It's not for saving nodes from your wand. It's for feeding one node to another and automatically turning on a Node Stabilizer before the node loses an aspect.
Wow, can't belive I didn't think about that. Automated Node bullying, interesting... Anyway, I think it should still have some upgrades though, for later utilities that would be pretty useful.
It's not for saving nodes from your wand. It's for feeding one node to another and automatically turning on a Node Stabilizer before the node loses an aspect.
Should have figured out there was more to that thing.
I'm not too experienced with node bullying though.
The main problem with the node monitor, in my experience, is that it only emits a redstone signal when the node is in danger (aspect at 1 or 0), whereas the node stabilizer deactivates when it receives a signal. This means you have to use a redstone torch to invert the signal from the node monitor. Redstone torches have a 2-tick delay before changing state, and I've seen a node zap twice before the node stabilizer can turn back on.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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how about ability to craft the monitor with a redstone to make it inverted, raft the inverted with nothing to get back the redstone and a normal monitor.
I'm not sure how viable this is given minecraft's handling of sunlight, but it would be very, very nice to be able to somehow turn an appropriate node into an artificial sun that would provide sunlight in a radius on the horizontal plane around it -- that is, it would cause transparent blocks out to some radius around it to act as if they were in sunlight, complete with propagating that downward, lighting undead mobs on fire and providing power to solar panels from mods.
It might require some specific types & amounts of essentia on the node to be ignited, and/or some input of centivis or essentia on an on-going basis (possibly to determine size of effect?). An add-on item to go along with this: reflective mirrors, allowing you to reflect sunlight (either directly or from other mirrors) in order to light areas. RotaryCraft already has something like this, I believe, but a magical option would be a good alternative, and it would go very well with an artificial sun (imagine your underground base / wizard tower / fortress lit solely by an artificial sun at the heart of it + complex system of mirrors :D).
Fun as this would be, I'm not sure how viable it is given how minecraft handles sunlight & 'shade', but I think it is at least worth looking into / thinking about.
Aura Bleed
Consider a device that can be attached to a node in order to cause its vis to bleed outward violently, interacting with physical matter in a region around the node. Different essentia might have different effects: ignis might spontaneously ignite blocks/items/entities in the region, aqua might spontaneously douse fires and turn lava to obsidian, sano might provide a healing effect, victus might increase maximum health while in the region, instrumentum might increase tool speed, auram might increase the radius of the effects.
Thaumcraft (and its addons) generally have a lack of larger-scale/AOE offense/defense/utility devices (admittedly this can be said of a lot of tech & magic mods, so I guess it's a more general issue as well) which this would go some way toward filling.
Soul Transmission
It'd be really nice to see an expansion of the artificial body / soul beacon / resurrection research tree to include the ability to swap between different bodies by entering a vat, preferably at arbitrary distance & across dimensions. This would allow for Sync-like functionality with the additional utility of being able to augment different bodies for different purposes.
I'm not sure how viable this is given minecraft's handling of sunlight, but it would be very, very nice to be able to somehow turn an appropriate node into an artificial sun that would provide sunlight in a radius on the horizontal plane around it -- that is, it would cause transparent blocks out to some radius around it to act as if they were in sunlight, complete with propagating that downward, lighting undead mobs on fire and providing power to solar panels from mods.
It might require some specific types & amounts of essentia on the node to be ignited, and/or some input of centivis or essentia on an on-going basis (possibly to determine size of effect?). An add-on item to go along with this: reflective mirrors, allowing you to reflect sunlight (either directly or from other mirrors) in order to light areas. RotaryCraft already has something like this, I believe, but a magical option would be a good alternative, and it would go very well with an artificial sun (imagine your underground base / wizard tower / fortress lit solely by an artificial sun at the heart of it + complex system of mirrors :D).
Fun as this would be, I'm not sure how viable it is given how minecraft handles sunlight & 'shade', but I think it is at least worth looking into / thinking about.
Aura Bleed
Consider a device that can be attached to a node in order to cause its vis to bleed outward violently, interacting with physical matter in a region around the node. Different essentia might have different effects: ignis might spontaneously ignite blocks/items/entities in the region, aqua might spontaneously douse fires and turn lava to obsidian, sano might provide a healing effect, victus might increase maximum health while in the region, instrumentum might increase tool speed, auram might increase the radius of the effects.
Thaumcraft (and its addons) generally have a lack of larger-scale/AOE offense/defense/utility devices (admittedly this can be said of a lot of tech & magic mods, so I guess it's a more general issue as well) which this would go some way toward filling.
Soul Transmission
It'd be really nice to see an expansion of the artificial body / soul beacon / resurrection research tree to include the ability to swap between different bodies by entering a vat, preferably at arbitrary distance & across dimensions. This would allow for Sync-like functionality with the additional utility of being able to augment different bodies for different purposes.
1 - That's a cool idea! I wouldn't see a node become a sun, doesn't really work out in thaumcraft's lore, but there could certainly be a way to create a heat-proof core surrounded by flames... With the ability to make it float like a nitor orb.
2 - This idea, without being fleshed out, seems both overpowered and volatile. It would need a precise amount of vis of a certain type in the node, the possibility to destroy the node if over-used and maybe the use of a multiblock structure to make it less overpowered. Maybe even make the node unable to recharge, at least when the machine is working. Oh, and focis would be needed in the multi-block: vis does not just interact with the world, it needs to be directed to have an impact. Although I'm not sure myself about what would happen if truck-loads of vis were expelled at once. But when I hear bleeding nodes, I hear unstable nodes, and they don't do much but spit out vis orbs.
3 - This could be something, but there is one problem: as much as I like self-infusion, it is already borderline overpowered. Switching between bodies already breaks one of the principles of the process, even two: You must choose carefully what mutations you want, because it can't be reversed AND the fact that when you change bodies, you loose the old one... It dies. (It's the philosophical part of the matter that I like so much.)
So yeah, cool ideas man! May need work and polishing, but that's why there's a community around thoses mods!
P.S.: The masculine third person (and the masculine words) are used to make the text less heavy (is the word "alight"? whatever...).
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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for the sun idea, yeah, not a node itself, but an object that needs centivis. ignis and aer (components of lux) maybe along with some ordo to strengthen it. would need a relatively high base cost of 5 CV for minimum operating power. more would cause it to produce a stronger effect.
Mhh, I really wish Kentington would priorize bugfixing over adding new features. While the content of this mod is amazing, it's quality is still somewhat lacking... I started a new world with a new collection of mods recently, and decided against adding TH
Mhh, I really wish Kentington would priorize bugfixing over adding new features. While the content of this mod is amazing, it's quality is still somewhat lacking... I started a new world with a new collection of mods recently, and decided against adding TH
Every Thaumcraft addon I have seen so far (except Automagy) has some bugs or balance issues.
The last update adressed most bugs I've seen so far, besides the wonky suction.
Maybe create a list of bugs you have found so far? That might be more helpful to TheKentington
Does Thaumic Horizons have a github page? I couldn't find one with Google. It has a handy issue tracker.
Yeah, an actual issue tracker would be great. I remember the alchemite bug being posted every few pages here before it was fixed. I see no point of creating any more bug lists, all I'm aware of have been posted already but are pretty much lost in the usual stuff which is getting posted here.
Maybe it would motivate Kentington to do more fixes, too
All mods have bugs, even Automagy. Automagy in particular has some compatibility issues with different kinds of pipes. I'm not shore if its been fixed but earlier this year i had repeated client crashes when using extra utilities liquid pipes on thirsty tanks, I had to go back to buildcraft.
Man, I haven't logged back into this place in forever. Okay, so I really like Thaumic Horizons, but this Pocket Plane bull crap prevents me from really enjoying it. It has ruined a good number of seeds I've been trying to come across. So I see it updates to 1.1.6, and I see that it removes the unnecessary (and unfinished) pocket plane code. I feel joy, and I immediately update the mod, and proceed to pack up all my stuff on my server. I go make a new world and I spawn right next to a Pocket Plane. What's the deal? I'm still using 1.1.6, and I came across a Pocket Plane just now.
The notes SPECIFICALLY state the following:
Removed incomplete pocket plane content
I can't even find myself being able to properly get into this mod with this thing popping up every other region (I must be getting absurdly unlucky). I can tolerate bugs, but this... This just isn't something I can really find myself accepting.
Man, I haven't logged back into this place in forever. Okay, so I really like Thaumic Horizons, but this Pocket Plane bull crap prevents me from really enjoying it. It has ruined a good number of seeds I've been trying to come across. So I see it updates to 1.1.6, and I see that it removes the unnecessary (and unfinished) pocket plane code. I feel joy, and I immediately update the mod, and proceed to pack up all my stuff on my server. I go make a new world and I spawn right next to a Pocket Plane. What's the deal? I'm still using 1.1.6, and I came across a Pocket Plane just now.
The notes SPECIFICALLY state the following:
Removed incomplete pocket plane content
I can't even find myself being able to properly get into this mod with this thing popping up every other region (I must be getting absurdly unlucky). I can tolerate bugs, but this... This just isn't something I can really find myself accepting.
I would recommend using a version of Thaumic Horizons from before any pocket plane code was added. The pocket plane material in the overworld problem is really bad.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Leadership isn't about shooting people and stabbing things, its about telling other people to shoot people and stab things.
Man, I haven't logged back into this place in forever. Okay, so I really like Thaumic Horizons, but this Pocket Plane bull crap prevents me from really enjoying it. It has ruined a good number of seeds I've been trying to come across. So I see it updates to 1.1.6, and I see that it removes the unnecessary (and unfinished) pocket plane code. I feel joy, and I immediately update the mod, and proceed to pack up all my stuff on my server. I go make a new world and I spawn right next to a Pocket Plane. What's the deal? I'm still using 1.1.6, and I came across a Pocket Plane just now.
The notes SPECIFICALLY state the following:
Removed incomplete pocket plane content
I can't even find myself being able to properly get into this mod with this thing popping up every other region (I must be getting absurdly unlucky). I can tolerate bugs, but this... This just isn't something I can really find myself accepting.
Check the biome ID - make sure it's below 127 and not conflicting with anything.
Since no-one knows which biome IDs TH actually reserves and it is lacking a config file, it would be a matter of luck to try to configure other mods around it. That's what I was talking about on the previous page and why I decided against installing TH
Since no-one knows which biome IDs TH actually reserves and it is lacking a config file, it would be a matter of luck to try to configure other mods around it. That's what I was talking about on the previous page and why I decided against installing TH
You can use NEI's dump facility first with then without TH installed to see where its biome ID is and whether it's conflicting, and then just move that biome. It does need a config though, can't disagree there.
Wow, can't belive I didn't think about that. Automated Node bullying, interesting... Anyway, I think it should still have some upgrades though, for later utilities that would be pretty useful.
It's not for saving nodes from your wand. It's for feeding one node to another and automatically turning on a Node Stabilizer before the node loses an aspect.
Should have figured out there was more to that thing.
I'm not too experienced with node bullying though.
Edit: What is it with this forum and quotes.
The main problem with the node monitor, in my experience, is that it only emits a redstone signal when the node is in danger (aspect at 1 or 0), whereas the node stabilizer deactivates when it receives a signal. This means you have to use a redstone torch to invert the signal from the node monitor. Redstone torches have a 2-tick delay before changing state, and I've seen a node zap twice before the node stabilizer can turn back on.
how about ability to craft the monitor with a redstone to make it inverted, raft the inverted with nothing to get back the redstone and a normal monitor.
I've got a couple of suggestions:
Artificial Sun
I'm not sure how viable this is given minecraft's handling of sunlight, but it would be very, very nice to be able to somehow turn an appropriate node into an artificial sun that would provide sunlight in a radius on the horizontal plane around it -- that is, it would cause transparent blocks out to some radius around it to act as if they were in sunlight, complete with propagating that downward, lighting undead mobs on fire and providing power to solar panels from mods.
It might require some specific types & amounts of essentia on the node to be ignited, and/or some input of centivis or essentia on an on-going basis (possibly to determine size of effect?). An add-on item to go along with this: reflective mirrors, allowing you to reflect sunlight (either directly or from other mirrors) in order to light areas. RotaryCraft already has something like this, I believe, but a magical option would be a good alternative, and it would go very well with an artificial sun (imagine your underground base / wizard tower / fortress lit solely by an artificial sun at the heart of it + complex system of mirrors :D).
Fun as this would be, I'm not sure how viable it is given how minecraft handles sunlight & 'shade', but I think it is at least worth looking into / thinking about.
Aura Bleed
Consider a device that can be attached to a node in order to cause its vis to bleed outward violently, interacting with physical matter in a region around the node. Different essentia might have different effects: ignis might spontaneously ignite blocks/items/entities in the region, aqua might spontaneously douse fires and turn lava to obsidian, sano might provide a healing effect, victus might increase maximum health while in the region, instrumentum might increase tool speed, auram might increase the radius of the effects.
Thaumcraft (and its addons) generally have a lack of larger-scale/AOE offense/defense/utility devices (admittedly this can be said of a lot of tech & magic mods, so I guess it's a more general issue as well) which this would go some way toward filling.
Soul Transmission
It'd be really nice to see an expansion of the artificial body / soul beacon / resurrection research tree to include the ability to swap between different bodies by entering a vat, preferably at arbitrary distance & across dimensions. This would allow for Sync-like functionality with the additional utility of being able to augment different bodies for different purposes.
1 - That's a cool idea! I wouldn't see a node become a sun, doesn't really work out in thaumcraft's lore, but there could certainly be a way to create a heat-proof core surrounded by flames... With the ability to make it float like a nitor orb.
2 - This idea, without being fleshed out, seems both overpowered and volatile. It would need a precise amount of vis of a certain type in the node, the possibility to destroy the node if over-used and maybe the use of a multiblock structure to make it less overpowered. Maybe even make the node unable to recharge, at least when the machine is working. Oh, and focis would be needed in the multi-block: vis does not just interact with the world, it needs to be directed to have an impact. Although I'm not sure myself about what would happen if truck-loads of vis were expelled at once. But when I hear bleeding nodes, I hear unstable nodes, and they don't do much but spit out vis orbs.
3 - This could be something, but there is one problem: as much as I like self-infusion, it is already borderline overpowered. Switching between bodies already breaks one of the principles of the process, even two: You must choose carefully what mutations you want, because it can't be reversed AND the fact that when you change bodies, you loose the old one... It dies. (It's the philosophical part of the matter that I like so much.)
So yeah, cool ideas man! May need work and polishing, but that's why there's a community around thoses mods!
P.S.: The masculine third person (and the masculine words) are used to make the text less heavy (is the word "alight"? whatever...).
yet, heavy is the burden of the wise ones, when no one understands a word of what they say.
So, I remember that we're all mad here, and it's ok..."
- Inspired by the song "Cheshire Kitten" by SJ Tucker.
*Grins while backing off into the shadows*
for the sun idea, yeah, not a node itself, but an object that needs centivis. ignis and aer (components of lux) maybe along with some ordo to strengthen it. would need a relatively high base cost of 5 CV for minimum operating power. more would cause it to produce a stronger effect.
Mhh, I really wish Kentington would priorize bugfixing over adding new features. While the content of this mod is amazing, it's quality is still somewhat lacking... I started a new world with a new collection of mods recently, and decided against adding TH
Every Thaumcraft addon I have seen so far (except Automagy) has some bugs or balance issues.
The last update adressed most bugs I've seen so far, besides the wonky suction.
Maybe create a list of bugs you have found so far? That might be more helpful to TheKentington
Does Thaumic Horizons have a github page? I couldn't find one with Google. It has a handy issue tracker.
Yeah, an actual issue tracker would be great. I remember the alchemite bug being posted every few pages here before it was fixed. I see no point of creating any more bug lists, all I'm aware of have been posted already but are pretty much lost in the usual stuff which is getting posted here.
Maybe it would motivate Kentington to do more fixes, too
I caught a dead cow... I'm not sure exactly how I did it, but I think I jarred it at the exact moment it died.
GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Check out my Metroid Door and Custom Potions!
All mods have bugs, even Automagy. Automagy in particular has some compatibility issues with different kinds of pipes. I'm not shore if its been fixed but earlier this year i had repeated client crashes when using extra utilities liquid pipes on thirsty tanks, I had to go back to buildcraft.
Man, I haven't logged back into this place in forever. Okay, so I really like Thaumic Horizons, but this Pocket Plane bull crap prevents me from really enjoying it. It has ruined a good number of seeds I've been trying to come across. So I see it updates to 1.1.6, and I see that it removes the unnecessary (and unfinished) pocket plane code. I feel joy, and I immediately update the mod, and proceed to pack up all my stuff on my server. I go make a new world and I spawn right next to a Pocket Plane. What's the deal? I'm still using 1.1.6, and I came across a Pocket Plane just now.
The notes SPECIFICALLY state the following:
Removed incomplete pocket plane content
I can't even find myself being able to properly get into this mod with this thing popping up every other region (I must be getting absurdly unlucky). I can tolerate bugs, but this... This just isn't something I can really find myself accepting.
I would recommend using a version of Thaumic Horizons from before any pocket plane code was added. The pocket plane material in the overworld problem is really bad.
Check the biome ID - make sure it's below 127 and not conflicting with anything.
I have yet to find a single broken biome.
It's probably caused by an ID conflict with another biome-adding mod.
Since no-one knows which biome IDs TH actually reserves and it is lacking a config file, it would be a matter of luck to try to configure other mods around it. That's what I was talking about on the previous page and why I decided against installing TH
Thaumic Horizons' Pocket Plane biome is assigned to id 69, which conflicts with (I believe it was) BoP's Bamboo Forest.
You can use NEI's dump facility first with then without TH installed to see where its biome ID is and whether it's conflicting, and then just move that biome. It does need a config though, can't disagree there.
Can I get a "getting started" list like this: for the thaumaturgy trees this mod adds please?