hmm have I downloaded an outdated mod then? I've download "saoui-1.9.4-1.6.0.jar"
no its been fixed in the grand scheme of things but we haven't released it yet as new features are still being worked on.
When i try to add my friend to a party on the Wynncraft server, it says "invalid command". Why does this happen, and is there any way for me to fix it?
it's because wynncraft or any other server that returns that has removed the default message command that the mod uses to send/confirm parties. there's currently no way around it.
inventory is in the profile tab. just click the top of the menu then items? but if you want normal minecraft inventory its under skills crafting.
cross hair is under UI options at the bottom of the first menu. should be easy enough to find everything if you give yourself time to learn it
Did you try scrolling down?
Also, some people have reported that option as not working. So it's possible too.
"‘Checkmate’ doesn’t mean you’ve simply cornered the enemy king. It's a declaration that the enemy king is yours."
"Hate me, you can't escape me!"
SAO UI mod, now maintained by me and an awesome team of artists
If my comment helped you, don't hesitate to hit that green UP arrow
plz update for mc 1.7.10
and fix bug with shadow in ui(in creative mode its error)
and add chat in ui
last plz add guild system
plz read above
plz read faq
last plz check releases
"‘Checkmate’ doesn’t mean you’ve simply cornered the enemy king. It's a declaration that the enemy king is yours."
"Hate me, you can't escape me!"
SAO UI mod, now maintained by me and an awesome team of artists
If my comment helped you, don't hesitate to hit that green UP arrow
Are you planning on making the friends and party features a thing? maybe use options to add commands for certain servers.
try going to options and enabling default death.
It's already in since long ago...
Known to be broken on servers that modified the whisper command though (I believe the mod uses /tell, well the first one that mc gives as whisper command)
What about that?
"‘Checkmate’ doesn’t mean you’ve simply cornered the enemy king. It's a declaration that the enemy king is yours."
"Hate me, you can't escape me!"
SAO UI mod, now maintained by me and an awesome team of artists
If my comment helped you, don't hesitate to hit that green UP arrow
Should I be able to scroll through the quest list? Currently it just looks like this, but I can't scroll further up or down, nor does clicking any of them do anything.
The world in question can not be found.
Hmm using the latest update on a multiverse server that increases your health per level. Upon world change, the UI resets back to 20/20 and requires a relog to set it back thought then it's stuck at 20/total of health. Not sure if there is anything that can be done on your side but reporting it nonetheless.
What about increasing health.
I know this may have been suggested before but.
What if, instead of like having 10 extra hearts at the start.
Why not have it like when you level up you get an extra half heart.
Or maybe you can try to implement something like a skill tree
EDIT: Can I apply for Tester. I really wanna see this mod grow. Such a great idea with already fruitful results
not suggested before because it does not modify the game aside from changing the UI
you do not have 10 extra hearts.. you have 10 hearts each having a half value which means you have 20 hit points. I'd say look into things abit more before you make assumptions on how things work. Again client-side mod only so nothing that would effect the game. pretty sure that is on the FAQ..
all development builds are posted there. pretty sure its mentioned in the first post aswell which i don't get why people can't read that atleast before posting.
sorry if i seemed alittle rude its just repeated asking of the same questions which are awnsered pretty well in the first post annoys me.
Good mod!But it need more effects!
like this
Cloud you every update call me?I want to translate it to Chinese
or I send you lang files.
this cool mod but...
in the description on the first page was a description of the minimap, but the game doesn't have it ... (1.10.2) if I can wait the minimap?
and one more thing about the online mode.
1 - how does the Guild
2 - you could add "select players", namely to do a strip of blue lives and the option to add a friend without his confirmation I can't explain why but that would be better
I have all
3 - when killing characters crystal does not change color to yellow or red)p.s
in the second and third paragraph, I mean the bar which in the picture
thank you for your praise but...
in the description of the mod on the first page was a mention of a compatibility with minimap mods. *I think i could be mistaken but I'm afraid you mis-understood the area you were reading.
1- guild does not. *your english is abit of a struggle to read thus i shall reply the same.* kidding.. the guild does not function yet it is still on the list of things we'd like to do but it is not a priority.
2 I'm not sure what your suggesting if you mean the option to select a player other then using the menu. and adding a friend with out his confirmation is not currently possible how ever it is something we could look into doing I've forwarded it to the team. but it won't be released until the rework is done.
3 this is not a thing because it was broken from the start and there is not a way to fix it with out making it a server required mod which we do not wish to do. how ever server support for stuff like this might be possible in the future.
I know what I mean and I mean this map (spoiler) but not other minimap-mods
Ah right, that was disabled for the time. I'm not sure when it will be re-implemented.