The mod on newer versions of minecraft is a work in progress
When I updatet the FTB Infinity Evolved Pack to the version 2.6.0 i noticed that some material stats got changed (Mining level, base atack damage and so on.)
I checked the configs for TiC and extra TiC but didn't find something where i could modify the materials.
Long story short: Is there a way I can change material stats?
Does material stats include stuff like mining speed, etc.? Because I would love to use ExtraTiC 1.4.6, but it nerfs enderium, and I wasn't sure if I could undo the nerf via the config.
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Potentially very stupid question, for 1.10.2 - if I have an animal in my piggybackpack, how do I put the animal down? I tried taking the piggybackpack off and putting armor on, but I still have a cow on my head
It depends. There's some worldgen (ores, ore berries, slime islands) so to get the most out of the mod, you'll want to be able to find those things, which (normally) only generate in new chunks. If you're already using a mod like metallurgy that adds copper and tin, then the only ores you'll be missing are cobalt and ardite, which generate in the nether.
If you don't want to start an entirely new world, you do have a couple options. The CofH core mod has some nifty features (bedrock flattening is my favorite) including ore retrogen. What that does is go through all the already generated chunks (as they are loaded into memory) and adds in whichever ores you specify in the config file as if they had been there the whole time. I think all of the retrogen options are false by default, so if you just change the values for copper, tin, etc. to true, they'll spawn into previously generated chunks as if they had been there all along. The only issue is that slime islands will still only generate in new chunks (and I'm not sure if CofH core recognizes the ore berry bushes as ores that can be retrogen-ed) Alternatively, you could install MCedit, which will allow you to view your minecraft world, select any chunks you want to save, and then delete the rest. They'll regenerate the next time you walk through them and have any features added by new mods.
You can also select all generated chunks and mark them for repopulation. This will regenerate trees, ores, and other things like tall grass, flowers, boulders, etc. without needing to delete and completely regenerate the chunks
Also (unrelated to above), does anybody have textures to go with the Faithful 32x resource pack for 1.9/1.10?
That's the point of the broadsword. It is able to be used with a shield/other item. Otherwise, the other tools would have a higher advantage with their abilities already as well as making the broadsword completely useless and the other tools themselves overpowered.
Knives probably won't be added back, and if they are, they will be one of the last tools to be added back.
The mob should be coming down when you take off the piggybackpack (at least for me). I'm not sure, but it seems like it should be coming down when you do so.
Before you post something on the Tinkers' Construct thread... please read this.
If you have a crash log, READ it before posting it (and if you do, use spoilers). Some stuff should be obvious to where it comes from. Try reproducing the same thing with only Tinkers' Construct or Mantle on vanilla Forge (please do make sure that you're using the latest TiC and Mantle versions). If it still does happen, report it to the issue tracker (Yes, you have to sign up... but it's not that hard).
Last but not least, please do not ask for unsupported versions (1.7.10, 1.8.9) or ask for non-existent ones (1.8)!
The _concept_ may be old.
A _working, functional, bug-free implementation_ is really, really hard.
It is *easier* if you assume vanilla style oregen, or something close to vanilla style.
It is ... painful to even think of a good solution if you use something like COG veins/clouds.
Given that this is something that, if done properly, will be wanted by many things, it is probably a bad idea for many different implementations with different levels of bug-fixing to be running; hence, a "do it once in a good single-purpose mod" makes the most sense
CofhCore is not just a core set of libraries, sadly; it is at least three full mods.
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(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
TiC doesn't have its own retrogen, however you can use SimpleRetrogen by cpw to retrogen everything in the mod. Generators have to be looked up in the github source currently.
Boni why are you removed the bow arrows and crossbows? just a question
Read the ninth question.
Before you post something on the Tinkers' Construct thread... please read this.
If you have a crash log, READ it before posting it (and if you do, use spoilers). Some stuff should be obvious to where it comes from. Try reproducing the same thing with only Tinkers' Construct or Mantle on vanilla Forge (please do make sure that you're using the latest TiC and Mantle versions). If it still does happen, report it to the issue tracker (Yes, you have to sign up... but it's not that hard).
Last but not least, please do not ask for unsupported versions (1.7.10, 1.8.9) or ask for non-existent ones (1.8)!
Say, what's a good mod for adding more metals to use with TC if all I want are more metals?
Edit: and maybe new armor?
Thx you
First, note that for pretty much any mod you'll want to add, you'll need another mod called ExtraTIC, which adds a lot of compatibility between different mods that add ores/ingots.
If you're on Minecraft 1.7.10, Metallurgy (4) is amazing. It adds an impressive variety of ores to the overworld, as well as the nether and the end. Some are comparable to or better than diamond and useful, other metals... not so much :P. It's configurable, though, so you can select which metals you want to have spawn in the world and take out the rest. Tartarite, the highest tier metal from Metallurgy, can be used to make Tinkers' Construct tools with over 45k durability.
Thaumcraft and its add-ons have some cool metals, but getting the most out of Thaumcraft is a major time and energy investment because of its research system.
If you're running a version of Minecraft beyond 1.7.10, then I can't help much, since that's all I play. Metallurgy 5 will be coming out soon (I hope) and will have lots of the old features as well as some really nifty new ones, so keep an eye on that. Thaumcraft has been updated to 1.8.9, I think?
Anyways, that's all I really know :(. I'd suggest looking over the list of mods that ExtraTIC works with, though. Some of them might be what you're looking for
Just wondering. Are we also able to download the latest version from GitHub?
I'll just take your word and not mess around with it. x3
Hey, Just downloaded this mod, installed it and already loved it, but every time I try to break a crafting stations minecraft kind of panics and shuts down without a crash report or something, so I'll leave the forge log if it's of any use: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-Hp29BLgxqnTnlJWmh1blpQWm8
For 1.10.2 or such, I'd recommend Substratum. It adds a lot of metals to the game.
As for armor, read here on question 8.
You can get the latest versions from CurseForge.
Also, if you wish, you could always compile from code from GitHub, although that'll require you to setup Java to PATH, also to install Git, etc. though really there is no reason to.
Before you post something on the Tinkers' Construct thread... please read this.
If you have a crash log, READ it before posting it (and if you do, use spoilers). Some stuff should be obvious to where it comes from. Try reproducing the same thing with only Tinkers' Construct or Mantle on vanilla Forge (please do make sure that you're using the latest TiC and Mantle versions). If it still does happen, report it to the issue tracker (Yes, you have to sign up... but it's not that hard).
Last but not least, please do not ask for unsupported versions (1.7.10, 1.8.9) or ask for non-existent ones (1.8)!
Any way (or chance to get a way) to change the time blocks take to cool off?
Currently I spend 20-30 seconds per Casting Basin to get a single block of Iron/Gold/Copper (IC2).
Aprox 10-12 seconds pouring, which is fine - although wouldn't hurt to be configurable.
But it also uses 10-20 seconds to cool off and is ready to be taken from the basin, which is a lot of time.
Block / Cool Time
Iron / 20 seconds
Gold / 10 seconds
Copper (IC2) / 10 seconds
Tin (IC2) / 4 seconds
Lead (IC2) / 5 seconds
A total of upto 30 seconds to get a block is a lot of waiting, especially when you have a shitton of ores after a long mining session (bags helps with that), or a mining machine like Quarrys or Digital Miner (Mekanism). (Just made 150 Iron Blocks on 4 Casting Basins)
Wouldn't hurt to be able to configure the times, or the time variables, to increase/decrease pouring/cooling time, or point towards it in case I missed it.
Tinkers' Construct 1.10-2.3.3a
Mantle 1.10.2-0.10.4
It looks like only 6 of the metals it adds can be used with TC(copper, bronze, lead, silver, steel, elctrum Edit:and bronze). To make tools anyways. Brass makes casts and both bronze and brass are alloys, which needs tin and zinc, but they're not tool metals.
Still the best one I can find, so I think I'll just use that and disable the stuff I don't want.
For armor, I meant 'a mod that only adds metals TC uses, but having armor made from that metal is fine, since TC gives no armor'. I did find a armor-making mod, but that seemed very buggy.