Issue Tracker
Tinkers' Construct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart's desire. Once you make them, they're yours forever. Any world generation included in the mod is more efficient, but not required to progress.
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All downloads on curse
Report Bugs here: Github Issues
Please make sure you're using the latest version to avoid reporting already fixed bugs.
Mod Showcases
Looking for some information on the mod? Check out these awesome videos!
Differences to Tinkers to 1.7.10:
- 1.7
Tinkers' Mechworks
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks
Extra TiC - Metallurgy support
TiC Tooltips
Special Compatibility in other mods
Ex Aliquo - Ex Nihilo
Thaumic Integration - Thaumcraft 4
Texture Pack Additions
Sphax BDCraft
Older versions and changelogs can be found in the old forum thread.
Changelog for 1.7.10.
- Update to NotEnoughKeys new API, fixing the inventory open bug
- Fix AOE tools harvesting blocks when broken
- Separate Ardite and Cobalt configs
- Potential fix for slime islands not showing up on maps or on clients
- Change blacklist for boss-yellow-heart-drops to a config option
- Several Localization Updates. Thanks to all the people who continuously keep providing new/updated localizations!
1.8.7 (includes the 1.8.6 alphas)
- RFTools integration/balance (similar to Mystcraft)
- Fix Enderium not being blacklisted as Mystcraft Page
- Fix a crash with bolts and external mod integration
- Fix a possible crash with thrown daggers
- Fix crashes with worldgen when smeltery is disabled
- Fix CraftingStation Chest NEI stuff
- Fix a dupe bug
- Several other smaller fixes
- Alumite, Ardite, Cobalt, Manyullyn bricks (Textures by TherminatorX)
- Cactus, Paper and Netherrack textures for some of the ranged weapons (Textures by TheStapler)
- Fix potential crashes with armor stuff
- Fix potential crash when smeltery size changes
- Fix potential crash with the lumber axe
From this version on only major bugs will be fixed. Full force ahead for the rework!
- A complete italian translation for the books from TheVikingWarrior!
- Fix redstone faucet behaviour! (Yes, you read that correctly)
- Adjust/fix Pig-Iron alloy ratios
- Oreberries cannot be obtained from nugget casts or make nugget casts anymore
- Fix aluminium brass localization
- Materials added through IMC can now have custom textures
- Crashfixes
- Update to Forge 1387. Fixes problems related to multiple existing liquids, like liquid/resonant ender.
- Forge 1351+ compatibility
- Mattocks now work on Melons/Pumpkins!
- Picking up projectiles on the ground should work better now (especially with ITT)
- Bugfixes
- Rebalance arrow/bolt damage
- Buff throwing knives
- Shurikens can now be thrown with tool-rightclick just like splash-potions/block-placement
- Quartz now always adds flat damage to all ranged hits
- Bouncepads don't break transparency anymore
- New Gear-Module that adds integration for gear-casting if mods with gears are present
- Complete Thermal Expansion/Foundation integration with the new fluids and some recipies
- More IMCs for other mods (Thermal Foundation materials should now be repairable with the newest version)
- Dynamic/Zelda Sword Skills support
- Config option to disable Villager melting into emeralds
- Nametags can now be used in a Tool Station/Forge to rename anything
- Fix bows and some other things causing extreme FPS lag in some instances (thanks skyboy)
- Fix slight offset when aiming (also thanks skyboy)
- Fix achievements in multiplayer
- Fix Reinforced sometimes not working properly
- Fix an issue with RF modifiers if a specific mod combination occured
- Several Crash/Bug Fixes
- IMC for bow and arrow materials
- UBC support (thanks Glassmaker!)
- Full localization
- Necrotic modifier only heals when hitting stuff that is alive
- Fix Smite/Antispider not giving any bonus damage!
- Fix items taken from drying racks or casting table/basins or oreberries sometimes not showing up in the inventory
- Fix some tools messing up boss-health rendering
- Some graphical/text fixes
- Fix crashes when trying to craft bows/crossbows with materials that don't support it
- Some fixes when TinkerSmeltery is disabled
- Some more crash fixes and preventions
- Standard Tinker Weapons can be used with Battlegear again
- Fix moss on javelins sometimes removing ammo
- Fix Daggers returning arrows
- Fix stone-crossbow-bodies giving extra modifier
- Smeltery module shoudl now be deactivatable
- Prevent some crashes with outdated mods
- Toggling the belt after death doesn't crash anymore. Still causes inventory desyncs.
- Some compatibility fixes for Iguana Tinker Tweaks
- No more player resizing. This time for real.
1.8.0 Tinkers' Weaponry
- Complete rework of projectiles and ranged weapons
- New Weaponry book containing all the info for the new stuff (probably not complete, but should contain everything you need to know)
- New stuff is missing textures for Netherrack, Ardite, Flint etc
- Tons of damage
- Shooting your friends never was this fun
- Up to 2 Thaumometers can now be added to the goggles. 1 makes nodes visible, 2 turns them into goggles of revealing. (Not documented in the books)
- Slab pattern chests now also keep their inventory
- Fix some cross-mod behaviours with Blue Slimes/King Slime
- Small cross-mod fix that changes stone-harvest tool when chisel is present
- Fix slimy grass being harvestable without silktouch
- Render colored liquids correctly in the smelteries and tanks
- Fix liquid blue slime not being recognized as liquid
- Describe the Flux Modifier changes from last patch in the books
- NEK integration
- Fix some other mods not recognizing tinker tools as the proper tools (pick/axe/...)
- Fix a crash that could occur when draining a castning basin or table
- Several other fixes you probably wont even notice
- Better IMC support for materials
- More Localization
- Flux modifier now needs at least battery capacity/1000 in durability to be applicable
- Compressed Cobblestone can only be melted up to 4x
- Crashes with crafting table
- AOE-Tools not getting proper callbacks for each broken block
- Fix wings not repairing with moss
- Fix traveller gear not being repairable
- Fix goggle and belt toggling
- Emerald Smeltery values
- Combressed Cobble Smeltery values and derpage
- More crash fixes
- More smaller fixes
- Extra hearts for hardcore mode! (Thanks MCGamer20000)
- Smeltery Fuel consumption reworkjustmentfixes
- Don't die.
- Redstone on Gloves actually works now
- Tinkers now has proper IMC support! See here for details: https://gist.github.com/bonii-xx/e46f9d9e81e29d796b1b
- You can now pour water and lava into buckets in the casting table!
- Really fast AOE Tools should work properly now
- King Slime got his name back
- Noppes NPCs don't drop yellow hearts anymore
- Some Toolforges looking like PatternChests
- Materials without parts crashing NEI
- ExtraTic toolparts being present twice
- Some more crash and display fixes
- The sneaking-harvest thing for AOE tools now correctly only works with the Lumber Axe
- AOE Tools now only breaks up to 10x harder blocks. No more obsidian breaking when harvesting stone.
- Restore old pattern chest until new one is ready.
- Small fix regarding attacking with tools. Stuff might deal minimally less damage.
- Chisels pop out of the crafting grid now when they break. Automation!
- Fix the black bars and similar rendering issues
- Fix moss-modifier on armor not updating the damage display
- Many more NEI/Knapsack fixes
- Fix the smeltery-bottom not being taken into account correctly
- Fix invar and electrum not being alloyable in the smeltery
- Fix Autosmelt giving smelt items even if the block wasn't harvestable
- Fix golden carrot/melon requiring too much gold
- Fix chisel crafting with damaged chisels
- Several random crash fixes caused by other mods.
- Several other random fixes
- Much more NEI Shinyness (Rightclick on a toolpart. Do it. Right now.)
- AOE Tools now only harvest the main block while sneaking
- UI fixes with NEI, also some fixes with Tabs
- Tinkers now supports toolmaterials without graphics...
- ...and now features a minimal textures option that does not load the specific material textures. This can possibly increase graphic performance a bit on some low end computers.
- Buff Pyrotheum
- Railcraft poor ore support
- More localization stuff!
- Fix TE and some other metals only requiring 1 ingot for blocks
- Fix TE alloys in the Smeltery
- Knapsacks and Belt dupe/death problems should be fixed
- Fix issues with breaking speeds/harvestability on custom materials (mostly concerns newer AE2 releases)
- Fix patternchests not dropping contents if destroyed by explosions and the like
- Fix tinker armor not being indestructible like tinker tools
- Modifiers can only be applied to their actual intended target now. (Tool/Armor/Accessory)
d3.1: Fix a bug that sometimes caused alloys with amount 0 in the smeltery if not enough was present of both liquids. Mostly noticable with poor ores.
- Fix Smeltery dupe bug and hopefully the last bug when changing the smeltery size
- TConstruct now has its own NEI support! No more NEI Plugins needed for that. Thanks tonius11
New Smeltery stuff
- Smelteries can have any rectangular size from 3x3 to 4x7 to 9x9 (from 5x5)
- Smeltery capacity depends directly on size
- Smelteries learned how to use Pyrotheum
- Smeltery GUI shinyness
- Some fixes
Ported many changes from the latest 1.6.4 version, that didn't make the jump to 1.7.10
- Redstone modifier changes
- Fix heart rendering
- Fix Arrow/Dagger/Bow rendering
- Comparator output for fullness of smeltery and seared tank/glass
- Tool Blockbreaking has been reworked. Tinker tools should not cause any problems with other mod blocks anymore.
- Armor Modifiers now have proper book pages.
- Frying pans in the world are now colorable
- Battlesigns can be placed
- Dense Ore Support
- More Localization stuff
- Zombie Flesh can be molten into a small amount of blood
- New slimecrystal graphics by baddaspig
- Many small (liquid) rendering fixes
- Tanks also display the liquids they contain in item form
- Fix stuff derping when putting incorrect modifiers onto armor
- Fix ExtraUtilities Compressed Block support
- No more free toolrod pattern for you
- Many fixes with autosmelting
- Fix Achievements
- Fix black armor slots
- So many small fixes that I don't even know where to start
For talking about the mod, modding in general, or other things, you can find me on irc.esper.net, #TinkersConstruct
Pretty pictures and some basic information
You build, modify, and repair tools like so.
1.2 brings a new multi-block structure for turning metals into liquids.
It can be automated with redstone and hoppers.
The mod also brings a few mobs to the game, like this fellow here.
Armor has started, but is very unfinished and would need to be done by the community. Here's your hints:
And that's all there is to it! There's a lot of depth in the system, and most things are documented in-game. Anything that isn't is left for you to explore.
Q: My tool places torches/blocks on right-click, is this a bug?
A: This is intentional. And useful.
Q: Some question concerning 1.7.2
A: Nope, still no 1.7.2
Q: I'm playing with Aether 2 or Galacticraft and I can't see the armor tab, help!
A: Press "O"
Q: What other mods does this support?
A: Anything with copper and bronze ingots can be turned into tools. XyCraft aluminum and TConstruct aluminum are equivalent, and IC2 has an electric modifier. Metallurgy is supported through an addon - check the downloads section.
There is specific compatibility built in for Minefactory Reloaded, Waila, Forge Multipart, and a few others.
Q: What mods are incompatible with this?
A: MultiMine prevents the broad area on Tier 2 tools from working. GregTech may not work at all. OptiFine and any bukkit envrionment (MCPC+, BukkitForge) aren't supported either.
Q: I can't update because of other mods/modpacks!
A: This is a personal choice that we will not cater to. If you're going to use a modpack, you accept all responsibility for updating mods yourself, like you normally would. Likewise, not updating because other mods haven't updated does not mean we have to support you.
It's unfair to ask us to fix bugs that have already been fixed in later versions of Minecraft.
Q: I gave myself some tools from /give or NEI and it crashes!
A: You have given yourself a default tool with no data. The tool really needs the data. Pull one out of the creative menu or put the parts together normally.
mDiyo - Original Creator
fuj1n - Landmines, Former Developer
progwml6 - Former Developer
Fudgy_Fetus - Cutlasses
NekoGloop - Thaumium Textures
Skyboy - New tool renderer
Zerokyuuni - Battlegear support
Vexatos - Translations
BluSunrize - Casting Channels
tonius11 - NEI Support
baddaspig - Slime Crystal graphics
This mod is covered under the Creative Commons 3.0 license. Modpacks are encouraged, feel free to do anything you like with it. I only ask that you enjoy it!

Paste this code in your signature:
The mods binaries, as well as its textures and code are licensed under the MIT License.
Modpacks are encouraged, feel free to do anything you like with it. I only ask that you enjoy it! Do not ask for permission to use the mod, you have it.
Any modpack which uses Tinkers' Construct takes full responsibility for user support queries.
Please do not rehost the binaries.
boni - Project Leader, Maintainer
Knightminer - Developer
alexbegt - Developer
fuj1n - Developer
mDiyo - Original Creator
Gamer, Minecraft Mod Developer, Creator of many mods that can be found in my CurseForge profile. (Helped port Grimoire of Gaia to 1.8.9 and helped getting a 1.12.2 version going)
Natura is already being continiued by Progwml6.
Forum post natura.
Gamer, Minecraft Mod Developer, Creator of many mods that can be found in my CurseForge profile. (Helped port Grimoire of Gaia to 1.8.9 and helped getting a 1.12.2 version going)
Also, are you also going to develop Tinker's Mechworks as well? If not, do you know who (if anyone) is?
I was wondering if you have plans to streamline the books from three separate books into one book that details everything in one place. Its a bit annoying to have to switch books to find something at the moment.
Also, you dont actually need the modder's permission to write guides or wikis.
It just wont be linked in the OP post.
Honestly, I like that Tinkers Construct never had a wiki. It left you to discover things for yourself (for example, I only found out recently that punji sticks were a thing). Everything you need to know is in the book anyway.
Timeless Modding is kinda dead but idk what to put here now
I occasionally make textures/models for random people. Contributed to: Tinker's Construct, Growthcraft, and Animals+
PixelQuest 2, my new 1.10 RPG/rougelike-inspired modpack, is coming soon!
I actually want just @boni's opinion on this, guys. Let me hear the modder first, and the opinioned people second.
After all, there's a reason the wiki is the second result when you search "tinkers construct."
Edit: Just some added thoughts of mine, I love that the Smeltry can now have a different shape. I didnt like how I had to make it tower to the heavens to add more capacity.
"Everyone Is Entitled To Their Own Sorrow, For The Heart Has No Metrics Or Other Forms Of Measure, And All Of It... Irreplaceable"
"Your Hopes Have Become My Burden, I Will Find My Own Liberation".
"Scathing Eyes Ask That We Be Symmetrical, One Sided And Easily Processed, Yet Every Misshapen Sparks An Unseen Beauty Greater Than Its Would Be Judgement".