Anyone got good settings for archipelago generation? What I'd really like is large-ish islands (maybe 10x10 chunks), with a 2-3 minute boat ride between them. I'm fiddling about with something like below, but keep ending up with stringy land masses.. any advice?
is it possible to use registerGenBlockRep in combination with setStage to replace blocks generate in the decoration stage? Let's say I want to replace flowers and/or tree foliage, at what stage should i set the script to execute?
No, you can't do that (currently). That replacement happens after the stone maps are created, and nowhere else.
is there a way to make the changes dimension specific (in the case of mystcraft for example, i might was to have only the regular overworked use the biometweaker generation)
I'm currently making a sort of desert survival pack, and I want to make it so that the only biomes that can spawn are the desert, savannah, river and maybe mesa based-biomes (there's like three each right?). In addition I want to make it where all the remaining biomes but desert are slightly smaller and a lot less common than desert. How would I do that? I so much as glance at the wiki and I go crosseyed. I don't really need to know how it works or what is uses, I just need to know what to do, I don't plan on making any custom biomes anytime soon. Please keep it simple.
is there a way to make the changes dimension specific (in the case of mystcraft for example, i might was to have only the regular overworked use the biometweaker generation)
No, and I don't plan on adding a way to. Mystcraft is your best bet for that.
You could try doing something funky with custom biomes and having Mystcraft use only those, but I wouldn't recommend it.
I'm currently making a sort of desert survival pack, and I want to make it so that the only biomes that can spawn are the desert, savannah, river and maybe mesa based-biomes (there's like three each right?). In addition I want to make it where all the remaining biomes but desert are slightly smaller and a lot less common than desert. How would I do that? I so much as glance at the wiki and I go crosseyed. I don't really need to know how it works or what is uses, I just need to know what to do, I don't plan on making any custom biomes anytime soon. Please keep it simple.
If you can't handle the wiki, this isn't the mod for you. Sorry.
Would BT work with mods that use a new world generator. For example, I'm using the Wasteland mod, and that has a total of 4 biomes. I would like to give it a few more Biomes, such as Mesa, and a waterless sea (as per your wiki). More variation makes for a more interesting world.
Would BT work with mods that use a new world generator. For example, I'm using the Wasteland mod, and that has a total of 4 biomes. I would like to give it a few more Biomes, such as Mesa, and a waterless sea (as per your wiki). More variation makes for a more interesting world.
Would this be possible?
If the mod removes all other biomes, my guess is BT won't be able to add any. If the author is interested in adding support, I'm currently working on V2.0 with a brand new API.
If the mod removes all other biomes, my guess is BT won't be able to add any. If the author is interested in adding support, I'm currently working on V2.0 with a brand new API.
I think BT isn't able to add to that mods biome list. I'm using:
Mesa = forBiomes(165)
Mesa.addToGeneration("DESERT", 100)
Mesa.addToGeneration("WASTELAND", 100)
I know the file is being read, as I've been able to tweak one of the biomes in the mod (which is great, that "fixes" one issue I had with my modpack plans).
While I can no doubt adjust the overworld normal generation and pull in the mods biomes, it does also some extra generation which won't be present.
I might try tweaking one of those 4 biomes drastically. Amazing what you can do with BT.
I think BT isn't able to add to that mods biome list. I'm using:
Mesa = forBiomes(165)
Mesa.addToGeneration("DESERT", 100)
Mesa.addToGeneration("WASTELAND", 100)
I know the file is being read, as I've been able to tweak one of the biomes in the mod (which is great, that "fixes" one issue I had with my modpack plans).
While I can no doubt adjust the overworld normal generation and pull in the mods biomes, it does also some extra generation which won't be present.
I might try tweaking one of those 4 biomes drastically. Amazing what you can do with BT.
If you really need the functionality, you can reach out to the author about adding it. I'm going to be writing a document on using the new API in the next few days that I can point him to.
I plan for BT to be "core" mod, in the sense that other mods will use BT's API, rather than BT attempting to use 20 different APIs to add support for the slew of biome mods out there.
I can't seem to get "registerGenBlockReplace" to work. It doesn't cause any problems (like crashes or such), but just...nothing happens that should.
I'm trying to add the new Biomes o' Plenty soils into certain biomes, and I'm using this to change the filler block into the block I want it to be (as you can't seem to specify the meta with the filler block like you can with the top block).
Both parts of both topBlock changes work, and the the filler block at the beginning works, but it doesn't change the filler block after that. Is there something I'm missing?
Also, I can't seem to tweak those aspects of oceans and rivers, though that might be because they're hard-coded biomes.
I can't seem to get "registerGenBlockReplace" to work. It doesn't cause any problems (like crashes or such), but just...nothing happens that should.
I'm trying to add the new Biomes o' Plenty soils into certain biomes, and I'm using this to change the filler block into the block I want it to be (as you can't seem to specify the meta with the filler block like you can with the top block).
Both parts of both topBlock changes work, and the the filler block at the beginning works, but it doesn't change the filler block after that. Is there something I'm missing?
Also, I can't seem to tweak those aspects of oceans and rivers, though that might be because they're hard-coded biomes.
Unfortunately what you want to do can't be done currently. As you've noticed, you can't set the metadata on "fillerBlock". That's not because I'm lazy, it's because there isn't a way currently. I need to use ASM to insert it into the method, which is coming in v2.0.
The reason why what you have doesn't work is that "registerGenBlockRep" happens before the "fillerBlock" is placed. It doesn't matter where in the script you put them, it's just how Minecraft works.
Watch this issue I just created for updates on this feature:
Unfortunately what you want to do can't be done currently. As you've noticed, you can't set the metadata on "fillerBlock". That's not because I'm lazy, it's because there isn't a way currently. I need to use ASM to insert it into the method, which is coming in v2.0.
The reason why what you have doesn't work is that "registerGenBlockRep" happens before the "fillerBlock" is placed. It doesn't matter where in the script you put them, it's just how Minecraft works.
Watch this issue I just created for updates on this feature:
EDIT: The feature to change "fillerBlockMeta" is done. Check the issue I linked for a link to the build.
Oh excellent, I didn't expect it either, and it seems to be working great! Thanks a lot!
While I'm here, would it be possible to add sub-biomes to biomes ever? Biomes o' Plenty's worldtype seems to not generate half of the more interesting vanilla biomes (like the mesa variants except the basic plateau, or ice spikes), and disables the vanilla behaviour of naturally generating sub-biomes (to fix the issue of higher IDs generating as sub-biomes of lower IDs regardless of whether they should do), and while I can add them back to world generation with this, it's a little disappointing that, as far as I've seen, it can only be on their own. I won't expect them to work just like vanilla, but being able to make, say, the missing M biomes sub-biomes of their normal biomes and such would be great
I know Climate Control might be the obvious answer to this (though I don't know if it can do that either, but it does at least work sort of vanilla-like), but that has other problems, like BoP's rivers not working with it.
Hey, I'm sooo glad I found this. I'd been messing around for almost a week with Highlands, ATG, Climate Control, and BoP and all I really wanted was to be able to change the frequency of biomes without being limited to what mods they come from. So far, so good... at least I think. I was taking a look to see what I might be able to do with the setStage() method, and unfortunately the link you point us to for what stages are available is broken.
Hey, I'm sooo glad I found this. I'd been messing around for almost a week with Highlands, ATG, Climate Control, and BoP and all I really wanted was to be able to change the frequency of biomes without being limited to what mods they come from. So far, so good... at least I think. I was taking a look to see what I might be able to do with the setStage() method, and unfortunately the link you point us to for what stages are available is broken.
I'm not really even sure how to go about helping you help me with this one, but when I use:
All I get in the generated world is Beach, where I will invariably spawn, and then one other Biome type... this changes based on the weights I have set, but it's always the same if I haven't changed the weights any. I didn't see anything in the logs personally, but here are the lines that contain [biometweaker] at least, if you want more, please lemme know. It is worth noting that I have not looked at the link you just fixed a little bit ago, so I am running all of my scripts in whichever the default stage was... I didn't see a note saying this one had to be done elsewhere...
Also, I have no problem using the issue tracker if it turns out it needs to go there, but I tend to assume that I'm doing something wrong first, and that there's an issue with the code second
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar
[01:41:37] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class BiomeTweakerCore
[01:41:37] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: coremod named BiomeTweakerCore is loading
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod me.superckl.biometweaker.core.BiomeTweakerCore requested minecraft version 1.7.10 and minecraft is 1.7.10. It will be loaded.
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 6 rules from AccessTransformer config file biometweaker_at.cfg
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class me.superckl.biometweaker.core.BiomeTweakerCore to enqueued access transformers
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod BiomeTweakerCore
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 6 rules from AccessTransformer config file biometweaker_at.cfg
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod BiomeTweakerCore {me.superckl.biometweaker.core.BiomeTweakerCore} class transformers
[01:41:40] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer me.superckl.biometweaker.core.BiomeTweakerASMTransformer
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for BiomeTweakerCore {me.superckl.biometweaker.core.BiomeTweakerCore}
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin BiomeTweakerCore
[01:41:40] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Attempting to discover integration callbacks in coremods...
[01:41:40] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Beginning early config parsing...
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: We are operating in /media/data/test/./config/BiomeTweaker
[01:41:40] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Finished config parsing.
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class BiomeTweakerCore run successfully
[01:41:41] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Attempting to patch class net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLeaf...
[01:41:41] [main/ERROR] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Failed to patch net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLeaf! If this is a server, you're fine. Otherwise ye who continue now abandon all hope.
[01:41:43] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Building injected Mod Containers [cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLContainer, net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer, am2.preloader.AM2PreloaderContainer, codechicken.core.asm.CodeChickenCoreModContainer, codechicken.nei.NEIModContainer, me.superckl.biometweaker.core.ModBiomeTweakerCore, Reika.DragonAPI.ASM.APIStripper$AnnotationDummyContainer, com.gildedgames.util.threadedlighting.ThreadedLighting]
[01:41:43] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /media/data/test/mods/BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar
[01:41:43] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar
[01:41:44] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar for potential mods
[01:41:44] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar
[01:41:44] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (me.superckl.biometweaker.BiomeTweaker) - loading
[01:41:44] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:41:46] [Server thread/WARN] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Mod BiomeTweakerCore has been disabled through configuration
[01:41:46] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweaker/]: Enabling mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:46] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar [en_US]
[01:41:46] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BiomeTweaker(BiomeTweaker:1.2.128): BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar ()
[01:41:46] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, AM2-Preloader, CodeChickenCore, NotEnoughItems, <DragonAPI ASM>, mod_ThreadedLighting, arsmagica2, act, aether, AnimationAPI, BiomeTweaker, DragonAPI, MoCreatures, fossil, gilded-games-util, guideapi, Highlands, MineTweaker3, modtweaker2, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|Developer, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, RWG, shipwrecks_winslow, Thaumcraft, thaumcraftneiplugin, ThaumicHorizons, erebus, vampirism, Waila, Baubles] at CLIENT
[01:41:46] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, AM2-Preloader, CodeChickenCore, NotEnoughItems, <DragonAPI ASM>, mod_ThreadedLighting, arsmagica2, act, aether, AnimationAPI, BiomeTweaker, DragonAPI, MoCreatures, fossil, gilded-games-util, guideapi, Highlands, MineTweaker3, modtweaker2, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|Developer, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, RWG, shipwrecks_winslow, Thaumcraft, thaumcraftneiplugin, ThaumicHorizons, erebus, vampirism, Waila, Baubles] at SERVER
[01:41:47] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Attempting to patch class
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted 'actualFillerBlock' field into
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted 'liquidFillerBlock' field into
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted 'grassColor' field into
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted 'foliageColor' field into
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted 'waterColor' field into
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted Stone into 'actualFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted Water into 'liquidFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted -1 into 'grassColor'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted -1 into 'foliageColor'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted -1 into 'waterColor'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully redirected 'block2' to 'actualFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully redirected 'block1' to 'actualFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully redirected 'block' to 'liquidFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully redirected 'block1' to 'actualFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Sucessfully patched! 14 patches were applied.
[01:41:47] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Found Biome subclass net.aetherteam.aether.worldgen.BiomeGenAether with overriden water color method. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:47] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:47] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BiomeTweaker]: Mod BiomeTweaker is using network checker : No network checking performed
[01:41:47] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BiomeTweaker]: Testing mod BiomeTweaker to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:41:47] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BiomeTweaker]: The mod BiomeTweaker accepts its own version (1.2.128)
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/BiomeTweaker]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BiomeTweaker
[01:41:47] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BiomeTweaker took 0.012s
[01:41:48] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: (c60455538e04f0f2f04312c459565429eff4ab54) BiomeTweaker (BiomeTweaker 1.2.128) BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar
[01:41:50] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Beginning script parsing...
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Finished script parsing.
[01:41:50] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Script parsing took 36ms.
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Attempting to load compat. biome classes...
[01:41:50] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Failed to load compat. biome class
[01:41:50] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Failed to load compat. biome class
[01:41:50] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Failed to load compat. biome class
[01:41:50] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:50] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BiomeTweaker took 0.068s
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/Thaumcraft]: Found Biome subclass with overriden water color method. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/Thaumcraft]: Found Biome subclass with overriden water color method. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/Thaumcraft]: Found Biome subclass with overriden water color method. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/arsmagica2]: Found Biome subclass am2.worldgen.BiomeWitchwoodForest with overriden water color method. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/arsmagica2]: Found Biome subclass am2.worldgen.BiomeWitchwoodForest with overriden foliage color method and no event call. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/arsmagica2]: Found Biome subclass am2.worldgen.BiomeWitchwoodForest with overriden grass color method and no event call. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:54] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:54] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:54] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Initialization - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:41:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event IMCEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event IMCEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: InterModComms$IMC - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:41:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PostInitialization - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:41:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:58] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Found 18 tweaks to apply for stage FINISHED_LOAD. Applying...
[01:41:58] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Generating biome status report...
[01:41:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: LoadComplete - BiomeTweaker took 0.184s
[01:41:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerAboutToStart - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:41:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStarting - BiomeTweaker took 0.009s
[01:42:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStarted - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:42:18] [Netty IO #2/INFO] [FML/]: Client attempting to join with 39 mods : [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],<DragonAPI ASM>@0,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]_1.7.10,[email protected],[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],thaumcraftneiplugin@@VERSION@,[email protected],RWG@Alpha 1.3.2,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],[email protected],[email protected] Build 7.2.1,[email protected],[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
[01:42:26] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:26] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:26] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopping - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:42:27] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:27] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:27] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
I looked to see if there was a link to an issue or bug tracker, if it's there, I'm blind and missed it... so I'll just uh, continue to post until you yell at me
Posted on issue tracker, but since I can't find how to delete the post, I'll leave it..
All of these posts are regarding 1.2.128, for reference...
Currently I have discovered that the "separate files" setting in BiomeTweaker.cfg doesn't appear to work. I set it to false so I could get one file out to look for certain strings more easily and I'm still getting separate files. Checked to see if there was a single big one mixed up in there too, no luck.
script breaks minecraft why? version 2.0.147 - anything else game doesnt gen anything.
im asking for this for everyone, PLEASE make a FULL script that we can use and build off of. we dont know the order and anything about this mod. its the reason why ppl buried this mod and not use it. its good but ppl cant figure out the way u made the mod for.
Actually, I thought of a question that I hadn't asked before, and I don't think I remember reading earlier than this in the forum... Does BiomeTweaker impact Highlands or BoP world gen? If I choose a HIghlands world type, but make weighting alterations and add/remove biomes with BT, will it still impact worldgen or does Highlands/BoP do their own thing and not touch the standard dictionaries?
Actually, I thought of a question that I hadn't asked before, and I don't think I remember reading earlier than this in the forum... Does BiomeTweaker impact Highlands or BoP world gen? If I choose a HIghlands world type, but make weighting alterations and add/remove biomes with BT, will it still impact worldgen or does Highlands/BoP do their own thing and not touch the standard dictionaries?
BoP respects the BiomeManager for non-BoP biomes. They have their own config for BoP biomes.
I haven't played with Highlands yet, but looking over the code, it seems like it should respect the BiomeManager for everything.
Anyone got good settings for archipelago generation? What I'd really like is large-ish islands (maybe 10x10 chunks), with a 2-3 minute boat ride between them. I'm fiddling about with something like below, but keep ending up with stringy land masses.. any advice?
No, you can't do that (currently). That replacement happens after the stone maps are created, and nowhere else.
is there a way to make the changes dimension specific (in the case of mystcraft for example, i might was to have only the regular overworked use the biometweaker generation)
I'm currently making a sort of desert survival pack, and I want to make it so that the only biomes that can spawn are the desert, savannah, river and maybe mesa based-biomes (there's like three each right?). In addition I want to make it where all the remaining biomes but desert are slightly smaller and a lot less common than desert. How would I do that? I so much as glance at the wiki and I go crosseyed. I don't really need to know how it works or what is uses, I just need to know what to do, I don't plan on making any custom biomes anytime soon. Please keep it simple.
No, and I don't plan on adding a way to. Mystcraft is your best bet for that.
You could try doing something funky with custom biomes and having Mystcraft use only those, but I wouldn't recommend it.
If you can't handle the wiki, this isn't the mod for you. Sorry.
Would BT work with mods that use a new world generator. For example, I'm using the Wasteland mod, and that has a total of 4 biomes. I would like to give it a few more Biomes, such as Mesa, and a waterless sea (as per your wiki). More variation makes for a more interesting world.
Would this be possible?
If the mod removes all other biomes, my guess is BT won't be able to add any. If the author is interested in adding support, I'm currently working on V2.0 with a brand new API.
I think BT isn't able to add to that mods biome list. I'm using:
Mesa = forBiomes(165)
Mesa.addToGeneration("DESERT", 100)
Mesa.addToGeneration("WASTELAND", 100)
I know the file is being read, as I've been able to tweak one of the biomes in the mod (which is great, that "fixes" one issue I had with my modpack plans).
While I can no doubt adjust the overworld normal generation and pull in the mods biomes, it does also some extra generation which won't be present.
I might try tweaking one of those 4 biomes drastically. Amazing what you can do with BT.
If you really need the functionality, you can reach out to the author about adding it. I'm going to be writing a document on using the new API in the next few days that I can point him to.
I plan for BT to be "core" mod, in the sense that other mods will use BT's API, rather than BT attempting to use 20 different APIs to add support for the slew of biome mods out there.
I can't seem to get "registerGenBlockReplace" to work. It doesn't cause any problems (like crashes or such), but just...nothing happens that should.
I'm trying to add the new Biomes o' Plenty soils into certain biomes, and I'm using this to change the filler block into the block I want it to be (as you can't seem to specify the meta with the filler block like you can with the top block).
Thus, I currently have this:
NewSoil = forBiomes(7,117,226)
NewSoilSand = forBiomes(117)
NewSoilSilt = forBiomes(226)
Both parts of both topBlock changes work, and the the filler block at the beginning works, but it doesn't change the filler block after that. Is there something I'm missing?
Also, I can't seem to tweak those aspects of oceans and rivers, though that might be because they're hard-coded biomes.
Unfortunately what you want to do can't be done currently. As you've noticed, you can't set the metadata on "fillerBlock". That's not because I'm lazy, it's because there isn't a way currently. I need to use ASM to insert it into the method, which is coming in v2.0.
The reason why what you have doesn't work is that "registerGenBlockRep" happens before the "fillerBlock" is placed. It doesn't matter where in the script you put them, it's just how Minecraft works.
Watch this issue I just created for updates on this feature:
EDIT: The feature to change "fillerBlockMeta" is done. Check the issue I linked for a link to the build.
Oh excellent, I didn't expect it either, and it seems to be working great!
While I'm here, would it be possible to add sub-biomes to biomes ever? Biomes o' Plenty's worldtype seems to not generate half of the more interesting vanilla biomes (like the mesa variants except the basic plateau, or ice spikes), and disables the vanilla behaviour of naturally generating sub-biomes (to fix the issue of higher IDs generating as sub-biomes of lower IDs regardless of whether they should do), and while I can add them back to world generation with this, it's a little disappointing that, as far as I've seen, it can only be on their own. I won't expect them to work just like vanilla, but being able to make, say, the missing M biomes sub-biomes of their normal biomes and such would be great
I know Climate Control might be the obvious answer to this (though I don't know if it can do that either, but it does at least work sort of vanilla-like), but that has other problems, like BoP's rivers not working with it.
Either way, this is a very useful mod
Hey, I'm sooo glad I found this. I'd been messing around for almost a week with Highlands, ATG, Climate Control, and BoP and all I really wanted was to be able to change the frequency of biomes without being limited to what mods they come from. So far, so good... at least I think. I was taking a look to see what I might be able to do with the setStage() method, and unfortunately the link you point us to for what stages are available is broken.
Thanks for letting me know. I've fixed the link.
I'm not really even sure how to go about helping you help me with this one, but when I use:
All I get in the generated world is Beach, where I will invariably spawn, and then one other Biome type... this changes based on the weights I have set, but it's always the same if I haven't changed the weights any. I didn't see anything in the logs personally, but here are the lines that contain [biometweaker] at least, if you want more, please lemme know. It is worth noting that I have not looked at the link you just fixed a little bit ago, so I am running all of my scripts in whichever the default stage was... I didn't see a note saying this one had to be done elsewhere...
Also, I have no problem using the issue tracker if it turns out it needs to go there, but I tend to assume that I'm doing something wrong first, and that there's an issue with the code second
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar
[01:41:37] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class BiomeTweakerCore
[01:41:37] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: coremod named BiomeTweakerCore is loading
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod me.superckl.biometweaker.core.BiomeTweakerCore requested minecraft version 1.7.10 and minecraft is 1.7.10. It will be loaded.
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 6 rules from AccessTransformer config file biometweaker_at.cfg
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class me.superckl.biometweaker.core.BiomeTweakerCore to enqueued access transformers
[01:41:37] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod BiomeTweakerCore
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 6 rules from AccessTransformer config file biometweaker_at.cfg
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod BiomeTweakerCore {me.superckl.biometweaker.core.BiomeTweakerCore} class transformers
[01:41:40] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer me.superckl.biometweaker.core.BiomeTweakerASMTransformer
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for BiomeTweakerCore {me.superckl.biometweaker.core.BiomeTweakerCore}
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin BiomeTweakerCore
[01:41:40] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Attempting to discover integration callbacks in coremods...
[01:41:40] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Beginning early config parsing...
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: We are operating in /media/data/test/./config/BiomeTweaker
[01:41:40] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Finished config parsing.
[01:41:40] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class BiomeTweakerCore run successfully
[01:41:41] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Attempting to patch class net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLeaf...
[01:41:41] [main/ERROR] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Failed to patch net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLeaf! If this is a server, you're fine. Otherwise ye who continue now abandon all hope.
[01:41:43] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Building injected Mod Containers [cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLContainer, net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer, am2.preloader.AM2PreloaderContainer, codechicken.core.asm.CodeChickenCoreModContainer, codechicken.nei.NEIModContainer, me.superckl.biometweaker.core.ModBiomeTweakerCore, Reika.DragonAPI.ASM.APIStripper$AnnotationDummyContainer, com.gildedgames.util.threadedlighting.ThreadedLighting]
[01:41:43] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /media/data/test/mods/BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar
[01:41:43] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar
[01:41:44] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar for potential mods
[01:41:44] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar
[01:41:44] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (me.superckl.biometweaker.BiomeTweaker) - loading
[01:41:44] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:41:46] [Server thread/WARN] [BiomeTweakerCore/]: Mod BiomeTweakerCore has been disabled through configuration
[01:41:46] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweaker/]: Enabling mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:46] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar [en_US]
[01:41:46] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BiomeTweaker(BiomeTweaker:1.2.128): BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar ()
[01:41:46] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, AM2-Preloader, CodeChickenCore, NotEnoughItems, <DragonAPI ASM>, mod_ThreadedLighting, arsmagica2, act, aether, AnimationAPI, BiomeTweaker, DragonAPI, MoCreatures, fossil, gilded-games-util, guideapi, Highlands, MineTweaker3, modtweaker2, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|Developer, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, RWG, shipwrecks_winslow, Thaumcraft, thaumcraftneiplugin, ThaumicHorizons, erebus, vampirism, Waila, Baubles] at CLIENT
[01:41:46] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, AM2-Preloader, CodeChickenCore, NotEnoughItems, <DragonAPI ASM>, mod_ThreadedLighting, arsmagica2, act, aether, AnimationAPI, BiomeTweaker, DragonAPI, MoCreatures, fossil, gilded-games-util, guideapi, Highlands, MineTweaker3, modtweaker2, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|Developer, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, RWG, shipwrecks_winslow, Thaumcraft, thaumcraftneiplugin, ThaumicHorizons, erebus, vampirism, Waila, Baubles] at SERVER
[01:41:47] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Attempting to patch class
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted 'actualFillerBlock' field into
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted 'liquidFillerBlock' field into
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted 'grassColor' field into
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted 'foliageColor' field into
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted 'waterColor' field into
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted Stone into 'actualFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted Water into 'liquidFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted -1 into 'grassColor'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted -1 into 'foliageColor'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully inserted -1 into 'waterColor'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully redirected 'block2' to 'actualFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully redirected 'block1' to 'actualFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully redirected 'block' to 'liquidFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Successfully redirected 'block1' to 'actualFillerBlock'
[01:41:47] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Sucessfully patched! 14 patches were applied.
[01:41:47] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/aether]: Found Biome subclass net.aetherteam.aether.worldgen.BiomeGenAether with overriden water color method. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:47] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:47] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BiomeTweaker]: Mod BiomeTweaker is using network checker : No network checking performed
[01:41:47] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BiomeTweaker]: Testing mod BiomeTweaker to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:41:47] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BiomeTweaker]: The mod BiomeTweaker accepts its own version (1.2.128)
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/BiomeTweaker]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BiomeTweaker
[01:41:47] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:47] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BiomeTweaker took 0.012s
[01:41:48] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: (c60455538e04f0f2f04312c459565429eff4ab54) BiomeTweaker (BiomeTweaker 1.2.128) BiomeTweaker-1.7.10-1.2.128.jar
[01:41:50] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Beginning script parsing...
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Finished script parsing.
[01:41:50] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Script parsing took 36ms.
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Attempting to load compat. biome classes...
[01:41:50] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Failed to load compat. biome class
[01:41:50] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Failed to load compat. biome class
[01:41:50] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Failed to load compat. biome class
[01:41:50] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:50] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BiomeTweaker took 0.068s
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/Thaumcraft]: Found Biome subclass with overriden water color method. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/Thaumcraft]: Found Biome subclass with overriden water color method. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:50] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/Thaumcraft]: Found Biome subclass with overriden water color method. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/arsmagica2]: Found Biome subclass am2.worldgen.BiomeWitchwoodForest with overriden water color method. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/arsmagica2]: Found Biome subclass am2.worldgen.BiomeWitchwoodForest with overriden foliage color method and no event call. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore/arsmagica2]: Found Biome subclass am2.worldgen.BiomeWitchwoodForest with overriden grass color method and no event call. Attempting to force modded color event call...
[01:41:54] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:54] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:54] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Initialization - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:41:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Attempting to deliver 0 IMC messages to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event IMCEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event IMCEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: InterModComms$IMC - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:41:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PostInitialization - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:41:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:58] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Found 18 tweaks to apply for stage FINISHED_LOAD. Applying...
[01:41:58] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Generating biome status report...
[01:41:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLLoadCompleteEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: LoadComplete - BiomeTweaker took 0.184s
[01:41:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerAboutToStart - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:41:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLServerStartingEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:41:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStarting - BiomeTweaker took 0.009s
[01:42:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStarted - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:42:18] [Netty IO #2/INFO] [FML/]: Client attempting to join with 39 mods : [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],<DragonAPI ASM>@0,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]_1.7.10,[email protected],[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],thaumcraftneiplugin@@VERSION@,[email protected],RWG@Alpha 1.3.2,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],[email protected],[email protected] Build 7.2.1,[email protected],[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],NEIAddons|[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
[01:42:26] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:26] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:26] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopping - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
[01:42:27] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:27] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomeTweaker/BiomeTweaker]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod BiomeTweaker
[01:42:27] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - BiomeTweaker took 0.000s
I looked to see if there was a link to an issue or bug tracker, if it's there, I'm blind and missed it... so I'll just uh, continue to post until you yell at me
Posted on issue tracker, but since I can't find how to delete the post, I'll leave it..
All of these posts are regarding 1.2.128, for reference...
Currently I have discovered that the "separate files" setting in BiomeTweaker.cfg doesn't appear to work. I set it to false so I could get one file out to look for certain strings more easily and I'm still getting separate files. Checked to see if there was a single big one mixed up in there too, no luck.
all = forBiomes(85)
all.set("name", "Burnt Lands")
all.addDicType("Burnt Lands")
all.set("color", 1052688)
all.set("height", 1.0)
all.set("heightVariation", 0.25)
all.set("topBlockMeta", 2)
all.set("topBlock", "railcraft:brick.abyssal")
all.set("fillerBlockMeta", 6)
all.set("fillerBlock", "railcraft:cube")
all.set("temperature", 2.0)
all.set("humidity", 0.0)
all.set("waterTint", 1052688)
all.set("enableRain", false)
script breaks minecraft why? version 2.0.147 - anything else game doesnt gen anything.
im asking for this for everyone, PLEASE make a FULL script that we can use and build off of. we dont know the order and anything about this mod. its the reason why ppl buried this mod and not use it. its good but ppl cant figure out the way u made the mod for.
Actually, I thought of a question that I hadn't asked before, and I don't think I remember reading earlier than this in the forum... Does BiomeTweaker impact Highlands or BoP world gen? If I choose a HIghlands world type, but make weighting alterations and add/remove biomes with BT, will it still impact worldgen or does Highlands/BoP do their own thing and not touch the standard dictionaries?
BoP respects the BiomeManager for non-BoP biomes. They have their own config for BoP biomes.
I haven't played with Highlands yet, but looking over the code, it seems like it should respect the BiomeManager for everything.