Unlike many other minimap mods, Xaero's minimap keeps the aesthetic of vanilla Minecraft, which helps it be a more seamless addition to the game. It is also the first rotating square minimap for Minecraft. Among a wide variety of customization settings, there is an option for a circle-shaped minimap and a separate setting for locking the minimap's rotation (using a direction arrow instead). The minimap can display the surrounding entities, including players, mobs and items, as dots with a custom color or as icons (usually heads). In addition to the default compass directions, you can place your own waypoints that are visible both on the minimap and in the game world. Waypoints help you find previously visited locations or reach specific coordinates, with optional teleportation. The minimap can display the surrounding blocks above ground and below ground (cave mode). These are just some of the features of the mod while there are many more. Please read the "Minimap features" section below for a more complete list. For the purposes of following multiplayer server rules, there are 2 mod editions, full and fair-play, the latter being designed for fair PVP. This mod is mostly client-sided. Installing it on the server side is optional for some additional features like world identification.
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Additional Credit:
You can contribute to the translation here: https://github.com/thexaero/xaero-minimap-translations
Private message me if you would like to help and have questions!
How to install the Fabric version:
Waypoint teleportation doesn't work?
There can be many reasons for this. The mod sends a chat command to teleport you to the waypoints, which is /tp @s x y z by default, so appropriate permission is necessary. The vanilla /tp command requires OP status (cheats enabled) but it's possible to have separate permissions for commands on a non-vanilla server with certain plugins installed. The used command can be changed in the minimap settings with the "Default Teleport Command" option or per server in the waypoints menu with the "Teleport Chat Command" option.
If the "Teleport" button is disabled, then it can also mean multiple things. The most common reason for this is manually using waypoints from a sub-world that isn't the "auto" one but still from the same dimension. If the "auto" sub-world isn't what is supposed to be automatically picked on a certain world, then select the correct sub-world and use "Make Sub-world Auto" in the waypoints menu Options. This will swap all waypoints data between the 2 sub-worlds and you'll be able to teleport to the waypoints, which are now in your "auto" sub-world.
If the "auto" sub-world IS selected but the teleport button is still disabled, then it probably means that teleportation was manually disabled for the server/world. Check the teleportation option in the waypoints menu Options. If it's disabled, you can only enable it through the server-specific config file in the game directory -> xaero/minimap (XaeroWaypoints in older versions). I recommend exiting Minecraft before editing any config files. And make backups from time to time.
Your waypoints are no longer shown for a specific server?
Do not panic. It's almost certainly not actually deleted. If you use the world map mod and it has also reset, then please start by restoring it first before dealing with the waypoints. Read the "Your world map has "reset" for a specific server?" section on the world map description page. Done with that? Please continue reading.
Start by opening the full waypoint menu. Press U ingame to do so. Check the vanilla controls menu, if the U key doesn't work. Go through the sub-worlds listed in the top-right dropdown menu. All waypoint sub-worlds for the current server address should be there. If none of them have the right waypoints for the world/dimension that you are in, then the server address was likely changed. Find the old server address in the top-LEFT dropdown menu, select it and do Options -> Make World/Server Auto. You should now be able to find the correct sub-world in the top-right dropdown menu. If the right sub-world is already marked with (auto), which means that the sub-world is automatically selected for your current world/dimension, then you should be good to go. If the wrong sub-world is marked with (auto), then please continue reading.
Using the world map mod?
One of the most common reasons for the wrong sub-world being automatically selected is the incorrect usage of the world map mod in multiplayer (since version 1.6). Make sure you select the correct map for your current world before confirming it. It affects which waypoints are being shown to you. The menu for map selection is on the world map screen, if you click the bottom left icon (unless it's open by default). Consider changing the map selection mode to one of the automatic ones, if it fits the server you're playing on.
Your currently confirmed map affects which waypoints sub-world in the minimap mod is considered automatic (auto). This allows each created map to have separate waypoints data. At any point in time, you can select and view any non-automatic waypoints sub-world by going to the waypoints menu (press U) and selecting it from top-right dropdown menu. You can make any sub-world automatic for your currently confirmed map by selecting Options -> Make Sub-World Auto.
Not using the world map mod?
The wrong sub-world being considered (auto) and therefore being automatically selected can be caused by a server plugin changing the behavior of the vanilla compass item and interfering with the mod's "multiworld" detection, if you have it enabled (disabled by default). In most such cases the compass item points to your bed instead of the global spawn point. Sleeping in the right bed again should bring everything back for you if sleeping in another one was the cause of the waypoints disappearing.
If this happened because of a new plugin being added (and if removing it is not an option for you), then here's how you can restore your waypoints:
1. Find the right waypoints "sub-world" from the top-right dropdown menu in the waypoints screen, it's the one with the waypoints that you need in your current dimension. Perhaps start with overworld?
2. Use Options -> Make sub-world auto.
3. Do the same for every dimension (enter the dimensions before doing it!).
4. If it's a simple server with 1 world (no hub/lobby worlds, no minigame worlds, creative plot worlds etc), then also turn off "Multiworld Detection" in the same Options menu. You can turn it back on later if you ever need it.
Contact me if you have questions!
Want to add your own entity icons or override the default ones?
First of all, make sure that you actually have the entity icons/heads enabled in the minimap settings -> Entity Radar, whether you put it on "Always" or "Player List". Just make sure that you know how to display them. Those are the icons that this section is about.
Starting from version 21.6.0 of the minimap mod you are able to override the default icons displayed for entities with your own sprites/images by making a resource pack (or including the required resources in your own mod). In addition to that, you are also able to add or improve entity type variants support (different variants of the same entity type having different icons) by creating a simple mod of your own or including some code in your existing mod. Although this is usually unnecessary for simpler multi-variant entity types (most entity types).
By default, the minimap mod renders all entity icons using the entity renderers/models bound to the entities. This supports all vanilla mobs and some simple bipedal/quadrupedal mobs whose models have easily identifiable head model parts (head, ears, nose etc). If the mod fails to do so, the colored dot is displayed instead.
The relevant assets directory to the purpose of overriding the icons is /assets/xaerominimap/entity/icon/. You can find it inside the minimap mod's jar file and extract the contained files/folders for your reference. The jar contains an example file for overriding icons of a mod entity type /assets/xaerominimap/entity/icon/definition/example_mod/example_entity.json. The example file would corresponds to the entity type example_mod:example_entity, if such existed. Please read the comments in the file example_entity.json to learn about its structure, so that you are able to create your own icon definitions similar to it.
In addition to that, /assets/xaerominimap/entity/icon/definition/minecraft/ contains several example files for vanilla entity types that might require additional comments regarding the default entity type variants support. By default, entities have very simple variants support where the entity type variant ID is simply the entity's main texture resource location.
If you set the "debugEntityVariantIds" option in the minimap config file to true, then the variant IDs of newly encountered entities (variants) will be printed in the chat and the log/console.
Starting from version 21.8.0 of the minimap mod you are also able to configure your own model-based rendering. Please read the comments in the example file /assets/xaerominimap/entity/icon/definition/example_mod/example_entity.json for all the information you need to know.
Check out this awesome project by babybluetit, if you want to have a look at a real implementation of custom icons or actually use it: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/xaeros-minimap-modded-support
How do I prohibit the use of cave mode and/or entity radar on my server?
To do that, please install the mod on the server side (requires a Forge/Fabric/Quilt server as of writing this). When you start your server, a new "common" config file will be created directly in the server directory (not the world folder). In the config file, you get multiple options that let you disable certain mod features for your players. Changes require a server restart.
Alternatively, you can include the following strings in a server/system message sent to players (on login), which do the following:
§f§a§i§r§x§a§e§r§o - causes the minimap to disable cave mode (including world map) and entity radar (fair-play mode)
§x§a§e§r§o§w§m§n§e§t§h§e§r§i§s§f§a§i§r - causes world map cave mode to work in the nether despite the minimap being fair-play
§n§o§m§i§n§i§m§a§p - disables the minimap completely
§r§e§s§e§t§x§a§e§r§o - reset all the system message flags
How do I let vanilla client players join my server that has the mod installed?
Look for a "common" config file directly in your server directory (not the world folder). In the config file, you get multiple options that let you disable certain mod features for your players. One of the options lets you disable the registration of status effects, which is what prevents players from joining. Changes require a server restart. Do the same for the world map.
Download Xaero's Minimap
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Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Great review! Big thanks for making it. Added to the main post.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Thank you
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Also, are there any plans to add a world map to show parts already explored?
It shows Mycelium as green because that's what it looks like on vanilla maps, which is what this mod is supposed to fit.
Right now, no plans to add a world map since vanilla MC already has it's maps. Don't want to devalue them.
However, it's definately possible that I will change my mind in the future.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Fair enough. I only ask because on servers it makes it easier to locate other players' homes or even makes it easier to meet up with players ala "you see that brown dungeon in the upper right corner, meet me there," kind of thing and that is something that is kind of hard to replicate with vanilla maps.
Glad you like it
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
+ Added deathpoints. A special waypoint will now be created every time you die.
* Removed shadows from on-map waypoint initials.
* Fixed waypoints not loading on LAN servers. Please note that waypoints created before this update will still not load (ONLY APPLIES TO LAN).
* Major bug/crash fixes.
Update (MC 1.7.10):
* Major bug/crash fixes.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Thanks for the update, though
You're welcome and thanks for the review
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Does the version not come with death points? Is death points only in versions for mc 1.8+? I download and died and no way point was made.
That is correct. It was a bug fixing update for 1.7.10.
New features will now only come to 1.8+ versions.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.3.9 (MC 1.8):
+ Added an option to view chunk grid on the minimap. Can be toggled in the minimap settings.
+ Added a dropdown menu instead of a button for choosing a colour when creating a waypoint.
+ Added shadows to on-map waypoint initials.
* Increased minimap chunk load radius by 1 and sped up chunk loading to balance out the increased radius. Previously, you could see empty chunks in the corners of the minimap even with the highest render distance. Chunk loading speed and distance will become configurable in the future.
* Changed default waypoints colour from black to random.
Update (MC 1.7.10):
* Increased minimap chunk load radius by 1 and sped up chunk loading to balance out the increased radius. Previously, you could see empty chunks in the corners of the minimap even with the highest render distance. Chunk loading speed and distance will become configurable in the future.
* Fixed waypoints not saving on LAN servers.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.4.0 (MC 1.8):
+ Customizable minimap entity dot colours.
+ Added Italian language support. Big thanks to Sporadicamente for translating!
* Minimap chunk loading improvement + optimization. Will now only constantly update chunks that are visible on the minimap.
* Improved dropdown menus. Selected option will now always be first in the menu.
* Minimap motion blur will now automatically turn off when your FPS drops under 35. Will now look a lot better on low-end PCs (should've done this a long time ago, oops :P).
* Fixed minimap zoom not saving correctly when zooming out.
* Other bug fixes and tweaks.
Update (MC 1.7.10):
+ Added Italian language support. Big thanks to Sporadicamente for translating!
* Minimap chunk loading improvement + optimization. Will now only constantly update chunks that are visible on the minimap.
* Fixed minimap zoom not saving correctly when zooming out.
* Other bug fixes and tweaks.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
This is the best mapmod ive ever seen!
And we are begging you, xaero96, PLEEEEEEASE, add the deathpoints and waypoints in 1.7.10 version!
There are lots of modded 1.7.10 modded servers which need this ultraepic minimap :C
Pleeease, change your mind in the name of The Great Cube :3
Hey! Thank you BUT there are waypoints in 1.7.10! No deathpoints though, you are right, only in 1.8 :l
I will eventually update 1.7.10 to the latest version, just not every update. Maybe every month (which makes it this week)?
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Also, I noticed, that map renders blocks from mods wrongly, for example BiomesOPlenty, or something like.
It renders them correctly. The colours are based on the material, not the textures, just like vanilla maps.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap