To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
added a splicing device, which allows for genetic modification of pokemon - adventures
If anyone is able and willing to make a Wiki for pokecube, I would be willing to provide any needed information, you can find me on #Pokecube on
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking entity
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.helper.EntityAiPokemob.func_70071_h_(
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.helper.EntityHungryPokemob.func_70071_h_(
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.EntityPokemob.func_70071_h_(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.helper.EntityAiPokemob.func_70071_h_(
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.helper.EntityHungryPokemob.func_70071_h_(
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.EntityPokemob.func_70071_h_(
-- Entity being ticked --
Entity Type: pokecube.pokecube:genericMob (pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.EntityPokemob)
Entity ID: 39666
Entity Name: Sunkern
Entity's Exact location: 115.00, 65.00, -178.00
Entity's Block location: World: (115,65,-178), Chunk: (at 3,4,14 in 7,-12; contains blocks 112,0,-192 to 127,255,-177), Region: (0,-1; contains chunks 0,-32 to 31,-1, blocks 0,0,-512 to 511,255,-1)
Entity's Momentum: 0.00, -0.04, 0.00
Sylveon has been in the game for a while, it's just nobody spends the time to go to the very back of the pokedex to see it. That and it is currently unavailable until a method for it to evolve is added.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Whatever you do, do not enter the kitchen. There's a monster in there. Its been there ever since that fateful night. The denizens of the mansion do not go near the kitchen. They can feels its presence.
Can I just ask why flying type/bird pokemon have all of a sudden been nerfed?
Their now incredibly slow? At first i though it was my java acting up, but even on technic the molasses of the pigeys were unreal.
Also if you send one out like a tailow and command it to attack a specific Pokemon (nice touch)on ground or air, unless their literally centimeters apart your gonna be waiting ages for a connection. You cant even rely on them to chase a Pokemon.
Also for some reason when you ask a non flying Pokemon to attack a flying Pokemon-one that's suspended high in the air- they sometimes are able to jump high enough to reach that Pokemon. I'm not sure if that was purposely implemented in order to make things more fair but these WINGLESS Pokemon are jump/flying mountain heights.
I've been having issues with this as well. In terms of slow moving pokemon, it appears to me that they sometimes forget that they're in the air. If your pokemon is bigger enough to ride, fly it down so it begins to walk, then go back up, that fixed it for me. This is definitely a bug related to the new (somewhat unstable) AI that was recently added.
In terms of wingless pokemon jumping to extreme heights, this is one of the funniest bugs I've seen in a while. My Wartortle flew 20 blocks into the air to attack a pidgey before safely floating down again. I also had a pokemon fighting a horde of maractus, half of the maractus and my pokemon flew into the air to fight while the grounded maractus just watched. Don't worry, it is a bug.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Whatever you do, do not enter the kitchen. There's a monster in there. Its been there ever since that fateful night. The denizens of the mansion do not go near the kitchen. They can feels its presence.
hey when i oppened a sever with friends the server was with alot of lugias alot of i mean u can see logia like once per 10 sec and not just 1 u can see 2 or 3 even 5 once and then the server crushed i dont know if the crush of the server connect with the lugia apearness but u need to fix that
do u know when the new update will come cause the flying pokemon bug is realy annoyind i cant even fight againts or with a flying or somekind of flying pokemos
For people suffering Lugia outbreaks, it may be due to people spawning Withers as spawning a Wither will no longer spawn a Wither but a Shadow Lugia (Texture unimplemented yet) Shadow pokemon can be identified by a purple particle affect. As for pokemon wandering away (I'm assuming you mean wild ones) pokemon will now migrate to find food (berries).
I like zunaben's idea of chaotic legendaries, may be a bit hard but it might become a thing. No promises.
Someone asked about regulating spawns, there is a config file that allows you to alter the spawn rates of pokemon, mess around with it untill you're happy (may need to enable advanced config first)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Whatever you do, do not enter the kitchen. There's a monster in there. Its been there ever since that fateful night. The denizens of the mansion do not go near the kitchen. They can feels its presence.
Whatever you do, do not enter the kitchen. There's a monster in there. Its been there ever since that fateful night. The denizens of the mansion do not go near the kitchen. They can feels its presence.
because when I enter the map pokecube I have to choose another Pokemon if I had already chosen.
I perdir my other high level pokemon that had already started.
Pokecube is a pokemon mod for minecraft!
Current Features:
If You need help, Please join this discord channel: Pokecube Discord
Official Forums:
Pokecube Forums
List of Pokecube Controls:
Key Controls
Spawn Commands
Fossil Reanimating
Contact me:
You can easily contact me at here in #Pokecube on
You can also contact me here in Discord
Wiki Link (Video Links)
Wiki Link (Pure Text)
Current PokeCube Servers:
Pokecube Servers
Old Thread
Suggestion Modpack: 1.12
Pokecube Pack
Modpack Installation Guide:
Go to here:
And click the white button that says "How to Install"
Manual Downloads: 1.15.2
Pokécube - AIO
Manual Installation Guide:
ModPack Permissions, License, Contributors:
You can put these mods in whatever modpack you want.
I would like if you credit this thread, and make a post here saying you added it, but that is entirely up to you.
Most of the sounds come from french pokepedia and textures are inspired by the artworks they use.
License: http://creativecommo...s/by-nc-nd/3.0/
Pokémon™, and all the names used in this mod belong to Nintendo. I'm just a fan of the game and Pokécube is a nonprofit organization.
A banner to add to your signature if you want to support:
Contributors: (If you contributed but are not listed, send me a pm to remind me to update!
Manchou - Original creator, currently inactive.
Thutmose - Current main developer.
Badge Sprites:
Translators (Names are github usernames):
Pokecube Revival adds Compatiblity for the following mods:
Mod Compatibility:
Just Enough Items
With JEI, you can see the recipes for the Splicing Device, this shows what fossils can be revived.
Just Enough Resources
JER can show what each pokemob drops.
different pokemobs, such as unown, will spawn in ruins made by the Ruins mod.
there is a thaumium pokecube for infusing, and pokemobs have various aspects based on their types.
WAILA will display the number of that pokemob captured/killed, as well as the type.
If you have a very old graphics card and some mobs appear white, use this:
Resized texture pack
I also suggest setting moveAnimationCallLists in pokecube.cfg to false if you need this texture pack.
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
Recent Changes:
added mega evolution - core
added a splicing device, which allows for genetic modification of pokemon - adventures
If anyone is able and willing to make a Wiki for pokecube, I would be willing to provide any needed information, you can find me on #Pokecube on
Thut's Mods
To get the mobs, install the resource pack on the github, or use the Pokécube Mobs mod below.
Sounds, Textures and additional Pokemobs can be added by also using the following mod:
note that Pokécube Core requires
~Pixelmon Lead Modeler
Former Lead Modeler of Pixelmon
Check out my art!!
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Daisy, daisy...
Time: 9/25/14 3:44 AM
Description: Ticking entity
java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking entity
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.helper.EntityAiPokemob.func_70071_h_(
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.helper.EntityHungryPokemob.func_70071_h_(
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.EntityPokemob.func_70071_h_(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.helper.EntityAiPokemob.func_70071_h_(
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.helper.EntityHungryPokemob.func_70071_h_(
at pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.EntityPokemob.func_70071_h_(
-- Entity being ticked --
Entity Type: pokecube.pokecube:genericMob (pokecube.core.pokemobEntities.EntityPokemob)
Entity ID: 39666
Entity Name: Sunkern
Entity's Exact location: 115.00, 65.00, -178.00
Entity's Block location: World: (115,65,-178), Chunk: (at 3,4,14 in 7,-12; contains blocks 112,0,-192 to 127,255,-177), Region: (0,-1; contains chunks 0,-32 to 31,-1, blocks 0,0,-512 to 511,255,-1)
Entity's Momentum: 0.00, -0.04, 0.00
-- Affected level --
Level name: MpServer
All players: 1 total; [EntityClientPlayerMP['Kribbitz'/16924, l='MpServer', x=44.90, y=65.62, z=-139.31]]
Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 81, 81
Level seed: 0
Level generator: ID 02 - largeBiomes, ver 0. Features enabled: false
Level generator options:
Level spawn location: World: (164,62,-12), Chunk: (at 4,3,4 in 10,-1; contains blocks 160,0,-16 to 175,255,-1), Region: (0,-1; contains chunks 0,-32 to 31,-1, blocks 0,0,-512 to 511,255,-1)
Level time: 11195 game time, 11195 day time
Level dimension: 0
Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
Forced entities: 97 total; [EntityPokemob['Girafarig'/31052, l='MpServer', x=116.31, y=65.00, z=-86.38], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/31063, l='MpServer', x=114.44, y=64.00, z=-143.25], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/31066, l='MpServer', x=127.53, y=64.00, z=-118.47], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/31067, l='MpServer', x=116.94, y=63.00, z=-75.81], EntityPokemob['Poochyena'/39635, l='MpServer', x=120.34, y=63.00, z=-179.35], EntityPokemob['Poochyena'/39634, l='MpServer', x=120.03, y=63.00, z=-200.59], EntityPokemob['Pineco'/39154, l='MpServer', x=51.34, y=63.00, z=-178.34], EntityPokemob['Weedle'/32096, l='MpServer', x=101.69, y=65.00, z=-120.31], EntityTrainer['Rocker Rob'/39162, l='MpServer', x=-2.50, y=68.00, z=-202.50], EntityPokemob['Poochyena'/39647, l='MpServer', x=48.34, y=64.00, z=-144.48], EntityPokemob['Weedle'/39628, l='MpServer', x=120.31, y=63.00, z=-180.72], EntityPokemob['Starly'/40089, l='MpServer', x=54.00, y=71.50, z=-118.00], EntityPokemob['Sunkern'/39666, l='MpServer', x=115.00, y=65.00, z=-178.00], EntityPokemob['Weedle'/39665, l='MpServer', x=120.47, y=63.00, z=-189.53], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39664, l='MpServer', x=117.53, y=63.00, z=-184.56], EntityPokemob['Seedot'/39658, l='MpServer', x=125.44, y=63.00, z=-196.59], EntityPokemob['Poochyena'/39659, l='MpServer', x=118.00, y=64.00, z=-200.00], EntityPokemob['Clefairy'/39662, l='MpServer', x=116.00, y=55.00, z=-167.00], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39663, l='MpServer', x=115.22, y=64.00, z=-146.47], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/34264, l='MpServer', x=109.03, y=65.00, z=-138.59], EntityPokemob['Zigzagoon'/32174, l='MpServer', x=89.66, y=62.00, z=-198.41], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39425, l='MpServer', x=42.93, y=65.34, z=-159.73], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39424, l='MpServer', x=54.00, y=64.00, z=-171.00], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39426, l='MpServer', x=68.53, y=63.00, z=-181.53], EntityTrainer['Juggler Al'/27838, l='MpServer', x=103.94, y=65.00, z=-99.69], EntityTrainer['Beauty Hope'/34284, l='MpServer', x=116.72, y=67.00, z=-140.41], EntityPokemob['Taillow'/40013, l='MpServer', x=76.00, y=74.50, z=-147.00], EntityVillager['Villager'/34273, l='MpServer', x=32.50, y=66.00, z=-137.28], EntityClientPlayerMP['Kribbitz'/16924, l='MpServer', x=44.90, y=65.62, z=-139.31], EntityPokemob['Tropius'/31167, l='MpServer', x=88.84, y=64.00, z=-121.03], EntityItemFrame[''/37589, l='MpServer', x=30.50, y=70.50, z=-140.94], EntityPokemob['Starly'/39974, l='MpServer', x=62.00, y=90.50, z=-133.00], EntityVillager['Villager'/37588, l='MpServer', x=16.50, y=68.00, z=-130.50], EntityVillager['Villager'/37591, l='MpServer', x=29.44, y=66.00, z=-140.13], EntityVillager['Villager'/37590, l='MpServer', x=25.06, y=68.00, z=-131.50], EntityVillager['Villager'/37592, l='MpServer', x=27.69, y=67.00, z=-142.50], EntityVillager['Villager'/37599, l='MpServer', x=14.34, y=67.00, z=-148.44], EntityVillager['Villager'/37598, l='MpServer', x=15.72, y=68.00, z=-149.75], EntityPokemob['Drifloon'/39958, l='MpServer', x=39.00, y=73.50, z=-137.00], EntityPokemob['Drifloon'/39959, l='MpServer', x=34.00, y=67.42, z=-136.00], EntityZombie['Zombie'/25098, l='MpServer', x=-11.23, y=-40.62, z=-29.56], EntityPokemob['Weedle'/39937, l='MpServer', x=65.69, y=63.00, z=-131.31], EntityPokemob['Weedle'/39936, l='MpServer', x=70.00, y=66.00, z=-129.31], EntityPokemob['Natu'/39939, l='MpServer', x=67.00, y=71.50, z=-120.00], EntityPokemob['Weedle'/39938, l='MpServer', x=68.00, y=64.00, z=-135.00], EntityTrainer['Scientist Joey'/39528, l='MpServer', x=6.63, y=70.00, z=-169.63], EntityPokemob['Drifloon'/39940, l='MpServer', x=40.00, y=65.43, z=-149.00], EntityVillager['Villager'/37627, l='MpServer', x=15.16, y=67.00, z=-147.50], EntityVillager['Villager'/37626, l='MpServer', x=13.50, y=67.00, z=-130.22], EntityVillager['Villager'/37625, l='MpServer', x=20.78, y=68.00, z=-148.59], EntityVillager['Villager'/37631, l='MpServer', x=9.09, y=67.00, z=-140.50], EntityVillager['Villager'/37630, l='MpServer', x=-0.50, y=67.00, z=-144.25], EntityVillager['Villager'/37629, l='MpServer', x=-1.69, y=66.00, z=-139.53], EntityVillager['Villager'/37628, l='MpServer', x=0.50, y=67.00, z=-135.69], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/26003, l='MpServer', x=22.19, y=-43.04, z=33.09], EntityPokemob['Weedle'/37654, l='MpServer', x=98.10, y=64.00, z=-184.91], EntityPokemob['Natu'/37655, l='MpServer', x=94.63, y=65.00, z=-168.31], EntityPokemob['Pineco'/37652, l='MpServer', x=107.00, y=67.00, z=-168.00], EntityPokemob['Natu'/37653, l='MpServer', x=100.89, y=65.33, z=-179.42], EntityPokemob['Zubat'/37650, l='MpServer', x=106.47, y=40.97, z=-170.31], EntityPokemob['Zubat'/37651, l='MpServer', x=109.93, y=39.00, z=-173.56], EntityPokemob['Starly'/27496, l='MpServer', x=106.75, y=66.94, z=-94.50], EntityPokemob['Zubat'/37648, l='MpServer', x=109.47, y=39.00, z=-174.16], EntityPokemob['Zubat'/37649, l='MpServer', x=105.78, y=41.03, z=-170.17], EntityPokemob['Zubat'/37647, l='MpServer', x=105.00, y=40.00, z=-171.00], EntityTrainer['Rocker Tim'/25580, l='MpServer', x=107.56, y=64.00, z=-74.44], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39838, l='MpServer', x=64.89, y=64.00, z=-169.45], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39837, l='MpServer', x=66.99, y=64.00, z=-168.00], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39836, l='MpServer', x=71.00, y=64.00, z=-167.00], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39835, l='MpServer', x=69.00, y=64.00, z=-164.00], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39834, l='MpServer', x=73.00, y=64.00, z=-168.00], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39833, l='MpServer', x=67.00, y=64.00, z=-164.00], EntityVillager['Villager'/37632, l='MpServer', x=9.25, y=66.00, z=-139.13], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/26035, l='MpServer', x=43.69, y=-28.71, z=30.03], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/33919, l='MpServer', x=66.28, y=61.56, z=-206.34], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/33916, l='MpServer', x=75.53, y=63.00, z=-198.53], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/33296, l='MpServer', x=94.22, y=63.00, z=-197.18], EntityVillager['Villager'/16863, l='MpServer', x=41.50, y=67.00, z=-130.50], EntityItemFrame[''/16861, l='MpServer', x=41.50, y=69.50, z=-138.06], EntityItem['item.tile.flower2.poppy'/39889, l='MpServer', x=42.56, y=68.13, z=-118.84], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39421, l='MpServer', x=60.69, y=64.00, z=-174.81], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39423, l='MpServer', x=55.00, y=64.00, z=-165.00], EntityPokemob['Rattata'/39422, l='MpServer', x=55.00, y=64.00, z=-170.00], EntityPokemob['Caterpie'/33826, l='MpServer', x=90.38, y=61.57, z=-206.31], EntityPokemob['Starly'/31282, l='MpServer', x=103.43, y=67.05, z=-130.11], EntityPokemob['Natu'/38692, l='MpServer', x=84.31, y=63.00, z=-200.28], EntityPokemob['Caterpie'/39389, l='MpServer', x=39.00, y=65.00, z=-167.00], EntityPokemob['Caterpie'/39388, l='MpServer', x=39.00, y=65.00, z=-166.00], EntityPokemob['Caterpie'/39387, l='MpServer', x=39.63, y=64.00, z=-176.72], EntityPokemob['Caterpie'/39386, l='MpServer', x=53.70, y=64.00, z=-160.28], EntityPokemob['Taillow'/33446, l='MpServer', x=61.56, y=64.00, z=-129.56], EntityItem['item.tile.flower2.poppy'/39753, l='MpServer', x=40.19, y=68.13, z=-119.72], EntityItem['item.item.seeds'/39764, l='MpServer', x=43.16, y=68.13, z=-111.28], EntityPokemob['Weedle'/31408, l='MpServer', x=116.69, y=64.00, z=-112.38], EntityPokemob['Weedle'/27545, l='MpServer', x=77.50, y=63.00, z=-107.50], EntityPokemob['Taillow'/31402, l='MpServer', x=98.84, y=63.00, z=-196.03], EntityPokemob['Weedle'/31405, l='MpServer', x=81.72, y=63.00, z=-98.28]]
Retry entities: 0 total; []
Server brand: fml,forge
Server type: Integrated singleplayer server
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_72914_a(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71396_d(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
Operating System: Linux (i386) version 3.13.0-35-generic
Java Version: 1.7.0_60, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 91588864 bytes (87 MB) / 504668160 bytes (481 MB) up to 523501568 bytes (499 MB)
JVM Flags: 5 total; -Xmx512M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M
AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 13, tallocated: 103
FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.25.1188 Minecraft Forge 45 mods loaded, 45 mods active
mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Beetroot{1.1.0} [MC+ Beetroot] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Beetroot - v1.1.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_BerryBush{1.1.1} [MC+ BerryBush] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ BerryBush - v1.1.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Wheel{1.1.2} [MC+ Wheel] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Wheel - v1.1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Cart{1.3.0} [MC+ Cart] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Cart - v1.3.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_ClayWallSlab{1.0.2} [MC+ ClayWallSlab] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ ClayWallSlab - v1.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Clippers{1.1.2} [MC+ Clippers] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Clippers - v1.1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Cocoa{1.3.0} [MC+ Cocoa] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Cocoa - v1.3.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Collision{1.0.0} [MC+ Collision] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Collision - v1.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_DayCounter{1.1.2} [MC+ DayCounter] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ DayCounter - v1.1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Fossil{1.1.2} [MC+ Fossil] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Fossil - v1.1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_GiftBox{1.2.0} [MC+ GiftBox] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ GiftBox - v1.2.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_GrainMix{1.2.0} [MC+ GrainMix] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ GrainMix - v1.2.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Lock{1.2.2} [MC+ Lock] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Lock - v1.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Loom{1.2.3} [MC+ Loom] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Loom - v1.2.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_LooseStone{1.0.0} [MC+ LooseStone] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ LooseStone - v1.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Lumber{1.0.2} [MC+ Lumber] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Lumber - v1.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_LumberLeaves{1.0.1} [MC+ LumberLeaves] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Lumber - Leaves - v1.0.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Quartz{1.3.2} [MC+ Quartz] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Quartz - v1.3.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Quiver{1.3.2} [MC+ Quiver] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Quiver - v1.3.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Reforestation{1.0.2} [MC+ Reforestation] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Reforestation - v1.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Region{1.2.0} [MC+ Region] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Region - v1.2.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Satchel{1.3.2} [MC+ Satchel] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Satchel - v1.3.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Saw{1.0.1} [MC+ Saw] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Saw - v1.0.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Shatter{1.0.0} [MC+ Shatter] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Shatter - v1.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Sickle{1.0.0} [MC+ Sickle] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Sickle - v1.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_SkullCandle{1.0.2} [MC+ SkullCandle] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ SkullCandle - v1.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_SoulExtractor{1.0.3} [MC+ SoulExtractor] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ SoulExtractor - v1.0.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_SweetPotato{1.0.1} [MC+ SweetPotato] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ SweetPotato - v1.0.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_TrappedLadder{1.1.2} [MC+ TrappedLadder] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ TrappedLadder - v1.1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_Vines{1.0.1} [MC+ Vines] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ Vines - v1.0.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_WildAnimal{1.0.0} [MC+ WildAnimal] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ WildAnimal - v1.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
MCP_WoodenBucket{1.2.0} [MC+ WoodenBucket] ([1.7.10][1.2] MC+ WoodenBucket - v1.2.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
Backpack{2.0.0} [Backpack] (backpack-2.0.0-1.7.x (2).jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
movillages{1.2.1} [Mo' Villages] (MoVillages-1.3.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
pokecube_adventures{pokecube_adventures} [Pokecube Adventures] (pokecube-0.9.0.rc3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
pokecube{0.9.0} [Pokecube] (pokecube-0.9.0.rc3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
pokecube_origin{0.9.0} [Pokecube Origin] (pokecube-0.9.0.rc3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
pokecube_thutcore{0.0.1} [ThutCore: Pokecube Edition] (pokecube-0.9.0.rc3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
pokecube_world{0.0.1} [Thut's WorldGen: Pokecube Edition] (pokecube-0.9.0.rc3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
pokecube_generations{7.0.0} [Pok�cube Generations] (PokecubeGenerations-7.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available->Available
Launched Version: 1.7.10-Forge10.13.0.1188
LWJGL: 2.9.1
OpenGL: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM x86/MMX/SSE2 GL version 1.4 Mesa 10.1.3, Intel Open Source Technology Center
GL Caps: Using GL 1.3 multitexturing.
Using framebuffer objects because ARB_framebuffer_object is supported and separate blending is supported.
Anisotropic filtering is supported and maximum anisotropy is 4.
Shaders are available because ARB_shader_objects, ARB_vertex_shader, and ARB_fragment_shader are supported.
Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
Type: Client (map_client.txt)
Resource Packs: [Pokecube]
Current Language: English (US)
Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
Vec3 Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
Anisotropic Filtering: Off (1)
Sylveon has been in the game for a while, it's just nobody spends the time to go to the very back of the pokedex to see it. That and it is currently unavailable until a method for it to evolve is added.
Whatever you do, do not enter the kitchen. There's a monster in there. Its been there ever since that fateful night. The denizens of the mansion do not go near the kitchen. They can feels its presence.
I've been having issues with this as well. In terms of slow moving pokemon, it appears to me that they sometimes forget that they're in the air. If your pokemon is bigger enough to ride, fly it down so it begins to walk, then go back up, that fixed it for me. This is definitely a bug related to the new (somewhat unstable) AI that was recently added.
In terms of wingless pokemon jumping to extreme heights, this is one of the funniest bugs I've seen in a while. My Wartortle flew 20 blocks into the air to attack a pidgey before safely floating down again. I also had a pokemon fighting a horde of maractus, half of the maractus and my pokemon flew into the air to fight while the grounded maractus just watched. Don't worry, it is a bug.
Whatever you do, do not enter the kitchen. There's a monster in there. Its been there ever since that fateful night. The denizens of the mansion do not go near the kitchen. They can feels its presence.
Gardevoirs are in the game, either catch a Ralts and lvl it up or travel far from where you spawned and find a village.
My YouTube Channel : Taeology
My Twitch: Taeology Live
I like zunaben's idea of chaotic legendaries, may be a bit hard but it might become a thing. No promises.
Someone asked about regulating spawns, there is a config file that allows you to alter the spawn rates of pokemon, mess around with it untill you're happy (may need to enable advanced config first)
Whatever you do, do not enter the kitchen. There's a monster in there. Its been there ever since that fateful night. The denizens of the mansion do not go near the kitchen. They can feels its presence.
Whatever you do, do not enter the kitchen. There's a monster in there. Its been there ever since that fateful night. The denizens of the mansion do not go near the kitchen. They can feels its presence.
I perdir my other high level pokemon that had already started.