Oh well when I saw the mod spotlight on this mod it looked to me like it didnt move at all. I still havent tried the mod yet because my computer is broken down atm.
Can you describe to me how this happened and provide the url if possible?
when me and him install the cape mod i was perfected his skin was weird here is his skin then i download a skin of him in a file put it on imager and it was the same then we did minecraft.net and the same thing and we are both using mac plz help us fix this
i agree
That skin is glitching because the skin is 64x64, you need to make it 64x32 and then it will work. (Remove the bottom half of the skin and it will be fine)
Stupid people will be stupid people. To those people, I recommend you read the minecraft EULA and tell me where it says anything about capes. I have read it and it does not. Until it is put in the EULA, it is perfectly OK to use and develop a mod like this.
And masterdisasterHD, maybe put something like this at the top of the thread? It might stop at least a few ignorant people.
Femtocraft! A new awesome tech mod with a focus on balanced exchange.
If you are a mod/modpack developer and need a banner/logo, contact me and I might be able to make you one (yes for free if I'm inspired). You can see my work here.
can u plz do that for me it will make me really happy because then me and my bro can play and i don't know how to edit it
Im putting it there right now, thanks.
I put the new skin in my comment as an attachement, but just incase: http://i.imgur.com/g1s6dAU.png
the issue is not users having their own custom capes, but users having special capes that usually require minecon or having bought it or whatever.
if your mod lets people have their own textures for capes, they can use it to acquire those capes.if your mod instead uses a system similiar to how banners are made, it should be perfectly okay as long as no idiot makes a texturepack that changes the banner's textures to those special capes.
and i found some app that can help me unblocked imgur when i upload my cape and fininsh i go copy the URL and when i paste it the cape is white in my minecraft.
can you make me cape i just want a cape that have T on center and the others are blue and the back too
I'm quite busy right now but imgur was just an example; you can use any image hosting service.
because when i use your template it show on minecraft
but when i use my cape it show white cape
this the site that i use for the URL http://tinypic.com/?t=postupload