydwarf using RTG-1.9-2.0.0-alpha.4 (Alpha):
Click here to view the screenshots on the Imgur website.
Biome support
RTG currently generates realistic versions of all vanilla biomes, as well as the biomes from these mods:
Mod compatibility
RTG is compatible with most mods, including (but not limited to):
Actually Additions, Applied Energistics 2, AgriCraft, Ancient Trees, Animals+, Ars Magica 2, Alternate Terrain Generation (ATG), Battle Towers, Better Villages, Biomes O' Plenty, BiomeTweaker, Blood Magic, Botania, BuildCraft, Butterfly Mania, Chocolate Quest, Climate Control, Deadly World, Deep Resonance, Dense Ores, DoggyStyle, Dooglamoo Cities Mod, Doomlike Dungeons, Draconic Evolution, Ender Zoo, Enhanced Biomes, EnviroMine, Et Futurum, Ex Nihilo, ExtraBiomesXL, Forestry, Fossils and Archeology, Galacticraft, Gany's Mods, GrowthCraft, Highlands, Immersive Engineering, Just a Few Fish, Lycanite's Mobs, Magnanimous Tools, Magneticraft, Mariculture, Metallurgy, Millenaire, Minechem, MineFactory Reloaded, Mo' Creatures, Mutant Creatures, Natura, Nevermine, Oceancraft, OreSpawn, Pam's HarvestCraft, Plant Mega Pack, Primitive Mobs, Project Red, Quark, RailCraft, ReactorCraft, Recurrent Complex, Reika's Mods, RFTools, Roguelike Dungeons, Ruins, Streams, Thaumcraft, Thermal Expansion, Tinkers' Construct, Tough as Nails, Twilight Forest, Underground Biomes Constructs, Wild Caves, Witchery, WTF's Mods, and many more!
Unfortunately, however, RTG is not compatible with the following mods:
To see the full history of changes, please refer to the Releases section on GitHub.
Known issues
RTG's list of known issues can be found here.
dormantChunkCacheSize=0 - Please be advised that some users have reported problems with entities despawning when changing the Forge config setting dormantChunkCacheSize. As such, we recommend that you use the default value for this setting (dormantChunkCacheSize=0).
No realistic version of biome X - If you disable biome patching, you may experience crashes that contain this message: "java.lang.RuntimeException: No realistic version of biome X", where X is a biome ID. This crash is usually caused by either a biome ID conflict of some sort, or by a mod that adds a biome which RTG doesn't support. Here are some things you can do to help prevent this crash from happening:
Frequently asked questions
When will RTG be updated for X.Y.Z?
Please be patient.
May I use RTG in my public/private mod pack?
Please see 'Mod pack policy' section below.
Does RTG add any new blocks/items to the game?
Does RTG add any new biomes?
No. RTG only affects vanilla biomes and biomes that have been added by other mods.
Does RTG add any dimensions?
Does RTG add any mobs?
Does RTG generate realistic terrain in non-Overworld biomes (e.g. The Nether, The End, etc.)?
No. RTG only affects the Overworld.
How should I report issues/bugs/crashes?
You may report issues in this thread, but please use spoiler tags or pastebin for crash reports, and please describe what you were doing immediately before the crash. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to resolve the issue.
How do I prevent a biome from generating?
RTG does not provide a way for you to disable biomes. To prevent a biome from generating, you must disable it via the config files of the mod that adds it. In the case of vanilla biomes, you must use either Climate Control or BiomeTweaker.
Mod pack policy
You may use RTG in your public or private mod pack as long the following conditions are met:
RTG is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Realistic Terrain Generation (RTG) - generates realistic-looking terrain for existing Overworld biomes
Lonely Biome - generates worlds that consist of a single biome
Passable Leaves - walk through leaves, fall through leaves, ride horses through leaves
No Fist - prevents players from breaking blocks with their fist, and damages them if they try
[WIP] [RTG addon] Appalachia - realistic biomes inspired by the Appalachian region of North America
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Nice! I'll be testing this out this week sometime. Hopefully this will replace ATG for me once some of the biome mod compatibility is in place. Thanks for your work!
yesssssss! Will this also have the end portal spawn in the world now aswell? I dont think RWG spawned the portals at all.
Also, when a beta release or release is ready, would you consider using curseforge, enabling curse packs to use RTG?
Join us at our website: AIM Gaming
First, awesome that you got this going as it would be a shame if this died. Do you have oceans working in your version? Would you like use to test mods that generate stuff with your released versions now or just wait for beta?
I've just recently discovered RWG (and your variation/continuation) and am extremely amazed. I've never really tested experimental mods, but I'll try testing yours! I've been looking for a mod that basically gives simply superb world generation, because, let's face it, vanilla world generation seems "ugly" now.
I believe one of your plans is to remove the "rtg/rwg_biomehere" type of biomes? And replace them with simply vanilla biomes (as they don't add any new blocks anyways)? If so, I applaud you and simply cannot wait for that update!
I also have some questions/suggestions
One of the other mods I've been using is OreSpawn, which needs vanilla biomes. (That and Biomes O' Plenty makes everything really rare!) And finding that I can't effectively use that mod and RWG together made me sad, but your changes can make those things happen! Thank you so much!
Oh yeah, I generated a new world and spawned in the Vanilla Mushroom Island biome.
I was like "Woah!" But speaking of the way biomes generate.. I believe it was in RWG, but is there a way to prevent snow biomes from generating directly next to desert ones? It doesn't make much sense, but it's not a game breaker. 
Ah! Thank you so much! (Neat feature, but they generated too much for my liking.
Potential frequency option later on?)
Again thank you so, so much for this and I whole hardheartedly support this.
Yea, I believe ATG adds the "climate/temperature" type of generation and it works relatively well. Having the additions of all the good world generation mods into one will be awesome!
To clarify my question from the other thread:
Let's say I have a server, and the overworld has your terrain generation. If another dimension wants to generate a planes biome, will it generate the vanilla plains, or your plains?
In other words, do you, in the process of making the biome more realistic, alter the biome table?
Climate: Feel free to push for a forge change to the biome data to include climate data. I didn't get any support for that when I tried :-).
* Promoting this week: Captive Minecraft 4, Winter Realm. Aka: Vertical Vanilla Viewing. Clicky!
* My channel with Mystcraft, and general Minecraft Let's Plays: http://www.youtube.com/user/Keybounce.
* See all my video series: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-editions/minecraft-editions-show-your/2865421-keybounces-list-of-creation-threads
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
I wouldn't really know if this is a bug or simply a part of how things work (still getting used to the mod myself), but are the biomes supposed to.. well, merge like this? It doesn't look bad in any sense, but the hills go from being half dunes to half mountainous terrain, and then after that past this mountain I ran into this:
WARNING! Another Large Image!
Are the Mesa "hills" supposed to have all these holes in them at the top? I've noticed it's ONLY at the top of specifically Mesas and quite frequently.
WARNING! Yet Again Another Large Image!
Quite an interesting mix of biomes we have here and I honestly can't be upset all too much as the formation looks awesome.
(I don't believe some of these are bugs, but nonetheless, didn't know if these are "intentional.")
Oh my gosh. This thread is everything I've ever dreamed of (short of Ted actually continuing development and introducing all of the stuff he teased). If you need any help bug fixing or a Patreon or something, I would love to help. Thanks so much for reviving this.
Thank you man for keeping this mod going !!
Thank you for your dedication and attempts on improving/continuing the mod. I, personally, and most likely others are extremely happy that you're doing this.
I'm not sure why anyone would want the other biomes with RWG (due to mod incompatibilities), but more power to them.
I'm sorry you weren't able to wrap your head around the code, but I'm glad you're not deciding to quit.
As for the 0.0.6 update, what types of bug fixes/enhancements are you looking at? If it fixes the mushroom island issue and the biome mixing slightly, I'll actually put this in my private modpack I'm currently working on.
Nice work!!!
GTNH Modpack is on Technic Launcher Hotlist now and available on FTB and Curse Launcher too!!!
Minetweaker/Modtweaker Scripts I hosting on Github:
Hardcore well balanced Modpack with GT, Forestry, Railcraft, Thaumcraft and Better Questing Mod:
It's great to see that someone stepped up and continue the work on the mod.
However, in old rwg the ocean biomes does not generate, do you have a way to make them generate now?
He said this:
Hope that answers your question!
I know that you're already aware of these things, but just for the sake of bug testing and reporting I'll say that the two most jarring things for me were the weird biome-mixing and the holes in the desert plateaus. Love what you guys are doing here. Keep up the great work.
Got a crash with just RTG and Journeymap installed:
What version of RTG and JournyMap were you using?
Because I used the two mods together and they work/worked together perfectly fine?
I'm just confused as to why I'm not having this issue. o.O
0.0.5 of RTG
5.1.0 of JourneyMap
HD_U_C1 of OptiFine
1.21 of FastCraft
1.0.1 of BetterFPS
(Plus other several mods.)
I even traveled tons and tons of the world with nothing happening. Quite odd.