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Open Source
Idea Dump
the sole purpose being, to give ideas, most likely for a later date. I have more than an inkling of how hard coding is and how long it can take. I post this, not expecting any let alone half of these things being implemented. This is just for WBB and SWD to use if they feel like it.
1. How about adding some MCA (Minecraft Comes Alive) style interactions with other/NPC Queens.
2. Will it ever be possible that when playing MCA with this mod, the player can have a kid who is also a spider person?
3. This one comes from a manga about a girl that gets turned into a spider, but how about level up/progression system. Exp Points could be spent towards spider themed abilities, like poison talons, a larger, stronger body, the ability to produce more string, eggs things like that.
4. A spider themed magic system. Something similar to Blood Magic, but instead of an altar made of runic blocks, the altar would be constructed using spider web. Specifically a special web made from enchanting web and/or string. Instead of attacking mobs on it, cocooned victims are placed on it and instead of being eaten, they die but that gives the structure energy. This thing could then be used for special tasks, like spider themed items, the prior leveling system I mentioned, or special rituals like turning a player mob into a spider person loyal to the player. This could be all part of a progression system.
5. Squads. There is a mod called Overlord, that lets players make their own skeleton army. The chief feature is the ability to organize their skeletons into squads and control them directly based on those squads. As nice as the spiders are, they can a bit hard to manage when in larger numbers, or a players wants to pick out a specific spider(s) for a mission. This feature could be integrated with the existing rods, with the spider rod working for specific squads of spiders. All to help with the idea you're a spider 'queen' trying to carve out a domain.
Are you able to turn off a lot of stuff with the config? I really love the monsters and mostly would just like to have them spawn in my world without the rest of the features.
It can't be dead again....
Dangit, Why does this mod always have to go down the path of potentially dieing? I suppose our best hope is hoping the dev returns and updates it around halloween, this mod fits the theme somewhat right?
So another idea dump this one about the Spider Themed Magic system. As I said before it's based on Blood Magic, the whole drain victims life to magical power that is focused via a multi block structure(s). Fair warning this may get long.
An idea for the webbing is special Lapis Lazuli infused webbing, so the blocks are not so easy to just get. The structure would be stone surrounded by a ring of special webbing and then normal webbing, and a ring of wood logs and towers that connect the corners/sides via webbing like spider legs, and an enchantment table for the interface. That would be level one. To get energy you devour a victim on the platform in the center. However, instead of getting hunger, or eggs etc, it all goes to the stored amount of energy. The reason for this is that this probably something the player would make underground.
Spells/Rituals/ General Ideas
Besides using stored life points to enhance stats like, the amount of webbing one produces, claw damage, add a poison effect to one's claws and/ore feed on an unbound target and poison them, you could increase fertility (how many eggs one can expect to get at once) or even a vampiric bite on an unbound victim that drains their life and adds it to their stored life points. Also undead creatures like Zombies and Skeletons, should not produce 'life force', or blood (whatever Nova and Bama decide to use) for obvious reasons.
Mass Hatching: If you want a bunch of creeper spiders, get some eggs, put them on the platform, but four bound creepers on the corners, and go to the enchantment table. Instantly all the creepers will die, and depending on how much life force you have stored, the eggs will turn into creeper spiders.
Thralls: Put a bound player npc in the platform, right click them with a spider egg, start the ritual, and they work for you now. You can use them as guards, or send them to collect resources or animals. Devious I know, but this is the Spider Queen mod, not the fairy queen mod. Set them to a bed, and if you're in multiplayer, you have a little army to watch your back during daytime (assuming players have the chance to choose if they will be spider or human) without immediately tipping off were your nest is. You could even make a little town above your den as a door stop for any would be adventurers. Heck give them webbing to let them capture other player NPCs (sounds like a roleplay...huh...).
Spider Person: My two possible ideas for this, is an upgrade on the thralls, turning them into spider people with the upper body of the player skin, or a ritual involving an egg, a skull, brain, bones, lungs, heart etc, surround with webbing to make a cocoon. Begin the ritual and you have a spider person serving you. They could possibly produce their own mini-army but they basically act as squad leaders. You can assign spiders to them and give them weapons.
The Umbrella: Not a ritual just an item you can craft, holding it in the other hand and you don't get weakness will walking in daylight.
Spider Dragon: Did you defeat the ender dragon? Great! Now turn its offspring into an unholy affront to God and nature to serve as your ultimate weapon for you ambition of global dominance via a ritual that involves the egg, fire and poison webbing, several of your own eggs, a massive high level structure, and a copious amounts of life energy from an uncountable number of victims and maybe even some ender and blitz spiders as sacrifices...I'm beginning to fear something is wrong with me...meh. Obviously this is end game, biggest possible structure, massive amount of energy gathered, sort of stuff.
Web Armor: Use webbing forged/enchanted by the structure to defend yourself. Each blow will instead be taken out of your life energy reserve instead of your health bar.
Spider Golem: A ritual involving iron blocks, and an egg. Instead of attacking you or mobs in general, it attacks whatever attacks you or whichever faction hates you at the moment.
Sheep Spider: Not good for anything but producing more thread for you.
A book/In-Game Wiki: Basically a book, calling it the Book of Lolth/webbing, the Webnomicon, Spiders for Dummies, whatever, basically the player crafts it and gets a run-down of the mod's features and what not.
Squid Spider: Either they can blind enemies and/or they can swim and be ridden in the water.
Level Up Spiders: Put your chosen spider on the platform, some sacrifices on the sides, and start the ritual, converting the life points of the sacrifices and the stored life points into experience for the spider to use.
Spider Banners: Nuff said. Some decoration for your lair besides webbing and maybe your thrall village.
Player Skin: Sacrifice a player NPC in a ritual involving shears....and you get the player skin item. Put it on like a chest piece, and your character model immediately becomes that of the player you...sacrificed. Your spider powers are limited, your minions may not recognize you and but hey, at least player npcs won't immediately attack you...and you have some left over organs to give as peace word why am I enjoying this....?! Anyways, the skin doesn't last forever considering...proportions, so don't go thinking you can hide out in a human village forever
MCA/ Spider Queen Interaction
Half Spider Children: If you have an MCA spouse and a wife, chances are that kid would end up as a spider person, or half spider person. You could also do a ritual or make a special potion to convert them into a full spider person, which your spouse may, or may not like the idea off (then again they married you so it's a bit late to be upset about a spider for a kid...)
Spider Clothes, use webbing and the needle from MCA to make clothes that actually appear on your Spider model.
Villager Thralls: Why pay money when you can instead implant a baby spider into their brain get to the point. I imagine there would be unique consequences for each type of villager. A Cleric Thrall could have an interesting use...or you could just use them as meat shields...
For now that's all I got. Please note, no, I don't expect every if any one of these ideas to implemented, I have a fair idea of how...annoying coding can be, and this is just for fun and if the developers decide to use these ideas, cool. That said, anyone else has any other ideas?
A question and more ideas.
How will Spider Queen react to Animania, a mod that changes vanilla animals like chickens, cows and pigs? Will those animals just turn into vanilla webbing victims?
Also, maybe some character interactions for Spider Persons, like sending them off hunting, to come back with bounds victims and such, or even use them in the same way heirs worked in MCA. When on hard mode, if you die, you came back playing as one of your spider person offspring. If you wanted to get back all of your levels, your would have to find the location of your previous character's resting place, extract the 'Heart of the Queen' item, either eat it and get back your levels and abilities or perform a ritual.
Also, another use for Thralls, is that they could serve as scouts. Perhaps via a ritual or special item you could puppet a thrall and use them for long distance recon and/or assassination missions. You could even make thralls out of animals, though not Spiders, or any undead creature for obvious reasons.
An idea for the web structure, is an upgrade or different structure that involves the Nether Portal, like a portal structure filled with string instead lit by fire and serving to funnel 'nether essence' into eggs and/or items, a ring of obsidian with enchanted and blaze string etc as the final level of the structure.
Nether Shards. Harvested from the Spider Nether Portal, they could be used to upgrade on the web structure. Put them on grass on they increase the change of mobs spawning. Use them to form a command staff that lets you put Spiders into Squads, or use them and a bound NPC that would give a normal spider to create a Wither Spider. You could also use them in potions for a splash potion that sets everything on fire, or gives wither.
Spider Squads: There is a mod called Overlord that lets you create a skeleton army. It lets the user organize its minions into squads that can be controlled as a squad instead of individually. This is a trait I'm sure a lot of people want as Spiders are a pain to control other wise. One option is a rod made using a nether shard instead of a spider eye or torch. Options include, stay, wander, follow and guard a certain area. The other option is the Spider Person. Have Spiders assigned to follow them and the player can interact with them like their were an MCA villager/Guard.
Spider Heir Ring: With a Spider Person, you can give them a ring made using gold and a spider eye. This will mark them as their heir and as mentioned above, allow the player to survive on hard mode.
Boss Ideas
Spider Demon: Based on Lolth the spider demon/goddess from DND this battle would take place either in the nether it self, or which ever Spider Nether Portal the player uses. It's basically a giant spider with ghast abilities and who leaves behind fire and/or poison webbing. They can also break through everything beneath iron in terms of hardness.
Spider Crown/Spider Empress/Evil Spider Queen: A one time event (assuming you win the battle) where in the player crafts a crown using a nether shard, gold and webbing. When they put it on, it starts a timer, wherein an Evil Spider Queen, or the 'Spider Empress' will spawn and move towards the player's base with her own spider army. If the player wins, the other spider queens will forever be loyal to them no matter what.
Wars/ Monster Monarchs: It would be cool if somewhere in the world, there were structure sporting the monarchs of each type of mob, except endermen (beat the Ender Dragon to do that). The player could seek them out and destroy their monarch, taking their crown and scattering that monster nation. Afterwards no mob of that type will bother the player again.
Human Kingdoms: one or several structures that spawn, basically a walled town with a castle, within which are numerous adventurers, guard mobs, iron golems and a king mob. It's not so much a boss as the whole place is a challenge to conquer.
does armor render on your spider queen player model for anyone?
what happened to this mod? I can't seem to download it
no its just that its just the developer alone that has to work on this, also he has a lot of things to do so he really doesn't have much time to really work on the mod.
Ok what is the difference between this mod and spider queen reborn?
They're basically the same mod, but this one brings back features from the original mod.
So a quick question could you have a player be a queen and another a regular player is it possible I want to use the spider queen mod with my friend ounce I get my new pc.
Had some ideas/improvements for this wonderful mod....
- The ability to release captured mobs from their web cocoons
- bring back the ghast spiders!
- Maybe some kind of mind control for mobs? (I don't know if a human would be so calm as to watch a giant spider/person come up to them and shoot webs at them. Maybe you would have to transfix them somehow?)
Hooray for 2 years in the mod void! Free cakes to everyone!
But seriously..I just want this to work without missing a ton of content on original minecraft :{
By the gods, I really wish I could have the time and dedication to learn how to mod and help ç.ç
Itty bitty texture space
how have i not noticed this before? my lord they bringing the good mods back! whens creeps and wierdo's next? xD
I hear you. All we can do is be patient.
So, pretty major literally game breaking bug. Randomly, when I cocoon an entity, it will just flat out crash the game. Is there a fix for it or do you just not intend to work on the game anymore? If not, that's fine, I'll find another mod. It's just that nothing is the same!