-- Yo, el creador del mod, hablo en español, pero para dar un amplio entendimiento al mod, me tomé la libertad de nombrar cada item y mobs al inglés, por su atención, gracias. --
Mobs: -Bluezard (Blue Lizard) -Blackzard (Navy Blue Lizard)
-Lizards are not fast, and HP and AI is like a Zombie
-Soul, Bluezard Skeleton and Blackzard Skeleton are deleted of this lite version
Corrections and New Content in Vactrica Mod:
-Names of items in lang en_US | es_ES | es_MX
-Now Vactrica Block and Smooth Vactrica Block ONLY get with Diamond Pickaxe
Bugs uncorrected:
-Vactrica ore property is to be generated by very large batches that are highly visible to the mountain biomes, but this will be reconsidered in when this ratio
Vactrica Sword and VQ-Sword are SUPER powerful, and are an error
Mod Installation:
-Put the .zip file to the "Mods" folder
-Download and install Minecraft Forge 1.8 here!
By VactriCarcacraft HD
NEXT UPDATE: Vactrica Mod 1.2.4 - Building now!
-- Yo, el creador del mod, hablo en español, pero para dar un amplio entendimiento al mod, me tomé la libertad de nombrar cada item y mobs al inglés, por su atención, gracias. --
Mod Content:
Vactrica Mod offers the following:
Vactrica (ID: vactrica:Vactrica)
Vactrica Block (ID: vactrica:VactricaBlock)
Vactrica Sword (ID: vactrica:VactricaSword)
Vactrica Ore (ID: vactrica:VactricaOre)
VQ-Sword (ID: vactrica:VQSword)
Smooth Vactrica Block (ID: vactrica:SmoothVactricaBlock)
Mobs: -Bluezard (Blue Lizard) -Blackzard (Navy Blue Lizard)
-Lizards are not fast, and HP and AI is like a Zombie
-Soul, Bluezard Skeleton and Blackzard Skeleton are deleted of this lite version
Corrections and New Content in Vactrica Mod:
-Names of items in lang en_US | es_ES | es_MX
-Now Vactrica Block and Smooth Vactrica Block ONLY get with Diamond Pickaxe
Bugs uncorrected:
-Vactrica ore property is to be generated by very large batches that are highly visible to the mountain biomes, but this will be reconsidered in when this ratio
Vactrica Sword and VQ-Sword are SUPER powerful, and are an error
Mod Installation:
-Put the .zip file to the "Mods" folder
-Download and install Minecraft Forge 1.8 here!
Recipes and Mobs:
Vactrica Mod 1.2.3: Mediafire
Vactrica Mod 1.2.2: Mediafire
Vactrica Mod 1.2: Mediafire
Vactrica Mod 1.1.3: Mediafire
Vactrica Mod 1.1.2: Mediafire
Vactrica Mod 1.1.1: Mediafire
Vactrica Mod 1.1.0: Mediafire
Vactrica Mod 1.0.0: Mediafire
This mod is made by me, ShinyMew1256, and this mod is not stolen and, this post is recent and I not wrote it more information for the mod.
Si necesitan que les aclare alguna duda, no duden en responderme sea como sea su idioma