I usually set the values for unwanted biomes to 0 and so far, I didn't encounter them again. If you really want to test if it is working you could set almost all biomes to 0 or give one biome a very high weight.
Those structures should only generate in extreme hills by Thaumcraft default. If I'd seen them in any other biome, that'd be wrong. Maybe it's because of the steep hills or the strewn pieces of cobblestone that the structures are unable to find a good spot to generate?
I see them in every mountainous biome, at least from Biomes o' Plenty. Dunno about other biome mods like RTG, but I'd imagine that it'd just be looking for "mountainous" biomes per the biome dictionary, and not a specific biome, so it should in theory work with RTG.
Oh I am so bloody pleased that there is now a workaround for removing/minimizing unwanted biomes without crashing. Basing off the example in the documentation, able to create a world of wasteland.
I am having this issue where the world generation is ignoring some of the changes set out by the cfg file, like the custom top and filler blocks not being used despite json showing it received the changes...even though it did before.
Also dirt will not stop appearing along parts of the river and beaches despite the top and filler set to another block. Happens more where the river is raised above the water layer by the main biome. This could be related to the dirt veins/chunks that is generated.
Using BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-2.0.182 and modified BiomesOPlenty 1.7.10- (only changed or removed some features of the wasteland biome) on Minecraft 1.7.10. Rest of the mods are client side like Journeymap, Not Enough Items, Waila/Wawla, and such.
I have cleaned up my config file and tried many different things, after literally reading this thread over and all of the unresolved and resolved issues on github. During which managed to learn more about Minecraft and BiomesOPlenty coding. Biometweaker is doing its thing, only that some things done by BoP and Minecraft regarding rivers and other features happens after BT config is applied. BoP keeps applying loamy dirt for Dead Swamps and other biomes, apply dirt with raised rivers/oceans, and apply cluster of dirt along with the ores which some stick out of the surface, regardless of BT modified biome generation.
I am probably going to figure it out the answer with further trial and error...by default the BT config is applied at stage FINISHED_LOAD. If SERVER_STARTING and SERVER_STARTED are valid, can BT commands be applied after the river/ocean hardcode? At least with beaches I can replace them with the wasteland biome while keeping its generation. *goes off to try out this theoretical workaround*
edit: Sigh, nope. Would be great to have a working post-river/ocean/ore gen stage to apply biome tweaks.
edit2: Ah, the dirt only applies to vanilla river. If I use a BoP river and apply the top and filler blocks tweaks, I get want I want while maintaining the river lines. Woot!
Hello! I was wondering if you want update to 1.9 because I would love to be able to have RTG with biomes o'plenty in latest version but without your mod it is rather impossible.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
The Doctor: This is Clara. Not my assistant. She's... er... some other word. Clara: I'm his carer. The Doctor: Yeah, my carer. She cares so I don't have to.
Hello! I was wondering if you want update to 1.9 because I would love to be able to have RTG with biomes o'plenty in latest version but without your mod it is rather impossible.
Not any time soon. I don't have time to work on anything but schoolwork currently.
to add some of the Twilight Forest Biomes to Overworld worldgen and remove all other biomes from worldgen, but this seems to result in regular worldgen. I spawn in a vanilla Jungle biome which is a biome that should definitely be turned off. It's not one of those hardcoded ones, is it?
I did add at least one biome to each of the 4 climate groups, so it doesn't crash.
I tried this with RTG as well: same result.
EDIT: And yes, I am certain that the script is getting loaded without any errors. My Forge log does say that BTCore is disabled through configs though.
So what am I doing wrong?
Looks good, except for the hardcoded biomes. You need to manually add replacements for them. You may want to consider a 'default' biome, which you override everything but the biomes you want with.
Hello! I was wondering if you want update to 1.9 because I would love to be able to have RTG with biomes o'plenty in latest version but without your mod it is rather impossible.
The Doctor: This is Clara. Not my assistant. She's... er... some other word. Clara: I'm his carer. The Doctor: Yeah, my carer. She cares so I don't have to.
So I've been enjoying the registerGenVillageBlockRep command, but I seem to have run into issues specifying metadata. I've been following the template for registerGenBlockRep, and that's worked wonderfully for replacements where metadata wasn't important.
The log tells me it "failed to find meaning in [the] command" for all of them (and I've made sure I've spelt them all correctly). Not sure if it works differently to registerGenBlockRep, or whether I've just been misunderstanding the template.
It's really useful though especially since it works better than the one in BetterVillages (which I'd been using until I discovered this had been added); thanks for it!
So I've been enjoying the registerGenVillageBlockRep command, but I seem to have run into issues specifying metadata. I've been following the template for registerGenBlockRep, and that's worked wonderfully for replacements where metadata wasn't important.
The log tells me it "failed to find meaning in [the] command" for all of them (and I've made sure I've spelt them all correctly). Not sure if it works differently to registerGenBlockRep, or whether I've just been misunderstanding the template.
It's really useful though especially since it works better than the one in BetterVillages (which I'd been using until I discovered this had been added); thanks for it!
Hmm, only the first two lines fail to read for me. Seems like there's an issue with the "Tweaker" object. Just stick to using the standard 'forBiomes' and such.
Hmm, only the first two lines fail to read for me. Seems like there's an issue with the "Tweaker" object. Just stick to using the standard 'forBiomes' and such.
So the format is right? I changed it to not use the Tweaker object though, and it still can't read them:
[20:10:48] [Client thread/ERROR] [BiomeTweaker]: Failed to find meaning in command registerGenVillageBlockRep("minecraft:stone_slab",3,"morematerials:stained_bricks_slab_black",0). It will be ignored.
[20:10:48] [Client thread/ERROR] [BiomeTweaker]: Failed to find meaning in command registerGenVillageBlockRep("minecraft:stone_slab",11,"morematerials:stained_bricks_slab_black",8). It will be ignored.
And of course, still not reading the others that have meta and didn't use the Tweaker object (with the same error message as above).
I'm using the latest 1.7.10 version, 2.0.182, I should have mentioned.
So the format is right? I changed it to not use the Tweaker object though, and it still can't read them:
[20:10:48] [Client thread/ERROR] [BiomeTweaker]: Failed to find meaning in command registerGenVillageBlockRep("minecraft:stone_slab",3,"morematerials:stained_bricks_slab_black",0). It will be ignored.
[20:10:48] [Client thread/ERROR] [BiomeTweaker]: Failed to find meaning in command registerGenVillageBlockRep("minecraft:stone_slab",11,"morematerials:stained_bricks_slab_black",8). It will be ignored.
And of course, still not reading the others that have meta and didn't use the Tweaker object (with the same error message as above).
I'm using the latest 1.7.10 version, 2.0.182, I should have mentioned.
Oh, in 1.7.10 you can't specify a 'to replace' (the first one) metadata. The information isn't available in the event. You can specify a 'to replace with' metadata though. I'd recommend moving to 1.8
Oh, in 1.7.10 you can't specify a 'to replace' (the first one) metadata. The information isn't available in the event. You can specify a 'to replace with' metadata though. I'd recommend moving to 1.8
Hm, BetterVillages (maintained by GotoLink) seems to manage fine enough with metadata on both sides (though it has unknown problems with those specific blocks that I was specifying there), so it seems like it's possible in some way. Would you consider looking into it again, perhaps?
I'd move to 1.9 if 1.8 hadn't killed so many mods.
Hm, BetterVillages (maintained by GotoLink) seems to manage fine enough with metadata on both sides (though it has unknown problems with those specific blocks that I was specifying there), so it seems like it's possible in some way. Would you consider looking into it again, perhaps?
I'd move to 1.9 if 1.8 hadn't killed so many mods.
BetterVillages most likely completely overrides generation. I'm not going to look into it anyway, the functionality is present in 1.8+, and I've officially stopped development for 1.7.10.
BetterVillages most likely completely overrides generation. I'm not going to look into it anyway, the functionality is present in 1.8+, and I've officially stopped development for 1.7.10.
Ah, that's a shame then, but I understand. Thanks anyway, at least it does most of what I'm wanting
In the 1.7.10 version. I am attempting to edit the biomes using the output files. However, i see no area for biome "Weight" in those files. I want to do two things, set the biome Weight, and edit what spawns in the biome. I was hoping to not use scripting, as that's not my strong suit. Also i can not find documentation on that the two fields in the end of each are for:
"Spawn Biome": false,
"Tweaked": false
Example output file:
"ID": 44,
"Name": "Bog",
"Class": "biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenBog",
"Color": 14193503,
"Root Height": 0.1,
"Height Variation": 0.2,
"Top Block": "minecraft:grass",
"Filler Block": "minecraft:dirt",
"Grass Color": "Not set. Check in-game.",
"Foliage Color": "Not set. Check in-game.",
"Water Color": "16777215",
"Temperature": 0.5,
"Humidity": 0.9,
"Water Tint": 16777215,
"Enable Rain": true,
"Enable Snow": false,
"Dictionary Types": [
"BiomeManager Entries": {},
"Spawnable Creatures": [
"Entity Class": "com.emoniph.witchery.entity.EntityCovenWitch",
"Weight": 1,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 1
"Entity Class": "com.emoniph.witchery.entity.EntityGoblin",
"Weight": 4,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 3
"Entity Class": "com.emoniph.witchery.entity.EntityGoblin",
"Weight": 4,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 3
"Spawnable Monsters": [
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySpider",
"Weight": 100,
"Min Group Count": 4,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityZombie",
"Weight": 100,
"Min Group Count": 4,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySkeleton",
"Weight": 100,
"Min Group Count": 4,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityCreeper",
"Weight": 100,
"Min Group Count": 4,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySlime",
"Weight": 100,
"Min Group Count": 4,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityEnderman",
"Weight": 10,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityWitch",
"Weight": 5,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 1
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySlime",
"Weight": 10,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 3
"Spawnable Water Creatures": [
"Entity Class": "thehippomaster.aquaticabyss.CommonFish",
"Weight": 10,
"Min Group Count": 3,
"Max Group Count": 5
"Entity Class": "thehippomaster.aquaticabyss.Butterflyfish",
"Weight": 9,
"Min Group Count": 2,
"Max Group Count": 5
"Spawnable Cave Creatures": [
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityBat",
"Weight": 10,
"Min Group Count": 8,
"Max Group Count": 8
"Entity Class": "com.emoniph.witchery.entity.EntitySpirit",
"Weight": 1,
"Min Group Count": 2,
"Max Group Count": 5
"Entity Class": "com.emoniph.witchery.entity.EntitySpirit",
"Weight": 1,
"Min Group Count": 2,
"Max Group Count": 5
"Spawn Biome": false,
"Tweaked": false
While I see the script command on the wiki for setting biome Weight ("genWeight"), the entry in the output files lacks it (as well as "genVillages" and a few others). Is this just me?
Also, what goes into "BiomeManager Entries": {},, every file has this as blank. What is its use?
In the 1.7.10 version. I am attempting to edit the biomes using the output files. However, i see no area for biome "Weight" in those files. I want to do two things, set the biome Weight, and edit what spawns in the biome. I was hoping to not use scripting, as that's not my strong suit. Also i can not find documentation on that the two fields in the end of each are for:
"Spawn Biome": false,
"Tweaked": false
Example output file:
"ID": 44,
"Name": "Bog",
"Class": "biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenBog",
"Color": 14193503,
"Root Height": 0.1,
"Height Variation": 0.2,
"Top Block": "minecraft:grass",
"Filler Block": "minecraft:dirt",
"Grass Color": "Not set. Check in-game.",
"Foliage Color": "Not set. Check in-game.",
"Water Color": "16777215",
"Temperature": 0.5,
"Humidity": 0.9,
"Water Tint": 16777215,
"Enable Rain": true,
"Enable Snow": false,
"Dictionary Types": [
"BiomeManager Entries": {},
"Spawnable Creatures": [
"Entity Class": "com.emoniph.witchery.entity.EntityCovenWitch",
"Weight": 1,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 1
"Entity Class": "com.emoniph.witchery.entity.EntityGoblin",
"Weight": 4,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 3
"Entity Class": "com.emoniph.witchery.entity.EntityGoblin",
"Weight": 4,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 3
"Spawnable Monsters": [
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySpider",
"Weight": 100,
"Min Group Count": 4,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityZombie",
"Weight": 100,
"Min Group Count": 4,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySkeleton",
"Weight": 100,
"Min Group Count": 4,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityCreeper",
"Weight": 100,
"Min Group Count": 4,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySlime",
"Weight": 100,
"Min Group Count": 4,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityEnderman",
"Weight": 10,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 4
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityWitch",
"Weight": 5,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 1
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySlime",
"Weight": 10,
"Min Group Count": 1,
"Max Group Count": 3
"Spawnable Water Creatures": [
"Entity Class": "thehippomaster.aquaticabyss.CommonFish",
"Weight": 10,
"Min Group Count": 3,
"Max Group Count": 5
"Entity Class": "thehippomaster.aquaticabyss.Butterflyfish",
"Weight": 9,
"Min Group Count": 2,
"Max Group Count": 5
"Spawnable Cave Creatures": [
"Entity Class": "net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityBat",
"Weight": 10,
"Min Group Count": 8,
"Max Group Count": 8
"Entity Class": "com.emoniph.witchery.entity.EntitySpirit",
"Weight": 1,
"Min Group Count": 2,
"Max Group Count": 5
"Entity Class": "com.emoniph.witchery.entity.EntitySpirit",
"Weight": 1,
"Min Group Count": 2,
"Max Group Count": 5
"Spawn Biome": false,
"Tweaked": false
While I see the script command on the wiki for setting biome Weight ("genWeight"), the entry in the output files lacks it (as well as "genVillages" and a few others). Is this just me?
Also, what goes into "BiomeManager Entries": {},, every file has this as blank. What is its use?
The output files can't be used to change things. They're output files. Some of the entries are missing because I haven't coded an output for them yet. BiomeTweaker purely uses scripts for input, so if you aren't comfortable with that, there are other mods that could help you out such as Climate Control.
I usually set the values for unwanted biomes to 0 and so far, I didn't encounter them again. If you really want to test if it is working you could set almost all biomes to 0 or give one biome a very high weight.
I see them in every mountainous biome, at least from Biomes o' Plenty. Dunno about other biome mods like RTG, but I'd imagine that it'd just be looking for "mountainous" biomes per the biome dictionary, and not a specific biome, so it should in theory work with RTG.
Oh I am so bloody pleased that there is now a workaround for removing/minimizing unwanted biomes without crashing. Basing off the example in the documentation, able to create a world of wasteland.
I am having this issue where the world generation is ignoring some of the changes set out by the cfg file, like the custom top and filler blocks not being used despite json showing it received the changes...even though it did before.
Also dirt will not stop appearing along parts of the river and beaches despite the top and filler set to another block. Happens more where the river is raised above the water layer by the main biome. This could be related to the dirt veins/chunks that is generated.
Using BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-2.0.182 and modified BiomesOPlenty 1.7.10- (only changed or removed some features of the wasteland biome) on Minecraft 1.7.10. Rest of the mods are client side like Journeymap, Not Enough Items, Waila/Wawla, and such.
(config file edited in lieu of next post)
I have cleaned up my config file and tried many different things, after literally reading this thread over and all of the unresolved and resolved issues on github. During which managed to learn more about Minecraft and BiomesOPlenty coding. Biometweaker is doing its thing, only that some things done by BoP and Minecraft regarding rivers and other features happens after BT config is applied. BoP keeps applying loamy dirt for Dead Swamps and other biomes, apply dirt with raised rivers/oceans, and apply cluster of dirt along with the ores which some stick out of the surface, regardless of BT modified biome generation.
I am probably going to figure it out the answer with further trial and error...by default the BT config is applied at stage FINISHED_LOAD. If SERVER_STARTING and SERVER_STARTED are valid, can BT commands be applied after the river/ocean hardcode? At least with beaches I can replace them with the wasteland biome while keeping its generation. *goes off to try out this theoretical workaround*
edit: Sigh, nope. Would be great to have a working post-river/ocean/ore gen stage to apply biome tweaks.
edit2: Ah, the dirt only applies to vanilla river. If I use a BoP river and apply the top and filler blocks tweaks, I get want I want while maintaining the river lines. Woot!
I was wondering if you want update to 1.9 because I would love to be able to have RTG with biomes o'plenty in latest version but without your mod it is rather impossible.
The Doctor: This is Clara. Not my assistant. She's... er... some other word.
Clara: I'm his carer.
The Doctor: Yeah, my carer. She cares so I don't have to.
It is. Jungles, Mega Taigas, oceans and rivers I believe are hardcoded, though I think there's a list somewhere on the BT Github.
Not any time soon. I don't have time to work on anything but schoolwork currently.
Looks good, except for the hardcoded biomes. You need to manually add replacements for them. You may want to consider a 'default' biome, which you override everything but the biomes you want with.
http://jenkins.superckl.me/job/BiomeTweaker 1.9/189/
Have fun.
Thank you very much
The Doctor: This is Clara. Not my assistant. She's... er... some other word.
Clara: I'm his carer.
The Doctor: Yeah, my carer. She cares so I don't have to.
So I've been enjoying the registerGenVillageBlockRep command, but I seem to have run into issues specifying metadata. I've been following the template for registerGenBlockRep, and that's worked wonderfully for replacements where metadata wasn't important.
Examples I've been using:
The log tells me it "failed to find meaning in [the] command" for all of them (and I've made sure I've spelt them all correctly). Not sure if it works differently to registerGenBlockRep, or whether I've just been misunderstanding the template.
It's really useful though especially since it works better than the one in BetterVillages (which I'd been using until I discovered this had been added); thanks for it!
Hmm, only the first two lines fail to read for me. Seems like there's an issue with the "Tweaker" object. Just stick to using the standard 'forBiomes' and such.
BiomeTweaker 2.1 is now released for 1.8, 1.8.9, and ported to 1.9. Contains many long requested features.
- Updated AT
- Fix stray dictionary types when creating new biomes
- Added ability to set ocean top and filler block metadata
- 'remove late block assignments' config option now functional
- 'addActualFillerBlock' is now metadata sensetive
- added 'skyColor' to set command
So the format is right? I changed it to not use the Tweaker object though, and it still can't read them:
[20:10:48] [Client thread/ERROR] [BiomeTweaker]: Failed to find meaning in command registerGenVillageBlockRep("minecraft:stone_slab",3,"morematerials:stained_bricks_slab_black",0). It will be ignored.
[20:10:48] [Client thread/ERROR] [BiomeTweaker]: Failed to find meaning in command registerGenVillageBlockRep("minecraft:stone_slab",11,"morematerials:stained_bricks_slab_black",8). It will be ignored.
And of course, still not reading the others that have meta and didn't use the Tweaker object (with the same error message as above).
I'm using the latest 1.7.10 version, 2.0.182, I should have mentioned.
Oh, in 1.7.10 you can't specify a 'to replace' (the first one) metadata. The information isn't available in the event. You can specify a 'to replace with' metadata though. I'd recommend moving to 1.8
Hm, BetterVillages (maintained by GotoLink) seems to manage fine enough with metadata on both sides (though it has unknown problems with those specific blocks that I was specifying there), so it seems like it's possible in some way. Would you consider looking into it again, perhaps?
I'd move to 1.9 if 1.8 hadn't killed so many mods.
BetterVillages most likely completely overrides generation. I'm not going to look into it anyway, the functionality is present in 1.8+, and I've officially stopped development for 1.7.10.
Ah, that's a shame then, but I understand. Thanks anyway, at least it does most of what I'm wanting
In the 1.7.10 version. I am attempting to edit the biomes using the output files. However, i see no area for biome "Weight" in those files. I want to do two things, set the biome Weight, and edit what spawns in the biome. I was hoping to not use scripting, as that's not my strong suit. Also i can not find documentation on that the two fields in the end of each are for:
Example output file:
While I see the script command on the wiki for setting biome Weight ("genWeight"), the entry in the output files lacks it (as well as "genVillages" and a few others). Is this just me?
Also, what goes into "BiomeManager Entries": {},, every file has this as blank. What is its use?
The output files can't be used to change things. They're output files. Some of the entries are missing because I haven't coded an output for them yet. BiomeTweaker purely uses scripts for input, so if you aren't comfortable with that, there are other mods that could help you out such as Climate Control.