Hey! really nice Shaders love the colors. i just got a question regarding shadows is there a way to completely disable them, Reason for me asking is because i really like the colors/shading however i feel like the shadows are eating my frames, As i have about 150 fps consistent with the chocapic Lite Version ,but i go down to sub 80 with this shader, And i might be wrong and its not the shadows eating everything but i would still like to know if its possible to just disable them in all the verisons. Also is there a way to remove water reflections.
sorry for the long absense of maintainment for the thread the not loading images were cause by dropbox changing its policies =/ making the public folder private but everything should be ok again now
updated the ConquestOfTheSun Shaderpack thanks to:
Triliton - various bugfixes and effects
CrankerMan - addition of various effects
Triliton - Forward rendering
CapTsatu - original author of the bloom code
Robobo1221 - original author of the volumetric light code, and the coloured glass
- Improved shadows
- improved bloom
- fixed the end
- fixed the nether
- dynamic weather
- glowing eyes
- bug fixes
- forward rendering
- smoother shadow edges
- new water
- fps gain by 5
- improved dynamic exposure
was wondering how I can get my hands on a copy of an older version of conquest of the sun shaders pack? I ask cause I lose more frame rates with OBS even when all options are off in version 4.0
Why do I get image blur when I mine items in the game using this mod? It creates a really uncomfortable stutter in the image which I have difficulty describing but it only happens when I mine. How do I fix this?
I see clouds and lens flares in the screenshots, but not in my game. Were they removed at some point? (If so, is there a version with them?) Also the download seems to be down.
@ Greatwhitedragon the blur is an issue i have a problem with myself but sofar there hasnt been a proper solution other than turning it of in the shaderoptions
@ notgood12 check the shaderoptions you can edit some values there to get back certain effects as for clouds the generated ones have been removed so you can use the normal default ones for better resourcepack compatibility and customskies as with the lenseflare it has simple been reduced enough so you dont get blinded when the sun is somewhere in your screen (if you look past a cliff towards the sun you can see that the flare is still there just more ...bearable^^
@ notgood12 check the shaderoptions you can edit some values there to get back certain effects as for clouds the generated ones have been removed so you can use the normal default ones for better resourcepack compatibility and customskies as with the lenseflare it has simple been reduced enough so you dont get blinded when the sun is somewhere in your screen (if you look past a cliff towards the sun you can see that the flare is still there just more ...bearable^^
link should be back up again btw
That's strange, my previous V4.0 didn't have much settings to change (Only had sub-menus for bloom, DOF, and volumetric light) After downloading V4.0 again, it seems to have all the correct settings.
BalconsWeaponsmod by BlueboyS13
Better Than Wolves [BTW]made&edited by nebux
Conquered tree&rockpack by Monsterfish_ (me)
Project: Medieval* .:The Builders Coalition: by lloyd094
Roman style Addonpack by Origines
Well, finally the Conquest Pack may become my favorite Resource Pack.
For someone who is not an expert on Shaders, I think you're doing it very well.
The last two links "Romanstyle Addonpack by Origin" and "Romanbanners by tom_clark" are dead.
hey monster, just wanted to make sure you know about chocapics new '''sharing modified shaders" requirements
if you already know of them then ignore this post
Hey! really nice Shaders love the colors. i just got a question regarding shadows is there a way to completely disable them, Reason for me asking is because i really like the colors/shading however i feel like the shadows are eating my frames, As i have about 150 fps consistent with the chocapic Lite Version ,but i go down to sub 80 with this shader, And i might be wrong and its not the shadows eating everything but i would still like to know if its possible to just disable them in all the verisons. Also is there a way to remove water reflections.
Hands down.
Best shaderpack I have ever seen.
I love the shaders, but they make the game incredibly dark. Increasing brightness in game doesn't do anything at all. Am I missing something?
edit: FYI, I'm running 1.7.10 conquest resource pack in a Revenge of the C team server. In case that makes a difference.
Dont wanna sound like a noob, but where is the download? Thanks:bookshelf:
Yeah I can't find the download either.
Yes, it really is the best shader pack I have seen. However, there is no place to download it
#Upd: Ok, i find link to download (icon "broken image" on the top thread) but it is not safe.
Anyone want to upload this and post a download link?
sorry for the long absense of maintainment for the thread the not loading images were cause by dropbox changing its policies =/ making the public folder private but everything should be ok again now
updated the ConquestOfTheSun Shaderpack thanks to:
Triliton - various bugfixes and effects
CrankerMan - addition of various effects
Triliton - Forward rendering
CapTsatu - original author of the bloom code
Robobo1221 - original author of the volumetric light code, and the coloured glass
- Improved shadows
- improved bloom
- fixed the end
- fixed the nether
- dynamic weather
- glowing eyes
- bug fixes
- forward rendering
- smoother shadow edges
- new water
- fps gain by 5
- improved dynamic exposure
Hey, umm...
Could you upload your pack on a different place? like MediaFire or something?
Because i got this error & i'm not sure if it's worth of downloading it, i might get viruses on my laptop.
Sorry ----> ._.
I'm TheCoolSteveMan, you can call me CSM for short!
I just got this exact error trying to download.
was wondering how I can get my hands on a copy of an older version of conquest of the sun shaders pack? I ask cause I lose more frame rates with OBS even when all options are off in version 4.0
Thank You
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Why do I get image blur when I mine items in the game using this mod? It creates a really uncomfortable stutter in the image which I have difficulty describing but it only happens when I mine. How do I fix this?
im using optifine with it
I see clouds and lens flares in the screenshots, but not in my game. Were they removed at some point? (If so, is there a version with them?) Also the download seems to be down.
@ Greatwhitedragon the blur is an issue i have a problem with myself but sofar there hasnt been a proper solution other than turning it of in the shaderoptions
@ notgood12 check the shaderoptions you can edit some values there to get back certain effects as for clouds the generated ones have been removed so you can use the normal default ones for better resourcepack compatibility and customskies as with the lenseflare it has simple been reduced enough so you dont get blinded when the sun is somewhere in your screen (if you look past a cliff towards the sun you can see that the flare is still there just more ...bearable^^
link should be back up again btw
That's strange, my previous V4.0 didn't have much settings to change (Only had sub-menus for bloom, DOF, and volumetric light) After downloading V4.0 again, it seems to have all the correct settings.
is this just me??? how to fix this? i have tried this on a few versions of minecraft and all of them do this black spot.