BoP respects the BiomeManager for non-BoP biomes. They have their own config for BoP biomes.
I haven't played with Highlands yet, but looking over the code, it seems like it should respect the BiomeManager for everything.
I will do some experimentation when I get the opportunity, using Climate Control right now because it was the most reliable thing for letting me change biome frequency for mod biomes, but I would much rather use Highlands worldgen, I think it's the best looking. If I can add mod biomes to HL worldgen with this, that would be bad ass too... There's a third-party addon for it called Highlands Integrator that ... works .. but it's kinda weird. Anyway, I"ll get back to you.
I'm usiong BT with BoP at least, and it works great.
Though while I'm here there's just a small bug - topBlock replacement seems to have some quirkiness with metadata around surface entrances to caves - the attached picture demonstrates; it seems to place a different metadata inside them. The golden grass you see around was what I was trying to place, with metadata 1. I'd also tried it with Biome's O Plenty's new grass blocks which had the same thing happen, though I believe it placed an invalid metadata...
BoP respects the BiomeManager for non-BoP biomes. They have their own config for BoP biomes.
I haven't played with Highlands yet, but looking over the code, it seems like it should respect the BiomeManager for everything.
In a nutshell... No.
I installed (of relevance) Highlands, BiomeTweaker, Ars Magica 2 (has a biome), Vampirism (has a biome), Thaumcraft (has 4 biomes, 2 of which are relevant), BoP and a standard UI mod set (HUD, NEI, blah.) First I just let Highlands generate a world without modifying configs.
The next step was to go ahead and create a basic script, just to test. I added a couple of addToGeneration() statements for the AM2 and Vampirism biomes. used .set("genWeight",1) on all biomes, then .set("genWeight",500) on the two new ones (only set them to 10 in addToGeneration, just ... cause.) The new world had the exact same seed as the unmodified config one, and turned out exactly the same as the first.
Next I went ahead and used the Highlands-Integrator mod and tweaked its JSON config to force the AM2 and Vamp biomes in to Highlands, they showed up in the HL config after a start/stop, then I went ahead and started up again, created a new world, same seed... exact same world.
I threw a handful of other statements in the BT script just to see if I could get any changes, changing the weights of a couple of the HL biomes, vanilla biomes and BoP biomes (HL has built in support for BoP). Again, same seed gave me the same world.
What I was really hoping was that I could get Highlands to work with Vampirism using this. It really does have my favorite world generation, stuff just looks right in terms of elevations, biome placement, etc, when using it compared to other worldgen mods. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that's going to be the case.
I'm usiong BT with BoP at least, and it works great.
Though while I'm here there's just a small bug - topBlock replacement seems to have some quirkiness with metadata around surface entrances to caves - the attached picture demonstrates; it seems to place a different metadata inside them. The golden grass you see around was what I was trying to place, with metadata 1. I'd also tried it with Biome's O Plenty's new grass blocks which had the same thing happen, though I believe it placed an invalid metadata...
Unfortunately there's not much I can do about that. It's built into the cave generator. Is that a big problem?
I installed (of relevance) Highlands, BiomeTweaker, Ars Magica 2 (has a biome), Vampirism (has a biome), Thaumcraft (has 4 biomes, 2 of which are relevant), BoP and a standard UI mod set (HUD, NEI, blah.) First I just let Highlands generate a world without modifying configs.
The next step was to go ahead and create a basic script, just to test. I added a couple of addToGeneration() statements for the AM2 and Vampirism biomes. used .set("genWeight",1) on all biomes, then .set("genWeight",500) on the two new ones (only set them to 10 in addToGeneration, just ... cause.) The new world had the exact same seed as the unmodified config one, and turned out exactly the same as the first.
Next I went ahead and used the Highlands-Integrator mod and tweaked its JSON config to force the AM2 and Vamp biomes in to Highlands, they showed up in the HL config after a start/stop, then I went ahead and started up again, created a new world, same seed... exact same world.
I threw a handful of other statements in the BT script just to see if I could get any changes, changing the weights of a couple of the HL biomes, vanilla biomes and BoP biomes (HL has built in support for BoP). Again, same seed gave me the same world.
What I was really hoping was that I could get Highlands to work with Vampirism using this. It really does have my favorite world generation, stuff just looks right in terms of elevations, biome placement, etc, when using it compared to other worldgen mods. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that's going to be the case.
Well, it turns out I was looking at the wrong repository, and the right repository was last updated in 2014. I'd love to help, but I'm powerless. All I can tell you is to point the author of Highlands to BiomeTweaker's API. Specifically the AddToGeneration event. He can listen to it and add the biomes to his BiomeManager:
Unfortunately there's not much I can do about that. It's built into the cave generator. Is that a big problem?
Ah well. It's not; I'm now using Custom Ore Generator for this to simply replace grass so the generation of things like sand and gravel is preserved.
It would be a big problem if I was still using BiomeTweaker for this though, especially in placing invalid metadatas, which crashed my client. I could imagine other people using this feature, I guess. But not a problem for me right now
Unfortunately there's not much I can do about that. It's built into the cave generator. Is that a big problem?
Well, it turns out I was looking at the wrong repository, and the right repository was last updated in 2014. I'd love to help, but I'm powerless. All I can tell you is to point the author of Highlands to BiomeTweaker's API. Specifically the AddToGeneration event. He can listen to it and add the biomes to his BiomeManager:
Im sorry to take some of your time for study ,if someone know more code than me (no thug) and can fix it best XD. I have make a file to remove squid spawn in water biomes, to reduce server lags in my modpacks without loosing ink for thaumcraft, but it seems not to work in the 1.8.9 version. It seemed worked fine in 1.7.10.
I'm enjoying the mod so far, but I have a question: Is it possible to test a configuration without waiting several minutes for my server to generate a new world every time I want to test a change?
Im sorry to take some of your time for study ,if someone know more code than me (no thug) and can fix it best XD. I have make a file to remove squid spawn in water biomes, to reduce server lags in my modpacks without loosing ink for thaumcraft, but it seems not to work in the 1.8.9 version. It seemed worked fine in 1.7.10.
I'm enjoying the mod so far, but I have a question: Is it possible to test a configuration without waiting several minutes for my server to generate a new world every time I want to test a change?
Depends on the change. BiomeTweaker has a reload feature which you'll find in the mod config gui in Forge. Not recommended though, it won't reverse any tweaks already applied. Any new chunks you enter will then generate with the reloaded tweaks.
Is there a way to increase the depth of the oceans--as in, how far they extend below sea level--without raising the sea level? Because as much as I want to have a deep, deep ocean for my underwater city (and the Deep Ocean biome only goes so far, and is hardly flat or consistent), I'd also like to be able to enjoy normal minecraft biomes as well.
Hi, I want to playtest various biome-mods and visit each biome one by one. I saw that one of the script commands for this mods allows me to replace "Biome X with Biome Y", so the idea was to replace all the biomes with the one I want to see. Create a new world and voila... but it didn't really work...
Test = forBiomes(40)
allBiomes = forAllBiomesExcept(Test)
The file is properly included and I tested it with a quick recoloration of the foliage for all biomes...
I have no idea why my attempt to create a mono-biome world failed, it would be great if anyone could point out my mistake.
(Note: I am playing with a fresh 1.7.10 installation that only contains Forge, NEI, BoP and the "Realistic Terrain Generator" which is used to generate the test world.)
Hi, I want to playtest various biome-mods and visit each biome one by one. I saw that one of the script commands for this mods allows me to replace "Biome X with Biome Y", so the idea was to replace all the biomes with the one I want to see. Create a new world and voila... but it didn't really work...
Test = forBiomes(40)
allBiomes = forAllBiomesExcept(Test)
The file is properly included and I tested it with a quick recoloration of the foliage for all biomes...
I have no idea why my attempt to create a mono-biome world failed, it would be great if anyone could point out my mistake.
(Note: I am playing with a fresh 1.7.10 installation that only contains Forge, NEI, BoP and the "Realistic Terrain Generator" which is used to generate the test world.)
Your script is fine. The problem is most likely Realistic Terrain Generation. I've been having a lot of problems with that mod not firing events properly. BiomeTweaker uses an event to overlay Generation Layers that replace biomes. Realistic Terrain Generation most likely doesn't fire that event, unsurprisingly.
What event is RTG supposed to fire? (edit: and when and where is it supposed to fire them?) RTG as currently written does almost nothing with GenLayers - it just takes whatever stack comes in from onBiomeGenInit (it actually does change the last member of the stack to suppress rivers, but that's it.)
What event is RTG supposed to fire? (edit: and when and where is it supposed to fire them?) RTG as currently written does almost nothing with GenLayers - it just takes whatever stack comes in from onBiomeGenInit (it actually does change the last member of the stack to suppress rivers, but that's it.)
That's the event, actually. How are you using that?
Pink's already provided the link. The only thing I can think of is that if the bottom GenLayer is GenLayerRiverMix we take it out and replace it with another GenLayerRiverMix that doesn't do rivers. We get the parents by reflecting into the GenLayerRiverMix and extracting the biomemix and rivermix. If you're subclassing GenLayerRiverMix we might be getting the wrong GenLayer for you.
The other thing that's odd is that your priority is lower so you should be running later, so it should be *exactly* your layers in the system.
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Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
I can confirm that the registerGenBiomeRep command doesn't seem to be having an effect in RTG worlds, but... as of version 0.5.0, RTG is using the GenLayer system and is now (at least partially) compatible with BT.
We recommend BT on our main post, provide example tweaks that people can use to get started with the various biome-adding mods that RTG supports, and... BT (or Climate Control) is actually required in order to generate certain mods' biomes in an RTG world.
Is there a specific event that the registerGenBiomeRep command requires in order to work correctly? If so, I'll look into it further and see what I can do about adding support for it.
Pink's already provided the link. The only thing I can think of is that if the bottom GenLayer is GenLayerRiverMix we take it out and replace it with another GenLayerRiverMix that doesn't do rivers. We get the parents by reflecting into the GenLayerRiverMix and extracting the biomemix and rivermix. If you're subclassing GenLayerRiverMix we might be getting the wrong GenLayer for you.
The other thing that's odd is that your priority is lower so you should be running later, so it should be *exactly* your layers in the system.
I think I was confusing your mod with Alternate Terrain Generation. I appreciate the recommendation!
From what I've looked at, everything should be working fine. As you have said, my layers should be the ones in the system. I'll let you know if I find anything, but I've been a bit strapped for time recently.
Shouldn't this code prevent these biomes from being generated? I disabled them in the configs for the respective mods, then went into the game and used /BTListBiomes to get their IDs for the code above.
But as you can see here:
The Mystic Grove (one of the disabled biomes, in this case no.77) was still generated in the overworld.
Did I mess up the code or is this something else?
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Is there a way to validate the "genWeight" settings for biomes so I know the BT configs I'm setting up are actually working? I'm using it in conjunction with RTG's "Realistic" world type.
I will do some experimentation when I get the opportunity, using Climate Control right now because it was the most reliable thing for letting me change biome frequency for mod biomes, but I would much rather use Highlands worldgen, I think it's the best looking. If I can add mod biomes to HL worldgen with this, that would be bad ass too... There's a third-party addon for it called Highlands Integrator that ... works .. but it's kinda weird. Anyway, I"ll get back to you.
I'm usiong BT with BoP at least, and it works great.
Though while I'm here there's just a small bug - topBlock replacement seems to have some quirkiness with metadata around surface entrances to caves - the attached picture demonstrates; it seems to place a different metadata inside them. The golden grass you see around was what I was trying to place, with metadata 1. I'd also tried it with Biome's O Plenty's new grass blocks which had the same thing happen, though I believe it placed an invalid metadata...
In a nutshell... No.
I installed (of relevance) Highlands, BiomeTweaker, Ars Magica 2 (has a biome), Vampirism (has a biome), Thaumcraft (has 4 biomes, 2 of which are relevant), BoP and a standard UI mod set (HUD, NEI, blah.) First I just let Highlands generate a world without modifying configs.
The next step was to go ahead and create a basic script, just to test. I added a couple of addToGeneration() statements for the AM2 and Vampirism biomes. used .set("genWeight",1) on all biomes, then .set("genWeight",500) on the two new ones (only set them to 10 in addToGeneration, just ... cause.) The new world had the exact same seed as the unmodified config one, and turned out exactly the same as the first.
Next I went ahead and used the Highlands-Integrator mod and tweaked its JSON config to force the AM2 and Vamp biomes in to Highlands, they showed up in the HL config after a start/stop, then I went ahead and started up again, created a new world, same seed... exact same world.
I threw a handful of other statements in the BT script just to see if I could get any changes, changing the weights of a couple of the HL biomes, vanilla biomes and BoP biomes (HL has built in support for BoP). Again, same seed gave me the same world.
What I was really hoping was that I could get Highlands to work with Vampirism using this. It really does have my favorite world generation, stuff just looks right in terms of elevations, biome placement, etc, when using it compared to other worldgen mods. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that's going to be the case.
Unfortunately there's not much I can do about that. It's built into the cave generator. Is that a big problem?
Well, it turns out I was looking at the wrong repository, and the right repository was last updated in 2014. I'd love to help, but I'm powerless. All I can tell you is to point the author of Highlands to BiomeTweaker's API. Specifically the AddToGeneration event. He can listen to it and add the biomes to his BiomeManager:
Ah well. It's not; I'm now using Custom Ore Generator for this to simply replace grass so the generation of things like sand and gravel is preserved.
It would be a big problem if I was still using BiomeTweaker for this though, especially in placing invalid metadatas, which crashed my client. I could imagine other people using this feature, I guess. But not a problem for me right now
Meh, it's pretty much a dead fish mod at this point. It's a shame, but, I'll figure something else out.
Not sure about that. There seem to be dictionary types you haven't even added. Could you open an issue here:
It helps me keep these organized since I'm so short on time now. See
Im sorry to take some of your time for study ,if someone know more code than me (no thug) and can fix it best XD. I have make a file to remove squid spawn in water biomes, to reduce server lags in my modpacks without loosing ink for thaumcraft, but it seems not to work in the 1.8.9 version. It seemed worked fine in 1.7.10.
myBiomes = forBiomes(0, 24, 16, 7, 6, 10)
Did i miss something? I check all the info you give in your BiomeTweaker Tutorial but i always derp in code.
I make modpacks in my free time, its fun.
I'm enjoying the mod so far, but I have a question: Is it possible to test a configuration without waiting several minutes for my server to generate a new world every time I want to test a change?
Looks fine from a quick glance. Make sure you've included the script file in the main config. If it's still not working, please provide a full log.
Depends on the change. BiomeTweaker has a reload feature which you'll find in the mod config gui in Forge. Not recommended though, it won't reverse any tweaks already applied. Any new chunks you enter will then generate with the reloaded tweaks.
Is there a way to increase the depth of the oceans--as in, how far they extend below sea level--without raising the sea level? Because as much as I want to have a deep, deep ocean for my underwater city (and the Deep Ocean biome only goes so far, and is hardly flat or consistent), I'd also like to be able to enjoy normal minecraft biomes as well.
Hi, I want to playtest various biome-mods and visit each biome one by one. I saw that one of the script commands for this mods allows me to replace "Biome X with Biome Y", so the idea was to replace all the biomes with the one I want to see. Create a new world and voila... but it didn't really work...
The file is properly included and I tested it with a quick recoloration of the foliage for all biomes...
I have no idea why my attempt to create a mono-biome world failed, it would be great if anyone could point out my mistake.
(Note: I am playing with a fresh 1.7.10 installation that only contains Forge, NEI, BoP and the "Realistic Terrain Generator" which is used to generate the test world.)
Your script is fine. The problem is most likely Realistic Terrain Generation. I've been having a lot of problems with that mod not firing events properly. BiomeTweaker uses an event to overlay Generation Layers that replace biomes. Realistic Terrain Generation most likely doesn't fire that event, unsurprisingly.
Okay then... will make a post at RTG to let him know.
Guess I will have to use the normal terrain generator then. Thanks!
What event is RTG supposed to fire? (edit: and when and where is it supposed to fire them?) RTG as currently written does almost nothing with GenLayers - it just takes whatever stack comes in from onBiomeGenInit (it actually does change the last member of the stack to suppress rivers, but that's it.)
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
That's the event, actually. How are you using that?
Pink's already provided the link. The only thing I can think of is that if the bottom GenLayer is GenLayerRiverMix we take it out and replace it with another GenLayerRiverMix that doesn't do rivers. We get the parents by reflecting into the GenLayerRiverMix and extracting the biomemix and rivermix. If you're subclassing GenLayerRiverMix we might be getting the wrong GenLayer for you.
The other thing that's odd is that your priority is lower so you should be running later, so it should be *exactly* your layers in the system.
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
I think I was confusing your mod with Alternate Terrain Generation. I appreciate the recommendation!
From what I've looked at, everything should be working fine. As you have said, my layers should be the ones in the system. I'll let you know if I find anything, but I've been a bit strapped for time recently.
Shouldn't this code prevent these biomes from being generated? I disabled them in the configs for the respective mods, then went into the game and used /BTListBiomes to get their IDs for the code above.
But as you can see here:
Is there a way to validate the "genWeight" settings for biomes so I know the BT configs I'm setting up are actually working? I'm using it in conjunction with RTG's "Realistic" world type.