Welcome to the Minecraft War Z Mod!
A new update is coming soon! Stay tuned, and let me know if there's anything you'd like to see added!
THIS MOD IS 1.8 ONLY. I acknowledge that lots of people use 1.7.10, but updating, especially backwards updating, is a pain, so I'm unfortunately not going to be able to provide a 1.7.10 version.
This mod adds tons of new items, blocks, mobs, and structures to the world of Minecraft.
Due to the sheer amount of additions, I can't outline everything here, so I would advise that you play around a bit with this mod in creative to figure out the different features it has to offer.
Update: Version 1.8: The More Survival Items Update
This is going to be the last update for a while. It has some pretty cool additions, though.
Crossbow - like a bow, but it primes itself without holding down right-click
Flare - right click to light it, and right click again to drop it. It attracts hostile mobs.
Throwing knife - does four damage, and can be thrown.
Gun recoil - gun recoil now causes your cursor to move upwards, to allow you to spray more accurately.
Zombie AI - in apocalypse worlds, after one day the zombies will swarm the city. Use your one-day safety period to fortify your city.
Bug fixes - numerous bugs have been fixed
Update: Version 1.7: The Dragons, Dragons, and More Dragons Update
This update is the first update since this mod's release that features magic-related changes!
This update adds a new dimension! It can be accessed by using the X-Dimensional Entrance Key, and left using the X-Dimensional Exit Key. This dimension contains a huge amount of moss stone. Also dragons. There are fire, ice, lightning, cosmic, and earth dragons. Each one drops its respective staff. In survival mode, play the dragon flute to summon a dragon and bring the dragons around you towards you. In creative, right click with it to attract all dragons around you.
Other additions/bugfixes:
- Citizen houses are now more safe
- Swiss Army Knife efficiency has been improved for the axe tool
- Added a survival guide to apocalypse worlds
- Other stuff that I may have forgotten about
Update: Version 1.6: The World War Z Update
This update brings a bunch of changes to turn this mod into a WWZ-based mod (which it already sort of was, but it's more so now).
Many people have inquired about switching guns so that they fire when you right-click. This update finally brings that functionality.
This update adds the Standard Infantry Rifle and Lobo from World War Z. The S.I.R. is able to destroy zombies in one hit, and the lobo does more damage than a diamond sword and can be used as a shovel.
Additionally, this update adds the world type Apocalypse. With this world type you spawn in a large unfortified city with zombies right outside it (it's not that big right now, but I'm working on it). You must defend yourself and your village if you wish to survive. By right-clicking on a citizen with a gun, you turn it into a survivor. No longer are citizens useless! How will you defend your village?
This update also adds injuries and new medical supplies!
Broken leg - happens after taking a 5+ block fall. Prevents you from sprinting.
Bleeding - you gain 10min of bleeding occasionally when taking damage. Once you reach the last 20 seconds of the condition you start taking damage and then die. You can also have a chance of your wound becoming infected.
Infected wound - happens occasionally during bleeding. Makes you take damage.
Med supplies:
Cast - reduces broken leg time to 25%
Bandage - cures bleeding and heals a bit of health
Med kit - cures bleeding and infections
Update: Version 1.5: The Character Update
This update is jam-packed with features and fixes (some of which I may have forgotten about in this changelog).
This update most notably allows you to play as different characters in the apocalypse. Characters include the soldier, citizen, survivor, and apocalypse expert. To change which character you are, when creating a world change the world type (the button that usually allows you to change to default, superflat, amplified, etc.) and choose one of the characters. Each character starts with a different backpack stocked with some useful items (survivors get items such as tents and food, soldiers get guns, etc.) and most of the characters (with the exception of the survivor) start in a structure. A new structure, the apocalypse bunker, has been added to this update, and it is the structure the apocalypse expert starts by. Each of the characters have a different level of difficulty, with survivor being substantially harder than the others.
This update also adds configuration file support. The mod's config file can be used to adjust structure rarity and change entity IDs. This should fix issues relating to conflicting entity IDs and zombie rendering. Canned beans have also been added, which appear in chests in apocalypse bunkers. Additionally, Z1 zombies now do less damage.
Numerous other bugs have been fixed, such as the lack of hostile mobs spawning in Z1-infested worlds.
Update: Version 1.4: The Apocalypse Survival Update
This update makes a significant amount of change to Z1 Zombie spawning mechanics. Zombies now spawn at chunk load and at no other time. This means that once you clear an area of zombies and fortify it, it will stay clear for good.
Since the presence of zombies at world spawn will inevitably cause many early deaths in survival worlds, players now spawn with a backpack. Inside the backpack is some food, a wood sword, a few grenades, and a tent. Additionally, it contains a writable book containing the player's basic backstory.
This update also adds a new structure, the stilt house, and an entity, the Survivor. Survivors spawn in stilt houses (which are basically houses on stilts, as the name suggests), and have similar AI to soldiers. Additionally, you can trade with Survivors to obtain items otherwise unobtainable in-game (other than in dungeon chests) (such as chain armour and saddles).
Also, some of you may have noticed that chests in armoured villages are empty. Village houses and stilt houses now each contain a randomized backpack containing random loot such as food, saplings, and other cheap items. They also very rarely contain a gun.
This update also brings medpacks and bandages, which can be used to quickly heal health. I also added three new guns (because why not). The durability or the swiss army knife has also been increased.
Update: Version 1.3: The Guns and Air Transport Update
It's once again time for a new update!
Most prominently, this update brings two new air vehicles, the airplane and the helicopter. Helicopters move similarly to cars, but can fly up by pressing the space key. Airplanes are steered like a car, but when you press 'W' to move forwards you also gain altitude, so you can soar majestically across the countryside.
The next most prominent feature is the addition of over 15 new guns! This mod now includes the most popular guns from FN Herstal, SIG Sauer, Heckler & Koch, Steyr, and IMI. The new guns are shown below.
Additionally, gun mechanics have been reworked. Semi-auto guns are now actually semi-auto, as they now shoot one bullet per button press rather than shooting full auto but slowly. Additionally, recoil on guns no longer causes the player's crosshair to move, but rather causes the next shot to shoot more upwards and be less accurate. Recoil resets quickly after you let the gun cool down for a second. Also, a gun's stats (e.g: fire rate, damage) are shown in the player's inventory to give a better idea of how they work. To make guns easier to obtain in survival, a soldier will now drop a gun upon being killed.
This update also adds numerous patches and bug fixes, and Z1 Zombies are a bit slower and now will not spawn within 10 blocks of the player. Credit to Wytch for the idea. Thank you Wytch. Also, a couple of the more obscure features (such as c4 needing to be placed on redstone) have been made less obscure through chat messages and etc.
Update: Version 1.2: The Transportation and Ultra-Zombies Update
This mod has reached 1300 downloads, so we're releasing a brand new update with tons of new features!
In the last update, zombies were given additional behaviours such as spawning during daytime and not burning up. They have now been returned to normal. Instead, these features have been given to a new mob, the Z-1 Disease Zombie! These zombies are much faster than normal zombies, spawn alone and in hordes during the day, cannot burn up, and have the same attacks as normal zombies. They make the game much more challenging given their speed. They attack players, citizens, soldiers, and villagers.
Additionally, this update adds vehicles! The first vehicle, the car, is, well, a car. Cars must be filled up with petroleum. They allow you to get around quickly. The second type, the Mob Transporter, allows you to quickly and easily build mob farms. Push a transporter into a mob to make the mob sit in the transport. You can then push the transport by right-clicking it. It's a much faster way to transport mobs than trying to lead them with seeds/wheat/carrots/etc.
Additionally, this update adds land mines. Explosive land mines explode when you step on them. Incendiary mines set you on fire if you step on them, and alarm mines trigger an alarm bell and chat message if they are stepped on. Each can be concealed with carpet.
Last but not least, this update adds ID tags that reskin your weapons to be those of the country your ID tag belongs to.
Update: Version 1.1: The Survival Items Update
Woo hoo! This thread has reached 1,000 views! To celebrate, I'm releasing version 1.1 of the mod.
This update adds all-new survival tools and zombie behaviours to minecraft, to better emulate a zombie apocalypse game. Thanks to SnapshotDesign for the ideas.
Lanterns - hold them to illuminate the area around you.
Swiss Army Knife - four tools in one! Right click to switch between a pickaxe, axe, and shovel. This tool automatically switches to knife mode when you hit an entity.
Backpacks - right click with a backpack to store the first five items in your hotbar into it, then right click again to take them out. Backpacks can be worn as a chestplate. Great for compact storage in your inventory.
Tents - an instant shelter! Right click to create an instant tent, complete with a crafting table, furnace, and inventory. These items show up in bonus chests, and they make great first-night shelters.
All crafting recipes are available from the Crafting Recipies.txt in the download link.
New Zombie AI
This new update edits zombies to be more similar to zombies from the popular book World War Z. First of all, zombies no longer burn up during daytime, making them a threat until they despawn later in the day. Additionally, zombies will spawn randomly around the player during the day, adding a challenging new threat. Additionally, 1-2 times a day the player will be attacked by a horde of 20+ zombies. It is best to hole up in your house or pitch a quick tent when this happens. Fortunately, though, zombies are now slowed down massively in cold climates, so you can hole up in a cold taiga biome to survive the daily zombie sieges.
Section 1: Zombie Apocalypse-related
The biggest enemy of any NPC village is zombies. Chances are high that the villages you find will be quickly decimated without your constant care. Well, those stupid villagers aren't the only ones trying to survive zombie sieges anymore. This mod adds Reinforced Villages and Military Bases. Reinforced villages are much like ordinary villages, except they contain citizens instead of villagers, have a giant wall to keep zombies out, and are defended by mob-slaying, gun-wielding soldiers.
Reinforced villages also grow the rare tomato crop, which can be made into pizza when combined with bread and cheese. Military Bases are small generated structures that are reinforced with chain fences, and contain soldiers and chests full of OP military weapons such as the deadly three-round-burst m4 carbine. There are also now ferrets, which can be tamed with rabbit meat. Because ferrets are awesome.
Section 2: Magical Bronze
A significant addition to this mod is bronze tools and armour. Bronze ore is very common and can be mined with a stone pickaxe. It can be made into all of the common tools and armour. It's effectiveness is between stone and iron. Additionally, you can craft bronze into battle axes and battle hammers. The battle hammer deals more damage than a bronze sword and more knockback than any other weapon, but it slows its user down massively. The battle axe deals the same amount of damage as a sword and is effective against trees. Once you obtain diamond, you can craft an amulet that allows you to harness the magical powers of bronze. Right click with a tool to use its power. Powers include ground pounding, mega-jumping, repulsion, and many more.
Additionally, this mod adds magical staffs, which have awesome magical powers such as flight or fireballing. Staffs are extremely hard to find or craft. All of these magical powers are great for PvP combat and can make it more than just a click race.
Section 3: Military!
This is personally my favourite part of this mod. This mod adds tons of awesome guns to the game. Each weapon has different strengths and weaknesses. Some shoot quickly, some are accurate, some have long ranges, some are lighter or heavier, and some fire a burst of multiple bullets at once. Guns added include common US military weapons such as the M16, fan favourites such as the AK47, and consumer-available weapons like the Remington 700. I have also added some guns of my own design, some of which are unlike any other real-world gun (such as an assault rifle that turns into a sniper when you turn on the scope).
The consumer-available type weapons can be crafted, while a few of the US military weapons can be obtained by using a craftable blueprint that consumes large amounts of resources. Most guns are unobtainable in survival due to their OP nature, and are reserved more for custom maps and PvP. Various grenades are also added, namely the frag, incendiary, smoke and flashbang grenades. Frag grenades deal damage, incendiary set targets on fire, smoke lay down a cloud of concealing particles, and flashbangs blind targets. Normal armour does not reduce bullet damage, but Kevlar and military armour does.
Section 4: Multiplayer and PvP
As you can probably tell, most of the additions previously mentioned could be great for PvP and maps. One other thing that is added, though is Kit Pickers. These entities can be spawned via commands. Clicking on one clears the user's inventory and gives them a preset set of items. This is great for creating custom kits and loadouts in PvP games and Adventure Maps. Finally, the players of your map can decide whether they want to be a knight, archer, or other player to carry out your quest. The command goes like this:
/conjure ""
E.g: /conjure ~ Archer "A noble archer, capable of shooting at long range" minecraft:bow minecraft:iron_helmet minecraft:arrow
This mod also adds bombs. Bombs can only be placed on redstone, and detonate after 30 seconds. They can, however, be defused by a player with a defusal kit. Great for creating CS - style PvP games!
If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, or if you just really love this mod, feel free to reply to this thread as I will check it regularly and can answer any questions you might have.
Feel free to make videos featuring this mod, but if you could post a link to it on this page that would be awesome.
Please do not distribute this mod. You may link to this page for the download, but please no Ad.Fly links. This is my work, not yours, and it's certainly not yours to make money off of.
Expect frequent updates!
Link Removed
Banner (Feel Free to Use in Your Signature)
this is the best zombie apocalypse mod I've ever seen! can you add some survival gear?
such as: tents, swiss army knives, sleeping bags, and other gear.
When is your next update?
Hi SnapshotDesign, I'm glad you like my mod, and thanks so much for your feedback! I can definitely add survival gear, and it will probably be the subject of my next update. As for when the next update will come out, I can't say for sure, but I would expect it to be between a week or two and a month.
that would be great! thanks!
I need 3d guns!
If I helped you in any way or agree in my ideas or posts, make sure you click that green arrow pointing up below my post or simply huggle me! I use 1.7.10 (Modded), so when I comment that I like a 1.8 mod, I will comment to downgrade to 1.7.10. I support no pics, no clicks. Suggestions that I think that are the best deserves a banner!
It is almost time to say goodbye to 1.7.10 because of the recent surge of big 1.9 mods.
Why MCreator sucks: jcm2606's file (doesn't open a new tab) He allows/welcomes anyone to link the file, so I put it here in my signature for people to know how MCreator functions. I thank jcm2606 (he's awesome) for creating the document/file and I'm just here to spread the word.
500+ huggles? U wot, m8?
I can't really make 3d models for minecraft as I have a mac. If you could model for me or know someone who could model that would be great, though.
when the new update is posted, will it be here, or another site?
Also, how's the new update going?
Love the mod!!!!!
by the way if the bomb isn't working its probably because its not on redstone block
The update will probably be here. If not, I will at least post a link on this thread with the location of the new update. Also the update is going well, I've created swiss army knives, lanterns, and backpacks, and I'm working on some other survival stuff.
OMG that's so cool! Thank you so much for using my ideas! If possible, could you release a beta copy of it? I really want to test it out!
Staffs are op. Not overpowered though. Rather it is out of place. Zombies, guns, then magic... wow. lol jk
Anyway, military with zombies is awesome! I've never seen a mod that features zombies and guns.
Question: What's the difference of vanilla zombies to your mod? Do they spawn more frequently or get faster and/or stronger?
Edit: The updates are awesome.
Is there any way you can add more screenshots?
Hey! how's the update coming? anything new that you added?
I'm working on a way to keep zombies from burning up in daylight to make them more like disease zombies instead of animated corpse zombies. Currently, though, if you are killed by a zombie a zombie spawns at your location with your armour and weapon (so that it's like you turned into a zombie). Additionally, they will slow down while it is snowing (like the zombies in World War Z)
I don't think so, I've added the maximum number of allowed attachments. There might be another way though, I'll look tonight.
EDIT: Figured it out. There are lots of screenshots in the post now
the way I think of magic and guns is that you choose your path tech or magic but I do think magic needs more stuff to make it more of a choice which you choose.
Thank you. This gives me a better idea of what I'm downloading. Nice mod!
has anyone made a map for the mod Id love to play one.
could we have a not armoured/destroyed city structure?