can you please give sneak peeks to the new update?
as it stands a lot of my favorite.mods are in 1.7.10
awesome i cat wait to see it!
I actually don't have much of it done yet, but once I have something substantial I'll release something
This mod is safe, right?
Yes, it is as safe as a mod can be. Forge uses a separate profile, so it won't edit the core of minecraft and you can switch back to vanilla easily.
anything new to announce?
Well, we've reached 3000 views, so it's time for the promised update sneak peek!
This next update will include mostly features for firearm-based adventure maps and PvP. Many of the new features will revolve around the addition of ID tags. ID tags identify the holder's team for PvP and adventure maps. Some added ID tags include those for the GSG 9, IDF, and GIGN (German, Israeli, and French counterterrorist units) as well as many others. Holding a tag prevents you from shooting your teammates, and reskins your weapons to be those of the country whose ID tag you are holding. I also plan to create many military-themed solo, co-op, and PvP adventure maps, which will be released periodically. Additionally, I will create a series of adventure maps detailing the story of the zombie apocalypse.
This update will also bring some additional miscellaneous features, such as potentially a new generated structure
Opinions on the planned update?
It's interesting, but some of us only play in single player. Maybe you could add more to the magic aspect. Maybe, to the survival, you could add a thirst type feature. Look at the mod EnviroMine, it features a camel pack where you drink automatically. Maybe you have to equip a camel pack to drink water every 10 or 20 mins or you will die. Also, add vechiles, if possible. Thanks!
P.s. if possible can you add:quivers and camel packs, where you can store arrows in the quiver and water in the camel pack and equip it in your chest piece slot of storage saving.
Thanks for your feedback! There will definitely be features for SP included. Most of the major multiplayer features I mentioned were fairly quick to implement, so now I'm working mostly on SP stuff. Also, the features added were for both adventure maps and MP, and I'm already making some adventure maps for the mod that can be played solo. As for vehicles, thirst, and quivers: I've already put in about 20 hours trying to get vehicles to work to no avail, so I kind of gave up on that. I might give it another go sometime in the future, though. I can try to implement thirst, but that would require a lot of advanced packet handling so I can't promise anything. As for quivers, you can already store five stacks of arrows in a backpack and put it in the chestplate slot.
After spending numerous hours getting nowhere and nearly throwing my computer at the wall multiple times, I've figured out how to make vehicles. I'll include them in the next update.
thank you so much for vechiles!
Very nice. I have looked at other zombie type mods and this seems very intriguing. As soon as this gets released, I'm downloading it. Keep up the good work.
I love your work realy great
but magic in a zombie apocalupse realy...
thats sound realy dumb i dont think there is something releted to zombie apocalype
a zombie apocalype is spouse to be a survival thing
i just dont get it why there is magic
but still keep up the good work you are an excellent mod creater
TBH the reason there is magic is that this is my first mod, and I created bronze and magic stuff to try and get the feel of forge before adding more advanced stuff. If it really bothers you, you can either just ignore the magic stuff completely or pretend that it's technologically advanced uber-bronze or something.
It's already available if you want to download it. Go to the main thread page and select "mediafire download."
No prob
yeah, I already downloaded the zombieapocalypse-1.1.jar and it keeps crashing, was waiting on an updated version.
Here's all the logs from the launcher
Ok, finally managed to get the world to load, mapwriter was causing an issue. Now when the world loads, it's extremely laggy and the console is spammed with this message.
I am assuming by your first crash report that you have numerous other mods present. Chances are one of them is causing the problem or some interaction between my mod and your other mods is causing the problem. If you have any non-forge mods active it is likely that my mod wouldn't be compatible with them. I'm really sorry it's not working