Hello, I really love this mod, and I saw that you were thinking about a lightning creature on the first replies, I don't know if you still want a sugestion about that but if you still want it, are here is mine:
Asteros, a lightning Owl that looks like a Barned Owl and is neutral to the player, but hostile during rain or thunderstorms, his feathers are white or light blue, or both and his eyes are glowing white.
During the day he will be asleep, (bcz it's an owl, an nocturnal animal) but if woken up he will be agressive, and during the night he will wake up on it's own and be neutral
His attacks are ranged and one up close, when flying he will flap his wings violently to summon a lightning, or use continuous electricity (kinda like Palpatine from Star Wars), or he can ocasionally fly fast close to the player and attack him with his Talons (Like the Naga)
I just said that he looks like the Barned Owl because the look suits more in my opinion, but other great owls could be the Snow Owl, the Eurasian Eagle-Owl or the Great Horned Owl
I like owls
Oh and one more thing, can you tell what mob types are you looking for sugestions?
Hello, I really love this mod, and I saw that you were thinking about a lightning creature on the first replies, I don't know if you still want a sugestion about that but if you still want it, are here is mine:
Asteros, a lightning Owl that looks like a Barned Owl and is neutral to the player, but hostile during rain or thunderstorms, his feathers are white or light blue, or both and his eyes are glowing white.
During the day he will be asleep, (bcz it's an owl, an nocturnal animal) but if woken up he will be agressive, and during the night he will wake up on it's own and be neutral
His attacks are ranged and one up close, when flying he will flap his wings violently to summon a lightning, or use continuous electricity (kinda like Palpatine from Star Wars), or he can ocasionally fly fast close to the player and attack him with his Talons (Like the Naga)
I just said that he looks like the Barned Owl because the look suits more in my opinion, but other great owls could be the Snow Owl, the Eurasian Eagle-Owl or the Great Horned Owl
I like owls
Oh and one more thing, can you tell what mob types are you looking for sugestions?
Thanks, but the lightning mob idea became the Nimbus Drake described in the future plans section. This idea overlaps with it a bit too much.
If I knew what suggestions I wanted, I wouldn’t need them to be suggested, right?
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I'm currently playing around with an idea involving the five classical elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Aether/Aethyr/Æther/Ether/Quintessence/Void) and their respective elementals (Salamanders, Gnomes, Sylphs, and Undines. Maybe an angelic being for Aether), but I'm not entirely sure how to implement it. Would the Aether elemental summon the other elementals as a boss fight? Would they all spawn naturally as normal-ish mobs? I'm still thinking about it and am open to suggestions.
I REALLY like the mod! So much cool designs and mechanics!
I thought about monster that basically a some kind of water monster that using Pirate Ship as his armor. The main gimmick of this boss is that he always on water, but you need to fight him on earth. You can spawn if you ring a bell several times near the ocean. Don't know what name I could give to him.
hi yes i return wassup
i, uh, finally have a non-nightmare fuel idea that actually sounds kinda fun
and doesn't involve any useless items that are solely there to craft one thing
AND serves as a cool miniboss if you decide to fight and completely neglect how the thing works
..and is still probably bad anyways lol
the Cantatumire Imp a Thin, grey, slightly furry and very tall figure. has slick, narrow black ears, and 4 arms. has 4 green eyes; two on the front, and two on the sides of it's head. is often seen carrying two normal swords with it's lower arms, and a hulking greatsword with it's upper two. it's usually either crawling or crouching when moving around passively. while not sentient, very intelligent. Denizens of the End, though can be seen in other dimensions. fairly rare. Neutral.
the Cantatumire imp is a intelligent creature who collects and creates swords. that being said, it often seeks to forge a sword to replace it's greatsword with a more reliable weapon. should you provide it with the materials to make a stronger weapon (or the weapon itself), it may leave you it's own sword and run off to forge a new one.
they often crawl on their legs + lower two arms for increased mobility, but are capable of hunched bipedal movement and hexapod movement. they dwell within Imp huts, which are structures that can spawn in all 3 dimensions. these are Crude lean-to huts, made of different native materials. examples being trees + leaves in the overworld (or various stones if found in caves), biome mushrooms in the nether, chorus and endstone in the End. one Imp per hut.
Fighting AI
Should you decide to fight one, it's a force to be reckoned with. they're highly mobile, and are capable of dishing out a lot of damage.
-Can evade attacks
-can Block attacks with all 3 swords at once, if hit when it's not doing something else
-can sweep attack with lower swords
-can Slam with it's greatsword
-can Spin with it's greatsword
-can Lunge with all 3 at once
if you successfully defeat it, it will Retreat and disappear instead of dying. it will only drop the two Normal swords, rather than it's greatsword. it still despawns nonetheless.
by providing a Imp with enough materials to forge a powerful greatsword, or a valid substitute, it will give you it's current greatsword as a collectible weapon. each one having it's own perks and downsides.
Variants + Drops
Overworld Imps will drop their greatsword, the "Formidolosus Terra" (Terrifying Land) when given 10 diamonds. they use 2 iron swords for their normal weapons. when traded with, they will instead have a Diamond Greatsword.
Nether Imps will drop the greatsword "Hell's Bulwark", when given 10 Netherite Ingots. they use Enchanted Golden swords for their normal weapons.
when traded with, they will instead have a Netherite Greatsword.
End Imps will give you the "Endgoal" greatsword when given a Axe of a Thousand Metals. they use Enchanted Diamond swords for normal weapons.
will use the A.o.a.T.M instead of the Endgoal when traded with.
all 3 Greatswords have the same ATK speed, resembling that of the A.o.a.T.M. they're also two-handed weapons, meaning offhand weapons and items cannot be used. (totems and food are still useable.) they all will cease functionality when they break, and will stay unusable until they regenerate to a useable state again. because of this, they are unbreakable. even if you somehow get it to 0 durability, it will not break.
Formidolosus Terra a Hulking mass of various Rocks (Cobblestone, granite, andesite, diorite), with the backside of the blade having grass growing out of it. has a Emerald embedded near the handle.
This greatsword draws upon the power of the Overworld to strike down opponents. it has the innate passive of acting like it has Smite V. however, it cannot be Enchanted. it passively regenerates durability when within the overworld, has 500 durability. 9 Damage. can be used after regenerating at 250 durability.
Hell's Bulwark
a massive Conglomeration of Gold and Netherite Scrap, used to make a rudimentary netherite alloy. not nearly as effective as the real thing.
this greatsword calls upon the Nether for it's strength. it can be enchanted with one level past a normal enchant's levels (and has a passive high enchantability), as well as being able to have multiple incompatible enchantments at once on it (sharpness + smite, etc), but it will lose 2 extra durability points per use with every teir 3 or higher enchantment placed on it. having incompatible enchantments on it will also cause 2 extra durability to be lost each use, per set of incompatible enchantments. 600 durability, 8.5 damage. regenerates Durability when in the Nether. must regenerate to full if it breaks.
a heaping tower of Endstone, with Chorus tangling around the blade. has 3 ender pearls embedded in each side of the blade, and a End Rod for a handle.
Using the End's energy for power, the Endgoal is capable of parrying attacks with right click for a short time. enemies that hit you during this will be warped backwards 10 blocks and take 7 damage. however, if you mess up this window, there's a 25% chance that the parry will backfire, teleporting you randomly instead + dealing 6 armor-ignoring damage. this sword is also bigger and heavier than the others, inflicting a passive slowness 1 debuff while holding it. has 750 durability, deals 10 damage, and regenerates durability in the End. must regenerate to 250 durability to be useable when it breaks.
note that unique abilities from these swords CAN be triggered by the imp as well, if you choose to fight it
though, the only one that really matters is the Endgoal's parry, unless you have a mod that makes you undead or smth
also, the Diamond Greatsword + Netherite Greatsword the imps craft when traded with are unobtainable in their entirety.
Hm, these are okay, but none besides the first one really shape the way the player interacts with and approaches the boss. I'll still keep it in mind.
hey, i was just wondering if there are still things being added to the mod, or is it just bug fixes/porting?
More stuff will come later. I am almost done porting to 1.16.3/4, which will be the last version ports.
If I recall your 'overarching' plans were to have at least one unique creature per biome.
Is that something you plan to extend to the new upcoming cave biomes?
Yeah sure! I’ve got some loose ideas already.
Hello, I really love this mod, and I saw that you were thinking about a lightning creature on the first replies, I don't know if you still want a sugestion about that but if you still want it, are here is mine:
Asteros, a lightning Owl that looks like a Barned Owl and is neutral to the player, but hostile during rain or thunderstorms, his feathers are white or light blue, or both and his eyes are glowing white.
During the day he will be asleep, (bcz it's an owl, an nocturnal animal) but if woken up he will be agressive, and during the night he will wake up on it's own and be neutral
His attacks are ranged and one up close, when flying he will flap his wings violently to summon a lightning, or use continuous electricity (kinda like Palpatine from Star Wars), or he can ocasionally fly fast close to the player and attack him with his Talons (Like the Naga)
I just said that he looks like the Barned Owl because the look suits more in my opinion, but other great owls could be the Snow Owl, the Eurasian Eagle-Owl or the Great Horned Owl
I like owls
Oh and one more thing, can you tell what mob types are you looking for sugestions?
Thanks, but the lightning mob idea became the Nimbus Drake described in the future plans section. This idea overlaps with it a bit too much.
If I knew what suggestions I wanted, I wouldn’t need them to be suggested, right?
I'm currently playing around with an idea involving the five classical elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Aether/Aethyr/Æther/Ether/Quintessence/Void) and their respective elementals (Salamanders, Gnomes, Sylphs, and Undines. Maybe an angelic being for Aether), but I'm not entirely sure how to implement it. Would the Aether elemental summon the other elementals as a boss fight? Would they all spawn naturally as normal-ish mobs? I'm still thinking about it and am open to suggestions.
I REALLY like the mod! So much cool designs and mechanics!
I thought about monster that basically a some kind of water monster that using Pirate Ship as his armor. The main gimmick of this boss is that he always on water, but you need to fight him on earth. You can spawn if you ring a bell several times near the ocean. Don't know what name I could give to him.
Once again, really like this mod! Keep it up!
hi yes i return wassup
i, uh, finally have a non-nightmare fuel idea that actually sounds kinda fun
and doesn't involve any useless items that are solely there to craft one thing
AND serves as a cool miniboss if you decide to fight and completely neglect how the thing works
..and is still probably bad anyways lol
the Cantatumire Imp
a Thin, grey, slightly furry and very tall figure. has slick, narrow black ears, and 4 arms. has 4 green eyes; two on the front, and two on the sides of it's head. is often seen carrying two normal swords with it's lower arms, and a hulking greatsword with it's upper two. it's usually either crawling or crouching when moving around passively. while not sentient, very intelligent. Denizens of the End, though can be seen in other dimensions. fairly rare. Neutral.
the Cantatumire imp is a intelligent creature who collects and creates swords. that being said, it often seeks to forge a sword to replace it's greatsword with a more reliable weapon. should you provide it with the materials to make a stronger weapon (or the weapon itself), it may leave you it's own sword and run off to forge a new one.
they often crawl on their legs + lower two arms for increased mobility, but are capable of hunched bipedal movement and hexapod movement. they dwell within Imp huts, which are structures that can spawn in all 3 dimensions. these are Crude lean-to huts, made of different native materials. examples being trees + leaves in the overworld (or various stones if found in caves), biome mushrooms in the nether, chorus and endstone in the End. one Imp per hut.
Fighting AI
Should you decide to fight one, it's a force to be reckoned with. they're highly mobile, and are capable of dishing out a lot of damage.
-Can evade attacks
-can Block attacks with all 3 swords at once, if hit when it's not doing something else
-can sweep attack with lower swords
-can Slam with it's greatsword
-can Spin with it's greatsword
-can Lunge with all 3 at once
if you successfully defeat it, it will Retreat and disappear instead of dying. it will only drop the two Normal swords, rather than it's greatsword. it still despawns nonetheless.
by providing a Imp with enough materials to forge a powerful greatsword, or a valid substitute, it will give you it's current greatsword as a collectible weapon. each one having it's own perks and downsides.
Variants + Drops
Overworld Imps will drop their greatsword, the "Formidolosus Terra" (Terrifying Land) when given 10 diamonds. they use 2 iron swords for their normal weapons. when traded with, they will instead have a Diamond Greatsword.
Nether Imps will drop the greatsword "Hell's Bulwark", when given 10 Netherite Ingots. they use Enchanted Golden swords for their normal weapons.
when traded with, they will instead have a Netherite Greatsword.
End Imps will give you the "Endgoal" greatsword when given a Axe of a Thousand Metals. they use Enchanted Diamond swords for normal weapons.
will use the A.o.a.T.M instead of the Endgoal when traded with.
all 3 Greatswords have the same ATK speed, resembling that of the A.o.a.T.M. they're also two-handed weapons, meaning offhand weapons and items cannot be used. (totems and food are still useable.) they all will cease functionality when they break, and will stay unusable until they regenerate to a useable state again. because of this, they are unbreakable. even if you somehow get it to 0 durability, it will not break.
Formidolosus Terra
a Hulking mass of various Rocks (Cobblestone, granite, andesite, diorite), with the backside of the blade having grass growing out of it. has a Emerald embedded near the handle.
This greatsword draws upon the power of the Overworld to strike down opponents. it has the innate passive of acting like it has Smite V. however, it cannot be Enchanted. it passively regenerates durability when within the overworld, has 500 durability. 9 Damage. can be used after regenerating at 250 durability.
Hell's Bulwark
a massive Conglomeration of Gold and Netherite Scrap, used to make a rudimentary netherite alloy. not nearly as effective as the real thing.
this greatsword calls upon the Nether for it's strength. it can be enchanted with one level past a normal enchant's levels (and has a passive high enchantability), as well as being able to have multiple incompatible enchantments at once on it (sharpness + smite, etc), but it will lose 2 extra durability points per use with every teir 3 or higher enchantment placed on it. having incompatible enchantments on it will also cause 2 extra durability to be lost each use, per set of incompatible enchantments. 600 durability, 8.5 damage. regenerates Durability when in the Nether. must regenerate to full if it breaks.
a heaping tower of Endstone, with Chorus tangling around the blade. has 3 ender pearls embedded in each side of the blade, and a End Rod for a handle.
Using the End's energy for power, the Endgoal is capable of parrying attacks with right click for a short time. enemies that hit you during this will be warped backwards 10 blocks and take 7 damage. however, if you mess up this window, there's a 25% chance that the parry will backfire, teleporting you randomly instead + dealing 6 armor-ignoring damage. this sword is also bigger and heavier than the others, inflicting a passive slowness 1 debuff while holding it. has 750 durability, deals 10 damage, and regenerates durability in the End. must regenerate to 250 durability to be useable when it breaks.
note that unique abilities from these swords CAN be triggered by the imp as well, if you choose to fight it
though, the only one that really matters is the Endgoal's parry, unless you have a mod that makes you undead or smth
also, the Diamond Greatsword + Netherite Greatsword the imps craft when traded with are unobtainable in their entirety.
feedback is nice
haha unoriginal signature go brr
Yeah Man Your Right.