Craft++ is a Minecraft mod designed to enhance vanilla Minecraft without going overboard. It is designed to be minimally invasive and configurable to create a user experience like none other.
Craft++ adds a multitude of features to enhance your world.
Several new enchantments!
Nimble and Hops: These enchantments go on your boots, and can go all the way up to level 3. Each level adds a bit to your movement speed and jump height, respectively.
Vigor: Goes on your chestplate. It will grant the wearer a one heart max health increase per enchantment level, maximum of 3.
Veteran: Goes on your head, instantly increasing your knowledge! It will attract all experience orbs in a 32-block radius towards you!
Blazing: Automatically smelts everything the block drops. If you have fortune on your item, it will increase the stack size of the drops accordingly - but not for drops that are blocks themselves. It cannot be applied with Silk Touch, obviously. Only available at level 1.
Siphon: All mined block drops instantly go into your inventory! You won't have to deal with a pesky zombie or friend stealing your freshly-mined diamonds again! It is friendly with Silk Touch and Blazing.
Homing: Your arrows will aim right at your target. Level 1 works for entities 32 blocks away, level 2 works for entities 64 blocks away, and level 3 128 blocks away.
New items!
Dynamite: Simple throwable TNT! It is crafted out of a string on the top, a sand directly below that, and a piece of gunpowder below that and to the left. You can also dispense it out of a dispenser! It won't work when wet, either by rain or water. Credits to TooMuchTNT, made by MinecraftTNTstuff, for the texture.
Obsidian Boat: A boat for the nether: It works in lava, but not water. Be careful: it is hard to steer, and breaking it may lead to the loss of the boat if the item falls in lava. Craft it the same way you'd craft a boat, but with obsidian.
Fried Egg: Simply toss an egg in the furnace to produce it! It will heal 2.5 hunger bars.
Binocular Lens: A crafting ingredient for binoculars. See above for the crafting recipe picture.
Binoculars: A non-OP way to zoom! See above for the crafting recipe. The amount of zoom is configurable.
Storage blocks for flint, sugar, and charcoal. Charcoal blocks can be used like coal blocks, and sugar blocks fall like sand. Credits to Minestrappolation for the textures (IIRC).
Falling blocks such as sand, sugar, and gravel can be fired out of dispensers. Great for suffocation traps!
Enhanced mob drops!
Named mobs will drop their name tags.
Bats drop leather
Endermen drop their held blocks.
Creepers have a 1/10 chance of dropping a TNT block.
More realistic predator/prey relationships! When ocelots kill chickens, the chickens won't drop meat! Same for wolves and sheep!
Creepers and baby zombies burn in daylight. Wander far and near in comfort and safety!
Seeds will plant themselves after a (randomly-determined) couple of seconds delay. Farms can now be more easily automated!
Enhanced mob spawners!
When hovering over mob spawners with your mouse in creative mode, you can see the name of the mob it spawns.
They drop themselves when you use silk touch.
Crafting table changes!
4 planks in a square yields a crafting pad, which is essentially a crafting table as an item that opens up on right click.
Craft a crafting pad on top of another plank to yield a crafting table.
You will get the Workbenching achievement upon crafting the crafting pad.
You can now place cactuses next to solid blocks.
Command blocks can be found in the redstone creative tab. Dragon eggs can be found in the decorations tab.
Buttons are named according to their material! (E.g. stone/wooden buttons)
Stone tools are crafted out of stone rather than cobblestone.
You only need 3, rather than 6, source blocks to craft stairs. They are still crafted in the same pattern.
Crafting buttons gives you 4 rather than 1.
Potion and enchantment level roman numerals now are localized up to level 255.
Tools can no longer be repaired by simply putting them together in a workbench. Use an anvil.
Wool can be back-crafted into 4 string.
Lastly, sand and clay fall just like sugar and sand!
Craft++ is extremely configurable. Everything from enabling and disabling enchantments to automatic seed planting can be configured straight from the config GUI, accessible from the mods menu or the game menu. It is advised to delete your config file every time you update Craft++, for the configuration options may have changed.
The Craft++ installer only needs to be downloaded once. From there you can install any version of Craft++, even future versions from when the installer was released.
For extra easy installation, download the installer from here, then run it. If you want to do it yourself, read on.
The newest versions of Craft++ are automatically built and compiled, courtesy of here. If you want the latest features as they are coded, look no further. In addition, it generates JavaDoc jar files if you would like to download them.
Source code can be found right here on Github. You can also find releases there if you are uncomfortable with the automatic daily builds. These releases are verified to be problem-free as much as possible.
Craft++ requires Java 8 to work.
Q: It crashes.
A: First, delete the configuration file, which is located inside the config folder inside your .minecraft folder. If that does nothing, try removing any other mods one by one to see which one causes the crash. If it works, post the mod that it doesn't work with as well as the crash log. If it doesn't, just post the crash log and I will find a solution.
Q: Can I work with you on Craft++?
A: Due to bad experiences with this in the past, I am not open to this idea as of now. Maybe later.
Q: How did you learn to mod?
A: I taught myself Java and followed some Minecraft modding tutorials. A good way to learn by example is looking through my source code, available on GitHub.
I am the only coder of this mod. My mod uses the Anon10W1z license, included in the Github repository.
I don't use optifine, I do use voxelmap which uses liteloader.
Ok, not sure then?
I went back and pulled liteloader/voxelmap out and put optifine back in, got same results, so I totally believe it is not liteloader or voxelmap....
I have about 40 mods loading, so it wasn't really worth my trying to solve just for optifine.
It is the same error though, having to do with the Bakery, which is the 3D render of entities.
If you have a mod that adds entities, like reptile mod or npcs mod, try pulling it and see if one is the culprit?
I went back and pulled liteloader/voxelmap out and put optifine back in, got same results, so I totally believe it is not liteloader or voxelmap....
I have about 40 mods loading, so it wasn't really worth my trying to solve just for optifine.
It is the same error though, having to do with the Bakery, which is the 3D render of entities.
If you have a mod that adds entities, like reptile mod or npcs mod, try pulling it and see if one is the culprit?
Good luck to you.
If you want, why don't you cross reference your modpack against mine, maybe we can whittle this down and find the culprit.
The way the better stairs works is that it tries to find a private object (variable) in every single stairs (even modded) that contains the block it is crafted out of. As well as the metadata. It seems Optifine might change the name of the variable that I look for? Since the variable is private, I use a method to extract it. That method takes the name of the variable.
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I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!
Ok, so I started with Clean 1.8.0 then added Just Forge-1306 to it and Optifine (any version for 1.8) bombs out... so it is a Base issue with Forge and Optifine for me...
Ok, so I started with Clean 1.8.0 then added Just Forge-1306 to it and Optifine (any version for 1.8) bombs out... so it is a Base issue with Forge and Optifine for me...
Alright then.
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I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!
Craft++ is a Minecraft mod designed to enhance vanilla Minecraft without going overboard. It is designed to be minimally invasive and configurable to create a user experience like none other.
Quick Links
Installer Interface:
Mod Reviews
By KreekCraft (first ever mod review!):
By PopularMMOs:
By DrPlayStationNation:
By Hades (Russian):
By ANTHONYcraft (Spanish):
By baastiZockt (German):
Craft++ adds a multitude of features to enhance your world.
Craft++ is extremely configurable. Everything from enabling and disabling enchantments to automatic seed planting can be configured straight from the config GUI, accessible from the mods menu or the game menu. It is advised to delete your config file every time you update Craft++, for the configuration options may have changed.
The Craft++ installer only needs to be downloaded once. From there you can install any version of Craft++, even future versions from when the installer was released.
For extra easy installation, download the installer from here, then run it. If you want to do it yourself, read on.
The newest versions of Craft++ are automatically built and compiled, courtesy of here. If you want the latest features as they are coded, look no further. In addition, it generates JavaDoc jar files if you would like to download them.
Source code can be found right here on Github. You can also find releases there if you are uncomfortable with the automatic daily builds. These releases are verified to be problem-free as much as possible.
Craft++ requires Java 8 to work.
Q: It crashes.
A: First, delete the configuration file, which is located inside the config folder inside your .minecraft folder. If that does nothing, try removing any other mods one by one to see which one causes the crash. If it works, post the mod that it doesn't work with as well as the crash log. If it doesn't, just post the crash log and I will find a solution.
Q: Can I work with you on Craft++?
A: Due to bad experiences with this in the past, I am not open to this idea as of now. Maybe later.
Q: How did you learn to mod?
A: I taught myself Java and followed some Minecraft modding tutorials. A good way to learn by example is looking through my source code, available on GitHub.
I am the only coder of this mod. My mod uses the Anon10W1z license, included in the Github repository.
The JavaDoc is hosted right on Github here.
I am available on Reddit, the Minecraft Forge Forum, and the Minecraft Forum under the same username (Anon10W1z).
I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!
I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!
OK, I'll try getting some pictures in.
I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!
Lol, fixed
Added pictures
I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!
Yes. The config file, as I said in the main post...
Don't worry, that's just the name of the file.
I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!
Huh, weird. Will look into fixing. Try, for now, disabling the better stairs recipes. That will solve the problem but I'll fix it anyway.
I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!
None yet. Most mods are updating to 1.8.
I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!
Running with Optifine? I get that with a couple of mods now I am on Forge-1295 whenever I use optifine.
I don't use optifine, I do use voxelmap which uses liteloader.
Ok, not sure then?
I went back and pulled liteloader/voxelmap out and put optifine back in, got same results, so I totally believe it is not liteloader or voxelmap....
I have about 40 mods loading, so it wasn't really worth my trying to solve just for optifine.
It is the same error though, having to do with the Bakery, which is the 3D render of entities.
If you have a mod that adds entities, like reptile mod or npcs mod, try pulling it and see if one is the culprit?
Good luck to you.
If you want, why don't you cross reference your modpack against mine, maybe we can whittle this down and find the culprit.
I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!
Ok, so I started with Clean 1.8.0 then added Just Forge-1306 to it and Optifine (any version for 1.8) bombs out... so it is a Base issue with Forge and Optifine for me...
Alright then.
I'm working on an open-source mod called Craft++. Check it out!