To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
It looks good to me, I will need to import it to blender for getting the head properly childed for animation (since tabula doesn't support scaling on child parts), but it looks good, and that is easy for me to do.
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
thut,i'm still an old pokecube fan,i know others could say the same,but i really wanted that opportunity to make some models for the pokemons,does techne is compatible to make the models of the pokemons on the list?
thut,i'm still an old pokecube fan,i know others could say the same,but i really wanted that opportunity to make some models for the pokemons,does techne is compatible to make the models of the pokemons on the list?
yes, techne can be used to make models, if you use it, I will have to transfer the model over to blender first, but I can do all of that once I get the techne model.
Some tabula models also need to be transfered to blender, but again, I can do that. What I cannot do is make the actual models themselves, animating them I can do.
Models I can use:
Techne models (Tabula is prefered, but techne is usable).
Tabula models.
Json models (preferably not these, but I can use them).
Anything that can be loaded into Blender (Prefered models, as they can do fancier things with lighting/textures).
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
oh yeah ! alright,actually,since the first updates of the mod i ve been watching that forum always waiting for that moment,i even modelled buneary,i gonna remake my models and make them better,i will try to keep contact about that !
oh yeah ! alright,actually,since the first updates of the mod i ve been watching that forum always waiting for that moment,i even modelled buneary,i gonna remake my models and make them better,i will try to keep contact about that !
Yay, more models
In other news:
Uploaded Pokecube Core 2.3.40 and Pokecube Mobs 1.1.22
Core Changelog:
Fixes an issue with textures for formes which use the same model as another.
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Pernambuco - Condado
Join Date:
Member Details
Blaziken this very small, I think
Not have mega stone Blaziken
Mewtwo Failed Megaevolve to Mega Y
Mega Glalie this less than Galie
Ekans Crashed
[18:40:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Command set: /pokemake Ekans
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Ogg header not recognized in method 'readHeader'.
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error reading the header
Arbok Crashed
[18:43:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Command set: /pokemake Arbok
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Ogg header not recognized in method 'readHeader'.
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error reading the header
Kingler Legs are Giant
Rotom base type is wrong, is Electric/Ghost
i think that someone need to make some changes in suicune
that horn thing on suicune head should be 3 times bigger than his head like on this photo
and there is something next to suicune mouth that the model don't have and that hair thing should be on the back of suicune head also i think that the horn should be better in a model form not in a texture form like it is now
Blaziken this very small, I think
Not have mega stone Blaziken
Mewtwo Failed Megaevolve to Mega Y
Mega Glalie this less than Galie
Ekans Crashed
[18:40:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Command set: /pokemake Ekans
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Ogg header not recognized in method 'readHeader'.
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error reading the header
Arbok Crashed
[18:43:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Command set: /pokemake Arbok
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Ogg header not recognized in method 'readHeader'.
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error reading the header
Kingler Legs are Giant
Rotom base type is wrong, is Electric/Ghost
Opps forgot about the corrupted sounds for arbok and ekans (the reason for the crash)
Will check sizes for blaziken, I may have used the wrong scale for the xmls.
Will upload fixes for those shortly.
Are you using most updated version of ThutCore? that should fix some of the issues with kingler.
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
the update is amazing!
and the textures of shinys Pokemons I'll already provide, and already finished Camerupt and his mega form, and I am finishing the rotom shapes.
Thutmose, I think there's a problem with the animation of the wings Venomoth. It has a moment that they close and remain closed for a while
Ahh, I see the issue, it isn't an animation issue, it is that venomoth is currently listed as a pokemob that walks around on the ground, so atm it tries to do the flying animation whenever it jumps, but it doesn't complete, so it opens for a bit, then closes when it lands.
I have that fixed for whenever I next update core, will probably look for more bugs/issues to fix before then though, I still need to decide what to do about mareep shiny colouring.
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
Ahem... Im back haha. Can you gimme the list of which mobs already have a model?
you should try to do rhyperior or primal rayquaza.
Thanks, I should be better tomorrow or so, the flu is mostly gone now.
Here are the models currently missing (I updated to remove the completed sets sent by nelk)
I do also have models for psyduck, spoink and sandshrew, but did not remove from list as I do not have models for golduck, grumpig and sandslash.
I think nelk mentioned he was also working on the rest of the rotom models.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
Thutmose, you could take a look at this mega mewtwo Y and tell me what you think
It looks good to me, I will need to import it to blender for getting the head properly childed for animation (since tabula doesn't support scaling on child parts), but it looks good, and that is easy for me to do.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
Thanks, I'll continue the Sandslash then. Soon bring Sandshrew and Sandslash.
Mewtwo not learning the moves lvl 86, 93, 100. (Mist, Me First, Psystrike)
thut,i'm still an old pokecube fan,i know others could say the same,but i really wanted that opportunity to make some models for the pokemons,does techne is compatible to make the models of the pokemons on the list?
yes, techne can be used to make models, if you use it, I will have to transfer the model over to blender first, but I can do all of that once I get the techne model.
Some tabula models also need to be transfered to blender, but again, I can do that. What I cannot do is make the actual models themselves, animating them I can do.
Models I can use:
Techne models (Tabula is prefered, but techne is usable).
Tabula models.
Json models (preferably not these, but I can use them).
Anything that can be loaded into Blender (Prefered models, as they can do fancier things with lighting/textures).
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
oh yeah ! alright,actually,since the first updates of the mod i ve been watching that forum always waiting for that moment,i even modelled buneary,i gonna remake my models and make them better,i will try to keep contact about that !
Yay, more models
In other news:
Uploaded Pokecube Core 2.3.40 and Pokecube Mobs 1.1.22
Core Changelog:
Fixes an issue with textures for formes which use the same model as another.
Adds a few missing formes to database.
Mobs changelog:
Steelix Mega
Blaziken Mega
Mewtwo Mega Y
Glalie Mega
Beedrill Mega
Pidgeot Mega
Gengar Mega
Venusaur Mega
Abra line (including Mega)
Ekans line.
Staryu line.
Goldeen line.
Krabby line.
Venonat line.
Yamasak Line.
Meloetta Pirouette
Rotom (only base forme)
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
blaziken texture is buggedfixed
Blaziken this very small, I think
Not have mega stone Blaziken
Mewtwo Failed Megaevolve to Mega Y
Mega Glalie this less than Galie
Ekans Crashed
[18:40:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Command set: /pokemake Ekans
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Ogg header not recognized in method 'readHeader'.
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:40:06] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error reading the header
Arbok Crashed
[18:43:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Command set: /pokemake Arbok
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Ogg header not recognized in method 'readHeader'.
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
[18:43:08] [Thread-12/ERROR]: Error reading the header
Kingler Legs are Giant
Rotom base type is wrong, is Electric/Ghost
i think that someone need to make some changes in suicune
that horn thing on suicune head should be 3 times bigger than his head like on this photo
and there is something next to suicune mouth that the model don't have and that hair thing should be on the back of suicune head also i think that the horn should be better in a model form not in a texture form like it is now
Opps forgot about the corrupted sounds for arbok and ekans (the reason for the crash)
Will check sizes for blaziken, I may have used the wrong scale for the xmls.
Will upload fixes for those shortly.
Are you using most updated version of ThutCore? that should fix some of the issues with kingler.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
Uploaded Pokecube Core 2.3.41 and Pokecube Mobs 1.1.23
Core changelog:
Fixes mewtwo not being registered to mega evolve in database.
Fixes type for rotom base forme.
Adds Blazikenite
Mobs Changelog:
Resize Krabby, Blaziken+mega, Glalie Mega.
Fix corrupted sounds for Ekans/Arbok.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
Thutmose, Krabby and Kingler are ok, it was my Thutcore the same version.
These new Pokemon are without shinys textures?
ya, some of them didn't have shiny textures. I will add the shiny textures whenever I get them.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
the update is amazing!
and the textures of shinys Pokemons I'll already provide, and already finished Camerupt and his mega form, and I am finishing the rotom shapes.
Thutmose, I think there's a problem with the animation of the wings Venomoth. It has a moment that they close and remain closed for a while
Ahh, I see the issue, it isn't an animation issue, it is that venomoth is currently listed as a pokemob that walks around on the ground, so atm it tries to do the flying animation whenever it jumps, but it doesn't complete, so it opens for a bit, then closes when it lands.
I have that fixed for whenever I next update core, will probably look for more bugs/issues to fix before then though, I still need to decide what to do about mareep shiny colouring.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires