There are settings under Experience Info to show total current experience and lifetime (since respawn) experience. Press U by default to open the menu.
Here's a sneak peek of a new simplified menu I'm working on for the next update. Let me know what you think. Most of the other changes are structural, and it all goes towards making future updates easier.
It was removed quite a long time ago, I think. I should update the list here, check out the CF page for a more updated list.
Does it work in version 1.15.2?
It's 1.12.2 only until all the major bugs are squashed out. I'd love to migrate but there are a lot of visual blips to take care of!
New release today fixing the config crash and defaults overriding config files (just a whole lot of config file problems, really). 1.4.3 on its way!
Will this new update, 1.4.3, be compatible for Minecraft 1.16+ ?
Is there any way of setting the experience display so it shows ALL experience you have, and not just the current/remaining experience in the level?
There are settings under Experience Info to show total current experience and lifetime (since respawn) experience. Press U by default to open the menu.
Here's a sneak peek of a new simplified menu I'm working on for the next update. Let me know what you think. Most of the other changes are structural, and it all goes towards making future updates easier.
I assume you don't have any plans to make this mod for 1.16, I assume?
Will this update be compatible with MineCraft 1.16+ ?
I haven't played MC for a couple of years but remember BetterHUD is the best add on ever !
I'm coming back for MC 1.18 ... do you have any plans for a BetterHUD compatible version ?