Welcome to Liquid Enchanting! The mod that lets you enchant your armor and swords with potions!
How does it work?
Potions or nether stars can be crafted together with vanilla armor or swords using the crafting table. When this newly potion infused armor is worn, the player receives that potion effect for as long as they wear the armor. For swords, the potion effect is applied to the hit entity for 10 seconds.
The crafting recipes for this mod are very simple:
Place your piece of armor / sword in the central slot of a crafting table, and surround with potions of your choice.
All potions must be of the same type, and must be either the base or extended strength varieties. Extended duration potions will not work in these crafting recipes.
NB: If you're using Minecraft 1.7 or 1.8, you must use potions from the brewing stand, NOT the creative inventory.
Beacon effects can also be applied to your items, at the cost of a nether star and some building materials. Surround your armor with iron blocks, a nether star and a pickaxe or chestplate to add Haste and Resistance to your armor. For level 2 effects, swap out the iron for diamonds.
This mod comes with a config file, which is auto-generated when the mod is first run. Crafting recipes can be enabled or disabled at the level of each potion. By default, all crafting recipes are enabled.
Enchanting / Naming
This mod co-exists with the vanilla enchanting system. Items that are already enchanted or damaged can be used as ingredients, and these potion infused items can be used in the vanilla enchanting tables. If used in conjunction with another enchanting mod, modded enchantments should also be transferred between items.
Download from my CurseForge page: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/liquid-enchanting
Supports versions 1.7.10 - 1.12.2
Check out my Youtube channel, where I build a theme park in vanilla Minecraft!
Amazing, just what I was looking for! Being able to add the jump boosts to other pieces of armor is fantastic! Thank you.
I'm glad you approve! It's an idea I've seen floating around on the forums for a couple of months, so it seemed right to build it! If you enjoy the mod please check out my other work on my mod hub page, and if you have ideas for mods you can't code be sure to post in the Requests/Ideas thread, that's where I got this one from!
Mod hub: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2424346-cookiehook-mod-page-collection-of-all-cookiehooks
Check out my Youtube channel, where I build a theme park in vanilla Minecraft!
Per your license agreement in the zip file; I've included your mod in my mod pack with full accreditation and link back.
P.S. I think that you should post your license info on all of your Opening Posts (OPs).
see: http://kreezcraft.com/1-8-forge-mods-list/
Maybe it would be cool if you could only add potions like Jump Boost to the boots, and Water Breathing to the helmet, etc etc. This doesn't have to apply to all potions, but it would be nice if there were some limitations.
Really simple, yet useful mod!
Cookiehook, can I made a mod review for this mod? I will send you the link of the video if I ever i make it. Please
You are welcome to
Post it to YouTube and link us on here for us to see!
Check out my Youtube channel, where I build a theme park in vanilla Minecraft!
Cookiehook, this is the link not the best because it's my first but please add it
You should do that if you put speed on a tool you will get haste while holding it.
As human beings, we can teach, invent and discover, but if we can't do any of that we can at the very least be honest.
Haste isn't a potion available in-game without custom potions, it's only given by the beacons, so it won't work in this format.
Maybe in the next release I'll add a way to re-use nether stars (in conjunction with iron/gold/diamond/emerald) to mimic the effects of beacon, allowing addition of haste & resistance. I'll look into it.
Check out my Youtube channel, where I build a theme park in vanilla Minecraft!
Many thanks! I should learn Italian so I can understand these spotlights, they look very exciting
Thank you for showing me that Poison does not work on armour. I think that may be because poison relies on the timer counting down to inflict damage, and my mod holds the timer at 0 seconds. I'll look into repairing that in the next update.
Poison effect still works on swords, so you can poison enemies, just not yourself!
Check out my Youtube channel, where I build a theme park in vanilla Minecraft!
can you relaess with 1.7.10
I'm seriously loving this mod! I did have an idea that I think might make a nice addition though. What about if you were to craft the armour with a potion of the splash variety? It could give said effect to the mob/opponent when attacked? Similar to the Thorns enchant I suppose. E.g. A diamond chestplate with splash slowness on it might REALLY help in hordes of Zed. Just a thought Anyways, keep up the solid work Cookiehook!
I am alone or i think that 8 potions is a bit a lot
Also can we add potion effects to 2 or more armor and wear them to get higher level of effect?
BTW the mod is good but the poison bug
The potion cost is supposed to be high, you're getting an unlimited length potion, which you never have to think about re-drinking. Given that each brewing recipe outputs 3 potions, I don't feel like this is too expensive at all. You can already craft armour which has the highest level of effect for legitimately available potions, so just use tier 2 potions when making your armour.
NewsmanMickson: Sorry I never replied to your comment, it must have slipped by me! I don't want to add splash / thorns affects to the armour, as you can already craft potion inflicting swords! You'll just have to get better at hitting swarms
Check out my Youtube channel, where I build a theme park in vanilla Minecraft!
I finished writing it last night
I'm running it through testing now and hope to get a spotlight video out with it in the next few days. Many bugfixes, increases in flexibility and a few new options are on their way!
Check out my Youtube channel, where I build a theme park in vanilla Minecraft!
It's the update you've all been waiting for, backport time! Along with this comes a butt-ton of bug-fixes for your enjoyment
Mod is now backported to work on 1.7.10.
Creative inventory's lack of texture has been repaired.
Poison I now works properly on armour.
Poison II swords and armour now added.
Beacon effects can now be added to swords and armour.
Video overview of the mod coming in the next few days (whenever my condenser mic. arrives in the post)
Check out my Youtube channel, where I build a theme park in vanilla Minecraft!
This mod is awesome, but would it be possible if you could make it to where you could enchant other modded armor? That would be amazing.
It's an idea for a future release
Right now it's well beyond my capabilities as a coder, I'm still in my infancy of learning.
Check out my Youtube channel, where I build a theme park in vanilla Minecraft!