When I place a computer on the ship controller I put in the name but then the part afterwards permanately gets stuck on "ship controller detected" and it doesn't move past that no matter how long I wait, what am I doing wrong?
This is an old bug, update to latest alpha :).
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Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
Visit our Voltz PvP/raid server at pvp.worldwarminecraft.net:25555 .
Join the PvE survival challenge on FunSquareGamesArcania craft.
I can't find a version higher than 1.3.6? unless you moved the plane where you uploaded them without changing the third post and sorry I forgot to mention I am in 1.7.10
I have encountered an interesting bug. When i transitioned my ship from space back to the overworld, it appears to have placed the ship and then broken it again. I know that the blocks were actually placed because their inventories are on the ground where the ship came down. I did not notice anything abnormal in the logs, other than RemoveShip was called two more times than it normally is.
I can't find a version higher than 1.3.6? unless you moved the plane where you uploaded them without changing the third post and sorry I forgot to mention I am in 1.7.10
Did you a place a ship core next to the controller?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
Visit our Voltz PvP/raid server at pvp.worldwarminecraft.net:25555 .
Join the PvE survival challenge on FunSquareGamesArcania craft.
I have encountered an interesting bug. When i transitioned my ship from space back to the overworld, it appears to have placed the ship and then broken it again. I know that the blocks were actually placed because their inventories are on the ground where the ship came down. I did not notice anything abnormal in the logs, other than RemoveShip was called two more times than it normally is.
Can you post those logs?
What blocks were in your ship?
You've found items on the ground only at target location? Source location was all cleared up (no blocks, no items)?
Do you happen to have a IC2 reactor on board?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
Visit our Voltz PvP/raid server at pvp.worldwarminecraft.net:25555 .
Join the PvE survival challenge on FunSquareGamesArcania craft.
[20:01:38] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:01:39] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: TileEntityShipCore 'EliShip1' @ 'JointSurvival1' -3346, 180, -37107 messageToAllPlayersOnShip: Running pre-jump checklist...
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'StarMapRegistry cleanup': 0.033 ms, total: 0.033 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: TileEntityShipCore 'EliShip1' @ 'JointSurvival1' -3346, 180, -37107 Performing basic jump of 10199 blocks inside (-3366, 160, -37127) to (-3326, 195, -37087) toward direction -2 over 128 blocks.
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.forceChunks': 1.5 ms, total: 1.5 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: EntityJump/2332 'cf9a3a49-60c4-49de-8b80-8ea9980c7b2f:EliShip1' @ 'JointSurvival1' -3345.50, 180.50, -37106.50 messageToAllPlayersOnShip: Jumping DOWN by 163 blocks
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.getRealShipVolume_checkBedrock': 8.824 ms, total: 8.824 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.saveShip': 10.001 ms, total: 10.001 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.prepareToJump': 11.297 ms, total: 31.622 ms
[20:02:11] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveShip': 7.753 ms, total: 7.753 ms
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveShip': 9.021 ms, total: 9.021 ms
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Starmap registry (2 entries):
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: - SHIP 'EliShip1' @ -2: -3346, 180, -37107 with 0.0 isolation rate
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: - SHIP 'EliShip1' @ 0: -3346, 230, -37107 with 0.0 isolation rate
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Starmap registry (1 entries):
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: - SHIP 'EliShip1' @ 0: -3346, 230, -37107 with 0.0 isolation rate
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveShip': 147.563 ms, total: 147.563 ms
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFE@4a303cdc (ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFE@4a303cdc) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable@47466a97 (ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable@47466a97) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFSU@668a3028 (ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFSU@668a3028) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityCompressor@37d7953e (ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityCompressor@37d7953e) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityMetalFormer@65cf000c (ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityMetalFormer@65cf000c) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.reactor.tileentity.TileEntityNuclearReactorElectric@4a6b5dc (ic2.core.block.reactor.tileentity.TileEntityNuclearReactorElectric@4a6b5dc) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:13] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3346.00, y=166.00, z=-37109.00]
[20:02:13] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping halted in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM-2
[20:02:16] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [agq.h()Lsa;] @ 9 - 10
[20:02:16] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Loaded 9 waypoints from C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\waypoints
[20:02:16] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping started in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM0. Memory: 1111MB total, 577MB free
[20:02:22] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:02:22] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveEntities': 9147.4 ms, total: 9147.4 ms
[20:02:22] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Loading Local World
[20:02:24] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeShip': 1399.777 ms, total: 1399.777 ms
[20:02:25] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeShip': 758.051 ms, total: 758.051 ms
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Starmap registry (0 entries):
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeShip': 250.662 ms, total: 250.662 ms
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeDuplicates()': 0.239 ms, total: 0.239 ms
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.unforceChunks': 4.436 ms, total: 4.436 ms
[20:02:30] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerInventoryStore.onPlayerDeath(PlayerInventoryStore.java:303): Storing post-mortem inventory into C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.02.30-death-0.dat. It can be restored with command '/ob_inventory restore Spector19 Spector19-2015-08-29_20.02.30-death-0'
[20:02:30] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler.onPlayerDrops(PlayerDeathHandler.java:349): Scheduling grave placement for player 'GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3346.26, y=53.00, z=-37109.38]':'com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false]' with 20 item(s)
[20:02:30] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.trySpawnGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:230): Grave for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] will be spawned at (-3347,53,-37110)
[20:02:30] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.backupGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:275): Grave backup for player com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] saved to C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.02.30-grave-0.dat
[20:02:31] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Spector19 died at x:-3347, y:54, z:-37110. Deathpoint created: true
[20:02:34] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-188.50, y=74.00, z=249.50]
[20:02:34] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:02:35] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Loading Local World
[20:02:39] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:02:46] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:03:31] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:03:50] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: /space: teleporting player Spector19 to -2:JointSurvival1
[20:03:50] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3351.00, y=252.43, z=-37116.00]
[20:03:50] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping halted in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM0
[20:03:52] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:03:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Loading Local World
[20:03:53] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Loaded 10 waypoints from C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\waypoints
[20:03:53] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping started in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM-2. Memory: 1117MB total, 560MB free
[20:03:56] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerInventoryStore.onPlayerDeath(PlayerInventoryStore.java:303): Storing post-mortem inventory into C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.03.56-death-0.dat. It can be restored with command '/ob_inventory restore Spector19 Spector19-2015-08-29_20.03.56-death-0'
[20:03:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler.onPlayerDrops(PlayerDeathHandler.java:349): Scheduling grave placement for player 'GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3351.00, y=153.06, z=-37116.00]':'com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false]' with 19 item(s)
[20:03:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.trySpawnGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:230): Grave for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] will be spawned at (-3351,153,-37116)
[20:03:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.backupGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:275): Grave backup for player com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] saved to C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.03.56-grave-0.dat
[20:03:57] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Spector19 died at x:-3351, y:92, z:-37116. Deathpoint created: true
[20:03:58] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-199.50, y=68.00, z=245.50]
[20:03:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:03:58] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping halted in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurviva
There were no items found at the location where the ship jumped. There was an IC2 reactor on board, it was not running when i transitioned. The items came out of ME drives and chests. There was an Enantiomorphic Reactor on the ship, although i cant remember if it was running at the time. I have tried to replicate this bug, with no success.
I was also wondering if particle boosters can be placed vertically on top of lasers.
[20:01:38] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:01:39] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: TileEntityShipCore 'EliShip1' @ 'JointSurvival1' -3346, 180, -37107 messageToAllPlayersOnShip: Running pre-jump checklist...
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'StarMapRegistry cleanup': 0.033 ms, total: 0.033 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: TileEntityShipCore 'EliShip1' @ 'JointSurvival1' -3346, 180, -37107 Performing basic jump of 10199 blocks inside (-3366, 160, -37127) to (-3326, 195, -37087) toward direction -2 over 128 blocks.
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.forceChunks': 1.5 ms, total: 1.5 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: EntityJump/2332 'cf9a3a49-60c4-49de-8b80-8ea9980c7b2f:EliShip1' @ 'JointSurvival1' -3345.50, 180.50, -37106.50 messageToAllPlayersOnShip: Jumping DOWN by 163 blocks
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.getRealShipVolume_checkBedrock': 8.824 ms, total: 8.824 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.saveShip': 10.001 ms, total: 10.001 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.prepareToJump': 11.297 ms, total: 31.622 ms
[20:02:11] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveShip': 7.753 ms, total: 7.753 ms
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveShip': 9.021 ms, total: 9.021 ms
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Starmap registry (2 entries):
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: - SHIP 'EliShip1' @ -2: -3346, 180, -37107 with 0.0 isolation rate
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: - SHIP 'EliShip1' @ 0: -3346, 230, -37107 with 0.0 isolation rate
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Starmap registry (1 entries):
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: - SHIP 'EliShip1' @ 0: -3346, 230, -37107 with 0.0 isolation rate
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveShip': 147.563 ms, total: 147.563 ms
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFE@4a303cdc (ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFE@4a303cdc) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable@47466a97 (ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable@47466a97) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFSU@668a3028 (ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFSU@668a3028) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityCompressor@37d7953e (ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityCompressor@37d7953e) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityMetalFormer@65cf000c (ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityMetalFormer@65cf000c) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.reactor.tileentity.TileEntityNuclearReactorElectric@4a6b5dc (ic2.core.block.reactor.tileentity.TileEntityNuclearReactorElectric@4a6b5dc) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:13] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3346.00, y=166.00, z=-37109.00]
[20:02:13] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping halted in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM-2
[20:02:16] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [agq.h()Lsa;] @ 9 - 10
[20:02:16] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Loaded 9 waypoints from C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\waypoints
[20:02:16] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping started in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM0. Memory: 1111MB total, 577MB free
[20:02:22] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:02:22] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveEntities': 9147.4 ms, total: 9147.4 ms
[20:02:22] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Loading Local World
[20:02:24] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeShip': 1399.777 ms, total: 1399.777 ms
[20:02:25] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeShip': 758.051 ms, total: 758.051 ms
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Starmap registry (0 entries):
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeShip': 250.662 ms, total: 250.662 ms
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeDuplicates()': 0.239 ms, total: 0.239 ms
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.unforceChunks': 4.436 ms, total: 4.436 ms
[20:02:30] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerInventoryStore.onPlayerDeath(PlayerInventoryStore.java:303): Storing post-mortem inventory into C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.02.30-death-0.dat. It can be restored with command '/ob_inventory restore Spector19 Spector19-2015-08-29_20.02.30-death-0'
[20:02:30] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler.onPlayerDrops(PlayerDeathHandler.java:349): Scheduling grave placement for player 'GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3346.26, y=53.00, z=-37109.38]':'com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false]' with 20 item(s)
[20:02:30] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.trySpawnGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:230): Grave for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] will be spawned at (-3347,53,-37110)
[20:02:30] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.backupGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:275): Grave backup for player com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] saved to C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.02.30-grave-0.dat
[20:02:31] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Spector19 died at x:-3347, y:54, z:-37110. Deathpoint created: true
[20:02:34] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-188.50, y=74.00, z=249.50]
[20:02:34] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:02:35] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Loading Local World
[20:02:39] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:02:46] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:03:31] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:03:50] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: /space: teleporting player Spector19 to -2:JointSurvival1
[20:03:50] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3351.00, y=252.43, z=-37116.00]
[20:03:50] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping halted in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM0
[20:03:52] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:03:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Loading Local World
[20:03:53] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Loaded 10 waypoints from C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\waypoints
[20:03:53] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping started in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM-2. Memory: 1117MB total, 560MB free
[20:03:56] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerInventoryStore.onPlayerDeath(PlayerInventoryStore.java:303): Storing post-mortem inventory into C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.03.56-death-0.dat. It can be restored with command '/ob_inventory restore Spector19 Spector19-2015-08-29_20.03.56-death-0'
[20:03:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler.onPlayerDrops(PlayerDeathHandler.java:349): Scheduling grave placement for player 'GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3351.00, y=153.06, z=-37116.00]':'com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false]' with 19 item(s)
[20:03:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.trySpawnGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:230): Grave for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] will be spawned at (-3351,153,-37116)
[20:03:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.backupGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:275): Grave backup for player com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] saved to C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.03.56-grave-0.dat
[20:03:57] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Spector19 died at x:-3351, y:92, z:-37116. Deathpoint created: true
[20:03:58] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-199.50, y=68.00, z=245.50]
[20:03:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:03:58] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping halted in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurviva
There were no items found at the location where the ship jumped. There was an IC2 reactor on board, it was not running when i transitioned. The items came out of ME drives and chests. There was an Enantiomorphic Reactor on the ship, although i cant remember if it was running at the time. I have tried to replicate this bug, with no success.
I was also wondering if particle boosters can be placed vertically on top of lasers.
There's 2 calls to removeShip because your ship was fairly big.
You've died 4 seconds after the jump was finished, so it looks like something blew up on board. It's not the Enantiomorphic reactor (there's a log when it explodes), so it could be a creeper or your IC2 reactor. You could try to heat an IC2 reactor with 6 chambers, so it's above the limit for a reactor with no chamber, pretty sure it'll blow up when jumping in that case.
Laser medium can be put on any side for the Mining laser and Laser canon. They can be only top or bottom on the Enantiomorphic reactor.
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I have tried what you sugguested. I heated an IC2 reactor to 90% with 6 chambers, then transitioned to space and back 5 times with no issues. I also did not die from a reactor explosion, i died from falling. If it was an IC2 reactor explosion, some of the ship would have been left (stuff like the thermal expansion ducts), there was nothing.
I have tried what you sugguested. I heated an IC2 reactor to 90% with 6 chambers, then transitioned to space and back 5 times with no issues. I also did not die from a reactor explosion, i died from falling. If it was an IC2 reactor explosion, some of the ship would have been left (stuff like the thermal expansion ducts), there was nothing.
You died from fall damage through the missing part of the ship then?
Was the missing part aligned with chunk borders?
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There was no missing part of the ship. The entire ship was deleted, every block. The only reason i know the blocks were even placed was because of the huge mess on the ground.
Could you make it so you don't have to edit the config to set transition planes to go to other dimensions, and is there a way to make the warp jumps faster instead of having to wait like 30 seconds to go like 200 blocks if not please add a way to . Also how do you make a laser and a camera guided laser work?
Could you make it so you don't have to edit the config to set transition planes to go to other dimensions, and is there a way to make the warp jumps faster instead of having to wait like 30 seconds to go like 200 blocks if not please add a way to . Also how do you make a laser and a camera guided laser work?
What way would you prefer?
You can change the delay in the config, just take a look in config/WarpDrive/WarpDrive.cfg
Take a look at the wiki on github, it explains lasers there.
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One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. My Plugins: http://dev.bukkit.or...s/Numenorean95/
How exactly does getFirstHit() work? It seems to always return the same values (all 0, except for res which is -1), no matter how many times i fire the laser. Code:
while true do
local lx, ly, lz, id, meta, res = MainLaser.getFirstHit()
print("Hit: "..lx..","..ly..","..lz)
It would also be nice to be able to get the block that a camera is pointing at (for something like targeting a transporter)
How exactly does getFirstHit() work? It seems to always return the same values (all 0, except for res which is -1), no matter how many times i fire the laser. Code:
while true do
local lx, ly, lz, id, meta, res = MainLaser.getFirstHit()
print("Hit: "..lx..","..ly..","..lz)
It would also be nice to be able to get the block that a camera is pointing at (for something like targeting a transporter)
The values are all '0' because you called 'print' before the laser had fired, so it hadn't hit anything and the value, rightly, is still 0.
Incorrect. This is constantly running,and remained the same AFTER i had fired the laser using the monitor. From the usage i saw on the wiki, it seems like the values are supposed to change after each shot is fired, and remains the same until another shot is fired.
Incorrect. This is constantly running,and remained the same AFTER i had fired the laser using the monitor. From the usage i saw on the wiki, it seems like the values are supposed to change after each shot is fired, and remains the same until another shot is fired.
As long as the res value is -1, you may ignore the other values.
The values are only returned once, then it goes back to 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.
Since your loop is fairly fast, there's a good chance you'll miss the message with the actual coordinates.
Where did you read that the value would remains the same until another shot is fired, so I can correct it?
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
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Could you make it so you don't have to edit the config to set transition planes to go to other dimensions, and is there a way to make the warp jumps faster instead of having to wait like 30 seconds to go like 200 blocks if not please add a way to . Also how do you make a laser and a camera guided laser work?
Regarding transition planes, we'll address autoregistration once we've implemented the StarMap registry.
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
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so much work on a mod that I would so love to see stable for 1.7.10.
I so hope that Big reactor's turbines don't get rest for RPM when you jump, as that would make for long wait times if you use them.
Give it a try and tell us how it goes
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Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
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Just a small bug, some of the buttons in the GUI of the starmap are halfway off the screen so you can't read them. VERY cool starmap! I see a lot of work was put into it.
This is an old bug, update to latest alpha :).
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
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I can't find a version higher than 1.3.6? unless you moved the plane where you uploaded them without changing the third post and sorry I forgot to mention I am in 1.7.10
I have encountered an interesting bug. When i transitioned my ship from space back to the overworld, it appears to have placed the ship and then broken it again. I know that the blocks were actually placed because their inventories are on the ground where the ship came down. I did not notice anything abnormal in the logs, other than RemoveShip was called two more times than it normally is.
Did you a place a ship core next to the controller?
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
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Can you post those logs?
What blocks were in your ship?
You've found items on the ground only at target location? Source location was all cleared up (no blocks, no items)?
Do you happen to have a IC2 reactor on board?
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
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Here is the log:
[20:01:38] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:01:39] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: TileEntityShipCore 'EliShip1' @ 'JointSurvival1' -3346, 180, -37107 messageToAllPlayersOnShip: Running pre-jump checklist...
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'StarMapRegistry cleanup': 0.033 ms, total: 0.033 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: TileEntityShipCore 'EliShip1' @ 'JointSurvival1' -3346, 180, -37107 Performing basic jump of 10199 blocks inside (-3366, 160, -37127) to (-3326, 195, -37087) toward direction -2 over 128 blocks.
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.forceChunks': 1.5 ms, total: 1.5 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: EntityJump/2332 'cf9a3a49-60c4-49de-8b80-8ea9980c7b2f:EliShip1' @ 'JointSurvival1' -3345.50, 180.50, -37106.50 messageToAllPlayersOnShip: Jumping DOWN by 163 blocks
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.getRealShipVolume_checkBedrock': 8.824 ms, total: 8.824 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.saveShip': 10.001 ms, total: 10.001 ms
[20:02:10] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.prepareToJump': 11.297 ms, total: 31.622 ms
[20:02:11] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveShip': 7.753 ms, total: 7.753 ms
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveShip': 9.021 ms, total: 9.021 ms
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Starmap registry (2 entries):
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: - SHIP 'EliShip1' @ -2: -3346, 180, -37107 with 0.0 isolation rate
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: - SHIP 'EliShip1' @ 0: -3346, 230, -37107 with 0.0 isolation rate
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Starmap registry (1 entries):
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: - SHIP 'EliShip1' @ 0: -3346, 230, -37107 with 0.0 isolation rate
[20:02:12] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveShip': 147.563 ms, total: 147.563 ms
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFE@4a303cdc (ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFE@4a303cdc) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable@47466a97 (ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable@47466a97) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFSU@668a3028 (ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityElectricMFSU@668a3028) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityCompressor@37d7953e (ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityCompressor@37d7953e) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityMetalFormer@65cf000c (ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityMetalFormer@65cf000c) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [IC2.EnergyNet/]: EnergyNet.addTileEntity: ic2.core.block.reactor.tileentity.TileEntityNuclearReactorElectric@4a6b5dc (ic2.core.block.reactor.tileentity.TileEntityNuclearReactorElectric@4a6b5dc) is already added using the same position, aborting
[20:02:13] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3346.00, y=166.00, z=-37109.00]
[20:02:13] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping halted in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM-2
[20:02:16] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [agq.h()Lsa;] @ 9 - 10
[20:02:16] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Loaded 9 waypoints from C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\waypoints
[20:02:16] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping started in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM0. Memory: 1111MB total, 577MB free
[20:02:22] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:02:22] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.moveEntities': 9147.4 ms, total: 9147.4 ms
[20:02:22] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Loading Local World
[20:02:24] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeShip': 1399.777 ms, total: 1399.777 ms
[20:02:25] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeShip': 758.051 ms, total: 758.051 ms
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Starmap registry (0 entries):
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeShip': 250.662 ms, total: 250.662 ms
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.removeDuplicates()': 0.239 ms, total: 0.239 ms
[20:02:26] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: Profiling 'EntityJump.unforceChunks': 4.436 ms, total: 4.436 ms
[20:02:30] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerInventoryStore.onPlayerDeath(PlayerInventoryStore.java:303): Storing post-mortem inventory into C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.02.30-death-0.dat. It can be restored with command '/ob_inventory restore Spector19 Spector19-2015-08-29_20.02.30-death-0'
[20:02:30] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler.onPlayerDrops(PlayerDeathHandler.java:349): Scheduling grave placement for player 'GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3346.26, y=53.00, z=-37109.38]':'com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false]' with 20 item(s)
[20:02:30] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.trySpawnGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:230): Grave for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] will be spawned at (-3347,53,-37110)
[20:02:30] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.backupGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:275): Grave backup for player com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] saved to C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.02.30-grave-0.dat
[20:02:31] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Spector19 died at x:-3347, y:54, z:-37110. Deathpoint created: true
[20:02:34] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-188.50, y=74.00, z=249.50]
[20:02:34] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:02:35] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Loading Local World
[20:02:39] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:02:46] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:03:31] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save JointSurvival1
[20:03:50] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: /space: teleporting player Spector19 to -2:JointSurvival1
[20:03:50] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3351.00, y=252.43, z=-37116.00]
[20:03:50] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping halted in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM0
[20:03:52] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:03:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Loading Local World
[20:03:53] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Loaded 10 waypoints from C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\waypoints
[20:03:53] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping started in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurvival1\DIM-2. Memory: 1117MB total, 560MB free
[20:03:56] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerInventoryStore.onPlayerDeath(PlayerInventoryStore.java:303): Storing post-mortem inventory into C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.03.56-death-0.dat. It can be restored with command '/ob_inventory restore Spector19 Spector19-2015-08-29_20.03.56-death-0'
[20:03:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler.onPlayerDrops(PlayerDeathHandler.java:349): Scheduling grave placement for player 'GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-3351.00, y=153.06, z=-37116.00]':'com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false]' with 19 item(s)
[20:03:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.trySpawnGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:230): Grave for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] will be spawned at (-3351,153,-37116)
[20:03:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.common.PlayerDeathHandler$GraveCallable.backupGrave(PlayerDeathHandler.java:275): Grave backup for player com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e7386ac[id=a59462ef-7241-4c85-b13d-ab12c5f2032e,name=Spector19,properties={},legacy=false] saved to C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\JointSurvival1\data\inventory-Spector19-2015-08-29_20.03.56-grave-0.dat
[20:03:57] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Spector19 died at x:-3351, y:92, z:-37116. Deathpoint created: true
[20:03:58] [Server thread/INFO] [WarpDrive/]: onEntityJoinWorld GCEntityPlayerMP['Spector19'/154, l='JointSurvival1', x=-199.50, y=68.00, z=245.50]
[20:03:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughItems/]: Sending serverside check to: Spector19
[20:03:58] [Client thread/INFO] [journeymap/]: Mapping halted in C:\Users\Elijah\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\JointSurviva
There were no items found at the location where the ship jumped. There was an IC2 reactor on board, it was not running when i transitioned. The items came out of ME drives and chests. There was an Enantiomorphic Reactor on the ship, although i cant remember if it was running at the time. I have tried to replicate this bug, with no success.
I was also wondering if particle boosters can be placed vertically on top of lasers.
There's 2 calls to removeShip because your ship was fairly big.
You've died 4 seconds after the jump was finished, so it looks like something blew up on board. It's not the Enantiomorphic reactor (there's a log when it explodes), so it could be a creeper or your IC2 reactor. You could try to heat an IC2 reactor with 6 chambers, so it's above the limit for a reactor with no chamber, pretty sure it'll blow up when jumping in that case.
Laser medium can be put on any side for the Mining laser and Laser canon. They can be only top or bottom on the Enantiomorphic reactor.
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I have tried what you sugguested. I heated an IC2 reactor to 90% with 6 chambers, then transitioned to space and back 5 times with no issues. I also did not die from a reactor explosion, i died from falling. If it was an IC2 reactor explosion, some of the ship would have been left (stuff like the thermal expansion ducts), there was nothing.
You died from fall damage through the missing part of the ship then?
Was the missing part aligned with chunk borders?
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
Visit our Voltz PvP/raid server at pvp.worldwarminecraft.net:25555 .
Join the PvE survival challenge on FunSquareGames Arcania craft.
There was no missing part of the ship. The entire ship was deleted, every block. The only reason i know the blocks were even placed was because of the huge mess on the ground.
Could you make it so you don't have to edit the config to set transition planes to go to other dimensions, and is there a way to make the warp jumps faster instead of having to wait like 30 seconds to go like 200 blocks if not please add a way to . Also how do you make a laser and a camera guided laser work?
What way would you prefer?
You can change the delay in the config, just take a look in config/WarpDrive/WarpDrive.cfg
Take a look at the wiki on github, it explains lasers there.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
My Plugins: http://dev.bukkit.or...s/Numenorean95/
How exactly does getFirstHit() work? It seems to always return the same values (all 0, except for res which is -1), no matter how many times i fire the laser. Code:
while true do
local lx, ly, lz, id, meta, res = MainLaser.getFirstHit()
print("Hit: "..lx..","..ly..","..lz)
It would also be nice to be able to get the block that a camera is pointing at (for something like targeting a transporter)
The values are all '0' because you called 'print' before the laser had fired, so it hadn't hit anything and the value, rightly, is still 0.
Incorrect. This is constantly running,and remained the same AFTER i had fired the laser using the monitor. From the usage i saw on the wiki, it seems like the values are supposed to change after each shot is fired, and remains the same until another shot is fired.
As long as the res value is -1, you may ignore the other values.
The values are only returned once, then it goes back to 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.
Since your loop is fairly fast, there's a good chance you'll miss the message with the actual coordinates.
Where did you read that the value would remains the same until another shot is fired, so I can correct it?
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
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Join the PvE survival challenge on FunSquareGames Arcania craft.
The camera only gives angulations that are used by the laser beam.
The LUA API should actually returns those angulation instead of the block coordinate and id:metadata.
It's up to the shooter to compensate for the slight shift that occurs.
Regarding the transporter, we're missing a grabbing range since there's no point to catch the exact block where the transporter is.
Regarding transition planes, we'll address autoregistration once we've implemented the StarMap registry.
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
Visit our Voltz PvP/raid server at pvp.worldwarminecraft.net:25555 .
Join the PvE survival challenge on FunSquareGames Arcania craft.
so much work on a mod that I would so love to see stable for 1.7.10.
I so hope that Big reactor's turbines don't get rest for RPM when you jump, as that would make for long wait times if you use them.
Give it a try and tell us how it goes
Come visit us on WorldWarMinecraft series, now with space fights! Modpack is available here. Only 1GB RAM required! Lots of fun and no lag!
Visit our Voltz PvP/raid server at pvp.worldwarminecraft.net:25555 .
Join the PvE survival challenge on FunSquareGames Arcania craft.
Just a small bug, some of the buttons in the GUI of the starmap are halfway off the screen so you can't read them. VERY cool starmap! I see a lot of work was put into it.