Try adding BaseMetals and mining it. Unless obsidian has a higher mining level, then use an obsidian sharpening kit.
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out
Don't click this link, HE is haunting it...
iron pick + diamond modifier = obsidian mining level
i have ^ that tool but can that even mine cobalt O_o or is there another way to mine cobalt with the default 1.10.2 tinkers construct?
not trying to add alot of world gen if i don't have to i have a lot already spawning in my world thanks to a lot of other mods.
enviromental tech/quarks/forestry already have my world littered with stuff
It might be a dumb question, but can I set the lumber axe to treecapitate certain types of trees that it can't by default?
My current village base is surrounded by bald cypresses from ExtrabiomesXL, and mobs keep spawning in their shadows. I built a lumber axe specifically to get rid of them, but it turned out to only affect cypress logs directly upwards and cypress leaves not at all.
What happened to TiC casting channels?
I kinda need them in 1.10.2, any suggestions for replacement?
Because I see in TiC2 there was added a new multi-structure TANK, and I kinda wanted to use casting channels for supplying my smeltery that way.
Use pipes from other mods.
I only know 2 1.10 mods that adds pipes: Charset and one of the Electric Advantage addons.
When you post a mod: "No pics no clicks" and "MCreator = bad ~99% of the time"
Don't forget to read the crashlog before reporting the crash. It might tell you why it's crashing.
Sorry if my spelling is bad, I'm learning english...
My mod ideas: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/mods-discussion/2354659-medsal15s-mod-ideas-hub
Why do evil poeple always want to control the world?
If you need ideas, I may be able to give you some...
Warning status: Unbanned
They were never working right.
Any other mod's pipes.
Are there change logs anywhere? And which mods do you recommend for adding new ores? I have Dr. Cryo's Ore Gen now, But noticed TC doesn't recognize most of his stuff.
Man, I wish; I'm running 1.9.4. =/
Then you have no excuse.
Any chance of we getting a) you adding katanas to the mod or any other mod that add katas with tinkers integration? (pleaase, i want to "RP" as a samurai)
could you add a way to make armor using tinkers construct? like armor made using this system will have its own stats. or would you be okay with an addon that adds that feature? what about a way of making vanilla shields?
No, boni will most likely not add katanas. If you want to roleplay, use a resource pack or use a mod adding katanas (like SlashBlade)...
You'll have to use an addon to add armor. boni will not add shields and armor to the base mod. See here.
Before you post something on the Tinkers' Construct thread... please read this.
If you have a crash log, READ it before posting it (and if you do, use spoilers). Some stuff should be obvious to where it comes from. Try reproducing the same thing with only Tinkers' Construct or Mantle on vanilla Forge (please do make sure that you're using the latest TiC and Mantle versions). If it still does happen, report it to the issue tracker (Yes, you have to sign up... but it's not that hard).
Last but not least, please do not ask for unsupported versions (1.7.10, 1.8.9) or ask for non-existent ones (1.8)!
If I recall, TiC has support for silver, lead, copper, bronze, steel, and electrum as tool materials, brass/aluminum brass as cast metals, and zinc, tin, and aluminum to make the alloys.
Substratum is pretty good as it adds all the metals Tic supports, and it's very configurable making it easy to get rid of metals that TiC doesn't use.
The new slime boots cause the Squake mod movement system to freak out.
What Squake should look like.
What it looks like with the boots equipped.
I'm also reporting this problem to the maker of Squake, but I don't really know whose mod's at fault...
Does a scythe make a good weapon?
I didn't back then. x3 Thank you.
Did some testing. It seems that the scythe is MUCH better at taking out multiple enemies than a broadsword, mainly for two reasons.
1. Broadswords only do their 'sweeping' attack when fully charged and not sprinting or jumping, meaning you can't hit multiple enemies with a crit or a 'charge' attack. A scythe however does it all the time, which makes it more effective when attacking multiple enemies, and can be used more freely.
2. A broadsword's sweep attack only deals like, a single heart of damage to the mobs it effects. Full damage is only dealt to the mob you hit directly, so it's less of a 'attack multiple enemies' and more of a 'push back multiple enemies'. A scythe deals it's full damage to all mobs in the area of effect, meaning it deals much more damage overall.
For example, when fighting say, 4 zombies with a 10-damage broadsword, you'll have to hit each zombie twice to kill them all. While you will deal some damage to other zombies with attacking one, the damage is so small that it doesn't make much of a difference. It keep them off you, but it won't kill them for you.
However, with a scythe, if you line them up properly, you can kill all four in two hits, because all zombies near the one you hit will be dealt the same damage, as if you hit them all individually,
The damage is lower than a broad sword by about 2~3 attack though
And speaking of 'taking on single enemies' a silver hammer with the 'smite' modifier just pulverizes undead. Even without high-end materials like mannyullen, it can kill the wither boss faster than anything I've ever seen
What's the replacement for 'Alumite' please? (And how do I create it?) I'm so confused.
Obsidian is now used for pretty much everything Alumite was once used for. If you don't want to replace your head with something that's got a lot less durability, sharpening kits are the way to go.