Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Armor
Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands add a magical flair to your Minecraft game without breaking it. The wands are balanced around mid to late game, requiring lots of emeralds and gold. The most powerful wand, the Wand of Death, requires Wither Skulls to craft, making it a serious investment for a dedicated mob slayer.
This mod also adds Wizard Robes and the Wizard's (and Witch's) Hat. The Wizard Robes can be dyed any color and they combine the enchantability of gold armor with the durability of iron armor (but provide less defense than leather armor). The Witch's/Wizard's hat can absorb potion effects, making them permanent so long as you wear the hat (can be disabled in the config files).
Mod Download for MC 1.8.9 (req. Forge-1.8.9- or later): CyanosWonderfulWands_1.8.9-1.8.0.jar
Mod Download for MC 1.8.0 (req. Forge-1.8- or later): CyanosWonderfulWands_1.8-1.7.2.jar
Mod Download for MC 1.7.10 (req. Forge 1.7.10-10.13.2 or later): CyanosWonderfulWands-1.4.2.jar
Mod Download for MC 1.6.4: CyanosWonderfulWands-1.1.0.zip
All versions: https://github.com/cyanobacterium/DrCyanosWonderfulWands/releases
Source code: https://github.com/cyanobacterium/DrCyanosWonderfulWands
Pocket Edition Port (thanks to KingBudderJr): http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-pocket-edition/mcpe-mods-tools/2362290-port-drcyanos-wonderful-wands-and-wizarding-robes
Change Log
New in version 1.8.0
- Updated to MC Forge 1.8.9- Added the Wand of Illusions
New in version 1.7.1
- Fixed bug in light wisp entities- Increased AoE damage for wands of fire, lightning, and death
- Made the Wand of Storms non-random (except when pointed at the sky)
- Modified version name to make it a little more clear that version 1.7 is for Minecraft 1.8 and not for Minecraft 1.7
New in version 1.7.0
- Fixed a bug that prevented the witch/wizard hats from working when day-night cycle is disabled- Wands and hats now have tooltips to tell you charge/potion effect
- Hats no longer have damage bar when storing enchantment (tooltip will appear instead) because they now use tags to store potion data
- Reduced wand repair cost
New in version 1.6.1
- Fixed a bug that prevented the wands of light and teleportation from working on a dedicated serverNew in version 1.6.0
- Added config option for alternative recipes- Made all colors of wizard robes craftable from wool of the respective color and made the recipes more intuitive (no more gold required)
- Made the Wand of Light 20% cooler
- Wand of Teleportation now prevents fall damage when you teleport
- Changed appearance of mage lights (now looks like a magic lantern)
- Added Wand of Darkness Bane, which spawns wisps that seek out darkness and plant mage lights to illimunate the darkness
- Added Wand of Bridging, which makes cobblestone bridges
- Added Wand of Climbing, which spawns vines
New in version 1.5.6
- Updated to Forge build 1299- Made the Wand of Teleportation at least 20% cooler
- fixed issue with missing mcmod.info file
New in version 1.5.5
- Updated to Forge build 1273 and displelled a foul curse that was cast upon the code by an evil witchNew in version 1.4.2
- Fixed a bug keeping it from running on 1.7.10 servers. Hopefully this will be the last time I touch Minecraft 1.7New in version 1.5.4
- Minor update to Forge-1.8- in version 1.5.3
- Wizarding robes are BACK!- Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes is now a Forge mod again
New in version 1.5.2
- Now works on 1.8 FML servers!New in version 1.5.1
- Fixed position of wands when viewed from 3rd person- Armor is available in creative mode, but does not render. You will have to wait for the Forge API update for the Wizarding Robes.
New in version 1.5.0
- Updated to Minecraft 1.8- Disabled armor and hats until I can figure out how to make it render (v1.5.1 should have the armor and hats back in)
New in version 1.4.1
- Added wizard robes. A highly enchantable armor that lasts a long time, but provides even less protection than leather armor- Added Hats
- Adjusted wizard leggings crafting recipe (now uses 3 gold ingots instead of 1 gold ingot)
- Made witch/wizard hats more responsive (reduecd update interval from 10 seconds to 1 second)
New in version 1.3.0
- Lightning! I've added two different wands of lightning! The Wand of Storms calls down lightning from the sky while the Wand of Lightning zaps anyone who dares stand in your way.- Wand of death made even more deadly (and fun) by increasing the explosion blast radius (be careful where you aim that thing)
This wand does nothing, but looks pretty neat. It has the cheapest recipe.
Wand of Light
Shoots a magical torch (called a Mage Light) into place, letting you light up distant areas.
Wand of Darkness Bane
Summons 9 wisps, which seek out darkness and place Mage Lights. A couple uses of this wand will safely illuminate your precious village and thus prevent monsters from spawning.
Wand of Growth
This wand grows plants like bonemeal. It can also grow plants that don't normally respond to bonemeal and makes moss grow on cobblestone.
Wand of Harvesting
Harvests crops and plants in a large area. Good for collecting apples from trees.
Wand of Mining
Instantly mines any stone that a stone pick-axe can break when you right-click. Does not work on wood or other non-mining materials.
Wand of Bridging
When used on the top of a cliff, this wand summons a cobblestone bridge up to 32 blocks long.
Wand of Climbing
Summons vines up and down a wall so you can easily climb up/down.
Wand of Freezing
Instantly turns water into ice (and lava into cobblestone). Great for making bridges over rivers.
Wand of Healing
Tosses a splash instant-health potion.
Wand of Illusions
This devious wand turns common blocks, such as dirt or grass or stone, into illusory versions that look real, but you can walk (or fall) right through them as if they were air.
Here you can see what happens if you turn the grass into illusory grass. Thankfully, the dirt underneath is real. Imagine what would happen if you covered a pit trap with illusory grass.
Wand of Teleportation
This wand teleports you to where-ever you happen to be looking when you release the wand. Unlike using an ender pearl, you do not suffer damage from teleporting. Be careful when trying to teleport up tall cliffs.
Wand of Storms
This theatrical wand causes lightning to strike the ground around you. You have no control over where the lightning lands, so be careful.
Wand of Magic Missiles
This wand rapidly shoots magical arrows.
Wand of Fireballs
Does exactly what you think it does.
Wand of Lightning
Shoots lightning at your foes like a Sith Emperor. The max range is 16 blocks and any creepers you hit will be turbocharged.
Wand of Death
This is a deadly wand that summons and launches wither skulls. A direct hit will kill a creeper in one shot.
Wand Repair
Wands can be repaired on an anvil with gold ingots. The more powerful wands require more XP levels to repair.
Robes and Hats
The tophat is purely decorative, having no function what-so-ever. However, it looks really good with black wizard robes.
Wizard's Hat and Witch's Hat
The Witch's Hat and Wizard's Hat both have the same functionality. When you put one on while under the influence of a potion, one of the potion's effects (chosen randomly) will be permanently stored in the hat. Putting the hat on will then apply that potion effect and keep that effect on you for as long as you wear the hat.
Wizard Robes
Wizard robes gain better enchantments from an enchanting table than most armors, roughly equivalent in its enchantability to gold armor. Though it offers almost no protection, wizard robes last as long as iron armor (high durability)
Robes can be repaired on an anvil using string.
Robe Colors
Robes can be dyed all of the same colors as wool. Simply put the robe in a crafting table with some dye. Note that this will remove any enchantments from the robes, so dye your robes before you enchant them.
Install Instructions:
1. Install the latest version of Forge mod loader
2. Download CyanosWonderfulWands-X.X.X.jar
3. Put CyanosWonderfulWands-X.X.X.jar in the mods folder of your Minecraft install (created by Forge when you first run it)
This mod is open source. You may include it in your mod packs, but remember to give credit to me (Cyanobacterium aka Dr. Cyano aka Synechocystis). You do not need to ask for my permission.
(there are many on YouTube, so here's some of my favorites)
All Mods by DrCyano:
DrCyano's Minecraft Mods - Wiki
Many thanks to user Zohar101 for getting the wiki off the ground!
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
When the wands run out of charge they don't break, so you only need to invest a single emerald into each wand (you repair them with gold ingots on an anvil).
The Nonmagical wand was originally planned to be a crafting ingredient for the other wands, but that seemed unnecessarily complicated.
I don't think I'll be making less-powerful versions, but I am currently putting the finishing touches on a Wand o Lightning.
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
Oh, that's Wanderful. And yeah, I know, it's kind of an obscure game. And my idea is that if they're crafted with a non magical wand, they can get an extra boost in how much charge they hold or something like that.
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
The Wand of Storms is less useful, but much cheaper, than the Wand of Lightning.
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
I've now merged the Wizarding Robes into the Wonderful Wands mod and added the ability to dye your robes. Here's an image of all 16 robe colors.
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
On the plus side, the wands work great. I think that everyone deserves the satisfaction of frying creepers with the Wand of Lightning!
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
I am unable to replicate the problem. However, I have had problems with textures after adding new mods to an existing world.
Try creating a new world and see if the textures work there. If not, then I have no idea what's causing your problem.
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
Thanks! Worked
I'll probably take a break from modding for the holiday season, but I'll try to still check-in on the forums periodically.
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/zoomturd
Mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2551790-mythical-minecraft-monsters-weapons-and-other-lore
Map: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/maps/2578483-gladiator-arena-map
1. Create a new single-player world and see if the mod works there
2. If it worked in step 1, then go back to your multiplayer game and go into creative mode and see if you have access to the mod items that way.
3. If it worked in step 2, create a new survival multiplayer server and see if you can craft the recipes (use commands to give yourself the materials, of course)
If step 1 fails, then you have some sort of mod interference or the mod installation didn't work correctly. If step 2 fails (but step 1 worked), the mod isn't working server-side but is working client-side. If steps 1 and 2 worked, but step 3 failed, it is interference from another mod or a bug in Forge (check the logs for errors related to registering recipes).
I hope you do get things working and enjoy your modpack
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes
My mods:
Base Metals, Power Advantage, Steam Advantage, Electric Advantage, Minecraft Mineralogy, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes