There's little things that I want to be able to tweak as we get 1.9/1.10/1.11 snapshots, and instead of doing it the hard way of manually installing tweakclass mods, or the old-fashioned way of jar mods, I decided to make a simple loader based on code I already had for other similar projects. It's called Meddle.
Once Meddle is installed, mods are drag-and-drop, loaded from the "meddle" folder in your instance folder.
Meddle itself isn't Minecraft version-specific. It works through LaunchWrapper (used by Mojang to tweak older versions to work, and by Forge) to simply load tweak class mod jars from a folder. Theoretically it could work as far back as 1.6 or even older, though the mods would have to be compatible with the version of Minecraft you try to run it with.
Through a Meddle mod linked below called DynamicMappings, mods are able to programmatically detect the parts of code they want to use, and can theoretically work across many 1.9/1.10/1.11 snapshot versions without needing to be updated.
If you're interested in how Meddle works, or in making a mod yourself, Meddle is also open-source. Feel free to ask me for details.
Installing Meddle for MultiMC is fairly simple. Create a new instance for the game version you want. Now right-click it, pick "Instance Folder". From there, create a folder called "patches". Save the JSON file linked below into that folder. You're done! If you need a different version of Meddle, just modify the url as necessary.
First download the new Meddle Manager application. When you run it, it should automatically be able to detect your Minecraft installation folder, and display info about the newest version of Minecraft available, newest version of Meddle available, and the versions of Meddle you have installed.
Go to the Install Client tab, select the Minecraft snapshot you wish to install Meddle for (usually the latest), as well as the Meddle version, then click "Add Meddle Version to Launcher".
When you go back to the Info tab, you should see the version you just installed displayed in the box.
Now open or restart the standard Minecraft launcher. Click to add a new profile. Set the name, and optionally put it into a different game directory so that your saves and mods will be separate from your vanilla worlds. I highly recommend you disable "Automatically ask Mojang for assistance with fixing crashes" since they aren't responsible for any crashes Meddle might cause. You might wish to set Launcher Visibility to "Keep the launcher open" so that you can see if any errors occur during startup.
Select "Enable experimental development versions ("snapshots")". Now select the Meddle version you just installed from the version list.
You're done! Run the instance once so that it creates the necessary folders, then go into the "Game Directory" folder you picked, find the "meddle" folder it created (you'll also see "saves", "logs", "resourcepacks", etc), and drop your mods in.
Vanilla Launcher (manual install)
Using the vanilla launcher is slightly more complicated and not quite as flexible. These instructions will describe using snapshot 15w44b with Meddle 1.3. If you need a different Minecraft or Meddle version, just modify the url and instructions as necessary. First, download the following .json file:
Now find your Minecraft folder (Windows is %appdata%\.minecraft). Go to "versions". Make a new folder called "15w44b-meddle-1.3". Copy the json you downloaded from above into this folder.
Lastly, open the launcher (or restart it if it's open) and create a new profile using "15w44b-meddle-1.3" as the version. If it's not in the version list, make sure you have the box selected to enable snapshots.
Installation (for servers):
For servers, the process is automated. Download the ServerGenerator tool, then run it as follows:
So to install Meddle v1.2.2 for snapshot 15w42a into a "server" folder, you would use:
java -jar servergenerator-1.0.1.jar 15w42a 1.2.2 server
This downloads all the necessary files, and would create a server jar named meddle_server.15w42a-1.2.2.jar. This is what you would run to start the server.
During snapshots, if you want to be able to stay up to date, you can keep the ServerGenerator tool in the same directory as your server, and simply use a period for the destination directory. You'll just launch from the newly-created jar instead of the previous one.
Various mods can be used server-side-only if you wish. Mods known to work with vanilla clients are LeafDecay, FireSpread, AllTheItems, and BabyBuster. PhysicsFix is a client-side mod.
NOTE: There's currently a bug where output isn't being redirected to the graphical GUI, but still to the console. You can prevent the graphical GUI from showing up at all by adding "nogui" to the server command line, but there's a bug in Minecraft since 1.7.x which occasionally causes a crash on exit. I'll try to find a workaround to the former in hopes that Mojang fixes the latter.
In either installation case, run the game at least once to create your "meddle" folder inside your instance location. This is where you'll put the mods.
Note: All versions listed as "dynamic" should be capable of running across different snapshot versions! They need the DynamicMappings mod to work. You'll also have to check back to make sure your DynamicMappings is up to date when you update snapshot versions.
DynamicMappings -
Starting with Meddle v1.2, this mod is needed for running all "dynamic" mods! It contains the logic required to search Minecraft for locations necessary for modding. It's now separate to allow more frequent updates without updating Meddle itself.
Ever noticed how mobs seem to float a bit too much in the air when hit? This brings back the behavior of 1.7 and earlier. NOTE: There's a vanilla bug which this mod inadvertently emphasizes, where normally only a mob's shadow drops into the block below them, where as this mod results in mobs appearing to drop half-way into the block. It only occurs in certain situations.
MeddleAPI is an early API for creating higher-level mods that run on Meddle. Rather than simply tweaks, the goal for these mods is to add content. Since DynamicMappings is required for the API, mods can also take advantage of it to run across multiple snapshot versions.
To install the API, simply drop it into your Meddle folder with your other mods.
If it's working properly, you should see something like this on the title screen:
MeddleAPI mods install just as easily as standard Meddle mods.
Note: Items currently still use item IDs that are manually configured! Mods can create config files in the "config" folder in your Meddle folder for you to deal with this for the time being. If you're only running mods from this page then you don't even need to bother looking, they won't conflict. IDs must also match between clients and servers if you're connecting to a remote server.
Double Note: If you use these mods on a world, then load that world without the mods installed, Minecraft will silently remove all mod items from your inventories!
Just Backpack -
Adds a backpack item with 27 slots. Craft it with leather around a chest. They can be renamed in an anvil. It's a simplified version of my Forge-based mod Just Backpacks.
Note: This mod is very much still a prototype, it could lose items!
Adds two config file options: to drop all blocks affected by an explosion, and to prevent item entities from being destroyed by explosions. Both are enabled by default. This mod can be run on just the server-side if you want.
Allows you to mine entire veins of ore at a time. Hold shift to disable while digging. You can also specify the allowed blocks in the config file. It can be used just server-side if you prefer.
This is actually pretty interesting. Where did you find resources on tweak classes? Figure it would be great to port some mods of mine to Meddle, as it would simplify the cross version porting quite significantly. Anyway, this looks super cool, keep up this!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL MINECRAFT MOD SUPPORT AGENT, SO PLEASE DO NOT PM ME ABOUT PROBLEMATIC MODS THAT ARE NOT MINE. If you're having trouble/crashes with a mod, you'll have better luck resolving it in this forum section than PMing me. If you already made a topic, be patient about responses. If you have troubles with anything non-Minecraft related on your PC, I might be able to help, though, but no promises. Even though I could wish to be, I'm not a wizard.
It appears anything prior to 1.8.2 (1.8.1 and lower) crashes on startup with this. Works wonderfully on working versions, however
Meddle itself should theoretically work fine as far back as 1.6. 1.5 and earlier launched somewhat differently, so I can't guarantee success, particularly on very old versions where even Mojang and other launchers have to do tweaks to the game to make it work properly.
The mods themselves are generally version-specific, unless an author indicates otherwise.
This is actually pretty interesting. Where did you find resources on tweak classes? Figure it would be great to port some mods of mine to Meddle, as it would simplify the cross version porting quite significantly. Anyway, this looks super cool, keep up this!
As far as I know there are little to no resources on how to make tweak classes, it's just something I figured out on my own before by looking at how LaunchWrapper worked (which is fairly simple, actually). I'm going to put up the source to all of this when I get a chance, so people will at least be able to refer to that. Feel free to decompile the mods and copy out anything you need as a framework in the meantime.
Looks cool. Does Meddle mess with obfuscation at all? Do mod authors need to know anything about obfuscation to write mods for Meddle?
It's strictly just a pass-through to make it easier to load tweak class mods. The mod author will have to figure out the classes that they intend to modify using other methods/tools.
It's strictly just a pass-through to make it easier to load tweak class mods. The mod author will have to figure out the classes that they intend to modify using other methods/tools.
I've already done a bit of work deobfuscating 1.9 (currently snapshot 15w31a, haven't updated to b yet) using Cuchaz's Enigma tool:
YES! That's so odd, their animation is like slow-mo and feels unstimulating.
I definitely will try this mod. Thank you.
Just so you know, the 1.8 version linked in the description for the 1.9 one will work under Forge in 1.8 as well. You just have to toss it in your regular Forge mods folder.
Will there be a release where it works with the launcher and c? Or do I have to deal with a if I want to use the launcher? cuz multimc just doesn't want to work for me.
Will there be a release where it works with the launcher and c? Or do I have to deal with a if I want to use the launcher? cuz multimc just doesn't want to work for me.
Just taking a wild guess, but download Meddle into c as you would in a, just rename the Meddle json to c instead of a, and do the same in the ID field in the json itself. I looked through the jar file and json file from Meddle, and by the looks of it, this should work.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL MINECRAFT MOD SUPPORT AGENT, SO PLEASE DO NOT PM ME ABOUT PROBLEMATIC MODS THAT ARE NOT MINE. If you're having trouble/crashes with a mod, you'll have better luck resolving it in this forum section than PMing me. If you already made a topic, be patient about responses. If you have troubles with anything non-Minecraft related on your PC, I might be able to help, though, but no promises. Even though I could wish to be, I'm not a wizard.
Here is the edited JSON file. Not hard to edit, but felt like being the good guy who makes it easier for the lazy. Use this instead of the JSON file Fyber linked and you should be good to use this tweak on the launcher.
I just made some big updates to both Meddle and the mods. They're now capable of running on anything between Minecraft 1.8 and 15w31c for 1.9. These will theoretically work throughout the upcoming snapshots as well unless they make a significant-enough change that affects the dynamic mappings system I've started implementing.
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.fybertech.meddle.Meddle
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: Using primary tweak class name net.fybertech.meddle.Meddle
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.fybertech.meddle.Meddle
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: [Meddle] Found Tweakclass in firespread-dynamic-1.1.jar (net.fybertech.firespread.FireTweaker)
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: [Meddle] Found Tweakclass in leafdecay-dynamic-1.1.jar (net.fybertech.leafdecay.LeafDecay)
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: [Meddle] Found Tweakclass in physicsfix-dynamic-1.1.jar (net.fybertech.physicsfix.PhysicsTweaker)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/fybertech/meddle/mappings/DynamicMappings
at net.fybertech.firespread.FireTweaker.<init>(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.registerTransformer(
at net.fybertech.meddle.Meddle.injectIntoClassLoader(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.fybertech.meddle.mappings.DynamicMappings
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 10 more
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
There's little things that I want to be able to tweak as we get 1.9/1.10/1.11 snapshots, and instead of doing it the hard way of manually installing tweakclass mods, or the old-fashioned way of jar mods, I decided to make a simple loader based on code I already had for other similar projects. It's called Meddle.
Once Meddle is installed, mods are drag-and-drop, loaded from the "meddle" folder in your instance folder.
Meddle itself isn't Minecraft version-specific. It works through LaunchWrapper (used by Mojang to tweak older versions to work, and by Forge) to simply load tweak class mod jars from a folder. Theoretically it could work as far back as 1.6 or even older, though the mods would have to be compatible with the version of Minecraft you try to run it with.
Through a Meddle mod linked below called DynamicMappings, mods are able to programmatically detect the parts of code they want to use, and can theoretically work across many 1.9/1.10/1.11 snapshot versions without needing to be updated.
If you're interested in how Meddle works, or in making a mod yourself, Meddle is also open-source. Feel free to ask me for details.
Jump to Mods.
Jump to MeddleAPI.
Jump to MeddleAPI Mods.
Installation (for clients):
Installing Meddle for MultiMC is fairly simple. Create a new instance for the game version you want. Now right-click it, pick "Instance Folder". From there, create a folder called "patches". Save the JSON file linked below into that folder. You're done! If you need a different version of Meddle, just modify the url as necessary.
MultiMC JSON: Meddle v1.3
MultiMC JSON: Meddle v1.2.2
Vanilla Launcher (Beta installer method)
First download the new Meddle Manager application. When you run it, it should automatically be able to detect your Minecraft installation folder, and display info about the newest version of Minecraft available, newest version of Meddle available, and the versions of Meddle you have installed.
Go to the Install Client tab, select the Minecraft snapshot you wish to install Meddle for (usually the latest), as well as the Meddle version, then click "Add Meddle Version to Launcher".
When you go back to the Info tab, you should see the version you just installed displayed in the box.
Now open or restart the standard Minecraft launcher. Click to add a new profile. Set the name, and optionally put it into a different game directory so that your saves and mods will be separate from your vanilla worlds. I highly recommend you disable "Automatically ask Mojang for assistance with fixing crashes" since they aren't responsible for any crashes Meddle might cause. You might wish to set Launcher Visibility to "Keep the launcher open" so that you can see if any errors occur during startup.
Select "Enable experimental development versions ("snapshots")". Now select the Meddle version you just installed from the version list.
You're done! Run the instance once so that it creates the necessary folders, then go into the "Game Directory" folder you picked, find the "meddle" folder it created (you'll also see "saves", "logs", "resourcepacks", etc), and drop your mods in.
Vanilla Launcher (manual install)
Using the vanilla launcher is slightly more complicated and not quite as flexible. These instructions will describe using snapshot 15w44b with Meddle 1.3. If you need a different Minecraft or Meddle version, just modify the url and instructions as necessary. First, download the following .json file:
Vanilla JSON: 15w44b (with Meddle 1.3)
Now find your Minecraft folder (Windows is %appdata%\.minecraft). Go to "versions". Make a new folder called "15w44b-meddle-1.3". Copy the json you downloaded from above into this folder.
Lastly, open the launcher (or restart it if it's open) and create a new profile using "15w44b-meddle-1.3" as the version. If it's not in the version list, make sure you have the box selected to enable snapshots.
Installation (for servers):
For servers, the process is automated. Download the ServerGenerator tool, then run it as follows:
So to install Meddle v1.2.2 for snapshot 15w42a into a "server" folder, you would use:
This downloads all the necessary files, and would create a server jar named meddle_server.15w42a-1.2.2.jar. This is what you would run to start the server.
During snapshots, if you want to be able to stay up to date, you can keep the ServerGenerator tool in the same directory as your server, and simply use a period for the destination directory. You'll just launch from the newly-created jar instead of the previous one.
Various mods can be used server-side-only if you wish. Mods known to work with vanilla clients are LeafDecay, FireSpread, AllTheItems, and BabyBuster. PhysicsFix is a client-side mod.
NOTE: There's currently a bug where output isn't being redirected to the graphical GUI, but still to the console. You can prevent the graphical GUI from showing up at all by adding "nogui" to the server command line, but there's a bug in Minecraft since 1.7.x which occasionally causes a crash on exit. I'll try to find a workaround to the former in hopes that Mojang fixes the latter.
In either installation case, run the game at least once to create your "meddle" folder inside your instance location. This is where you'll put the mods.
Note: All versions listed as "dynamic" should be capable of running across different snapshot versions! They need the DynamicMappings mod to work. You'll also have to check back to make sure your DynamicMappings is up to date when you update snapshot versions.
DynamicMappings -
PhysicsFix -
LeafDecay -
FireSpread -
AllTheItems -
BabyBuster -
MeddleAPI is an early API for creating higher-level mods that run on Meddle. Rather than simply tweaks, the goal for these mods is to add content. Since DynamicMappings is required for the API, mods can also take advantage of it to run across multiple snapshot versions.
To install the API, simply drop it into your Meddle folder with your other mods.
If it's working properly, you should see something like this on the title screen:
MeddleAPI v1.0 (Requires Meddle v1.2.2+, DynamicMappings 005+)
MeddleAPI v1.0.1 (Requires Meddle v1.2.2+, DynamicMappings 006+)
MeddleAPI v1.0.2 (Requires Meddle v1.2.2+, DynamicMappings 009+)
MeddleAPI v1.0.3 (Requires Meddle v1.2.2+, DynamicMappings 012+)
MeddleAPI v1.0.4 (Requires Meddle v1.2.2+, DynamicMappings 013+)
MeddleAPI v1.0.5 (Requires Meddle v1.2.2+, DynamicMappings 015+)
MeddleAPI v1.0.6 (Requires Meddle v1.2.2+, DynamicMappings 019+)
MeddleAPI v1.0.7 (Requires Meddle v1.2.2+, DynamicMappings 028+)
MeddleAPI Mods:
MeddleAPI mods install just as easily as standard Meddle mods.
Note: Items currently still use item IDs that are manually configured! Mods can create config files in the "config" folder in your Meddle folder for you to deal with this for the time being. If you're only running mods from this page then you don't even need to bother looking, they won't conflict. IDs must also match between clients and servers if you're connecting to a remote server.
Double Note: If you use these mods on a world, then load that world without the mods installed, Minecraft will silently remove all mod items from your inventories!
Just Backpack -
Endermanage -
DoubleDoors -
ConnectedGlass -
JourneyStone -
MeddleGuide -
Blastproof -
HeavyMeddle -
FullyLoded -
Let me know if you find any problems!
WIP site for my mods / Intermediary / FMC / Redstone Paste / Hopper Ducts / Model Citizens / Simple Refinement / Endermanage / Fycraft / etc
What's the oldest version this works on?
This is actually pretty interesting. Where did you find resources on tweak classes? Figure it would be great to port some mods of mine to Meddle, as it would simplify the cross version porting quite significantly. Anyway, this looks super cool, keep up this!
I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL MINECRAFT MOD SUPPORT AGENT, SO PLEASE DO NOT PM ME ABOUT PROBLEMATIC MODS THAT ARE NOT MINE. If you're having trouble/crashes with a mod, you'll have better luck resolving it in this forum section than PMing me. If you already made a topic, be patient about responses. If you have troubles with anything non-Minecraft related on your PC, I might be able to help, though, but no promises. Even though I could wish to be, I'm not a wizard.
You're insane fyber. In a good way, that is. Keep up the good work man.
It appears anything prior to 1.8.2 (1.8.1 and lower) crashes on startup with this. Works wonderfully on working versions, howeverLooks cool. Does Meddle mess with obfuscation at all? Do mod authors need to know anything about obfuscation to write mods for Meddle?
Meddle itself should theoretically work fine as far back as 1.6. 1.5 and earlier launched somewhat differently, so I can't guarantee success, particularly on very old versions where even Mojang and other launchers have to do tweaks to the game to make it work properly.
The mods themselves are generally version-specific, unless an author indicates otherwise.
As far as I know there are little to no resources on how to make tweak classes, it's just something I figured out on my own before by looking at how LaunchWrapper worked (which is fairly simple, actually). I'm going to put up the source to all of this when I get a chance, so people will at least be able to refer to that. Feel free to decompile the mods and copy out anything you need as a framework in the meantime.
It's strictly just a pass-through to make it easier to load tweak class mods. The mod author will have to figure out the classes that they intend to modify using other methods/tools.
WIP site for my mods / Intermediary / FMC / Redstone Paste / Hopper Ducts / Model Citizens / Simple Refinement / Endermanage / Fycraft / etc
I've already done a bit of work deobfuscating 1.9 (currently snapshot 15w31a, haven't updated to b yet) using Cuchaz's Enigma tool:
Matter Overdrive co-developer. Maker of a number of other mods. Temporal Reality lead developer. Open source connoisseur.
YES! That's so odd, their animation is like slow-mo and feels unstimulating.
I definitely will try this mod. Thank you. | Armourer's Workshop Skins | MCHeli Content Pack Addons | Resource Packs | YouTube | G+ | Twitter
Just so you know, the 1.8 version linked in the description for the 1.9 one will work under Forge in 1.8 as well. You just have to toss it in your regular Forge mods folder.
WIP site for my mods / Intermediary / FMC / Redstone Paste / Hopper Ducts / Model Citizens / Simple Refinement / Endermanage / Fycraft / etc
Will there be a release where it works with the launcher and c? Or do I have to deal with a if I want to use the launcher? cuz multimc just doesn't want to work for me.
Just taking a wild guess, but download Meddle into c as you would in a, just rename the Meddle json to c instead of a, and do the same in the ID field in the json itself. I looked through the jar file and json file from Meddle, and by the looks of it, this should work.
I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL MINECRAFT MOD SUPPORT AGENT, SO PLEASE DO NOT PM ME ABOUT PROBLEMATIC MODS THAT ARE NOT MINE. If you're having trouble/crashes with a mod, you'll have better luck resolving it in this forum section than PMing me. If you already made a topic, be patient about responses. If you have troubles with anything non-Minecraft related on your PC, I might be able to help, though, but no promises. Even though I could wish to be, I'm not a wizard.
I'm really interested in where this goes so I'll do that and if it works, I'll figure out if I can post updated versions here for others to use.
Will there be a place you keep track of all the tweaks being made for this?
Here is the edited JSON file. Not hard to edit, but felt like being the good guy who makes it easier for the lazy. Use this instead of the JSON file Fyber linked and you should be good to use this tweak on the launcher.
You call that a version json? This... is a version json.
Mods I work on and maintain:
TabbyChat | Mine Little Pony
My Blog
I just made some big updates to both Meddle and the mods. They're now capable of running on anything between Minecraft 1.8 and 15w31c for 1.9. These will theoretically work throughout the upcoming snapshots as well unless they make a significant-enough change that affects the dynamic mappings system I've started implementing.
WIP site for my mods / Intermediary / FMC / Redstone Paste / Hopper Ducts / Model Citizens / Simple Refinement / Endermanage / Fycraft / etc
So you're making this into a runtime mcpatcher? That's actually super neat.
Mods I work on and maintain:
TabbyChat | Mine Little Pony
My Blog
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.fybertech.meddle.Meddle
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: Using primary tweak class name net.fybertech.meddle.Meddle
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.fybertech.meddle.Meddle
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: [Meddle] Found Tweakclass in firespread-dynamic-1.1.jar (net.fybertech.firespread.FireTweaker)
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: [Meddle] Found Tweakclass in leafdecay-dynamic-1.1.jar (net.fybertech.leafdecay.LeafDecay)
[15:15:37] [main/INFO]: [Meddle] Found Tweakclass in physicsfix-dynamic-1.1.jar (net.fybertech.physicsfix.PhysicsTweaker)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/fybertech/meddle/mappings/DynamicMappings
at net.fybertech.firespread.FireTweaker.<init>(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.registerTransformer(
at net.fybertech.meddle.Meddle.injectIntoClassLoader(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.fybertech.meddle.mappings.DynamicMappings
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 10 more
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
I'm getting a crash...
Looks like you're running Meddle 1.0, dynamic mods need 1.1. Just need to swap out or edit your JSON.
WIP site for my mods / Intermediary / FMC / Redstone Paste / Hopper Ducts / Model Citizens / Simple Refinement / Endermanage / Fycraft / etc