To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
odd, I never had those issues in testing, I will look into it once I get back to my computer in about 3 hours.
I invite you to the modpack maybe seeing it first hand will make determining things easier. also if you don't mind I am totally making your mod one of the draws feel free to post the modpack on the OP.
Um the pokemon are still going missing instead of going back to poke pc. The following make you lose pokemon for good.
1 Restarting server with pokemon out
2 Shutting down server with pokemon out
3 Walking 16 blocks when despawn and cull is enabled
4 When a pokemon falls through the world
5 When a pokemon dies in lava.
Testing these with just pokecube installed.
1: cannot replicate this one with just pokecube
2: cannot replicate this one either with just pokecube.
3: cull doesn't affect tamed pokemobs, so this one shouldn't occur (I cannot replicate it either)
4: dropped an eevee out of world on server, it went to my inventory. filled inventory with crap, pushed eevee into void, it went to pc, cannot replicate this one with just pokecube either.
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
add mods in one at a time till you find the problem. When you have a large amount of mods like you do anytime you update things are bound to go wrong due to some mod updating in a way that conflicts with another mod. So if a problem like this occurs and you dont know which mod caused the problem you are gonna have to start at the beginning and add 1 mod at a time to figure it out.
I can't figure out how to disable Pokemon from spawning in specific biomes. I've tried adding them to "Exclude Biome" with the biome ID number but that doesn't seem to work. My friend and I are making a modpack and we don't want them spawning in other worlds such as the Aether or the Erebus. An option to allow for excluding dimensions would be nice too.
Also is there a way to change the spawn rate of every Pokemon at once? We have noticed that our world is too full of Pokemon. There is just too many of them.
I can't figure out how to disable Pokemon from spawning in specific biomes. I've tried adding them to "Exclude Biome" with the biome ID number but that doesn't seem to work. My friend and I are making a modpack and we don't want them spawning in other worlds such as the Aether or the Erebus. An option to allow for excluding dimensions would be nice too.
Also is there a way to change the spawn rate of every Pokemon at once? We have noticed that our world is too full of Pokemon. There is just too many of them.
The best way to do that is to go into the Pokecube.jar go to assets/pokecube/database and open up the spawndata. That is where you can change which pokemon spawn in which biome or if they spawn during the day or night. Its also where you can change the spawn rates but I personally dont know to much about changing the spawn rates.
Unfortunatly their is no way to change the rates of every pokemon at once you will have to edit each entry individually.
I don't appreciate the lack of version numbers for 1.8.
1.8 is currently in early alpha and very buggy Thutmose hasnt done to much with 1.8 yet because alot of changes need to be made in order to get pokecube working the way it does with 1.7.10 in 1.8
Well its because its just barebones... alot of things will probably end up crashing some blocks if you place dont are invisible somethings just dont spawn. Its the start for 1.8 which is alot of work due to many things mojang has changed. Thutmose likes to put alot of public alpha tests out for those people that like to help bug test able to give him input or crash logs.
the ones that will go on curse will have updated file names as version numbers, the old 1.8 update has nothing to do with the one currently on curse, I completely re-did it.
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
The best way to do that is to go into the Pokecube.jar go to assets/pokecube/database and open up the spawndata. That is where you can change which pokemon spawn in which biome or if they spawn during the day or night. Its also where you can change the spawn rates but I personally dont know to much about changing the spawn rates.
Unfortunatly their is no way to change the rates of every pokemon at once you will have to edit each entry individually.
I tried that. I tried adding in the Biome IDs into that exact file on every single Pokemon yet they still spawn. =/
Deoxys Attack,Speed and Defense has missing textures.
Those Deoxys was I breed them all.
I will see if I can find where those textures went and re-add them for the next time I upload an update.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
Um the pokemon are still going missing instead of going back to poke pc. The following make you lose pokemon for good.
Restarting server with pokemon out
Shutting down server with pokemon out
Walking 16 blocks when despawn and cull is enabled
When a pokemon falls through the world
When a pokemon dies in lava.
Until someone ports this legendary mod I am leaving the minecraft scene. I have watched too many legendary mods die and carpenters blocks sudden fallout out of mainstream made me cry. I realize the source is messy but some of the best mods from 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 were.
odd, I never had those issues in testing, I will look into it once I get back to my computer in about 3 hours.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
I invite you to the modpack maybe seeing it first hand will make determining things easier. also if you don't mind I am totally making your mod one of the draws feel free to post the modpack on the OP.
Until someone ports this legendary mod I am leaving the minecraft scene. I have watched too many legendary mods die and carpenters blocks sudden fallout out of mainstream made me cry. I realize the source is messy but some of the best mods from 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 were.
Testing these with just pokecube installed.
1: cannot replicate this one with just pokecube
2: cannot replicate this one either with just pokecube.
3: cull doesn't affect tamed pokemobs, so this one shouldn't occur (I cannot replicate it either)
4: dropped an eevee out of world on server, it went to my inventory. filled inventory with crap, pushed eevee into void, it went to pc, cannot replicate this one with just pokecube either.
5: same results as 4.
Will try to repeat the tests with your modpack.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
where is the file for configuring legendary minimum levels?, I'd like to raise the minimums again:)
it is in pokecube.cfg under general
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
Going to create a test modpack ... I need to figure out why this is happening.
Until someone ports this legendary mod I am leaving the minecraft scene. I have watched too many legendary mods die and carpenters blocks sudden fallout out of mainstream made me cry. I realize the source is messy but some of the best mods from 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 were.
My advice I checked out your pack
add mods in one at a time till you find the problem. When you have a large amount of mods like you do anytime you update things are bound to go wrong due to some mod updating in a way that conflicts with another mod. So if a problem like this occurs and you dont know which mod caused the problem you are gonna have to start at the beginning and add 1 mod at a time to figure it out.
My YellowHeartDropBlacklist for Tinkerers Construct has been updated, I forgot to edit some pokenames.
I can't figure out how to disable Pokemon from spawning in specific biomes. I've tried adding them to "Exclude Biome" with the biome ID number but that doesn't seem to work. My friend and I are making a modpack and we don't want them spawning in other worlds such as the Aether or the Erebus. An option to allow for excluding dimensions would be nice too.
Also is there a way to change the spawn rate of every Pokemon at once? We have noticed that our world is too full of Pokemon. There is just too many of them.
I don't appreciate the lack of version numbers for 1.8.
The best way to do that is to go into the Pokecube.jar go to assets/pokecube/database and open up the spawndata. That is where you can change which pokemon spawn in which biome or if they spawn during the day or night. Its also where you can change the spawn rates but I personally dont know to much about changing the spawn rates.
Unfortunatly their is no way to change the rates of every pokemon at once you will have to edit each entry individually.
1.8 is currently in early alpha and very buggy Thutmose hasnt done to much with 1.8 yet because alot of changes need to be made in order to get pokecube working the way it does with 1.7.10 in 1.8 Seriously, numbers get low enough.
Well its because its just barebones... alot of things will probably end up crashing some blocks if you place dont are invisible somethings just dont spawn. Its the start for 1.8 which is alot of work due to many things mojang has changed. Thutmose likes to put alot of public alpha tests out for those people that like to help bug test able to give him input or crash logs.
My main concern is being able to tell if it's been updated. It gives me an idea of what's going on.
the ones that will go on curse will have updated file names as version numbers, the old 1.8 update has nothing to do with the one currently on curse, I completely re-did it.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
I tried that. I tried adding in the Biome IDs into that exact file on every single Pokemon yet they still spawn. =/