There's a lot to love in this mod, but one very VERY frustrating bit keeps rearing its ugly undead head. I'll have just had an epic parkour/run-for-my-life (totally planned, naturally), to climb atop a tree to catch my breath, and scope the clearest route to the fortified town nearby. Just as I had picked a path, a Z-1 spawned IN MY TREE and promptly slapped me back to hell. Upon respawning, I quickly found my death site, conveniently evacuated of the dead. I collected my meager belongings, only to have A HORDE SPAWN IN MY TREE. One zombie, okay, sure; he might have buggered his way up on accident (a frantic, hopping accident). But to see a torrent of around a dozen zombies haphazardly land on my face certainly kills the fun. Can you implement a radius that they WON'T spawn around? Perhaps not in trees? Or is there a spot in the .cfg that controls that? I'd really like to have the thrill of the chase, without knowing that some utterly pissed and spiteful zombie god is watching... and waiting.. for me to be in a tree.
I can make it so that they won't spawn when the player is within a ten-block radius of a bed (which would suggest that they are in a house) and would therefore make it safe for you when you are in your house. Additionally, to make it so that you can actually hide from them, I can make it so that they won't spawn within five blocks of the player in either direction (making trees and holes safe). Would that be good?
*fist bump back*
Download minecraft forge for minecraft 1.8. (Search "minecraft forge download" on google). It will download a .jar file. Double click it. Select "install client" on the window that pops up. Next, go into the "mods" folder in your minecraft folder (%appdata% on pc, Users/<username>/Application Support on mac) and drag and drop the zombie apocalypse mod file there.
alright thanks
No prob
That sounds great! Thanks for hearing me out. I can't wait to get absorbed in this mod! Best of luck with the adjustments, and thanks again!
is this for 1.8 or 1.7.10? put a version tag
nevermind,BUT I WANT THIS FOR 1.7! sorry for the caps,i just want this mod for 1.7 so bad that popularmmos reviewed this
Why don't you just download forge 1.8? 1.7 is MASSIVELY different from 1.8, and I really don't want to have to synchronize mods for two separate versions, as it would get quite tedious.
hey pdogmuncher! what are your plans for the next update?
Mostly I'm just implementing some requested features. I'm adding planes, fixing some bugs, making zombies easier to avoid, maybe adding a few new guns, etc.
Can't wait for the next update pdogmuncher!
No, sorry, it's just WAY too different from 1.8 from a programming standpoint, and I don't want to have to curate two separate mods that are just slightly different, it would get quite tedious. You can download forge for 1.8, as far as I've seen it is very stable.
First, let me just say how unbelievably happy you've made me. The idea that there is a new apocalypse mod out there (the solar apocalypse got boring) and this one adds STRUCTURES?! This makes my day. I tap my pip-boy to you sir.
Secondly, I have one or two requests. I understand some of these might be a little bit out there, but I post them nonetheless. Firstly, I think it would be cool for you to add some form of shelter or bunker that was built specifically for the apocalypse, like an underground village. Next, I think to add to the apocalyptic feel, you could add abandoned villages and random buildings that can be looted. Also, roads that connect structures. Just something to give a wanderer some direction.
Lastly, I think is would awesome if you had random survivors that interact in different ways. Spawned rarely, they might trade or attack. That's all I've got. I don't expect you to implement any or all of these, this is the mod you wanted, not the mod I wanted. Anyway, props for the mod, I will be using it. A lot.
How do I download this in 1.7.10?
The mod is 1.8 specific.
All-new update released! Hope you guys like it!
Downloading now, and thanks for the shout out
I wasn't trying to sound upset or angry in my comment, I just wanted anyone reading it to get a giggle, so I hope no hostility was conveyed.
Thanks for being open with your soon-to-be legion of fans thanks to this mod (myself included).
That's fine, no hostility taken
You should always feel free to share your opinions, it's how this mod becomes better!
Hope you like the new update!
I love the new update!
thank you so much for the hoe in the swiss army knife, it really helps for my personal mod pack.
bugs: whenever a vechile is placed down, something floats out of it
suggestion: please increase the durability of the knife, for it is way too low for something so expensive.
thanks for another great job!