By the way, will clouds follow a cycle of time between rains? I assume so, but maybe not.
(EDIT: I see a Mooshroom in the backround... Spore cloud testing? XD)
Clouds will only rain when overworld precipitation is active - but the ones in the image were hacked to rain constantly. Their rain will also look like snowfall in appropriate biomes.
(Yup, any cow unlucky enough to pass under a spore cloud may find itself infested)
Thanks for the info, TheKentington! I imagine seeing delicate green flakes falling from the sky, only realising that its snowing frozen acid... Thaumic Horizons is by far one of my favorite mods as a whole, not just out of TC addons, because of all of the new and innovative features it adds. You're amazing!
To craft said items, do I need to create an energized node, put four amplifiers on the sides, feed the desired items you want to convert in the vortex by throwing them in item form at them so that they get sucked in, and then stabilize it with six 'stabilizing beams, I forgot the name'. After that, right clicking the stabilized vortex with a wand will make it spew the new items out?
you are wrong. stabilize first then throw them into the stable vortex.
How? thrown items pass right throw the stabilized vortex without anything happening. Right clicking on the vortex with the item also doesn't work for me either.
Weird, that worked for me. I have proof in the form of a Fabrico wisp army i made by automatically dropping salis mundus into a fabrico vortex.
How? thrown items pass right throw the stabilized vortex without anything happening. Right clicking on the vortex with the item also doesn't work for me either.
Did you at any point throw in a Primordial Pearl? If you did, the vortex doesn't work any more. This is what a stabilized Vortex that works should look like: A black Hole surrounded by a pink aura, with the beams converging. If there is a light in the center of the Vortex, it won't work, because it has an attached Pocket Plane.
I place a node stabilizer. I put a node on it, energize it, then put four amplifiers on it. After that six beams stabalize it, and it looks like a big sinister node. It doesnt suck anymore, I cant throw items at it (it passes right through it) and right clicking with a wand doesnt do much either. Also, when it is unstable, it sucks items, but when I use nbtedit on it to see its values, it does not contain any items.
Hmm, very strange. Could you by chance get a picture of your setup by chance? Maybe I can better see what is wrong that way. Note that only items meant to pass through will interact, others will just fall. Also try summoning Voidling Golems and Wisps, to see if that works.
im playing with the scholars lense for the first time, and i really like it. it could be even better with some tweaks.
would it be possible to take it even further? the in world scanning is the least tedius part of the minigame imo. running around with the thaumometer, scanning blocks in the world feels actually even statisfying (at least to me).
the only thing that really eats a lot of time and can feel anoying is pulling every single item you own out of your chests, drop it on the floor and scan it, then put it back in.
so it would be nice, if the scholars lense had an extra hotkey, that
1) toggles the display of the aspects below the crosshairs (so you dont have to have it in your field of vision the entire time
2) causes the goggles to scan an item under your cursor, when youre in the interface of an inventory (like a chest, player inventory or crafting table etc.).
so you wouldnt have to pull all the items out, but could just hover over each item with the cursor and hit the key to scan them.
also, a little cosmetic touch. if possible, it would be cool if the thaumaturges goggles took the color of whatever lense you applied to them. for example instead of the standart purple glasses, they would be grey when youre wearing the scholars lense, and orange if you wear the illumine lense...
Getting an odd log entry that mentions infusion, as well as cobblestone being marked as an infusion stabilizer.
I updated a bunch of mods recently(not TH though) and I cannot interact with my server at all, and this is the only hint I see that might be relevant.
I've been having the cobble stone infusion stabilizer problem too for quite a while, and I can't seem to pin down what mod it was. It always seemed to pop up with any combination of my normal ones.
I was testing out using Vortex Attenuators to stabilize a pair or hungry so that I could use a Teleological Recombination to make them bigger and I discovered a bug.
When you use a Vortex Attenuator on a jared node the node in the jar will transform, when you then open the jar the node will permanently change to become a normal node.
This also happens when a transvective dislocator from thaumic tinkerer (and probably any other tile entity moving device) moves the node that the Vortex Attenuator is aimed at.
I was testing out using Vortex Attenuators to stabilize a pair or hungry so that I could use a Teleological Recombination to make them bigger and I discovered a bug.
When you use a Vortex Attenuator on a jared node the node in the jar will transform, when you then open the jar the node will permanently change to become a normal node.
This also happens when a transvective dislocator from thaumic tinkerer (and probably any other tile entity moving device) moves the node that the Vortex Attenuator is aimed at.
Already discovered a few pages back. It works for all types of nodes, very useful, but still a bug.
by the way, i love the wand focus illumination. something ive always wanted from thaumcraft, simply because it saves inventory space not to have to carry around torches (or make them).
and above all, as a practical thinking thaumaturge, it simply makes sense. every mage should have some cantrips to make daily chores easier on him. and if nothing else, it adds fluff to the character.
there are not many upgrades for it in the focal manipulator (though the solar upgrade is pretty nice).
imo, the area upgrade, or the potency upgrade could improve the area a single ball covers with light. and maybe there could be an upgrade to fire the balls as projectiles and place a light upon impact. so you can basically light up an area from range. (maybe even damage undead like a magic missile with the solar upgrade).
stuff like this comes in very handy when exploring large caves and underground ravines.
I see that Thaumic Horizons does not have a config file. Can anyone tell me what the biome ID of the Pocket Plane biome is?
All of my biome ID's are occupied right now and therefore I know for sure that this biome is overwritten by something else. I just want to know which ID I have to clear in order for this biome to not potentially cause issues. It is all a precaution.
I'd been having the same problem, so I did a dump. It's ID 69. If you do a dump, you can check which ID's are empty and move the affected one from the other mod. In Biomes O'Plenty, the conflict is Maple Woods.
Crafting Recipe: 3 Enchanted fabric & 1 Void Putty = 3 Void Bandages. Shapeless (can be done in Player inventory), as you're really only rubbing the Putty onto the Fabric.
Use: All uses of Void Putty AND: When Right Clicked, on any mob or the air (for self), it restores X health to the target (to be determined, what would be balanced?) but if used on a player it adds a noticeable amount of normal Warp.
Crafting Recipe: 3 Enchanted fabric & 1 Void Putty = 3 Void Bandages. Shapeless (can be done in Player inventory), as you're really only rubbing the Putty onto the Fabric.
Use: All uses of Void Putty AND: When Right Clicked, on any mob or the air (for self), it restores X health to the target (to be determined, what would be balanced?) but if used on a player it adds a noticeable amount of normal Warp.
Why would anyone use that over potions? If it regenerates over time then it completely makes healing potions useless.
*Squeels in Joy*
Those look awesome, and the Vis, Glyph, and Alloy clouds seem cool and special! It also seems that some kill the grass underneath, interesting...
By the way, will clouds follow a cycle of time between rains? I assume so, but maybe not.
(EDIT: I see a Mooshroom in the backround... Spore cloud testing? XD)
(EDIT2: I'm gonna guess some of the effects:
Cloud: Rain Cloud
Thunder Cloud: Causes lightning and rain.
Acid Cloud: Damages Mobs, kills plants, maybe erodes blocks?
Tumor Cloud: Rains Taint, causes Flux Goo Buildup?
Spore Cloud: Fungal Infections?
Plasma Cloud: Rains Fire
Alloy Cloud: I have no idea.
Vis Cloud: Maybe charges wands, essentia collection?
Glyph Cloud: No Idea.
Animus Cloud: Lightning animates Temporary Golems
One step closer to The Great and Terrible Meat cloud
Clouds will only rain when overworld precipitation is active - but the ones in the image were hacked to rain constantly.
Their rain will also look like snowfall in appropriate biomes.
(Yup, any cow unlucky enough to pass under a spore cloud may find itself infested)
Thanks for the info, TheKentington! I imagine seeing delicate green flakes falling from the sky, only realising that its snowing frozen acid... Thaumic Horizons is by far one of my favorite mods as a whole, not just out of TC addons, because of all of the new and innovative features it adds. You're amazing!
The hype is so high.
If you had a way of manually inducing rain, acid/plasma clouds could be an . . interesting method of home defense, should you come under attack.
All of the items that are visible in the Thaumonomicon using the Vortex can be created using said Vortex.
Inert Crystalline Wands become active, Void Metal becomes Void Putty, Salis Mundus becomes Wisps, Golem Animation Powder becomes Voidling Golems, Etc.
The Pocket Planes are still WIP however.
you are wrong. stabilize first then throw them into the stable vortex.
Weird, that worked for me. I have proof in the form of a Fabrico wisp army i made by automatically dropping salis mundus into a fabrico vortex.
Did you at any point throw in a Primordial Pearl? If you did, the vortex doesn't work any more. This is what a stabilized Vortex that works should look like: A black Hole surrounded by a pink aura, with the beams converging. If there is a light in the center of the Vortex, it won't work, because it has an attached Pocket Plane.
Hmm, very strange. Could you by chance get a picture of your setup by chance? Maybe I can better see what is wrong that way. Note that only items meant to pass through will interact, others will just fall. Also try summoning Voidling Golems and Wisps, to see if that works.
im playing with the scholars lense for the first time, and i really like it. it could be even better with some tweaks.
would it be possible to take it even further? the in world scanning is the least tedius part of the minigame imo. running around with the thaumometer, scanning blocks in the world feels actually even statisfying (at least to me).
the only thing that really eats a lot of time and can feel anoying is pulling every single item you own out of your chests, drop it on the floor and scan it, then put it back in.
so it would be nice, if the scholars lense had an extra hotkey, that
1) toggles the display of the aspects below the crosshairs (so you dont have to have it in your field of vision the entire time
2) causes the goggles to scan an item under your cursor, when youre in the interface of an inventory (like a chest, player inventory or crafting table etc.).
so you wouldnt have to pull all the items out, but could just hover over each item with the cursor and hit the key to scan them.
also, a little cosmetic touch. if possible, it would be cool if the thaumaturges goggles took the color of whatever lense you applied to them. for example instead of the standart purple glasses, they would be grey when youre wearing the scholars lense, and orange if you wear the illumine lense...
Getting an odd log entry that mentions infusion, as well as cobblestone being marked as an infusion stabilizer.
I updated a bunch of mods recently(not TH though) and I cannot interact with my server at all, and this is the only hint I see that might be relevant.
I've been having the cobble stone infusion stabilizer problem too for quite a while, and I can't seem to pin down what mod it was. It always seemed to pop up with any combination of my normal ones.
wait, did you research the items to throw into it? if you just make the vortex it does nothing until you research recipes.
I was testing out using Vortex Attenuators to stabilize a pair or hungry so that I could use a Teleological Recombination to make them bigger and I discovered a bug.
When you use a Vortex Attenuator on a jared node the node in the jar will transform, when you then open the jar the node will permanently change to become a normal node.
This also happens when a transvective dislocator from thaumic tinkerer (and probably any other tile entity moving device) moves the node that the Vortex Attenuator is aimed at.
Already discovered a few pages back. It works for all types of nodes, very useful, but still a bug.
by the way, i love the wand focus illumination. something ive always wanted from thaumcraft, simply because it saves inventory space not to have to carry around torches (or make them).
and above all, as a practical thinking thaumaturge, it simply makes sense. every mage should have some cantrips to make daily chores easier on him. and if nothing else, it adds fluff to the character.
there are not many upgrades for it in the focal manipulator (though the solar upgrade is pretty nice).
imo, the area upgrade, or the potency upgrade could improve the area a single ball covers with light. and maybe there could be an upgrade to fire the balls as projectiles and place a light upon impact. so you can basically light up an area from range. (maybe even damage undead like a magic missile with the solar upgrade).
stuff like this comes in very handy when exploring large caves and underground ravines.
I'd been having the same problem, so I did a dump. It's ID 69. If you do a dump, you can check which ID's are empty and move the affected one from the other mod. In Biomes O'Plenty, the conflict is Maple Woods.
An Idea has struck me: Void Bandages.
Crafting Recipe: 3 Enchanted fabric & 1 Void Putty = 3 Void Bandages. Shapeless (can be done in Player inventory), as you're really only rubbing the Putty onto the Fabric.
Use: All uses of Void Putty AND: When Right Clicked, on any mob or the air (for self), it restores X health to the target (to be determined, what would be balanced?) but if used on a player it adds a noticeable amount of normal Warp.
Why would anyone use that over potions? If it regenerates over time then it completely makes healing potions useless.
Profile pic by Cheshirette c: